Rust Lean Image Viewer - Fast and configurable image viewer inspired by JPEGView by David Kleiner



Rust Lean Image Viewer - Fast and configurable image viewer inspired by JPEGView by David Kleiner


I've started making a new and better version, with Vulkan and tokio. This project is for me to learn, remember?

R-liv is meant to be a small, lean, fast and configurable image viewer inspired by JPEGView by David Kleiner. It's philosophy is similar - minimal GUI with maximal image and utility.



  • Support for multiple formats 1
  • Support for transparency
  • Pixel art friendly

Planned features:

  • Basic image processing with live preview
  • Saving
  • Exif reading and error checking


Stable releases

Unstable builds

Compiling from source

git clone
cd r-liv
cargo build --release

the binary will be under target/release/


R-liv only supports opening an image, otherwise it will error

r-liv image.png

On windows you can drag an image on the .exe to open it with R-liv.

But why?

Honestly, because JPEGView does not have Linux support. And I want to learn Rust.

And for who?

For powerusers, who want a image viewer that lets them do things quickly and not impact performance.

For normal users, who want a fast image viewer.

For editors, that don't want to open a fully featured editor to do something basic like flipping or rotating an image.



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