High level FFI binding around the sys mount & umount2 calls, for Rust

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Filesystem sys-mount


Rust Compatibility License

High level FFI bindings to the mount and umount2 system calls, for Rust.



This is how the mount command could be written with this API.

extern crate clap;
extern crate sys_mount;

use clap::{App, Arg};
use sys_mount::{Mount, MountFlags, SupportedFilesystems};
use std::process::exit;

fn main() {
    let matches = App::new("mount")

    let src = matches.value_of("source").unwrap();
    let dir = matches.value_of("directory").unwrap();

    // Fetch a listed of supported file systems on this system. This will be used
    // as the fstype to `Mount::new`, as the `Auto` mount parameter.
    let supported = match SupportedFilesystems::new() {
        Ok(supported) => supported,
        Err(why) => {
            eprintln!("failed to get supported file systems: {}", why);

    // The source block will be mounted to the target directory, and the fstype is likely
    // one of the supported file systems.
    match Mount::new(src, dir, &supported, MountFlags::empty(), None) {
        Ok(mount) => {
            println!("mounted {} ({}) to {}", src, mount.get_fstype(), dir);
        Err(why) => {
            eprintln!("failed to mount {} to {}: {}", src, dir, why);


This is how the umount command could be implemented.

extern crate clap;
extern crate sys_mount;

use clap::{App, Arg};
use sys_mount::{unmount, UnmountFlags};
use std::process::exit;

fn main() {
    let matches = App::new("umount")

    let src = matches.value_of("source").unwrap();

    let flags = if matches.is_present("lazy") {
    } else {

    match unmount(src, flags) {
        Ok(()) => (),
        Err(why) => {
            eprintln!("failed to unmount {}: {}", src, why);
  • Add a

    Add a "loop" feature to make loopback functionality optional

    Add a "loop" feature to make loopback functionality optional

    This allows omitting the loopdev dependency and its dependency tree, which has grown substantial. Disabling the loop feature brings sys-mount from 55 dependencies to 7.

    opened by joshtriplett 4
  • MountFlags's type should be c_ulong

    MountFlags's type should be c_ulong

    On some architectures c_ulong isn't u64, resulting in build errors such as:

    error[E0308]: mismatched types
       --> .../sys-mount-1.2.0/src/mount.rs:315:13
    315 |             flags.bits(),
        |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected u32, found u64
    error[E0308]: mismatched types
      --> .../sys-mount-1.2.0/src/mount.rs:20:22
    20 |         const BIND = MS_BIND;
       |                      ^^^^^^^ expected u64, found u32
    error[E0308]: mismatched types
      --> .../sys-mount-1.2.0/src/mount.rs:24:25
    24 |         const DIRSYNC = MS_DIRSYNC;
       |                         ^^^^^^^^^^ expected u64, found u32
    opened by codido 4
  • add ability to mount any file that contains a filesystem

    add ability to mount any file that contains a filesystem

    I'm writing a CSI plugin which, during testing, needs to mount files that contain a filesystem other then squashfs and ISO9660.

    I've made these changes that allow me to do so. Issuing the raw IOCTL even with mount flags set to empty (ie RW) is not sufficient as a follow-up ioclt (LOOP_SET_STATUS64) is needed.

    Let me know what you think,


    opened by gila 4
  • Mount capabilities for unpriviledge users

    Mount capabilities for unpriviledge users

    Is it possible to use this library to somehow grant unpriviledge users the ability to mount arbitrary filesystems (not necessarily in fstab), similar to what pmount does?

    opened by dyamon 2
  • Please publish 1.2.2

    Please publish 1.2.2

    Can an owner of https://crates.io/crates/sys-mount please publish v1.2.2 in order to release commits https://github.com/pop-os/sys-mount/commit/e05b6a5c921a19b77cd66a93c9c481ff720b5921 and https://github.com/pop-os/sys-mount/commit/2c7a0ffa468d3493289a280c46e8f220b9ff6dc3 ?

    Thank you for merging those PRs so quickly by the way!

    opened by ophilli 2
  • Add ability to specify an offset for mounting loopback devices

    Add ability to specify an offset for mounting loopback devices

    I found that if you want to mount a loopback device with an offset it has to be specified when the loopback device is being attached. I added some option to do this and it seems to work well for my use case. I thought I'd submit it for consideration.

    opened by tsemczyszyn 1
  • CLI installing Issue

    CLI installing Issue

    npm i -g loopback-cli npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-url#deprecated npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please see https://github.com/lydell/urix#deprecated npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: this library is no longer supported npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: https://github.com/lydell/resolve-url#deprecated npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-resolve#deprecated npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142 npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This version is no longer supported, please upgrade to 3.x npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: core-js@<3.4 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. npm ERR! code 127 npm ERR! path /root/.nvm/versions/node/v16.14.1/lib/node_modules/loopback-cli/node_modules/ejs npm ERR! command failed npm ERR! command sh -c node ./postinstall.js npm ERR! sh: node: command not found

    npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2022-04-16T13_37_29_408Z-debug-0.log

    opened by paramanandbalara 1
  • Please support returning the target path from a Mount

    Please support returning the target path from a Mount

    The Mount struct stores the target path internally. I'd love to have a target_path() method that returns it as a &Path, to avoid having to store it separately.

    opened by joshtriplett 1
  • Set read_only true if flags contains RDONLY

    Set read_only true if flags contains RDONLY

    When the file being mounted (bind mount) is on a read-only file system, the read_only flag must be set, otherwise an attempt is made to open the source file in RW mode, which results in an error.

    opened by matmoscicki 0
  • Please consider a

    Please consider a "loop" feature to make loopdev-related functions optional

    Would you consider adding a feature to make the loopdev-related functions optional, which would remove the dependency on the loopdev crate? This would be helpful for usage that only wants to mount non-loopback filesystems.

    opened by joshtriplett 0
  • Please consider supporting `findmount` alike interface

    Please consider supporting `findmount` alike interface

    Improvement request

    in the unix ecosystem a tool findmnt is available to filter infomation for mounted filesystems.

    It would be great to get an analogon implementation via sys-mount.


    opened by rzerres 0
  • Consider setting up continuous integration to check pull requests against rustc 1.24.1

    Consider setting up continuous integration to check pull requests against rustc 1.24.1

    For example a minimal .travis.yml for this would be:

    language: rust
    rust: 1.24.1
    script: cargo check

    This would avoid the problem described in https://github.com/pop-os/sys-mount/pull/2#issuecomment-443554708 of pull requests breaking compatibility with rustc versions that need to be supported.

    opened by dtolnay 3
  • Support unmounting via the device path

    Support unmounting via the device path

    Currently, umount only supports unmounting by the target path where the device is mounted. Yet it should be capable of automatically discovering the target path associated with that device, and using that. This can be achieved through the use of our proc-mounts crate.

    enhancement good first issue bite-sized 
    opened by mmstick 0
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