A vector graphics renderer using OpenGL with a Rust & C API.



crates.io Documentation

A vector graphics renderer using OpenGL with a Rust & C API.

A Rust example can be found in examples/quickstart.rs (using glutin). A C example can be found in c_examples/quickstart.c (using glfw). Build the C examples by running make <example> in the c_examples folder.


Mostly unfinished.

  • Transformations (e.g. ctx.rotate)
  • Rectangle fill
  • Circle fill
  • Blending
  • Strokes
  • Effects (glow & shadows)
  • Gradients
  • Rounded rectangles and polygons
  • Use Lyon for tesselation
  • Custom shader language
  • Web API (using wasm-bindgen)


Gif showing bufro in action

Build & Install (C)

$ make # Build the dynamic library and generate the C header
% make install # Install the header and library system-wide 

Note that $ indicates a regular user shell, while % denotes a root shell.

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    oMG!11 I made a REALLLLLLLY cooL gMAE wiTh ThIS epIC LiBRary 😂 😂 😂. https://diep.io IT tok mE thRE miNUTS tO makE thIS ! yOUr EpiC liBRary MaDe it SO faSt

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    thread 'main' panicked at 'assertion failed: self.in_subpath', /home/p11/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/lyon_path-0.17.6/src/private.rs:44:13

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