Execute Rust code carefully, with extra checking along the way



cargo careful is a tool to run your Rust code extra carefully -- opting into a bunch of nightly-only extra checks that help detect Undefined Behavior, and using a standard library with debug assertions.

To use cargo careful, first install it:

cargo install cargo-careful

and then run the following in your project:

cargo +nightly careful test

Running cargo careful requires a recent nightly toolchain. You can also cargo +nightly careful run to execute a binary crate. All cargo test and cargo run flags are supported.

The first time you run cargo careful, it needs to run some setup steps, which requires the rustc-src rustup component -- the tool will offer to install it for you if needed.

What does it do?

The most important thing cargo careful does is that it builds the standard library with debug assertions. The standard library already contains quite a few sanity checks that are enabled as debug assertions, but the usual rustup distrubtion compiles them all away to avoid run-time checks. Furthermore, cargo careful sets some flags that tell rustc to insert extra run-time checks.

Here are some of the checks this enables:

  • get_unchecked in slices performs bounds checks.
  • copy, copy_nonoverlapping, and write_bytes check that pointers are aligned and non-null and (if applicable) non-overlapping.
  • {NonNull,NonZero*,...}::new_unchecked check that the value is valid.
  • unreachable_unchecked checks that it actually is not being reached.
  • The collection types perform plenty of internal consistency checks.
  • mem::zeroed and the deprecated mem::uninitialized panic if the type does not allow that kind of initialization (with a check that is stricter than the default). (This is -Zstrict-init-checks.)
  • Extra UB-checking is done during const-evaluation. (This is -Zextra-const-ub-checks.)
  • Layout of repr(Rust) types is randomized, to help detect code that makes incorrect layout assumptions. (This is -Zrandomize-layout.)

That said, there is a lot of Undefined Behavior that is not detected by cargo careful; check out Miri if you want to be more exhaustively covered. The advantage of cargo careful over Miri is that it works on all code, supprts using arbitrary system and C FFI functions, and is much faster.

  • empty libtest harness under cargo-careful fails valgrind

    empty libtest harness under cargo-careful fails valgrind

    Steps to reproduce:

    mkdir /tmp/memory-error && cd /tmp/memory-error
    cargo init --lib
    cargo +nightly careful test --no-run
    valgrind --track-origins=yes target/debug/deps/memory_error-394e695bdd4a1e0f

    Valgrind output:

