6143 Repositories
Rust rust-goldenfile Libraries
A CRUD library for Holochain zomes that implements the CAPS pattern (Chained, Action ID, Permalink, State-based)
Holochain CRUD Library (CAPS pattern) A CRUD library for Holochain zomes that implement the CAPS pattern (Chained, Action, Permalink, State-based) Hol
A tiny Rust std-lib for Linux x86_64 and aarch64
Tiny std Like a bad, probably buggy, tiny standard library for Linux. When it's appropriate If you are actually trying to do something solid, checkout
Advent of Code 2022 (Rust)
Advent of Code 2022 🎄 | -+- A /=\ /\ /\ ___ _ __ _ __ __ __ i/ O \i / \/
A multi-page fuzzy launcher for your terminal, written in Rust.
fr33zmenu A multi-page fuzzy launcher for your terminal, written in Rust. Supports theming and multiple keybind schemes, including basic vim keybinds.
🎄 My solutions to Advent of Code 2022.
🎄 advent-of-code-2022 Overview This repository contains my solutions to Advent of Code 2022. I decided to take this year as an opportunity to learn R
Implementation of the Grumpkin curve in Rust.
Grumpkin curve implementation in Rust This repository implements the Grumpkin curve for use in Rust, by building off of the code provided by ZCash and
Rust solutions to problems in Advent of Code '22.
Advent of Code '22 This repository contains my solutions for AoC'22 problems, written in the language that will save us from cpp. Running the code The
A principled BSDF pathtracer with an abstracted backend. Perfect for rendering procedural content.
This is a port of the excellent GLSL_Pathtracer to Rust utilizing an abstracted, trait based backend. Perfect for rendering procedural content. Rust F
Microservice written in Rust from scratch.
Simple-ms This Repo This repository contains code for a microservice written in Rust using the Tokio Axum framework. This code is used in MongoDB's wo
Fgoi is a simple sorter for go imports written in rust
fgoi Fgoi is a simple sorter for go imports written in rust. Why did you do that?? Goimports is not exceptionally good with organizing blocks of impor
A visual node-based programming language
Stainless Script Stainless Script is a visual node-based programming language. The structure is as follows: program contains classes, objects (constan
Minimalistic EVM-compatible chain indexer.
EVM Indexer Minimalistic EVM-compatible blockchain indexer written in rust. This repository contains a program to index helpful information from any E
A additional Rust compiler pass to detect memory safe bugs of Rust programs.
SafeDrop A additional Rust compiler pass to detect memory safe bugs of Rust programs. SafeDrop performs path-sensitive and field-sensitive inter-proce
Unofficial Rust binding for mapbox-gl-js
mapbox-gl-rs Unofficial Rust binding for mapbox-gl-js What's this? mapbox-gl-js is an open source library for rendering a beautiful vector-based maps
Implementation of CSP for concurrent programming.
CSPLib Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) Background Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) is a way of writing a concurrent application using
A visual studio code's workspaces organizer written in Rust
ruscode A visual studio code's workspaces organizer written in Rust Supports Linux, and Windows. What is a workspaces organizer? After months of or ev
A multi-threaded Twitch chat archiving and downloading tool.
Twitch Chat Downloader 🗒️ tcd is a multi-threaded Twitch Chat Downloader built in Rust 🦀 . Usage: tcd [OPTIONS] --channel CHANNEL|--video VIDEO
A simple path traversal checker made with Rust. Useful for APIs that serve dynamic files.
Path trav A simple path traversal checker made with Rust. Useful for APIs that serve dynamic files. Note: this is a security tool. If you see somethin
CHIP-8 emulator written in Rust 🦀!
CHIP-Ahoyto 🍪 CHIP-8 emulator written in Rust 🦀 . The goal of this project is purely experimental and a learning tool for rust. The work of this emu
A small unofficial library to send emails using Sendgrid.
sendgrid_thin A thin wrapper around the SendGrid V3 API. It does not use the crate tokio or hyper and is therefore very lightweight and do not interfe
Multithreaded cp in rust.
