6234 Repositories
Rust rust-crate Libraries
Language Integrated Query in Rust.
Linq in Rust Language Integrated Query in Rust (created by declarative macros). Inspired by LINQ in .NET. What's LINQ This project is under developmen
Macro for Python-esque comprehensions in Rust
Cute Macro for Python-esque list comprehensions in Rust. The c! macro implements list and hashmap comprehensions similar to those found in Python, all
Application level tracing for Rust.
Website | Chat | Documentation (master branch) Overview tracing is a framework for instrumenting Rust programs to collect structured, event-based diag
A highly configurable logging framework for Rust
log4rs log4rs is a highly configurable logging framework modeled after Java's Logback and log4j libraries. Warning If you are using the file rotation
Structured, contextual, extensible, composable logging for Rust
Getting started Introduction FAQ Crate list slog-rs - The Logging for Rust Introduction (please read) slog is an ecosystem of reusable components for
Logging implementation for Rust
log A Rust library providing a lightweight logging facade. log documentation A logging facade provides a single logging API that abstracts over the ac
A pretty, easy-to-use logger for Rust.
pretty-env-logger A simple logger built on top of env_logger. It is configured via an environment variable and writes to standard error with nice colo
A simple steganography library written in rust
steganography A stable steganography library written in rust Crates.io Usage Add the following to the Cargo.toml in your project: [dependencies] stega
Rust bindings for OpenCV 3 & 4
Rust OpenCV bindings Experimental Rust bindings for OpenCV 3 and 4. The API is usable, but unstable and not very battle-tested; use at your own risk.
Image processing operations
imageproc An image processing library, based on the image library. There may initially be overlap between the functions in this library and those in i
Encoding and decoding images in Rust
Image Maintainers: @HeroicKatora, @fintelia How to contribute An Image Processing Library This crate provides basic image processing functions and met
A Rust library for calculating perceptual hash values of images
img_hash Now builds on stable Rust! (But needs nightly to bench.) A library for getting perceptual hash values of images. Thanks to Dr. Neal Krawetz f
Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend.
TAURI Tauri Apps footprint: minuscule performance: ludicrous flexibility: gymnastic security: hardened Current Releases Component Descrip
Truly cross platform, truly native. multiple backend GUI for rust
WIP: Sauron-native a rust UI library that conquers all platforms ranging from desktop to mobile devices. An attempt to create a truly native, truly cr
A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm
Iced A cross-platform GUI library for Rust focused on simplicity and type-safety. Inspired by Elm. Features Simple, easy-to-use, batteries-included AP
Rust bindings for Sciter
Rust bindings for Sciter Check this page for other language bindings (Delphi / D / Go / .NET / Python / Rust). Introduction Sciter is an embeddable mu
QML (Qt Quick) bindings for Rust language
QML-rust - bindings for Qt Quick Bindings are based on DOtherSide C bindings for QML Library is mostly feature-compliant with other bindings based on
Qt5 binding for rust language. (stalled)
Qt5 binding for Rust language. qt.rs This project provides bindings that allow the QT Gui toolkit to be used from the Rust Programming language. Compi
QtQuick interface for Rust
qmlrs - QtQuick bindings for Rust qmlrs allows the use of QML/QtQuick code from Rust, specifically Rust code can create a QtQuick engine (QQmlApplicat
Integrate Qml and Rust by building the QMetaObject at compile time.
QMetaObject crate for Rust The qmetaobject crate is a crate which is used to expose rust object to Qt and QML. Objectives Rust procedural macro (custo
The bindings to the Nuklear 2D immediate GUI library.
nuklear-rust The bindings to the Nuklear 2D immediate GUI library. Currently beta. Drawing backends: gfx-pre-ll for GFX 3D drawing engine (examples: O
Rust bindings to the minimalist, native, cross-platform UI toolkit `libui`
Improved User Interface A cross-platform UI toolkit for Rust based on libui iui: ui-sys: iui is a simple (about 4 kLOC of Rust), small (about 800kb, i
A simple UI framework for Rust built on top of IUP (http://webserver2.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup/)
KISS-UI A UI framework for Rust based on the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) philosophy. Powered by the IUP GUI library for C by Tecgraf, via the bindi
Rust binding for IUP
IUP Rust This library provides a high level wrapper around IUP, a multi-platform toolkit for building graphical user interfaces. See rust-iup-sys for
Clear Coat is a Rust wrapper for the IUP GUI library.
