Unofficial Rust binding for mapbox-gl-js



Unofficial Rust binding for mapbox-gl-js GithubActions

What's this?

mapbox-gl-js is an open source library for rendering a beautiful vector-based maps in web browser, built with Mapbox and OSS community. The goal of this project is to create a rust binding for mapbox-gl-js via WebAssembly so that Rustacean can build webapps with beautiful Mapbox maps only in Rust.

NOTE: mapbox-gl-rs is in super-duper infant stage. Most of the features are WIP. Please bear with that if you're interested! Also, any contributions e.g. bug reports, feature requests, sending a patch are appreciated.

How does it work?

wasm-bindgen provides a Rust library and tool to compile Rust code into WebAssembly, which allows Rust based application e.g. egui and RustPython to run on web browsers. Most of the people don't know that wasm-bindgen also allows to invoke JavaScript code from Rust. This project leverages this feature to provide a Rust binding for mapbox-gl-js.


Add mapboxgl to your Cargo.toml

mapboxgl = "0.1.0"

Add the following CSS and JavaScript snippet in html, so that mapboxgl JavaScript module is loaded.

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' />
<script src=""></script>

Build and run your app. If you are a Yew user, the following command will build and start a web server automatically

trunk serve

Supported features



This project is licensed under the MIT license.

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  • The requested module './snippets/mapboxgl-89106e6563064742/mapbox-gl.js' does not provide an export named 'Map'

    The requested module './snippets/mapboxgl-89106e6563064742/mapbox-gl.js' does not provide an export named 'Map'

    Hi, I am trying to display a map in a perseus app. I have copied the mapbox-gl.js into my project and mapped it to ./snippets/mapboxgl-89106e6563064742/mapbox-gl.js.

    When I visit the page with the map on it I get the following error.

    Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module './snippets/mapboxgl-89106e6563064742/mapbox-gl.js' does not provide an export named 'Map' (at bundle.js:1:10)

    The pages setup is as follows.

    When the page loads I run the following code (only in browser not SSR)

    let map_state = state.map_state.get().as_ref().to_owned();
    let options = MapOptions::new(
    ).center(LatLng {
        lng: map_state.lng,
    let mut map = MapFactory::new(options).unwrap();

    And add the following html to the page

    <div id="map" class="w-screen h-screen"></div>

    In the head I added the Mapbox css with the following

    <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" />

    Currently the map listener is empty, issue still occurs without a listener

    struct MapListener;
    impl MapEventListner for MapListener { }

    When I visit the page, the page is blank and I get this in the dev tools


    And when I open bundle.js in the dev tools I see the following


    I'm not sure what to do now so if someone could help me fix this it would be greatly appreciated

    opened by LiamGallagher737 2
  • Rename Listner to Listener

    Rename Listner to Listener

    Fixed a small typo and created a cargo workspace of the example repos. This should make it easier and faster to compile all of the examples at once to determine if there are any breaking changes.

    Let me know if this is an acceptable PR! I really enjoy this crate and will be making some small contributions in the future.

    opened by thebearjew 0
  • Implement LngLat and LngLatBounds

    Implement LngLat and LngLatBounds

    • Change LatLng to LngLat
    • LngLat and LngLatBoulds holds a reference to JavaScript object. It might be slower than plain Rust object. I will condier to cache value if it really matters in the future
    • Bump to v0.1.0
    opened by yukinarit 0
  • Implement PartialEq for Map or MapFactory

    Implement PartialEq for Map or MapFactory

    When using mapboxgl inside of a Yew app, it would be helpful to pass around MapFactory or Map as props to other components so they can manipulate the map in different ways. Yew requires that props implement Properties and PartialEq.

    Additionally, in order to take a map instance and pass it into a Yew context provider like use_context, the type must implement ParitalEq (docs for use_context).

    Global state management crates for Yew like bounce also require that the shared value be ParitalEq.

    This will allow the mapbox gl instance to be used outside of the context where it was initialized.

    opened by thebearjew 4
  • v0.2.0(Dec 4, 2022)

    There was a silly typo in EventListener trait 😅 Thanks @thebearjew for fixing that. 👍

    What's Changed

    • Simplify "simple" example and add "on-load" by @yukinarit in
    • Rename Listner to Listener by @thebearjew in

    New Contributors

    • @thebearjew made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0(Nov 21, 2022)

    What's Changed

    mapbox-gl-rs doesn't require a module bundler e.g. webpack. Please make sure to use the latest 0.1.0 and follow the usage guide. Now it should be a lot easier than before. If you are a Yew user, please take a look at examples/simple.

    • Run tests and clippy on CI by @yukinarit in
    • Update by @yukinarit in
    • Rework by @yukinarit in
    • Implement LngLat and LngLatBounds by @yukinarit in

    New Contributors

    • @yukinarit made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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