6143 Repositories
Rust rust-pop3 Libraries
rust_arango enables you to connect with ArangoDB server, access to database, execute AQL query, manage ArangoDB in an easy and intuitive way, both async and plain synchronous code with any HTTP ecosystem you love.
rust_arango enables you to connect with ArangoDB server, access to database, execute AQL query, manage ArangoDB in an easy and intuitive way, both async and plain synchronous code with any HTTP ecosystem you love.
In addition to encryption library, pure RUST implementation of SSH-2.0 client protocol
In addition to encryption library, pure RUST implementation of SSH-2.0 client protocol
Small ray tracer demo of the F# to Rust language transpiler in Fable 4.x
Small ray tracer demo of the F# to Rust language transpiler in Fable 4.x
A CLI tool that converts videos to ASCII and displays them to the terminal on the fly
A CLI tool that converts videos to ASCII and displays them to the terminal on the fly
Kubernetes controller written in Rust for automatically generating and updating secrets
Kubernetes controller written in Rust for automatically generating and updating secrets
Elemental System Designs is an open source project to document system architecture design of popular apps and open source projects that we want to study
Elemental System Designs is an open source project to document system architecture design of popular apps and open source projects that we want to study
A backend for mdBook written in Rust for generating PDF based on headless chrome and Chrome DevTools Protocol.
A backend for mdBook written in Rust for generating PDF based on headless chrome and Chrome DevTools Protocol.
Rust library to parse, deparse and normalize SQL queries using the PostgreSQL query parser
This Rust library uses the actual PostgreSQL server source to parse SQL queries and return the internal PostgreSQL parse tree.
Rust port of InfectedRose.Interface
Rust port of Wincent's InfectedRose.Interface. It is not finished; only adding to the database is possible at the moment, editing and removing is not,
Untree converts tree diagrams produced by tree back into directory file structures.
Untree: Undoing tree for fun and profit Untree converts tree diagrams produced by tree back into directory file structures. Let's say you have the fol
A lightweight key-value cache system developed for experimental purposes
A lightweight key-value cache system developed for experimental purposes. It can also include distributed systems setup if I can.
Sketches I created using Rust + Nannou
Sketches Motivation I have followed generative artists like Ben Kovach and Tyler Hobbs for a while, and their artwork is truly impressive. Check them
Zaplib is an open-source library for speeding up web applications using Rust and WebAssembly.
⚡ Zaplib Zaplib is an open-source library for speeding up web applications using Rust and WebAssembly. It lets you write high-performance code in Rust
Ultra-fast, spookily accurate text summarizer that works on any language
pithy 0.1.0 - an absurdly fast, strangely accurate, summariser Quick example: pithy -f your_file_here.txt --sentences 4 --help: Print this help messa
A word-guessing game from your terminal 🟩⬛🟩🟨🟩
Poodle Not a 🐩 (Poodle), but a word-guessing game from your terminal 🟩 ⬛ 🟩 🟨 🟩 Features ✅ In Rust 🦀 ✅ Attempt logs ✅ Rules of the original game
D3D11 backend for egui library. Presumably for mods/cheats development
D3D11 backend for egui library. Presumably for mods/cheats development. Currently few features from egui are missing. WIP.
Just a UNIX's cat copy, but less bloated and in Rust.
RAT The opposite of UNIX's cat, less bloated, and in Rust. About the project The idea of this CLI is "A CLI program that is basically UNIX's cat comma
Three-body Problem with rust
Briefing In physics and classical mechanics, the three-body problem is the problem of taking the initial positions and velocities (or momenta) of thre
A complicated eso-lang written in Rust that doesn't limit your creativity!
Documentation for mott Introduction mott (from french "mot" = word) is (maybe) the first programming language, that doesn't limit your creativity to p
Very rudimentary library shim to read the Swinsian db in Rust.
Swinsian Rust Library Shim My favorite OSX music player is by far Swinsian. The API however ranges from non-existant to absolute trash (AppleScript).