MultiCP Just a multithreaded version of cp which uses the fcopyfile, copy_file_range, CopyFileEx syscalls on macOS, Linux and Windows respectively (ab
Async Lightweight HTTP client using system native library if possible. (Currently under heavy development)
Async Lightweight HTTP Client (aka ALHC) What if we need async but also lightweight http client without using such a large library like reqwest, isahc
Rust project for working with ETH - Ethereum transactions with Rust on Ganache and also deploy smart contracts :)
Just a test project to work with Ethereum but using Rust. I'm using plain Rust here, not Foundry. In future we will use Foundry. Hope you're already f
RESTful Todo API with Actix-web and SeaORM. Documented by swagger-ui
RESTful Todo RESTful Todo API with Actix and SeaORM. Documented by swagger-ui Prerequisites Rust Usage Clone the repository and run the following comm
Porting Go standard libraries to Rust.
Crabmole Porting some Go standard libraries in Rust Note: This crate will not port all go standard libraries in Rust, but some missing libraries in Ru
A creator library for procedural 2D noises and patterns in Rust.
A curated list of common 2D noises and patterns in computer graphics. Mostly taken from implementations on Shadertoy. All implementations are under th
Faterium Substrate Node, Runtime, and Pallets. Contains "faterium-polls-pallet" with logic of Faterium Polls.
Faterium Substrate Node Faterium - a place where fates are forged. This is the official implementation of Faterium Crowdfunding Polls in Rust as Subst
An operating system written in Rust (for fun and educational purposes)
Prestige Prestige is an operating system written for fun and educational purposes in Rust. It targets the x86-64 architecture and can run on common em
ik-analyzer for rust; chinese tokenizer for tantivy
ik-rs ik-analyzer for Rust support Tantivy Usage Chinese Segment let mut ik = IKSegmenter::new(); let text = "中华人民共和国"; let tokens = ik.to
WCH CH32V307 programming in Rust :crab:
WCH CH32V307 Programming in Rust 🦀 This is work in progress, not usable yet. Help is welcome! Resources https://github.com/r4d10n/wch-ch32v307-msc-ra
Pedersen hashing functions with JS Rust interoperability
Pedersen Hash This library exposes the following functions: pub fn pedersen(x: &str, y: &str) - String: Geometry version. pub fn starknet_pedersen(x:
This is the core library with the full abstraction and implementation of the Minecraft protocol and logic. (Currently WIP)
MineRust (WIP) This is the core library with the full abstraction and implementation of the Minecraft protocol and logic. This project is currently WI
Strongly typed, extensible event mediator.
mediatrix Strongly typed, extensible event mediator. For more info and explanation, please see the docs. Usage Sync use mediatrix::synchronous::basic:
An approximate K-NN written in Rust.
small_knn This library is an approximate K-nearest neighbor search based on Hierarchical Navigable Small World (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.09320.pdf).
Mercy is a public Rust crate created to assist with building cybersecurity frameworks, assessment tools, and numerous other projects
Mercy 📚 Documentation Mercy is a public Rust crate created to assist with building cybersecurity frameworks, assessment tools, and numerous other pro
rewrite of hosts-creator in rust
hc-rs - hosts-creator-rust fetch and merge multiple hosts files this is a WIP whats done fetching hosts files merging hosts files removing duplicate
Hobby OS written in rust ( 🚀 blazingly fast 🚀 ).
pess-OS hobby OS written in rust ( 🚀 blazingly fast 🚀 ). Building from Source Prequsities QEMU Rust (nightly), preferably through rustup Step-by-Ste
A parser and matcher for route patterns in Rust 🦀
Route Pattern A parser and matcher for a popular way to create route patterns. Patterns like these that include regular expressions, delimited in this
Displaying data for the Soroban Futurenet.
Soroban Fiddle https://leighmcculloch.github.io/soroban-fiddle Web frontend-only application that displays data on the Soroban Futurenet network. Feat
Rust implementation of DVB-GSE
dvb-gse dvg-se is a Rust implementation of the DVB GSE (Generic Stream Encapsulation) protocol and related protocols. It is mainly intended to be used
A bring-your-own-mutex version of once_cell.
generic_once_cell generic_once_cell is a generic no_std version of once_cell. Internal synchronization for initialization is provided as type paramete
A fast, zbus-based, permissively licensed AT-SPI library written in pure Rust!
