An OpenGL function pointer loader for Rust



Build Status


This repository contains the necessary building blocks for OpenGL wrapper libraries. For more information on each crate, see their respective READMEs listed below.

The following crates are contained in this repository:


Version License Downloads


An OpenGL function pointer loader for the Rust Programming Language.

gl = "0.14.0"


Version License Downloads


Code generators for creating bindings to the Khronos OpenGL APIs.

gl_generator = "0.14.0"


Version License Downloads


The Khronos XML API Registry, exposed as byte string constants.

khronos_api = "3.1.0"

Compiling from source

khronos_api makes use of git submodules. You will need to initialize these before building:

git submodule update --init


Version License Downloads


Code generators for creating bindings to the WebGL APIs.

webgl_generator = "0.2.0"


Version License Downloads


WebGL bindings using stdweb

webgl_stdweb = "0.3.0"
  • Implement IDL based generators

    Implement IDL based generators

    Example generated bindings:

    This can't be merged until:

    1. I've tested it beyond the bindings compiling
    2. The next version of stdweb is released, which will contain the CanvasElement type
    opened by Diggsey 30
  • [windows] gl function was not loaded

    [windows] gl function was not loaded

    Minimal reproducible case here: OpenGL Extensions Viewer produces the following information:

    OS: Windows 10 build 1703 GPU: GTX 970 Nvidia driver version: 388.13 Rust toolchain: {stable, nightly}-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc Build: release & debug

    opened by zacps 29
  • Generate strings instead of AST

    Generate strings instead of AST

    This change will totally remove the generate_gl_bindings macro, in favor of Cargo build scripts.

    If you simply use the gl library, nothing changes.

    If, however, you use gl_generator, then instead of:

    generate_gl_bindings! {
     api: "gl",
     profile: "core",
     version: "4.5",
     generator: "global",
     extensions: [

    Replace this by:

    include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));

    And create a file named

    extern crate gl_generator;
    extern crate khronos_api;
    use std::os;
    use std::io::File;
    fn main() {
        let dest = Path::new(os::getenv("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
        let mut file = File::create(&dest.join("")).unwrap();
                                                       "4.5", "core",
                                                       &mut file).unwrap();

    You will also need to tweak your Cargo.toml:

    # ...
    build = ""
    git = ""
    git = ""
    # remove [dependencies.gl_generator]
    opened by tomaka 25
  • Bring up to date against current rust

    Bring up to date against current rust

    This should bring gl-rs up to date. The main change is due to rust now namespacing enums. Additionally, ast::TyPath now only takes two arguments.

    Please note that this technically does not build against the current master branch of rust due to an ill-defined quote_ty macro. However, once is fully merged things should again work as expected.

    opened by alfredr 17
  • Prevent inlining loadfn too many times

    Prevent inlining loadfn too many times

    Credit goes to @arielb1, who found this while investigating rust-lang/rust#34166.

    This patch also improves compile times of glium using old trans:

    Before patch:

    time: 0.654; rss: 420MB Prepare MIR codegen passes
      time: 1.500; rss: 456MB   write metadata
      time: 0.272; rss: 458MB   translation item collection
      time: 0.047; rss: 459MB   codegen unit partitioning
    time: 4.595; rss: 568MB translation
    time: 0.004; rss: 568MB assert dep graph
    time: 0.000; rss: 568MB serialize dep graph
      time: 1.280; rss: 294MB   llvm function passes [0]
      time: 24.618; rss: 324MB  llvm module passes [0]
      time: 10.087; rss: 322MB  codegen passes [0]
      time: 0.004; rss: 190MB   codegen passes [0]
    time: 36.471; rss: 172MB    LLVM passes
    time: 0.299; rss: 174MB linking

