Non-Recursive Inverting of Binary Tree in Rust
The idea is to implement the classical Inverting of Binary Tree but without using recursion.
Quick Start
$ rustc
$ ./main
Main Idea
The Main Idea is to basically simulate the recursion by managing two stacks: one for the arguments (arg_stack
) and one for the return values (ret_stack
). The arg_stack
contains a sequence of two kinds of actions:
enum Action<T, U> {
simulates the recursive function call with the given arguments T
, Handle
allows to postpone the handling of the return values on ret_stack
to achieve a specific order of execution that is usually achieved by using recursive functions.
This forms a general purpose framework that enables us to convert any (I believe so, can't formally prove it) recursive function into a non-recursive one.
Let's take a look at a simple recursive function that calculates n
-th Fibonacci number:
fn fib(n: usize) -> usize {
if n < 2 {
} else {
fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
This is how you would implement such function in a non-recursive fashion using the aforementioned framework:
fn fib_nonrec(n: usize) -> usize {
let mut arg_stack = Vec::<Action<usize, ()>>::new();
let mut ret_stack = Vec::<usize>::new();
use Action::*;
while let Some(action) = arg_stack.pop() {
println!("action = {:?}", &action);
match action {
Call(n) => if n < 2 {
} else {
arg_stack.push(Call(n - 2));
arg_stack.push(Call(n - 1));
Handle(()) => {
let a = ret_stack.pop().unwrap();
let b = ret_stack.pop().unwrap();
ret_stack.push(a + b);
println!("arg_stack = {:?}", &arg_stack);
println!("ret_stack = {:?}", &ret_stack);
Calling fib_nonrec(3)
generates the following log:
action = Call(3)
arg_stack = [Handle(()), Call(1), Call(2)]
ret_stack = []
action = Call(2)
arg_stack = [Handle(()), Call(1), Handle(()), Call(0), Call(1)]
ret_stack = []
action = Call(1)
arg_stack = [Handle(()), Call(1), Handle(()), Call(0)]
ret_stack = [1]
action = Call(0)
arg_stack = [Handle(()), Call(1), Handle(())]
ret_stack = [1, 0]
action = Handle(())
arg_stack = [Handle(()), Call(1)]
ret_stack = [1]
action = Call(1)
arg_stack = [Handle(())]
ret_stack = [1, 1]
action = Handle(())
arg_stack = []
ret_stack = [2]
The top of the stacks is on the right.
Notice how the arg_stack
grows until it exhausts n
and shrinks back computing the final result into the ret_stack
. This is basically the simulation of the recursive process.
The resulting code is admittedly bigger, less readable and more difficult to extend, so I do not generally recommend to develop in this style. This entire example was created as a coding exercise. Although this approach might be useful for doing very deep recursion to prevent stack overflows, since Vec<T>
can extend for as long as there is available memory and the call stack is usually limited.