AT-SPI for Rust Higher level, asynchronous Rust bindings to AT-SPI2, using zbus. Part of the Odilia screen reader project. Design Fully documented, wi
Serverless setup for activity pub (using lambda+dynamodb) in Rust
Serverless ActivityPub About This is an experiment to have free/cheaper activitypub instances running on AWS (making use of free tiers as much as poss
This is for aquestalk1 rust wrapper.
aquestalk-rs This is for aquestalk1 rust wrapper. 読み上げに使用する際 aquestalkを使ってDiscord読み上げbotなどを作成する場合aquestalkに問い合わせして、サーバー用ライセンスの購入が必須です。 Installation [d
A simplified version of a Redis server supporting SET/GET commands
This is a starting point for Rust solutions to the "Build Your Own Redis" Challenge. In this challenge, you'll build a toy Redis clone that's capable
👌 🦀 Bare bones WebFinger CLI in Rust
webfinger Bare bones Rust WebFinger client. cargo run --release acct:[email protected] Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.05s Running
egui backend for D3D9.
egui-d3d9 egui backend for D3D9. Primarily intended for source games like CS:GO and GMod. It's not perfect by far, but it'll do. This is a rewrite of
Linux ABI-compatible kernel written in Rust
Linux ABI-compatible kernel written in Rust 🖼️ Screenshot (v0.1.0-alpha.1) 📦 Build dependencies To compile GalaxyOS kernel and create basic OS ISO i
A Minecraft downloader written in rust,
mcdl_core_rs A Minecraft downloader written in rust Changelog v0.1.4 Removed all deprecated functions. Features As of this moment in the initial relea
A cli tool that let's you map commands to a shorter alias
Runner 🤔 What is this? A cli tool that let's you map commands to a shorter alias. Run the mapped command using the ALIAS_NAME. runner ALIAS_NAME
Example Blog using Rust, Actix Web, HTMX, Mustache
Actix Blog An example blog built with Actix. It uses htmx and handlebar templates. Running To run the blog, you need to have a recent version of Rust
Minecraft's command parsing library in Rust
brigadier-rs This crate is a parsing library for Minecraft commands inspired by Mojang's brigadier. It was developed for use with FalconMC but can be
RSA dependency for rust, with cert verification
About Project End to End encryption (RSA) for multiple languages (cross-platform) with double encryption and double decryption methods Icon Item 🥳 Up
API and logger for GBFS endpoints, noticeably Velib' in Paris
GBFS Watcher A daemon which logs Velib' stations statuses and provides a REST endpoint to access data. Velib' API is built over GBFS v1, so this API c
pyke Diffusers is a modular Rust library for optimized Stable Diffusion inference 🔮
pyke Diffusers is a modular Rust library for pretrained diffusion model inference to generate images, videos, or audio, using ONNX Runtime as a backen
A Rust-based tmux sessionizer
RUTS A Rust-based tmux sessionizer Installation Currently you can install this package by either compiling from source or from the AUR. AUR yay -S rut
collaboration project focusing on rust. Made for fun
Collaboration space for on rust project(s) setup Pull down the repo first then do the following steps cd into lil-devils cargo fetch cargo build cargo
📦 Unpack deep archive files recursively over a file tree or a folder
deep-unpack Unpack deep archive files recursively over a file tree or a folder. Usage [dependencies] deep-unpack = { version = "0.1.2" } Usage fn main
Tic-Tac-Toe Game Solana Contract 🦄
Tic Tac Toe Implemenattion of a Tic-Tac-Toe Game on Solana You can play the game here. Make sure you have Phantom installed and you are using Solana D
png_defringe_rs is a port of Immorpher's PNG Defringe program written in Rust to achieve easier installation and faster performance.
png_defringe_rs png_defringe_rs is a port of Immorpher's PNG Defringe program written in Rust to achieve easier installation and faster performance. U
Fortipwn - Forti CVE-2022-40684 enumeration script built in Rust
fortipwn Forti CVE-2022-40684 enumeration script built in Rust. Uploads an SSH public key into authorized_keys, allowing an attacker to SSH into a ser
Rust library to download and run Minecraft instances.
