Library to call API from Rust is a cloud storage provider with an open-source desktop client. My goal is to write a library which calls Filen's API in a meaningful way, and to learn Rust in process. Filen's API is currently undocumented and I try to get it right by studying the client's sources, so take it all with a grain of salt.
This library is not in a usable state. It is possible to login, receive user's RSA keys, perform CRUD on user folders, check Filen Sync folder contents and rename/move/trash files, and even download decrypted files, but file uploading and sharing/linking are still not done.
If you're interested, that's how it looks:
Some examples
Import all we need for exemplary purposes:
use crate::{filen_settings::FilenSettings, retry_settings::RetrySettings, v1::auth, v1::fs::*};
use anyhow::*; // or crate::anyhow::*, it re-exports anyhow just in case
use secstr::SecUtf8; // or crate::secstr::SecUtf8, it re-exports secstr just in case
There are async versions of every API query, but examples will be blocking, this README is big enough as it is. Let's login first.
Getting auth info
Actually, before logging in, we have to know how to do so.
// First let's calculate Filen password used for logging in.
// For that we need to know user's password, of course,
// and 'version' number which tells us which encryption algorithm to use.
// To get it all, call `/auth/info` endpoint:
let user_email = SecUtf8::from("[email protected]");
let user_password = SecUtf8::from("");
let user_two_factor_key = SecUtf8::from("XXXXXX"); // Filen actually uses XXXXXX when 2FA is absent.
let filen_settings = FilenSettings::default(); // Provides Filen server URLs.
let auth_info_request_payload = auth::AuthInfoRequestPayload {
email: user_email.clone(),
two_factor_key: user_two_factor_key.clone(),
let auth_info_response = auth::auth_info_request(&auth_info_request_payload, &filen_settings)?;
if !auth_info_response.status || {
bail!("Filen API failed to return auth info: {:?}", auth_info_response.message);
let auth_info_response_data =;
// filen_password_with_master_key() helper calculates Filen password for us,
// depending on returned auth_info_response_data.
let filen_password_and_m_key = auth_info_response_data
Logging in
// Now that we have Filen password, we can login. Master key is not needed for login,
// but is also very important, since it is used often throughout the API to encrypt/decrypt metadata.
let login_request_payload = auth::LoginRequestPayload {
email: user_email.clone(),
password: filen_password_and_m_key.sent_password.clone(),
two_factor_key: user_two_factor_key.clone(),
auth_version: auth_info_response_data.auth_version,
let login_response = auth::login_request(&login_request_payload, &filen_settings)?;
if !login_response.status || {
bail!("Filen API failed to login: {:?}", auth_info_response.message);
// Login confirmed, now you can take API key and user's master key from the LoginResponseData
// and go perform some API calls!
let login_response_data =;
let api_key = login_response_data.api_key;
let last_master_key = filen_password_and_m_key.m_key;
// Just using filen_password_and_m_key.m_key everywhere is not correct,
// but it will work for the demo purposes.
Gettings user's default folder
// Let's start by finding user's default folder:
let user_dir_request_payload = UserDirsRequestPayload {
api_key: api_key.clone(),
let user_dirs_response = user_dirs_request(&user_dir_request_payload, &filen_settings)?;
if !user_dirs_response.status || {
"Filen API failed to provide user dirs: {:?}",
// That's just a convenience helper, you can iterate folders in yourself
let default_folder_data = user_dirs_response.find_default_folder().unwrap();
Getting remote folder contents
// Alright, we have our default folder, let's check out its contents.
let download_dir_request_payload = DownloadDirRequestPayload {
api_key: api_key.clone(),
uuid: default_folder_data.uuid.clone(),
let download_dir_response = download_dir_request(&download_dir_request_payload, &filen_settings)?;
if !download_dir_response.status || {
"Filen API failed to provide default folder contents: {:?}",
// Again, this is just a helper method, feel free to decrypt metadata for every [DownloadedFileData] yourself.
let download_dir_response_data =;
let default_folder_files_and_properties = download_dir_response_data.decrypt_all_files(&last_master_key)?;
Downloading and decrypting a file
// Let's say user has a file 'some file.png' located in the default folder. Let's find and download it:
let (some_file_data, some_file_properties) = default_folder_files_and_properties
.find(|(data, properties)| data.parent == default_folder_data.uuid && == "some file.png")
let file_key = some_file_properties.key.clone();
// Let's store file in-memory via writer over vec:
let mut file_buffer = std::io::BufWriter::new(Vec::new());
let retry_settings = RetrySettings::from_max_tries(7); // Lucky number.
let sync_file_download_result = download_and_decrypt_file_from_data_and_key(
&mut file_buffer,
// And now we have downloaded and decrypted bytes in memory.
let file_bytes =|_| file_buffer.into_inner().unwrap());
This is it for examples, at least for now.