    After this patch:

    time: 0.587; rss: 414MB Prepare MIR codegen passes
      time: 1.396; rss: 459MB   write metadata
      time: 0.265; rss: 460MB   translation item collection
      time: 0.050; rss: 461MB   codegen unit partitioning
    time: 4.449; rss: 570MB translation
    time: 0.003; rss: 570MB assert dep graph
    time: 0.000; rss: 570MB serialize dep graph
      time: 1.271; rss: 292MB   llvm function passes [0]
      time: 20.428; rss: 314MB  llvm module passes [0]
      time: 8.931; rss: 313MB   codegen passes [0]
      time: 0.004; rss: 177MB   codegen passes [0]
    time: 31.011; rss: 168MB    LLVM passes
    time: 0.257; rss: 169MB linking
    opened by jonas-schievink 15
  • Slow build time for gl::load_with usages

    Slow build time for gl::load_with usages

    On my i5-3550 this code takes 3.2 seconds to build, which is quite a bit taking into account it is only loading the OpenGL library.

    extern crate glutin;
    extern crate gl;
    fn main() {
        let window = glutin::Window::new().unwrap();
        unsafe { window.make_current() };
        gl::load_with(|symbol| window.get_proc_address(symbol));

    It was tested with rustc 1.0.0-nightly (dfc5c0f1e 2015-02-18).

    opened by ntrrgc 15
  • gl_generator: implement fallbacks based on aliases

    gl_generator: implement fallbacks based on aliases

    These aliases are already present in the XML, so we might as well use them! As OpenGL evolves and is extended, it frequently occurs that a vendor introduces an extension, giving a function a name like glFooNV or glFooAMD. Then, it gets proposed to the ARB and is renamed glFooEXT. Then, this extension gets standardized and is placed in the core profile and is once again renamed to its final name, glFoo.

    For Mesa, they implement various extensions and then finally support an OpenGL version once all extensions have been implemented. Many OpenGL features can be implemented entirely in the driver, or on most hardware even if the hardware doesn't support enough features for a specific OpenGL version. So you get situations where older GPUs only expose OpenGL 2.1, but implement almost every extension that is present in OpenGL 3.3.

    So, when glFoo can't be loaded but it has known aliases, try also loading those aliases before giving up.

    Closes #150

    opened by emberian 14


    It is defined as a valid enum here:

    Is it a bug in the GL spec that you parse?

    My glxinfo: Reports that OpenGL Core 3.3 is supported, and I see GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object in the extension list.

    opened by kvark 13
  • Incorrect PROC typedef

    Incorrect PROC typedef

    The definition of PROC causes issues on the latest nightly. The functions aren't allow to be zero, which rust makes use by annotating them with non-null. Unfortunately, the returned functions by wglGetProcAddress can be zero (e.g GL1.1 functions). Glutin currently checks if the functions are zero else it queries the addresses via kernel32::GetProcAddress. The rust compiler optimizes this call away as it assumes we don't have null functions.

    The proposed solution is to replace extern "system" fn() with *const (), which also fixes the issue for me locally.

    opened by msiglreith 12
  • Add WebGL support

    Add WebGL support

    I'm developing an app with emscripten + WebGL, and using gl-rs to generate the GL bindings. While WebGL and GLES are similar enough that GLES works, using GLES results in hundreds of (non-fatal) errors like "bad name in getProcAddress: glActiveShaderProgram,glActiveShaderProgram", and if you accidentally call a function that isn't supported by WebGL, it seems to jump to an arbitrary address. Adding WebGL support would prevent this kind of thing, and might also allow WebGL extensions.

    opened by nstoddard 12
  • Static loader is unsafe

    Static loader is unsafe


    Thread 1              |  Thread 2
    ========              |  ========
    driver1::make_current |
    gl::load_with         |
                          |  driver2::make_current
                          |  gl::Begin() // crash!

    In general, loading GL functions can be thread-specific, and only the struct loader can deal with this. Every function in the static loader should be marked unsafe, and it should be heavily discouraged.

    opened by emberian 11
  • Do we make crate no_std compatible possibly

    Do we make crate no_std compatible possibly

    I noted that It has been inactive for a year. I have the same issue with no_std support.