Rust library to download and run Minecraft instances. Build the code To build the library, the do the following command: carbo build Run the example Y
SimConnect SDK in Rust. An opinionated SimConnect Client that encapsulates the C API fully and optimizes for developer experience.
SimConnect SDK An opinionated SimConnect Client that encapsulates the C API fully and optimizes for developer experience. Usage [dependencies] simconn
Brainf - A brainfuck interpreter written in Rust 🦀
brainf A brainfuck interpreter written in Rust 🦀 . Do not I wrote this in my spare time... but still its good! Run Locally Clone the project git cl
A general solution for commonly used crypt in rust, collection of cryptography-related traits and algorithms.
Crypto-rs A general solution for commonly used crypt in rust, collection of cryptography-related traits and algorithms. This is a Rust implementation
Rust implementation of Andrej Karpathy's micrograd for purposes of learning both ML and Rust.
micrograd_rs Rust implementation of Andrej Karpathy's micrograd for purposes of learning both ML and Rust. Main takeaways Basically the same takeaways
Rust-Rocket framework template Demo
rocketapp Rust-Rocket framework template Demo dependencies are defined in Cargo.toml Clone as: git clone https://github.com/srikantgdev/rocketapp [op
🐝🦀🔥 An ebpf based CPU profiler written in Rust
profile-bee 🐝 🦀 🔥 Profile Bee is an eBPF based CPU profiler written in Rust for performance and efficiency. Aya is used for building the BPF progra
A lightning-fast Sanskrit toolkit. For Python bindings, see `vidyut-py`.
Vidyut मा भूदेवं क्षणमपि च ते विद्युता विप्रयोगः ॥ Vidyut is a lightning-fast toolkit for processing Sanskrit text. Vidyut aims to provide standard co
Library for finding syncmers from &[u8] in rust
Syncmers Library in Rust Syncmers as defined by Dutta et al. 2022, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.01.10.475696v2.full Esp Fig 1b / Algor
STKLR is a tool to help you automatically link up named stuff in your rust docs!
_____ _______ _ ___ _____ / ____|__ __| |/ / | | __ \ | (___ | | | ' /| | | |__) | \___ \ | | | | | | _ / ___
Simple stupid noise primitives for WGSL and Rust (glam/bevy types)
noisy_bevy Simple stupid noise primitives for glam types (Vec2, Vec3) and wgsl. Main motivations are: ergonomic usage with Bevy same results on rust a
L4 DDoS tool (hping3 rewritten in rust 🦀)
Hping.rs - Powerful ddos tool, hping3 in rust 🦀 faster, safer and more powerful than c-base hping3 Language Build on Debian and Ubuntu sudo apt inst
An educational git clone written in Rust.
rat rat is a simple version control system written in Rust designed primarily to be easy to understand and modify, with as few external dependencies a
Dinero is a Rust port of Dinero.js (unstable)
Dinero is a Rust port of Dinero.js Dinero lets you create, calculate, and format money in Rust. docs.rs/dinero 📦 Install $ cargo add dinero ⚡️ Quick
Tool that was built quickly for personal needs, you might find it useful though
COPYCAT Produced with stable-diffusion Clipboard (copy/paste) history buffer for terminal emulators, MAC OS gui and VIM* environment usage. Rrequireme
A fast and robust MLOps tool for managing data and pipelines
xvc A Fast and Robust MLOps Swiss-Army Knife in Rust ⌛ When to use xvc? Machine Learning Engineers: When you manage large quantities of unstructured d
A Rust Implementation of China's Standards of Encryption Algorithms(SM2/SM3/SM4)
gm-rs A Pure Rust High-Performance Implementation of China's Standards of Encryption Algorithms(SM2/SM3/SM4) Usage Add this to your Cargo.toml: [depen
A blazingly fast 🔥 Discord bot written in Rust
rusty-bot 🦀 A blazingly fast 🔥 Discord bot written in Rust. Commands name use !rm count deletes old messages !meme subreddit sends a random meme
A utility written in Rust for dumping binary information out of Mach-O files inspired by objdump
Mach-O Dump (macho-dump) An objdump like tool for exploring and manipulating Mach-O files. Note: This project is in an early stage and most of the fea
Lockstitch is an incremental, stateful cryptographic primitive for symmetric-key cryptographic operations in complex protocols.