A simple script (in Rust lang) to create HTML from SVD
A simple script to create HTML from an SVD file This is a simple script written in Rust language to create a single HTML file from an SVD file. It's r
A basic web assembly chess engine written in rust.
This library is a basic implementation of a chess min-max algorithm with alpha-beta pruning (Algorithm Info). It is designed to be compiled down to WebAssembly and used for web applications.
Learn Rust black magics by implementing basic types in database systems
Type Exercise in Rust (In Chinese) 数据库表达式执行的黑魔法:用 Rust 做类型体操 This is a short lecture on how to use the Rust type system to build necessary components
The [cain!] macro is a macro that rewrites sequential Rust branch statements into nested branches
Note! This crate is experimental and under development. It may include bugs that alter the behavior of your code in unexpected ways. You should review
CPU-Accelerated 3D renderer fully written in Rust
Bogo-Renderer CPU-Accelerated 3D renderer fully written in Rust. This is 100% hobby project. Don't expect anything from it. Showcases Features Soft Sh
A better customization password dictionary generator implementation by Rust.
abcdict A better customization password dictionary generator implementation by Rust. Features Cli Faster Customize Rules Build & Installation $ cargo
Featured Dioxus projects on how to build clean user interfaces in Rust
Example projects with Dioxus This repository holds the code for a variety of example projects built with Dioxus. Each project has information on how t
eos is a datetime library for Rust, aimed at being robust, simple, and easy to use
eos eos is a datetime library for Rust, aimed at being robust, simple, and easy to use. eos is made with the assumption of operating under a proleptic
A finnish version of the word guessing game Wordle implemented in Rust.
Sanuli A finnish version of the word guessing game Wordle implemented in Rust. Live version running at sanuli.fi. Quick start Follow Rust installation
Image operation rust library
Image operation rust library
tongrams-rs: Tons of N-grams in Rust
tongrams-rs: Tons of N-grams in Rust This is a Rust port of tongrams to index and query large language models in compressed space, in which the data s
Rain's Rust CLI recommendations
Rain's Rust CLI recommendations This living document comprises my recommendations for how to organize and manage Rust CLI applications. In this docume
Metaballs (blobs) coded in Rust. 100% software rendering.
Metaballs (blobs) coded in Rust. 100% software rendering. It is basically a Rust version of my old demo effect from the 90s (back then we'd use a fake Phong shading, though).
This repository simulates and renders fluid particles in two dimensions, in Rust.
mlsmpm-particles-rs This repository simulates and renders fluid particles in two dimensions, in Rust. My matching implementation in Go is mlsmpm-parti
"putzen" is German and means cleaning. It helps keeping your disk clean of build and dependency artifacts safely.
Putzen "putzen" is German and means cleaning. It helps keeping your disk clean of build and dependency artifacts safely. About In short, putzen solves
Port of my AST3 asteroids clone Bevy/rust from Unity/C#.
Port of my AST3 asteroids clone Bevy/rust from Unity/C#. This is my first rust program. Be gentle. Still working on it, but actually playable. You can
procs makes it easy to find and manage system processes
procs procs makes it easy to find and manage system processes. Right now, the main usage is finding processes by the ports it is listening on, but mor
A proxy implement with http / socks5 in-bound and vmess out-bound, written in Rust and tokio.rs
tokio-vmess an Asynchronous proxy implement with http / socks5 in-bound and vmess out-bound, written in Rust and tokio Run example first, Fill out the
Verdun is a HTTP stress-test/benchmark tool written in Rust.
Verdun is a HTTP stress-test/benchmark tool written in Rust. 🦀 It supports testing a single URL, loading multiples URLs from a file or automatically navigating a website (auto discovery)
Simple wordle clone written in Rust.
wordle-rs A small wordle clone built in rust. Note: There are a lot of weird words I've never even heard in the dictionary file. If anyone knows a bet
The OpenTimelineIO crate is maintained by the vfx-rs project
opentimelineio-bind Rust binding for OpenTimelineIO library The OpenTimelineIO crate is maintained by the vfx-rs project Supported Platforms OpenTimel
Brine is my attempt at writing a Minecraft client in Rust using the Bevy game engine.
