Crate to parse and emit EDN



Near Stable no breaking changes expected.

Crate to parse and emit EDN Build Status

  • This lib does not make effort to conform the EDN received to EDN Spec. The lib that generated this EDN should be responsible for this. For more information on Edn Spec please visit:

Current example usage in:



edn-rs = "0.16.11"

Simple time-only benchmarks of edn-rs agains Clojure Edn

  • Link to benchmarks implementation here
Method\Lang Rust --release Rust --debug Clojure
parse string 77.57µs 266.479µs 4.712235 milis
get-in/navigate (3 blocks) 4.224µs 22.861µs 26.333 µs
Deserialize to struct 110.358µs 357.054µs 4.712235 milis
parse with criterium 11.348µs - 23.230µs

Quick reference

Parse an EDN token into a Edn with edn! macro:

use edn_rs::{
    edn, Edn, List

fn main() {
    let edn = edn!((sym 1.2 3 false :f nil 3/4));
    let expected = Edn::List(

    println!("{:?}", edn);
    assert_eq!(edn, expected);

Parse an EDN String with Edn::from_str:

use edn_rs::{
    set, map,
    Edn, Map, Vector, Set,
use std::str::FromStr;

fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
    let edn_str = "{:a \"2\" :b [true false] :c #{:A {:a :b} nil}}";
    // std::str::FromStr
    let edn: Edn = Edn::from_str(edn_str);

                ":a".to_string() => Edn::Str("2".to_string()),
                ":b".to_string() => Edn::Vector(Vector::new(vec![Edn::Bool(true), Edn::Bool(false)])),
                ":c".to_string() => Edn::Set(Set::new(
                        Edn::Map(Map::new(map!{":a".to_string() => Edn::Key(":b".to_string())})),

    assert_eq!(edn[":b"][0], Edn::Bool(true));


To navigate through Edn data you can just use get and get_mut:

use edn_rs::{
    Edn, List, Map

fn main() {
    let edn = edn!((sym 1.2 3 {false :f nil 3/4}));

    println!("{:?}", edn);
    assert_eq!(edn[1], edn!(1.2));
    assert_eq!(edn[1], Edn::Double(1.2f64.into()));
    assert_eq!(edn[3]["false"], edn!(:f));
    assert_eq!(edn[3]["false"], Edn::Key(":f".to_string()));

Serializes Rust Types into EDN with edn-derive::Serialize

use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
use edn_rs::{
   map, set, hmap, hset
use edn_derive::Serialize;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)]
struct ExampleEdn {
   btreemap: BTreeMap<String, Vec<String>>,
   btreeset: BTreeSet<i64>,
   hashmap: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
   hashset: HashSet<i64>,
   tuples: (i32, bool, char),
   nothing: (),

fn main() {
   let edn = ExampleEdn {
       btreemap: map!{"this is a key".to_string() => vec!["with".to_string(), "many".to_string(), "keys".to_string()]},
       btreeset: set!{3i64, 4i64, 5i64},
       hashmap: hmap!{"this is a key".to_string() => vec!["with".to_string(), "many".to_string(), "keys".to_string()]},
       hashset: hset!{3i64},
       tuples: (3i32, true, 'd'),
       nothing: (),

   println!("{}", edn_rs::to_string(edn));
   // { :btreemap {:this-is-a-key [\"with\", \"many\", \"keys\"]}, :btreeset #{3, 4, 5}, :hashmap {:this-is-a-key [\"with\", \"many\", \"keys\"]}, :hashset #{3}, :tuples (3, true, \\d), :nothing nil, }

Deserializes Strings into Rust Types:

For now you have to implement the conversion yourself with the Deserialize trait. Soon you'll be able to have that implemented for you via edn-derive crate.

use edn_rs::{Deserialize, Edn, EdnError};

