Efficient, lightweight, configurable file organizer.



forthebadge forthebadge

Efficient, lightweight, configurable file organizer. This project is very simple : it takes a file in certains directories (that can be configured), then organize them, and finally moves them to one directory (that can be configured, too).

Feel free to open pull requests or issues.


See before-after.txt.

How it works

The way this program organizes files could be conflicting with some normal software behaviour. Note that this doesn't keep references between files ; LaTeX code with inclusion of other files could thus need to be a little changed. FileClassed should only be used for non-IT classification. Since codes can be very easily changed, this program can be applied to a variety of domains.

Through the following document, the word shortcuts will be used several times. It isn't very clear, so I prefer explain here. The program is configured with "shortcuts", which is a pair Short string / Meaning of the string.

For exmple, fr / Français is a shortcut ; everytime the string fr is encountered alone, it will be expanded into Français.


Here's a first example of the behavior of this organizer.

Here, the program expands each part seperated by commas. mt is expanded to Mathematics, and asg to Assignments. The last two parts are never expanded : they constitute the file name.

Note that the way the parts are expanded can be configured, via the -c option when running FileClassed or the codes field in the configuration file.

No expanding

Here's a second example of the program's behavior.

Here, we suppose that the program is configured to expand emp into Empire and hst into History. We also suppose that France isn't a registered shortcut.

This is almost the same case as in the first example, but this time, a part isn't expanded. France keeps being France in the final path since it's not configured as a shortcut.

When the program cannot expand a shortcut, it uses it plain.

Variable replacement

In this example, we'll show how include shortcuts inside plain strings, or even combine shortcuts.

We suppose that fr means French, that hst means History and that emp means Empire.

Here the program tries to expand fr then hst. It succeeds, and replace {fr} by Français and {hst} by History. Like in the previous example, if FileClassed fails to expand a part, it replaces it plain. So {France} would be replaced by France, but this isn't useful, at all.

Note that it expands those variables recursively. Say, hypothetically, that we configured 1 as one and fone as Fossil number One. The file name {f{1}}.image.jpg would be expanded to {fone}.image.jpg and then Fossil number One/image.jpeg.


Here are the instructions for installation :

  • Clone this repo
  • cd in the directory
  • Run cargo build --release. The binary should be placed in target/release/fcs
  • Move it to somewhere in PATH, and running fcs --help should get you started.

Then, you should have a new program named fcs that works as stated before.


Note that you can generate a config file by running fcs with the -g flag.

The configuration file is located to C:\Users\ \AppData\Roaming\fcs\init.yml in Windows, /home/ /.config/fcs/init.yml for Linux and BSD operation systems, and /Users/ /Library/Application Support for MacOS.

There are multiple fields, and (almost) each of them corresponds to an option or a flag of this program. Refer to fcs --help for more information about each of the options.

The dirs field / CLI option sets which directories to look for files to organize.

The dest field / CLI option sets which directory to move the files, once expanded. All organized files are moved to it.

The once field / CLI flag makes the program organize the files only once. By default, it organizes them, then sleep and organizes them again.

The sleep field / CLI option sets the sleep time between each loop, in milliseconds.

The static_mode field / CLI flag disables the program looking for configuration changes.

The timeinfo field / CLI flag enables file info in the path. With mt / Mathematics, the file mt.exponentiation.txt wouldn't be expanded to Mathematics/exponentiation.txt but to /Mathematics/ /exponentiation.txt .

The codes field / CLI option sets the "shortcuts".

The completion CLI option generates shell specific completion script and print it to stdout.

Note that the default values are in french, so you really should write your configuration file.

This program is free software (as stated in LICENSE), and published under the MIT license.

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