Clear Coat Clear Coat is a Rust wrapper for the IUP GUI library. IUP uses native controls and has Windows and GTK backends. A macOS backend has been o
Rust bindings for Dear ImGui
imgui-rs: Rust bindings for Dear ImGui (Recently under new maintenance, things subject to change) Window::new(im_str!("Hello world")) .size([300.0
Idiomatic, GTK+-based, GUI library, inspired by Elm, written in Rust
Relm Asynchronous, GTK+-based, GUI library, inspired by Elm, written in Rust. This library is in beta stage: it has not been thoroughly tested and its
Build beautiful desktop apps with flutter and rust. 🌠 (wip)
flutter-rs Build flutter desktop app in dart & rust. Get Started Install requirements Rust flutter sdk Develop install the cargo flutter command cargo
Rust bindings for the FLTK GUI library.
fltk-rs Rust bindings for the FLTK Graphical User Interface library. The FLTK crate is a crossplatform lightweight gui library which can be statically
Rust bindings to Core Foundation and other low level libraries on Mac OS X and iOS
core-foundation-rs Compatibility Targets macOS 10.7 by default. To enable features added in macOS 10.8, set Cargo feature mac_os_10_8_features. To hav
An easy-to-use, 2D GUI library written entirely in Rust.
Conrod An easy-to-use, 2D GUI library written entirely in Rust. Guide What is Conrod? A Brief Summary Screenshots and Videos Feature Overview Availabl
The Rust UI-Toolkit.
The Orbital Widget Toolkit is a cross-platform (G)UI toolkit for building scalable user interfaces with the programming language Rust. It's based on t
A data-first Rust-native UI design toolkit.
Druid A data-first Rust-native UI toolkit. Druid is an experimental Rust-native UI toolkit. Its main goal is to offer a polished user experience. Ther
Desktop GUI Framework
Azul - Desktop GUI framework WARNING: The features advertised in this README may not work yet. Azul is a free, functional, immediate mode GUI framewor
A simple, cross-platform GUI automation module for Rust.
AutoPilot AutoPilot is a Rust port of the Python C extension AutoPy, a simple, cross-platform GUI automation library for Python. For more information,
Generate PDF files with JavaScript and WASM (WebAssembly)
WASM-PDF Generates PDF files directly in the browser with JavaScript and WASM (WebAssembly). Idea here is to push all the work involved in creating a
A Rust library for PDF document manipulation.
lopdf A Rust library for PDF document manipulation. Example Code Create PDF document #[macro_use] extern crate lopdf; use lopdf::{Document, Object, St
An easy-to-use library for writing PDF in Rust
printpdf printpdf is a library designed for creating printable PDF documents. Crates.io | Documentation [dependencies] printpdf = "0.3.2" Features Cur
Generating PDF files in pure Rust
pdf-canvas A pure rust library for generating PDF files. Currently, simple vector graphics and text set in the 14 built-in fonts are supported. To use
Safe and rich Rust wrapper around the Vulkan API
Vulkano See also vulkano.rs. Vulkano is a Rust wrapper around the Vulkan graphics API. It follows the Rust philosophy, which is that as long as you do
GLFW3 bindings and idiomatic wrapper for Rust.
glfw-rs GLFW bindings and wrapper for The Rust Programming Language. Example extern crate glfw; use glfw::{Action, Context, Key}; fn main() { le
Safe OpenGL wrapper for the Rust language.
glium Note to current and future Glium users: Glium is no longer actively developed by its original author. That said, PRs are still welcome and maint
An OpenGL function pointer loader for Rust
gl-rs Overview This repository contains the necessary building blocks for OpenGL wrapper libraries. For more information on each crate, see their resp
A complete harfbuzz's shaping algorithm port to Rust
rustybuzz rustybuzz is a complete harfbuzz's shaping algorithm port to Rust. Matches harfbuzz v2.7.0 Why? Because you can add rustybuzz = "*" to your
Mirror of https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/rusttype
RustType RustType is a pure Rust alternative to libraries like FreeType. The current capabilities of RustType: Reading OpenType formatted fonts and fo
A low-overhead Vulkan-like GPU API for Rust.
Getting Started | Documentation | Blog gfx-rs gfx-rs is a low-level, cross-platform graphics and compute abstraction library in Rust. It consists of t
Native WebGPU implementation based on gfx-hal
This is an active GitHub mirror of the WebGPU implementation in Rust, which now lives in "gfx/wgpu" of Mozilla-central. Issues and pull requests are a
An fast, offline reverse geocoder (1,000 HTTP requests per second) in Rust.
Rust Reverse Geocoder A fast reverse geocoder in Rust. Inspired by Python reverse-geocoder. Links Crate 2.0.0 Docs 1.0.1 Docs Description rrgeo takes
Rust crate for performing coordinate transforms
Synopsis A Rust crate use for performing coordinate transformations. The crate relies on nalgebra vectors to perform the coordinate transformations. C
A curated list of wgpu code and resources.