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Person {
   name: String,
   age: usize,

impl Deserialize for Person {
   fn deserialize(edn: &Edn) -> Result<Self, EdnError> {
       Ok(Self {
           name: edn_rs::from_edn(&edn[":name"])?,
           age: edn_rs::from_edn(&edn[":age"])?,

fn main() -> Result<(), EdnError> {
   let edn_str = "{:name \"rose\" :age 66}";
   let person: Person = edn_rs::from_str(edn_str)?;

       Person {
           name: "rose".to_string(),
           age: 66,

   println!("{:?}", person);
   // Person { name: "rose", age: 66 }

   let bad_edn_str = "{:name \"rose\" :age \"some text\"}";
   let person: Result<Person, EdnError> = edn_rs::from_str(bad_edn_str);

           "couldn't convert `some text` into `uint`".to_string()


Deserializes Edn types into Rust Types:

  • Deserialization to std::collection::* is currently unsafe.

For now you have to implement the conversion yourself with the Deserialize trait. Soon you'll be able to have that implemented for you via edn-derive crate.

use edn_rs::{map, Deserialize, Edn, EdnError, Map};

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Person {
   name: String,
   age: usize,

impl Deserialize for Person {
   fn deserialize(edn: &Edn) -> Result<Self, EdnError> {
       Ok(Self {
           name: edn_rs::from_edn(&edn[":name"])?,
           age: edn_rs::from_edn(&edn[":age"])?,

fn main() -> Result<(), EdnError> {
   let edn = Edn::Map(Map::new(map! {
       ":name".to_string() => Edn::Str("rose".to_string()),
       ":age".to_string() => Edn::UInt(66)
   let person: Person = edn_rs::from_edn(&edn)?;

   println!("{:?}", person);
   // Person { name: "rose", age: 66 }

       Person {
           name: "rose".to_string(),
           age: 66,

   let bad_edn = Edn::Map(Map::new(map! {
       ":name".to_string() => Edn::Str("rose".to_string()),
       ":age".to_string() => Edn::Str("some text".to_string())
   let person: Result<Person, EdnError> = edn_rs::from_edn(&bad_edn);

           "couldn't convert `\"some text\"` into `uint`".to_string()


Emits EDN format from a Json:

  • This function requires feature json to be activated. To enable this feature add to your Cargo.toml dependencies the following line edn-rs = { version = 0.16.11", features = ["json"] }.
use edn_rs::json_to_edn;

fn main() {
   let json = String::from(r#"{"hello": "world"}"#);
   let edn = String::from(r#"{:hello "world"}"#);

   println!("{:?}", json_to_edn(json.clone()));
   assert_eq!(edn, json_to_edn(json));

   let complex_json = String::from(r#"{
                   "name": "otavio",
                   "age": 22
                   "name": "Julia",
                   "age": 32.0
           "country or origin": "Brazil",
           "queerentener": true,
           "brain": null

   println!("{:?}", json_to_edn(complex_json.clone()).replace("  ", "").replace("\n", " "));
   // "{ :people  [ { :name \"otavio\", :age 22 }, { :name \"Julia\", :age 32.0 } ], :country-or-origin \"Brazil\", :queerentener true, :brain nil }"

Emits a JSON from type edn_rs::Edn.

  • The associated emthod is to_json(&self) and it requires feature json to be activated. To enable this feature add to your Cargo.toml dependencies the following line edn-rs = { version = 0.16.11", features = ["json"] }.
use std::str::FromStr;
fn complex_json() {
    let edn = "{ 
        :people-list [ 
            { :first-name \"otavio\", :age 22 }, 
            { :first-name \"Julia\", :age 32.0 } 
        :country-or-origin \"Brazil\", 
        :queerentener true, 
        :brain nil }";
    let parsed_edn : edn_rs::Edn = edn_rs::Edn::from_str(edn).unwrap();
    let actual_json = parsed_edn.to_json();
    let expected = String::from(
        "{\"brain\": null, 
          \"countryOrOrigin\": \"Brazil\", 
          \"peopleList\": [
              {\"age\": 22, \"firstName\": \"otavio\"}, 
              {\"age\": 32.0, \"firstName\": \"Julia\"}
          \"queerentener\": true}",


to_debug emits a Debug version of Edn type.