Brine Brine is my attempt at writing a Minecraft client in Rust using the Bevy game engine. It's EXTREMELY work-in-progress. The thing that makes Brin
A repo to store all my 6-Month Rust learning steps
RustLearn A repo to store all my 6-Month Rust learning steps. (free time only!) at the end of the 6-month course, the repo will be a rust package for
WIP demo project for pure rust playing nicely with MCUBoot/Infinitime OTA
pinetime-rust-mcuboot WIP demo project for pure rust playing nicely with MCUBoot/Infinitime OTA Firmware Behavior This is an example project so I just
Uisge is a board game for 2 players with simple rules.
Uisge Uisge is a board game for 2 players with simple rules. This application allows you to play Uisge against the computer in your terminal. Rule sum
Toy library for neural networks in Rust using Vulkan compute shaders
descent Toy library for neural networks in Rust using Vulkan compute shaders. Features Multi-dimensional arrays backed by Vulkan device memory Use Rus
A simple mandelbrot-computation.
Mandelbrot set We consider the sequence $z_{n+1} = z_n^2 + c$, with $z_0=0$, where $c$ is a complex number. The Mandelbrot set are all $c$ such that t
Allow raw pointer access without those pesky unsafe blocks everywhere!
Allow raw pointer access without those pesky unsafe blocks everywhere!
Rust library to get image size and format without loading/decoding
imageinfo-rs Rust library to get image size and format without loading/decoding. The imageinfo don't get image format by file ext name, but infer by f
NeosPeeps is tool that allows for listing your NeosVR friends quickly, without having to actually open the whole game
Neos Peeps NeosPeeps is tool that allows for listing your NeosVR friends quickly, without having to actually open the whole game. It also has a bunch
Linux LPE using polkit-1 written in Rust.
CVE-2021-4024-Rust Linux LPE using polkit-1 written in Rust. Build instructions Install rust if you haven't already git clone https://github.com/deoxy
🌽 A simple and pain-free configuration language.
🌽 Corn A simple and pain-free configuration language. Corn has been designed using inspiration from JSON and Nix to produce a language that's easy an
Elegant, clean Rust development framework
Preview version, will not guarantee the stability of the API! Elegant, clean Rust development framework Core Features Relational database client for M
A Graph implemented using nothing but `Vec`s in rust
VecGraph A Graph implemented using nothing but Vecs in rust. Details The graph is implemented using two Vecs: nodes and edges. nodes stores "nodes". w
Hanabi — a particle system plugin for the Bevy game engine.
Hanabi — a particle system plugin for the Bevy game engine
This blog provides detailed status updates and useful information about Theseus OS and its development
The Theseus OS Blog This blog provides detailed status updates and useful information about Theseus OS and its development. Attribution This blog was
This is a 100% Rust bootloader for the nRF9160 microcontroller written for Dutch IoT Solutions
nRF9160 Bootloader for Dutch IoT Solutions This is a 100% Rust bootloader for the nRF9160 microcontroller written for Dutch IoT Solutions. Currently,
This rust project bruteforces ipv4 address in the known_hosts file.
known key bruteforcer This little rust projects bruteforces the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file with incredible speed. Idea of this project came from this per
Minimal framework to inject the .NET Runtime into a process in Rust
錆の核 sabinokaku Minimal framework to inject the .NET Runtime into a process. Supports Windows and Linux. macOS support is complicated due to SIP, and w
Rust Verbio SpeechCenter Client
The CLI client allows you to launch a single file to the server. It also allows you to use either a grammar or a language model.
hubpack is an algorithm for converting Rust values to bytes and back.
hubpack is an algorithm for converting Rust values to bytes and back. It was originally designed for encoding messages sent between embedded programs. It is designed for use with serde.
