Dinero is a Rust port of Dinero.js (unstable)



Stability: alpha Crates.io Crates.io Crates.io

Dinero is a Rust port of Dinero.js
Dinero lets you create, calculate, and format money in Rust.

📦 Install

$ cargo add dinero

⚡️ Quick start

Dinero objects are minimal. The API is heavily inspired by dinero.js unless there is a more suitable Rust way to implement things.

use dinero::{api::add, currencies::USD, format::to_unit, Dinero};

// Create a Dinero object of value 8.5 USD (the default scale for USD is 2)
let d1 = Dinero::new(850, USD, None);
// Create a Dinero object of value 5 USD with a custom scale 3
let d2 = Dinero::new(5000, USD, Some(3));

// Add the 2 Dineros, the value is stored in the result Dinero without modifying d1 and d2
let result = add(&d1, &d2); // Similar API as Dinero.js

// Or you can use the standard operators
let result = d1 + d2; // WIP missing currency check

match result {
  Ok(value) => println!("{} USD", to_unit(value, None, None)), // 13.5 USD
  Err(_) => println!("Error adding d1+d2"),

🦀 Disclaimer

I'm using this project to learn about Rust. And I'm working my way through the language and the ecosystem.

Consider the current version of Dinero unstable. There will definitely be breaking changes.

📜 License


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  • Todos


    List of things to do before v1 release:

    • [ ] Determine finite list of features to port from https://v2.dinerojs.com/docs
    • [ ] Write all selected functions
    • [ ] Test all selected functions
    • [ ] Refactor code outside of core/src/lib.rs to make it easier to maintain
    • [ ] Add CI (lint, build, coverage, etc...)
    • [ ] Write docs for docs.rs
    • [ ] Make a doc landing page + ReadMe with more user-friendly guides
    • [ ] ???

    List of selected functions

    • [ ] allocate
    • [ ] trim_scale
    • [ ] transform_scale
    • [ ] normalize_scale
    • [ ] add
    • [ ] subtract
    • [ ] multiply
    • [ ] is_zero
    • [ ] is_negative
    • [ ] is_positive
    • [ ] have_same_amount
    • [ ] have_same_currency
    • [ ] ???

    Post release to do:

    • [ ] Setup auto-release and contribution guides
    • [ ] Setup contrib list
    • [ ] Setup issue templates
    • [ ] ???
    opened by raed667 0
  • Explore the idea of transforming `Currency` from struct to a trait.

    Explore the idea of transforming `Currency` from struct to a trait.

    Explore the idea of transforming Currency to a trait.

    Current implementation

    Today the Dinero struct looks like this:

    #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq)]
    pub struct Dinero {
        pub amount: i128,
        pub currency: Currency, // <-- 
        pub scale: u32,


    When doing operations on Dinero we often check if they have the same currency at run-time.


    let a = Dinero::new(1, EUR, None);
    let b = Dinero::new(2, USD, None);
    let z = add(x,y); // <-- This will return an `UnequalCurrencyError`

    Possible implementation

    Using Bounds this can be done at compile time.

    pub trait Currency {
        const CODE: CountryCode;
        const BASE: u32;
        const EXPONENT: u32;

    Then maybe the Dinero struct can look something like this?

    #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
    pub struct Dinero<Currency> { // <-- Not sure how to reference the currency here?
        pub amount: i128,
        pub scale: u32,
    // A constructor would look like this?
    impl Dinero<dyn Currency> {
        pub fn new(amount: i128, scale: Option<u32>) -> Dinero<dyn Currency> {
            Dinero {
                scale: scale.unwrap_or_else(|| self::Currency::EXPONENT.to_owned()),
    let d = Dinero::<USD>::new(42, Some(2));

    I'm still not sure how to make this work synthetically. So any help is more than welcome!

    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by raed667 0
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