use edn_rs::edn::{Edn, Vector};

let edn = Edn::Vector(Vector::new(vec![Edn::Int(5), Edn::Int(6), Edn::Int(7)]));
let expected = "Vector(Vector([Int(5), Int(6), Int(7)]))";

assert_eq!(edn.to_debug(), expected);

to_string emits a valid edn.

use edn_rs::edn::{Edn, Vector};

let edn = Edn::Vector(Vector::new(vec![Edn::Int(5), Edn::Int(6), Edn::Int(7)]));
let expected = "[5, 6, 7, ]";

assert_eq!(edn.to_string(), expected);

Larger to_string example:

fn complex_ok() -> Result<(), EdnError> {
    use std::str::FromStr;
    let edn_str = "{ :list [{:name \"rose\" :age 66 :cool true}, {:name \"josh\" :age 33 :cool false}, {:name \"eva\" :age 296 :cool true}] }";

    let edn = Edn::from_str(edn_str)?;
    println!("{:?}", edn.to_string());
//    "{:list: [{:age 66, :cool true, :name \"rose\", }, {:age 33, :cool false, :name \"josh\", }, {:age 296, :cool true, :name \"eva\", }, ], }"


Using async/await with Edn type

Edn supports futures by using the feature async. To enable this feature add to your Cargo.toml dependencies the following line edn-rs = { version = 0.16.11", features = ["async"] } and you can use futures as in the following example.

use edn_rs::{edn, Double, Edn, Vector};
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::Future;
use tokio::prelude::*;

async fn foo() -> impl Future<Output = Edn> + Send {
    edn!([1 1.5 "hello" :key])

async fn main() {
    let edn = foo().await.await;

    println!("{}", edn.to_string());
    assert_eq!(edn, edn!([1 1.5 "hello" :key]));

    assert_eq!(edn[1].to_float(), Some(1.5f64));

The objective of foo is to show that Edn can be wrapped with a Future. If you want to return an Edn from an async function just use:

async fn foo() -> Edn {
    edn!([1 1.5 "hello" :key])

Edn-rs Current Features

  • Define struct to map EDN info EdnNode
  • Define EDN types, EdnType
    • Edn Type into primitive: Edn::Bool(true).into() -> true. This was done by to_float, to_bool, to_int, to_vec.
    • implement futures::Future trait to Edn
    • to_string() for Edn.
    • to_debug() for Edn.
  • Parse EDN data from_str:
    • nil ""
    • String "\"string\""
    • Numbers "324352", "3442.234", "3/4"
    • Keywords :a
    • Symbol sym-bol-s with a maximum of 200 chars
    • Vector "[1 :2 \"d\"]"
    • List "(1 :2 \"d\")"
    • Set "#{1 2 3}"
    • Map "{:a 1 :b 2 }"
    • Inst #inst \"yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:ss\"
    • Nested structures "{:a \"2\" :b [true false] :c #{:A {:a :b} nil}}"
  • Simple data structures in one another edn!:
    • Vec in Vec "[1 2 [:3 \"4\"]]"
    • Set in Vec "[1 2 #{:3 \"4\"}]"
    • List in List "(1 2 (:3 \"4\"))"
    • List in Set "'#{1 2 (:3 \"4\")}"
    • Maps in general "{:a 2 :b {:3 \"4\"}}", "{:a 2 :b [:3 \"4\"]}"
    • Namespaced Maps ":abc{0 5 1 "hello"}, unfortunately now this is misinterpreted as a keyword
  • Multiple simple data structures in one another (Map and Set in a vector)
  • Multi deepen data structures (Map in a Set in a List in a Vec in a Vec)
  • Navigate through Edn Data
    • Navigate through Sets. DOne by set_iter
  • Json to Edn
    • Json String to EDN String
    • macro to process Structs and Enums to EDN
  • trait Deserialize EDN to Struct
  • trait Serialize struct to EDN


edn-derive is a proc-macro crate to (De)serialize Edn values, currently it is pre-alpha and it can be found at or at github.