    All the "OS dependent" things that gleam uses are type definitions, it's not necessary to depend on the std crate.

    opened by XiangYyang 0
  • functions that get pointers to variables don't modify the variables

    functions that get pointers to variables don't modify the variables

    unsafe {
      let mut vao = 0;
      gl::GenVertexArrays(1, &mut vao);
      assert!(vao != 0);

    this code panics. But if i change the initial value of vao to anything else(for example 1), it doesn't panic. Similar thing with other functions that get pointers as arguments, they don't seem to modify anything so i can't create any objects or get error logs.

    opened by abirvalarg 0
  • attempted to take value of method `SwapBuffersWithDamageKHR` on type `&api::egl::egl::Egl` and others, gl_generator bug?

    attempted to take value of method `SwapBuffersWithDamageKHR` on type `&api::egl::egl::Egl` and others, gl_generator bug?

    On we get errors:

    error[E0599]: no method named `set_suspend_callback` found for reference `&EventLoopWindowTarget<T>` in the current scope
      --> /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/
    76 |         el.set_suspend_callback(Some(Box::new(move |suspended| {
       |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `&EventLoopWindowTarget<T>`
    error[E0615]: attempted to take value of method `SwapBuffersWithDamageKHR` on type `&api::egl::egl::Egl`
       --> /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/
    621 |         if !egl.SwapBuffersWithDamageKHR.is_loaded() {
        |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ method, not a field
    help: use parentheses to call the method
    621 |         if !egl.SwapBuffersWithDamageKHR(_, _, _, _).is_loaded() {
        |                                         ++++++++++++
    error[E0615]: attempted to take value of method `SwapBuffersWithDamageKHR` on type `&api::egl::egl::Egl`
       --> /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/
    664 |         egl.SwapBuffersWithDamageKHR.is_loaded()
        |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ method, not a field
    help: use parentheses to call the method
    664 |         egl.SwapBuffersWithDamageKHR(_, _, _, _).is_loaded()
        |                                     ++++++++++++
    Some errors have detailed explanations: E0599, E0615.
    For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0599`.
    error: could not compile `glutin` due to 3 previous errors

    is this a bug in gl-rs or did the members turn into functions somehow? Also set_suspend_callback is gone

    opened by lattice0 0
  • Question about WebGL usage

    Question about WebGL usage


    I am not entirely sure how am I supposed to use this if I want to target wasm / webgl only? Can I combine this library with wasm-pack and add some simple dependency to my Cargo.toml and start coding right away? I am also confused what's the difference between this library (assuming the target is webgl) and web-sys with webgl?

    opened by kaphula 0
  • Update glutin requirement from 0.24 to 0.27

    Update glutin requirement from 0.24 to 0.27

    Updates the requirements on glutin to permit the latest version.

    Release notes

    Sourced from glutin's releases.



    Sourced from glutin's changelog.

    Version 0.27.0 (2021-06-01)

    Version 0.26.0 (2020-12-10)

    Version 0.25.1 (2020-10-10)

    • X11 and Wayland are now optional features (enabled by default)

    Version 0.25.0 (2020-10-02)

    • Updated winit dependency to 0.23.0. See winit's CHANGELOG for more info.
    • Avoid loading libEGL.dll from PATH on Windows.

    Version 0.24.1 (2020-05-26)

    • On X11, Fixed unnecessary instantiation of GLX/EGL

    Version 0.24.0 (2020-03-11)

    Version 0.23.0 (2020-02-06)

    • Updated winit dependency to 0.21.0. See winit's CHANGELOG for more info.
    • Removed broken CI for the armv7-apple-ios target.

    Version 0.22.1 (2020-01-29)

    • Fixed incorrectly documented default value for ContextBuilder::with_srgb

    Version 0.22.0 (2020-01-07)

    Version 0.22.0-alpha6 (2020-01-05)

    • Fixed dependencies so wrong winit version is not used.
    • On X11, got rid of mistaken XRenderFindVisualFormat call so that glutin doesn't ignore configs that lack a XRenderPictFormat.
    • On iOS, fixed not linking against OpenGLES.framework.
    • On X11, fixed VSync not being disabled when requested.

    Version 0.22.0-alpha5 (2019-11-14)

    • Fixed build issue.

    Version 0.22.0-alpha4 (2019-11-10)

    ... (truncated)


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Brendan Zabarauskas
I'm a poly-paradigm developer, primarily interested in how how type systems can be used as tools for thought. he/him πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ¨πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬
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