Verdun is a HTTP stress-test/benchmark tool written in Rust.
# build and run
cargo run --release -- "" -c 10 -n 100
CLI arguments
- -a, --domains
Additional domains to navigate when running in mode - -b, --basic-auth
Basic auth username and password. Use ':' to separate username and password. - -c, --concurrent Number of concurrent requests to execute. [default: 2]
- -C, --disable-compression Disable gzip/deflate compression for requests.
- -d, --duration Run for for a fixed amount of time. ex: 10m for 10 minutes, 60s for 1 minute, 2h for 2 hours.
- -f, --follow-redirects Follow redirects
- -h, --header Set custom HTTP headers.
- -m, --mode Mode to run. discover will automatically discover all URLs in the given HTML page. single will only run the given URL. [default: discover] [possible values: discover, single, file]
- -M, --method [default: get] [possible values: get, post, head, options, put, delete, connect, trace, patch]
- -n, --requests Number of requests to perform. Defaults to 1000 if mode is not discover and duration is not set.
- --no-delayed-start Start without the inital delay used to show config before executing.
- -p, --prevent-duplicate-requests Prevent duplicate requests when in --mode discover. Each request will be checked against the list of already processed URLs.
- -t, --timeout HTTP request timeout in miliseconds. [default: 3000]
- -T, --timeout-connect
HTTP connection timeout in miliseconds. [default: 1000] - -v, --verbose Enable verbose output (show all requests otherwise only errors.