A lambda extension to hot reload parameters from SSM Parameter Store, Secrets Manager, DynamoDB, AppConfig
A lambda extension to hot reload parameters from SSM Parameter Store, Secrets Manager, DynamoDB, AppConfig
ratpack: a simpleton's HTTP framework (for rust-lang)
ratpack: a simpleton's HTTP framework (for rust-lang) ratpack is idealized in the simplicity of the sinatra (ruby) framework in its goal, and attempts
a universal meta-transliterator that can decipher arbitrary encoding schemas, built in pure Rust
transliterati a universal meta-transliterator that can decipher arbitrary encoding schemas, built in pure Rust what does it do? You give it this: Барл
Export validator metrics to Prometheus
Export validator metrics to Prometheus
Easy, Simple, Clean. Making status bars reliable and up-to-date.
Simple Status Easy, Simple, Clean. Making status bars reliable and up-to-date. Installation Compiling simple_status yourself doesn't require much. Ins
Rust crate for embedding, manipulating and retrieving data embedded in binaries using linker sections
linkstore is a library that allows you to define global variables in your final compiled binary that can be modified post-compilation.
A backend API starter with Rust & postgres
Rust backend starter Rust backend starter with OpenAPI spec & swagger with rocket_okapi
This repository features a simple Kalman filter and RTS smoother (KFS) implementation in Rust by using the ndarray library.
Kalman filter and RTS smoother in Rust (ndarray) This repository features a simple Kalman filter and RTS smoother (KFS) implementation in Rust by usin
Extreme Bevy is what you end up with by following my tutorial series on how to make a low-latency p2p web game.
Extreme Bevy Extreme Bevy is what you end up with by following my tutorial series on how to make a low-latency p2p web game. There game can be played
D-s theory based on a flexible rule code by rust.
证据冲突理论算法实践 一、背景 公安工作中笔录是重要的言辞证据形式。对控告人、举报人、证人、被举报人、犯罪嫌疑人和其他案件关系人制作的笔录中,往往因立场、认知水平、观察角度、法律认识等因素的差异,造成同一事实的描述存在差异和冲突。
Serenity is a Rust library for the Discord API
serenity Serenity is a Rust library for the Discord API. View the examples on how to make and structure a bot. Serenity supports bot login via the use
Rust scaffold system with Lua embedded applets.
brickpack-2022 Demo Powered by Github Actions CI/CD (Heroku) https://demo-1642622230.herokuapp.com/#/users Frontent Runner Rendered sample code (Lua 5
Adds a uf2 header Microsofts HID Flashing Format (UF2) for copying over to UF2 bootloader mass storage devices
uf2conv Adds a uf2 header Microsofts HID Flashing Format (UF2) for copying over to UF2 bootloader mass storage devices. UF2 is factory programmed exte
probe-run is a custom Cargo runner that transparently runs Rust firmware on an embedded device
probe-run Runs embedded programs just like native ones probe-run is a custom Cargo runner that transparently runs Rust firmware on an embedded device.
defmt is a highly efficient logging framework that targets resource-constrained devices, like microcontrollers
defmt defmt ("de format", short for "deferred formatting") is a highly efficient logging framework that targets resource-constrained devices, like mic
Adds zero-cost stack overflow protection to your embedded programs
flip-link adds zero-cost stack overflow protection to your embedded programs The problem Bare metal Rust programs may not be memory safe in presence o
Quickly set up a `probe-run` + `defmt` + `flip-link` embedded project
app-template Quickly set up a probe-run + defmt + flip-link embedded project Dependencies 1. flip-link: $ cargo install flip-link 2. probe-run: $ # ma
a test harness for embedded devices
defmt-test a test harness for embedded devices This crate has been moved to the defmt repository Support defmt-test is part of the Knurling project, F
A Rust wrapper for FreeRTOS.