Just add to your Cargo.toml the following:

edn-derive = "<version>"
edn-rs = "0.16.11"



use edn_derive::Serialize;

pub struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: usize,

fn main() {
    let person = Person {
        name: "joana".to_string(),
        age: 290000,
        "{ :name \"joana\", :age 290000, }"


use edn_derive::Deserialize;
use edn_rs::EdnError;

// The `Debug` and `PartialEq` are only necessary because of `assert_eq`, you don't need them
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: usize,

fn main() -> Result<(), EdnError> {
    let edn_person = "{ :name \"joana\", :age 290000, }";

    let person: Person = edn_rs::from_str(edn_person)?;

        Person {
            name: "joana".to_string(),
            age: 290000,


Current Features

  • derive Serialize
  • edn_rs::to_string
  • derive Deserialize
  • let val: YourStruct = edn_rs::from_str(&str)
  • Restrictive license

    Restrictive license

    Great work! Would really love to use this but, with all due respect to GNU software, it's quite restrictive to include this crate in a BSD2/MIT project. Any possibility to see a more open license?


    opened by sinkingsugar 8
  • Attempt to implement comments parsing for deserialize

    Attempt to implement comments parsing for deserialize

    This change attempts to handle the following case:

    "If a ; character is encountered outside of a string, that character and all subsequent characters to the next newline should be ignored."

    as described in

    opened by jollm 7
  • Compile error when using edn-rs as dependency

    Compile error when using edn-rs as dependency


    I'm new to rust, so please bear with me if I'm being stupid.

    I get the following error when trying to use this crate:

    Compiling edn-rs v0.16.12
    error[E0277]: the trait bound `std::string::String: std::convert::From<char>` is not satisfied
       --> /Users/divyansh/.cargo/registry/src/
    119 |     let mut symbol = String::from(a);
        |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::convert::From<char>` is not implemented for `std::string::String`
        = help: the following implementations were found:
                  <std::string::String as std::convert::From<&std::string::String>>
                  <std::string::String as std::convert::From<&str>>
                  <std::string::String as std::convert::From<std::borrow::Cow<'a, str>>>
                  <std::string::String as std::convert::From<std::boxed::Box<str>>>
        = note: required by `std::convert::From::from`
    error: aborting due to previous error
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
    error: could not compile `edn-rs`.
    To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.

    This is my code for reference:

    use edn_rs::{Edn};
    use std::str::FromStr;
    fn main() {
        let edn: Edn = Edn::from_str("[1 2]");
        println!("{:?}", edn);

    What am I doing wrong?

    opened by divs1210 7
  • Add context and cause to parse error messages

    Add context and cause to parse error messages

    Currently, parsing errors are not useful - most simply return a string {} could not be parsed without any context. This requires bisecting the input to identify the line that is causing the problem, then reading the source to guess at the actual cause.

    Ideally the Error type would include a line number and character number along with an ErrorType enum uniquely specifying the cause of the failure, but even updating the error string to include the line number and a more descriptive message would be very helpful.

    opened by jcsoo 6
  • Convert from edn to JSON (or to any serde format)

    Convert from edn to JSON (or to any serde format)

    edn-rs currently has the ability to convert from json to edn, but not the other way around. It would be really nice to be able to convert from edn to json. Other formats would be really nice too - perhaps Edn could implement serde's Serialize trait?