Awesome wgpu A curated list of wgpu code and resources. PRs welcome. About wgpu https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu-rs matrix chat https://matrix.to/#/#wgp
Victorem - easy UDP game server and client framework for creating simple 2D and 3D online game prototype in Rust.
Victorem Easy UDP game server and client framework for creating simple 2D and 3D online game prototype in Rust. Example Cargo.toml [dependencies] vict
Rust bindings for libtcod 1.6.3 (the Doryen library/roguelike toolkit)
Warning: Not Maintained This project is no longer actively developed or maintained. Please accept our apologies. Open pull requests may still get merg
SFML bindings for Rust
rust-sfml Rust bindings for SFML, the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library. Requirements Linux, Windows, or OS X Rust 1.42 or later SFML 2.5 CSFML 2.5 D
SDL2 bindings for Rust
Rust-SDL2 Bindings for SDL2 in Rust Changelog for 0.34.2 Overview Rust-SDL2 is a library for talking to the new SDL2.0 libraries from Rust. Low-level
SDL bindings for Rust
Rust-SDL Bindings for SDL in Rust Overview Rust-SDL is a library for talking to SDL from Rust. Low-level C components are wrapped in Rust code to make
Rust bindings for GDNative
GDNative bindings for Rust Rust bindings to the Godot game engine. Website | User Guide | API Documentation Stability The bindings cover most of the e
unrust - A pure rust based (webgl 2.0 / native) game engine
unrust A pure rust based (webgl 2.0 / native) game engine Current Version : 0.1.1 This project is under heavily development, all api are very unstable
RTS game/engine in Rust and WebGPU
What is this? A real time strategy game/engine written with Rust and WebGPU. Eventually it will be able to run in a web browser thanks to WebGPU. This
Rust library to create a Good Game Easily
ggez What is this? ggez is a Rust library to create a Good Game Easily. The current version is 0.6.0-rc0. This is a RELEASE CANDIDATE version, which m
A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
What is Bevy? Bevy is a refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust. It is free and open-source forever! WARNING Bevy is still in the ve
High performance Rust ECS library
Legion aims to be a feature rich high performance Entity component system (ECS) library for Rust game projects with minimal boilerplate. Getting Start
Specs - Parallel ECS
Specs Specs Parallel ECS Specs is an Entity-Component System written in Rust. Unlike most other ECS libraries out there, it provides easy parallelism
A Rust wrapper and bindings of Allegro 5 game programming library
RustAllegro A thin Rust wrapper of Allegro 5. Game loop example extern crate allegro; extern crate allegro_font; use allegro::*; use allegro_font::*;
Zero-details, privacy-focused in-app file system.
ZboxFS ZboxFS is a zero-details, privacy-focused in-app file system. Its goal is to help application store files securely, privately and reliably. By
Extended attribute library for rust.
xattr A small library for setting, getting, and listing extended attributes. Supported Platforms: Linux, MacOS, FreeBSD, and NetBSD. API Documentation
Temporary file library for rust
tempfile A secure, cross-platform, temporary file library for Rust. In addition to creating temporary files, this library also allows users to securel
Temporary directory management for Rust
tempdir A Rust library for creating a temporary directory and deleting its entire contents when the directory is dropped. Documentation Deprecation No
Expanding opportunities standard library std::fs and std::io
fs_extra A Rust library that provides additional functionality not present in std::fs. Documentation Migrations to 1.x.x version Key features: Copy fi
ergonomic paths and files in rust
path_abs: ergonomic paths and files in rust. This library aims to provide ergonomic path and file operations to rust with reasonable performance. See
High level FFI binding around the sys mount & umount2 calls, for Rust
sys-mount High level FFI bindings to the mount and umount2 system calls, for Rust. Examples Mount This is how the mount command could be written with
A TOML encoding/decoding library for Rust
toml-rs A TOML decoder and encoder for Rust. This library is currently compliant with the v0.5.0 version of TOML. This library will also likely contin
tnetstring serialization library for rust.
TNetStrings: Tagged Netstrings This module implements bindings for the tnetstring serialization format. API let t = tnetstring::str("hello world"); le
Rusty Object Notation
Rusty Object Notation RON is a simple readable data serialization format that looks similar to Rust syntax. It's designed to support all of Serde's da
Rust implementation of Google protocol buffers
rust-protobuf Protobuf implementation in Rust. Written in pure rust Generate rust code Has runtime library for generated code (Coded{Input|Output}Stre
PROST! a Protocol Buffers implementation for the Rust Language
PROST! prost is a Protocol Buffers implementation for the Rust Language. prost generates simple, idiomatic Rust code from proto2 and proto3 files. Com
pem-rs pem PEM jcreekmore/pem-rs [pem] — A Rust based way to parse and encode PEM-encoded data
pem A Rust library for parsing and encoding PEM-encoded data. Documentation Module documentation with examples Usage Add this to your Cargo.toml: [dep
MessagePack implementation for Rust / msgpack.org[Rust]
RMP - Rust MessagePack RMP is a pure Rust MessagePack implementation. This repository consists of three separate crates: the RMP core and two implemen
rust-jsonnet - The Google Jsonnet( operation data template language) for rust
rust-jsonnet ==== Crate rust-jsonnet - The Google Jsonnet( operation data template language) for rust Google jsonnet documet: (http://google.github.io
A HTML entity encoding library for Rust
A HTML entity encoding library for Rust Example usage All example assume a extern crate htmlescape; and use htmlescape::{relevant functions here}; is
A HTTP Archive format (HAR) serialization & deserialization library, written in Rust.