freertos.rs A Rust wrapper for FreeRTOS. Beta Rust is required - soon to be stable. The main entry point for your embedded executable should be provid
This project is based on code from freertos.rs and some additions to simplify the usage of FreeRTOS in embedded applications written in Rust
FreeRTOS-rust This project is based on code from freertos.rs and some additions to simplify the usage of FreeRTOS in embedded applications written in
A concurrency framework for building real-time systems
Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency A concurrency framework for building real-time systems. Formerly known as Real-Time For the Masses. Features Ta
Pleco is a chess Engine & Library derived from Stockfish, written entirely in Rust
Pleco Pleco is a chess Engine & Library derived from Stockfish, written entirely in Rust. This project is split into two crates, pleco, which contains
Simple calculator REPL, similar to bc(1), with syntax highlighting and persistent history
eva simple calculator REPL, similar to bc(1), with syntax highlighting and persistent history installation Homebrew $ brew install eva crates.io $ car
loc is a tool for counting lines of code. It's a rust implementation of cloc, but it's more than 100x faster.
2019-10-07: I really haven't been on top of accepting pull requests or looking at issues, you guy should definitely look at SCC. It's faster and more
dog is a command-line DNS client, like dig
dog dog is a command-line DNS client. Dogs can look up! dog is a command-line DNS client, like dig. It has colourful output, understands normal comman
hexyl is a simple hex viewer for the terminal. It uses a colored output to distinguish different categories of bytes
hexyl is a simple hex viewer for the terminal. It uses a colored output to distinguish different categories of bytes (NULL bytes, printable ASCII characters, ASCII whitespace characters, other ASCII characters and non-ASCII).
xh is a friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests. It reimplements as much as possible of HTTPie's excellent design, with a focus on improved performance.
xh is a friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests. It reimplements as much as possible of HTTPie's excellent design, with a focus on improved performance
RnR is a command-line tool to securely rename multiple files and directories that supports regular expressions
RnR is a command-line tool to securely rename multiple files and directories that supports regular expressions. Features Batch rename files and direct
stringsext - search for multi-byte encoded strings in binary data
title stringsext - search for multi-byte encoded strings in binary data stringsext is a Unicode enhancement of the GNU strings tool with additional fu
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell
A JSON Query Language CLI tool built with Rust 🦀
JQL A JSON Query Language CLI tool built with Rust 🦀 📜 Core philosophy 📦 Stay lightweight 🎮 Keep its features as simple as possible 🧠 Avoid redun
A fast, customizable, and easy to use JavaScript and TypeScript linter
RSLint A fast, customizable, and easy to use JavaScript and TypeScript linter Guide | Contributing | Website | Linter Rules ⚠️ RSLint is in early deve
Monorepo for dprint—a pluggable and configurable code formatting platform
dprint Monorepo for dprint—a pluggable and configurable code formatting platform. This project is under active early development. I recommend you chec
alto provides idiomatic Rust bindings for OpenAL 1.1 and extensions (including EFX).
alto alto provides idiomatic Rust bindings for OpenAL 1.1 and extensions (including EFX). WARNING Because Alto interacts with global C state via dynam
ears is a simple library to play Sounds and Musics in Rust
ears ears is a simple library to play Sounds and Musics in Rust. ears is build on the top of OpenAL and libsndfile. Provides an access to the OpenAL s
PortAudio bindings and wrappers for Rust.
rust-portaudio PortAudio bindings and wrappers for Rust. PortAudio is a free, cross-platform, open-source, audio I/O library. rust-portaudio is still
High-level PortMidi bindings and wrappers for Rust
High-level PortMidi bindings and wrappers for Rust
A simple rust library to read and write Zip archives, which is also my pet project for learning Rust
rust-zip A simple rust library to read and write Zip archives, which is also my pet project for learning Rust. At the moment you can list the files in
SQLite3 Bindings for Rust
SQLite3 Bindings for Rust To compile use rustc src/sqlite3.rs or if you have Cargo installed cargo build. The interface is currently evolving both alo