    P.S. is the reason serde isn't used right now because the data model of the two is different? If so, could you elaborate a bit on the details? Related:

    opened by TheButlah 6
  • String with hash sign parsed incorrectly

    String with hash sign parsed incorrectly

    println!("{}", Edn::from_str("\"#{}\"").unwrap());



    Expected output:


    I'm only getting started with Rust, so my apologies in advance if this is a rookie mistake.

    opened by eerohele 5
  • Improve performance

    Improve performance

    By not using replace we could improve performance to somewhere around 25µs. Currently the parse performance is around 140µs:

    use std::time::{Instant};
    use edn_rs;
    use std::str::FromStr;
    fn main() {
        let edn = edn_str();
        let start = Instant::now();
        let value = edn_rs::Edn::from_str(&edn);
        let duration = start.elapsed();
        if value.is_ok() {
            println!("Time elapsed in edn_rs::from_str is: {:?}", duration);
            let start_nav = Instant::now();
            let role = value.unwrap()[":associates"][0][":role"].clone();
            let duration_nav = start_nav.elapsed();
            println!("Time elapsed to navigate to role_0 \"{}\": {:?}", role, duration_nav);
        } else {
            println!("Parse failed. Duration {:?}", duration);
    fn edn_str() -> String {
            :type :human
            :first-name \"bench\"
            :last-name \"mark\"
            :age 13
            :version 0.13
            :associates [
                    :name :julia
                    :role :adm
                    :name :otavio
                    :role :contributor
                    :name :juxt
                    :role :great-ideas
    enhancement parse 
    opened by naomijub 4
  • Try to implement discard sequence #_ for deserialize

    Try to implement discard sequence #_ for deserialize


    Noticed your issue post after PR #93 Hope it's okay I tried to implement this one, seemed maybe fun to try

    opened by jollm 3
  • Deserialization should be more strict

    Deserialization should be more strict

    If you deserialize a struct like this:

    use edn_derive::Deserialize;
    struct A {
        amount: usize,
    let a: A = edn_rs::from_str("{ :amount -10 }").unwrap(); // A { amount: 18446744073709551606 }
    let a: A = edn_rs::from_str("{ :amount "123" }").unwrap(); // A { amount: 123 }

    The second one is more acceptable, but IMO we should be strict about deserialization conversions.

    Maybe we can offer a loose one and a strict one.

    opened by evaporei 3
  • Handling numbers with an exponent

    Handling numbers with an exponent

    Thanks for the library.

    I was using it today and discovered that numbers with an exponent, like this:


    …are valid according to the spec but aren't handled correctly by this library.

    Thought y'all might like to know. Cheers.

    bug enhancement 
    opened by kyptin 2
  • Symbols beginning with the characters 't', 'f' or 'n' cannot be parsed.

    Symbols beginning with the characters 't', 'f' or 'n' cannot be parsed.

    use edn_rs::Edn;
    use std::str::FromStr;
    fn main() {
        let _: Edn = Edn::from_str("nTEST").unwrap();

    results in thread 'main' panicked at 'calledResult::unwrap()on anErrvalue: ParseEdn("n could not be parsed")', } src/

    use edn_rs::Edn;
    use std::str::FromStr;
    fn main() {
        let _: Edn = Edn::from_str("tTEST").unwrap();

    results in thread 'main' panicked at 'calledResult::unwrap()on anErrvalue: ParseEdn("provided string was nottrueorfalse")', src/

    use edn_rs::Edn;
    use std::str::FromStr;
    fn main() {
        let _: Edn = Edn::from_str("fTEST").unwrap();

    results in thread 'main' panicked at 'calledResult::unwrap()on anErrvalue: ParseEdn("provided string was nottrueorfalse")', src/

    opened by jcsoo 2
  • Review equality rules

    Review equality rules

    Spec: Current code:

    Also, review if any changes need to be made to sets and maps

    help wanted good first issue 
    opened by naomijub 0
  • [1.0.0] Set cannot be called as inner value of Data Structures (macro edn!)

    [1.0.0] Set cannot be called as inner value of Data Structures (macro edn!)

    The macro edn! fails when we try to call a Set inside any other structure.

    edn!([ 1 2 3 #{4 5 6}])

    Gets an error of expected[, found end of macro arguments. Same is valid for set in set, #{ 1 2 3 #{4 5 6}}.

    bug help wanted Set parse 
    opened by naomijub 0
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