Lockstitch is an incremental, stateful cryptographic primitive for symmetric-key cryptographic operations (e.g. hashing, encryption, message authentication codes, and authenticated encryption) in complex protocols.
A template for command-line Rust programs
This is a template for command-line Rust programs. Clone and run the rename script with both a lowercase and UpperCase name. In the dev profile, depen
A balanced unbounded interval-tree in Rust with associated values in the nodes
store-interval-tree A balanced unbounded interval-tree in Rust with associated values in the nodes. Based on rudac and bio. Example use store_interval
🔀 Rusty flow graph processing library
flowing flowing is a flow graph processing library written in Rust. It shall serve as a general-purpose building block for all kinds of dataflow progr
Rust Attribute-Based Encryption library rabe's C FFI binding , support CP-ABE and KP-ABE encrypt and decrypt, submodule of Rabe.Core c# library.
Rabe-ffi Rust Attribute-Based Encryption library rabe's C FFI binding , support CP-ABE and KP-ABE encrypt and decrypt, submodule of Rabe.Core c# libra
A boilerplate++ for a minimal rust web backend
Boiler room A boilerplate++ for a minimal rust web backend Just fork/clone/download this repo and build your backend on it. Why? Both routing and erro
Rust type wrapper to cache hash of potentially large structures.
CachedHash For a type T, CachedHashT wraps T and implements Hash in a way that caches T's hash value. This is useful when T is expensive to hash (fo
Rust-only ext4 implementation without unsafe code.
Rust-Ext4 Rust-only ext4 implementation without unsafe code. Supporting features no_std Direct/Indirect Block Addressing (RO) Extent Tree Addressing (
Resolve JavaScript/TypeScript module with Rust
ES Resolve JavaScript/TypeScript module resolution in Rust Installation cargo add es_resolve Get Started use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use es_resolv
Automatically deleted async I/O temporary files in Rust
async-tempfile Provides the TempFile struct, an asynchronous wrapper based on tokio::fs for temporary files that will be automatically deleted when th
A personally annotated copy of the "The Rust Programming Language"
Rust Book This is a personally annotated copy of the "The Rust Programming Language"1. Why Rust For me, I've never really been exposed to low-level sy
Rust implementation of the Binary Canonical Serialization (BCS) format
Binary Canonical Serialization (BCS) BCS (formerly "Libra Canonical Serialization" or LCS) is a serialization format developed in the context of the D
An ascii webcam in your console, written as a way of learning rust.
asciicam An ascii webcam in your console, written as a way of learning rust. asciicam picture of me holding a basketball usage only linux is supported
An example app in Rust for CircleCI's Dynamic Config demo
circleci-dynamic-config-example An example app in Rust for CircleCI's dynamic config demo. Dynamic config allows you to dynamically generate CircleCI'
Fgr - Find & Grep utility with SQL-like query language
fgr Find & Grep utility with SQL-like query language. Examples # Find all files with name equal to sample under the current directory: fgr -e name=sam
A developer-friendly framework for building user interfaces in Rust
Reading: "Fru" as in "fruit" and "i" as in "I" (I am). What is Frui? Frui is a developer-friendly UI framework that makes building user interfaces eas
OSINT from your favorite services in a friendly terminal user interface
osintui Open Source Intelligence Terminal User Interface Report Bug · Request Feature Installation First, install Rust (using the recommended rustup i
Execute Rust code carefully, with extra checking along the way
cargo-careful cargo careful is a tool to run your Rust code extra carefully -- opting into a bunch of nightly-only extra checks that help detect Undef
Rmt - similar to the rm command, but it allows me to save the deleted elements in the trash
Rmt is similar to the rm command but saves the deleted elements in the trash and restores them. Rmt is written in Rust 🦀
Linkal - A public-calendar aggregator server
Linkal Linkal is a public-calendar aggregator server. Given a set a public calendars links, it can make a CalDav client believe all these calendars ar