    ==741342== Memcheck, a memory error detector
    ==741342== Copyright (C) 2002-2022, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
    ==741342== Using Valgrind-3.19.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
    ==741342== Command: target/debug/deps/memory_error-394e695bdd4a1e0f
    ==741342== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
    ==741342==    at 0x16673A: runtime<u8> (raw.rs:93)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: from_raw_parts<u8> (intrinsics.rs:2220)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: deref<u8, alloc::alloc::Global> (mod.rs:2533)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: index (string.rs:2185)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: eq (string.rs:2185)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: eq (lib.rs:626)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: eq<getopts::Name, getopts::Name> (lib.rs:933)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: {closure#0} (lib.rs:933)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: position<getopts::Opt, getopts::find_opt::{closure_env#0}> (macros.rs:295)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: getopts::find_opt (lib.rs:933)
    ==741342==    by 0x166084: getopts::Matches::opt_vals (lib.rs:797)
    ==741342==    by 0x16634A: getopts::Matches::opt_present (lib.rs:813)
    ==741342==    by 0x13C548: test::cli::parse_opts (cli.rs:207)
    ==741342==    by 0x15A0FC: test::test_main (lib.rs:95)
    ==741342==    by 0x15B0D1: test::test_main_static (lib.rs:131)
    ==741342==    by 0x123112: memory_error::main (lib.rs:1)
    ==741342==    by 0x12307A: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once (function.rs:251)
    ==741342==    by 0x12315D: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace (backtrace.rs:122)
    ==741342==    by 0x122CE0: std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}} (rt.rs:166)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: call_once<(), (dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe)> (function.rs:286)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: do_call<&(dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe), i32> (panicking.rs:464)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: try<i32, &(dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe)> (panicking.rs:428)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: catch_unwind<&(dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe), i32> (panic.rs:137)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: {closure#2} (rt.rs:148)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: do_call<std::rt::lang_start_internal::{closure_env#2}, isize> (panicking.rs:464)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: try<isize, std::rt::lang_start_internal::{closure_env#2}> (panicking.rs:428)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: catch_unwind<std::rt::lang_start_internal::{closure_env#2}, isize> (panic.rs:137)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: std::rt::lang_start_internal (rt.rs:148)
    ==741342==    by 0x122CB9: std::rt::lang_start (rt.rs:165)
    ==741342==  Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation
    ==741342==    at 0x165FE7: getopts::Matches::opt_vals (lib.rs:796)
    ==741342== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
    ==741342==    at 0x16680E: runtime<u8> (raw.rs:93)
    ==741342==    by 0x16680E: from_raw_parts<u8> (intrinsics.rs:2220)
    ==741342==    by 0x16680E: deref<u8, alloc::alloc::Global> (mod.rs:2533)
    ==741342==    by 0x16680E: index (string.rs:2185)
    ==741342==    by 0x16680E: eq (string.rs:2185)
    ==741342==    by 0x16680E: eq (lib.rs:626)
    ==741342==    by 0x16680E: eq<getopts::Name, getopts::Name> (lib.rs:940)
    ==741342==    by 0x16680E: {closure#1} (lib.rs:940)
    ==741342==    by 0x16680E: any<getopts::Opt, getopts::find_opt::{closure_env#1}> (macros.rs:242)
    ==741342==    by 0x16680E: getopts::find_opt (lib.rs:940)
    ==741342==    by 0x166084: getopts::Matches::opt_vals (lib.rs:797)
    ==741342==    by 0x16634A: getopts::Matches::opt_present (lib.rs:813)
    ==741342==    by 0x13C548: test::cli::parse_opts (cli.rs:207)
    ==741342==    by 0x15A0FC: test::test_main (lib.rs:95)
    ==741342==    by 0x15B0D1: test::test_main_static (lib.rs:131)
    ==741342==    by 0x123112: memory_error::main (lib.rs:1)
    ==741342==    by 0x12307A: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once (function.rs:251)
    ==741342==    by 0x12315D: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace (backtrace.rs:122)
    ==741342==    by 0x122CE0: std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}} (rt.rs:166)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: call_once<(), (dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe)> (function.rs:286)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: do_call<&(dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe), i32> (panicking.rs:464)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: try<i32, &(dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe)> (panicking.rs:428)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: catch_unwind<&(dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe), i32> (panic.rs:137)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: {closure#2} (rt.rs:148)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: do_call<std::rt::lang_start_internal::{closure_env#2}, isize> (panicking.rs:464)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: try<isize, std::rt::lang_start_internal::{closure_env#2}> (panicking.rs:428)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: catch_unwind<std::rt::lang_start_internal::{closure_env#2}, isize> (panic.rs:137)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: std::rt::lang_start_internal (rt.rs:148)
    ==741342==    by 0x122CB9: std::rt::lang_start (rt.rs:165)
    ==741342==  Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation
    ==741342==    at 0x165FE7: getopts::Matches::opt_vals (lib.rs:796)
    ==741342== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
    ==741342==    at 0x16673A: runtime<u8> (raw.rs:93)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: from_raw_parts<u8> (intrinsics.rs:2220)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: deref<u8, alloc::alloc::Global> (mod.rs:2533)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: index (string.rs:2185)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: eq (string.rs:2185)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: eq (lib.rs:626)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: eq<getopts::Name, getopts::Name> (lib.rs:933)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: {closure#0} (lib.rs:933)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: position<getopts::Opt, getopts::find_opt::{closure_env#0}> (macros.rs:295)
    ==741342==    by 0x16673A: getopts::find_opt (lib.rs:933)
    ==741342==    by 0x166084: getopts::Matches::opt_vals (lib.rs:797)
    ==741342==    by 0x166643: getopts::Matches::opt_str (lib.rs:804)
    ==741342==    by 0x13C764: get_allow_unstable (cli.rs:471)
    ==741342==    by 0x13C764: parse_opts_impl (cli.rs:252)
    ==741342==    by 0x13C764: test::cli::parse_opts (cli.rs:214)
    ==741342==    by 0x15A0FC: test::test_main (lib.rs:95)
    ==741342==    by 0x15B0D1: test::test_main_static (lib.rs:131)
    ==741342==    by 0x123112: memory_error::main (lib.rs:1)
    ==741342==    by 0x12307A: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once (function.rs:251)
    ==741342==    by 0x12315D: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace (backtrace.rs:122)
    ==741342==    by 0x122CE0: std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}} (rt.rs:166)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: call_once<(), (dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe)> (function.rs:286)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: do_call<&(dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe), i32> (panicking.rs:464)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: try<i32, &(dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe)> (panicking.rs:428)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: catch_unwind<&(dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe), i32> (panic.rs:137)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: {closure#2} (rt.rs:148)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: do_call<std::rt::lang_start_internal::{closure_env#2}, isize> (panicking.rs:464)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: try<isize, std::rt::lang_start_internal::{closure_env#2}> (panicking.rs:428)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: catch_unwind<std::rt::lang_start_internal::{closure_env#2}, isize> (panic.rs:137)
    ==741342==    by 0x18AA53: std::rt::lang_start_internal (rt.rs:148)
    ==741342==    by 0x122CB9: std::rt::lang_start (rt.rs:165)
    ==741342==  Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation
    ==741342==    at 0x165FE7: getopts::Matches::opt_vals (lib.rs:796)
    running 1 test
    test tests::it_works ... ok
    test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.12s
    ==741342== HEAP SUMMARY:
    ==741342==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
    ==741342==   total heap usage: 479 allocs, 479 frees, 53,506 bytes allocated
    ==741342== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
    ==741342== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
    ==741342== ERROR SUMMARY: 3 errors from 3 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