har-rs HTTP Archive format (HAR) serialization & deserialization library, written in Rust. Install Add the following to your Cargo.toml file: [depende
Crate to parse and emit EDN
edn-rs Near Stable no breaking changes expected. Crate to parse and emit EDN This lib does not make effort to conform the EDN received to EDN Spec. Th
FlatBuffers compiler (flatc) as API (with focus on transparent `.fbs` to `.rs` code-generation via Cargo build scripts integration)
FlatBuffers flatc API for Rust This crate provides a programmatical way to invoke flatc command (e.g. from build.rs) to generate Rust (or, in fact, an
A CSV parser for Rust, with Serde support.
csv A fast and flexible CSV reader and writer for Rust, with support for Serde. Dual-licensed under MIT or the UNLICENSE. Documentation https://docs.r
Rust implementation of CRC(16, 32, 64) with support of various standards
crc Rust implementation of CRC(16, 32, 64). MSRV is 1.46. Usage Add crc to Cargo.toml [dependencies] crc = "2.0" Compute CRC use crc::{Crc, Algorithm,
Character encoding support for Rust
Encoding 0.3.0-dev Character encoding support for Rust. (also known as rust-encoding) It is based on WHATWG Encoding Standard, and also provides an ad
A Gecko-oriented implementation of the Encoding Standard in Rust
encoding_rs encoding_rs an implementation of the (non-JavaScript parts of) the Encoding Standard written in Rust and used in Gecko (starting with Fire
Cap'n Proto for Rust
Cap'n Proto for Rust documentation blog Introduction Cap'n Proto is a type system for distributed systems. With Cap'n Proto, you describe your data an
Rust library for reading/writing numbers in big-endian and little-endian.
byteorder This crate provides convenience methods for encoding and decoding numbers in either big-endian or little-endian order. Dual-licensed under M
Encoding and decoding support for BSON in Rust
bson-rs Encoding and decoding support for BSON in Rust Index Overview of BSON Format Usage BSON Values BSON Documents Modeling BSON with strongly type
Implementation of Bencode encoding written in rust
Rust Bencode Implementation of Bencode encoding written in rust. Project Status Not in active developement due to lack of time and other priorities. I
A Rust ASN.1 (DER) serializer.
rust-asn1 This is a Rust library for parsing and generating ASN.1 data (DER only). Installation Add asn1 to the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.t
An impish, cross-platform binary parsing crate, written in Rust
libgoblin Documentation https://docs.rs/goblin/ changelog Usage Goblin requires rustc 1.40.0. Add to your Cargo.toml [dependencies] goblin = "0.3" Fea
A binary encoder / decoder implementation in Rust.
Bincode A compact encoder / decoder pair that uses a binary zero-fluff encoding scheme. The size of the encoded object will be the same or smaller tha
I/O and binary data encoding for Rust
nue A collection of tools for working with binary data and POD structs in Rust. pod is an approach at building a safe interface for transmuting POD st
An XML library in Rust
xml-rs, an XML library for Rust Documentation xml-rs is an XML library for Rust programming language. It is heavily inspired by Java Streaming API for
An XPath library in Rust
SXD-XPath An XML XPath library in Rust. Overview The project is broken into two crates: document - Basic DOM manipulation and reading/writing XML from
An XML library in Rust
SXD-Document An XML library in Rust. Overview The project is currently broken into two crates: document - Basic DOM manipulation and reading/writing X
A XML parser written in Rust
RustyXML Documentation RustyXML is a namespace aware XML parser written in Rust. Right now it provides a basic SAX-like API, and an ElementBuilder bas
Rust high performance xml reader and writer
quick-xml High performance xml pull reader/writer. The reader: is almost zero-copy (use of Cow whenever possible) is easy on memory allocation (the AP
LibYAML bindings for Rust
libyaml-rust LibYAML bindings for Rust Dependencies LibYAML 0.1.4 or higher Stable Rust (2015/2018 edition) Usage Parse from memory extern crate yaml;