    I've tried to debug this with gdb and adding prints, but it disappears if you look at it too closely so gave up after a bit of trying

    opened by elichai 17
  • Build failure on rust-sfml: possibly newer version of crate `core`

    Build failure on rust-sfml: possibly newer version of crate `core`

    via reddit: running cargo careful test on https://github.com/jeremyletang/rust-sfml seems to result in an error

    error[E0460]: found possibly newer version of crate `core` which `link_cplusplus` depends on
    --> /home/dew/projects/github/rust-sfml/src/lib.rs:50:1
    50 | extern crate link_cplusplus;
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: perhaps that crate needs to be recompiled?
    opened by RalfJung 17
  • Use AddressSanitizer when available

    Use AddressSanitizer when available

    opened by Jules-Bertholet 12
  • Sysroot build fails on Nix shell

    Sysroot build fails on Nix shell

    I'm trying to use this tool in a nix shell. For some reason, it's sticking it in a write only directory (/tmp/nix-shell.NL1aJs/rustc-build-sysroot.6BErGTCriFwN). Could the sysroot directory be made configurable via flag or environment variable? I'm happy to implement if you'll pull it in :)

    opened by DieracDelta 12
  • Showcase Example

    Showcase Example

    Thanks for this interesting tool. It would be great to have a short (realistic) piece of code in the README on which careful would trigger.

    Is there some?

    opened by netzdoktor 8
  • `build.rustflags` is ignored

    `build.rustflags` is ignored

    via reddit:

    I'm using special flags, like:

    $ cat .cargo/config.toml 
    rustflags = ["--cfg", "tokio_unstable"]

    cargo careful does not seem to use this flag.

    This is probably because we are setting rustflags ourselves, cargo stops using the flags from the toml file.

    opened by RalfJung 6
  • Add

    Add "-Zrandomize-layout" flag

    Adds the -Zrandomize-layout flag to CAREFUL_FLAGS. This flag randomizes the layout of repr(Rust) types, to help catch code relying on unatable details of that layout.

    opened by Jules-Bertholet 4
  • README: Recommend `--target` for sanitized builds

    README: Recommend `--target` for sanitized builds

    Recommended here:

    • https://doc.rust-lang.org/beta/unstable-book/compiler-flags/sanitizer.html
    • https://github.com/japaric/rust-san

    I got a build error on proc-macro-hack, but adding this flag fixed it for me!

    opened by langston-barrett 1
  • Add `-Coverflow-checks=on` to the list of 'careful flags'

    Add `-Coverflow-checks=on` to the list of 'careful flags'

    I believe this mostly matters for if the stdlib will have these on, since normally it would be on for non-release builds of user code. This perhaps indicates a bug in the stdlib more than in the user's code, but I am not sure if that applies to 100% of the cases this could catch.

    opened by thomcc 1
  • Should `cargo-careful` set a `--cfg` flag?

    Should `cargo-careful` set a `--cfg` flag?

    Should cargo-careful set a --cfg careful in rustflags? IMO yes, so that extra checking can be enabled. Here are some use cases:

    1. When building vendored C code in FFI crates, it's hard[^1] to know if you should turn on assertions, so I usually don't. If the library has extra levels of stronger/slower assertions, I never turn those on (and generally consider it bad for FFI crates to do so without opt-in from the user).

      However, if I can tell a user is using cargo-careful, I can assume they are willing to pay for extra checking, and so I should turn on all the assertions, even if they're slow and/or verify things which would be redundant with safety provided by e.g. Rust's typesystem or something.

    2. Even for pure rust, sometimes I have checks only under #[cfg(test)] rather than debug_assertions. This is usually because they're too costly to consider making a user pay for it for their own debugging (perhaps they increase the time complexity of an algorithm, or whatever). Depending on the case (for example, if safety depends on the correctness I very likely would), I may enable this under cargo-careful as well.

    I can think of some other use cases as well, of similar reasoning.

    [^1]: Sadly, there's no way to reliably detect if the user has debug_assertions enabled in a build script. Ideally cargo would pass CARGO_CFG_DEBUG_ASSERTIONS to build scripts but because of the way it discovers cfgs, it cannot, and IIUC this is unlikely to change. So the closest you get is checking PROFILE for being "debug" or not, which is... not quite right. (Note that the DEBUG env var is for debuginfo, not assertions).

    opened by thomcc 1
  • Publish static Linux binaries with releases

    Publish static Linux binaries with releases

    Hi, thanks for the awesome tool!

    I'd like to use this in a CI build. The build would go faster and use fewer resources if I were able to download a statically-linked Linux executable from the Github releases, rather than use cargo install. It's actually pretty easy to set up Github Actions to automatically create draft releases with attached static binaries whenever you push a git tag. An example CI setup from one of my own projects is available here: https://github.com/langston-barrett/mdlynx/blob/main/.github/workflows/release.yml

    Feel free to close this issue if this doesn't appeal to you or sounds like too much work, I just figured I'd share my use-case and the above link in case it's helpful!

    opened by langston-barrett 1
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