A Rust ASN.1 (DER) serializer.



Dependency Status

This is a Rust library for parsing and generating ASN.1 data (DER only).


Add asn1 to the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml:

asn1 = "0.3"

Builds on Rust 1.41.0 and newer. However Implicit and Explicit require const generics, which require a recent nightly or beta (1.51.0) and specifying the const-generics feature.

rust-asn1 is compatible with #![no_std] environments:

asn1 = { version = "0.3", default-features = false }


To parse a structure like:

Signature ::= SEQUENCE {
    r INTEGER,

you would write:

let result = asn1::parse(data, |d| {
    return d.read_element::<asn1::Sequence>()?.parse(|d| {
        let r = d.read_element::<u64>()?;
        let s = d.read_element::<u64>()?;
        return Ok((r, s));

match result {
    Ok((r, s)) => println!("r={}, s={}", r, s),
    Err(e) => println!("Error! {:?}", e),

And to write that structure, you would do:

let result = asn1::write(|w| {
    w.write_element_with_type::<asn1::Sequence>(&|w: &mut asn1::Writer| {
  • Parsing DEFINED BY structure

    Parsing DEFINED BY structure

    I'am not finding any example on how to parse a sequnce like the following:

    QCStatement::= SEQUENCE {
        statementId OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
        statementInfo ANY DEFINED BY statementId OPTIONAL

    I built a the structs like this:

    #[derive(Debug, asn1::Asn1Read, asn1::Asn1Write)]
    pub struct QCStatement<'a> {
        statement_id: asn1::ObjectIdentifier,
        statement_info: Option<StatementInfo<'a>>,
    #[derive(Debug, asn1::Asn1Read, asn1::Asn1Write)]
    pub enum StatementInfo<'a> {

    The parser seems able to choose between the u32 and the MonetaryValue, but it's not able to choose between the complex types. As i get this error: thread 'main' panicked at 'calledResult::unwrap()on anErrvalue: ParseError { kind: UnexpectedTag { actual: Tag { value: 6, constructed: false, class: Universal } }, location: [4, "QCStatement::statement_info", "StatementInfo::MonetaryValue", "MonetaryValue::currency"] }'

    At this point I am trying to manually implement the parsing for the QCStatement<'a> as follows:

    impl<'a> SimpleAsn1Readable<'a> for QCStatement<'a> {
        const TAG: asn1::Tag = asn1::Tag::primitive(0x20);
        fn parse_data(data: &'a [u8]) -> asn1::ParseResult<QCStatement<'a>> {
            asn1::parse(data, |d| {
                let statement_id = d.read_element::<asn1::ObjectIdentifier>()?;
                let statement_info = match statement_id.to_string().as_str() {
                    "" => Option::Some(StatementInfo::MonetaryValue(
                    "" => {
                    "" => {
                    "" => {
                    &_ => None,
                return Ok(QCStatement::new(statement_id, statement_info));

    But I'm not sure it's the intended way as it seems that even thought the struct are correct I constantly get unexpected tag.

    opened by mtodescato 11
  • Getting not implemented trait when having nested enums/CHOICE

    Getting not implemented trait when having nested enums/CHOICE

    Hello basically if i have a struct which contains an enum everything works: ``#[derive(asn1::Asn1Read, asn1::Asn1Write)] pub struct InfoAccessItem<'a> { oid: asn1::ObjectIdentifier, accessLocation: GeneralName<'a>, }

    #[derive(Debug, asn1::Asn1Read, asn1::Asn1Write)] pub enum GeneralName<'a> { #[implicit(0)] OtherName(asn1::IA5String<'a>), #[implicit(1)] Rfc822Name(asn1::IA5String<'a>), #[implicit(2)] DNSName(asn1::IA5String<'a>), #[implicit(3)] X400Address(asn1::IA5String<'a>), #[implicit(4)] DirectoryName(asn1::IA5String<'a>), #[implicit(5)] EdiPartyName(asn1::IA5String<'a>), #[implicit(6)] UniformResourceIdentifier(asn1::IA5String<'a>), #[implicit(7)] IPAddress(&'a [u8]), #[implicit(8)] RegisteredID(asn1::ObjectIdentifier), }``

    If i Have an Enum which contain another enum like this:

    ``#[derive(Debug, asn1::Asn1Read, asn1::Asn1Write)] pub struct DistributionPoint<'a> { #[implicit(0)] distributionPoint: Option<DistributionPointName<'a>>, #[implicit(1)] reasons: Option<asn1::BitString<'a>>, #[implicit(2)] crlissuer: Option<GeneralName<'a>>, }

    #[derive(Debug, asn1::Asn1Read, asn1::Asn1Write)] enum DistributionPointName<'a> { #[implicit(0)] FullName(GeneralName<'a>), #[implicit(1)] NameRelativeToCRLIssuer(RelativeDistinguishedName<'a>), }

    #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read, asn1::Asn1Write)] pub struct RelativeDistinguishedName<'a> { data: asn1::SequenceOf<'a, AttributeValueAssertion<'a>>, }

    #[derive(Debug, asn1::Asn1Read, asn1::Asn1Write)] pub struct AttributeValueAssertion<'a> { attribute_type: asn1::ObjectIdentifier, attribute_value: asn1::IA5String<'a>, }``

    Where General name is the same as the previous example, it gives me an error every nested enum as write and read asn1 trait not implemented. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?

    opened by mtodescato 11


    I was able to derive some structs that deserialize correctly, but I'm struggling to figure out how to represent a SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE in a struct. Is there an example of this anywhere? Is it possible, or do I need to write my own code with a d.read_element::<asn1::SequenceOf>() to do this?

    opened by joshwatson 7
  • Adding Parser.peek_explicit/implicit_tag()

    Adding Parser.peek_explicit/implicit_tag()

    The idea behind this change is such that when encoding an enum (via CHOICE) using tagging, you can determine which variant to read by peeking at the tag value without advancing the parser.

    peek_explicit_tag() and peek_implicit_tag() return a tuple like

    (<raw-tag>, <decoded-tag>)

    such that raw-tag is the tag as it is read directly from the input bytes, and decoded-tag is the tag converted into the same format that would be passed to Writer.write_explicit_element() or Writer.write_implicit_element().

    peek_implicit_tag() requires knowing the type you wish to decode up-front in order to retrieve an accurate decoded-tag value, as implicit tagging embeds the type within the tag.

    opened by orthecreedence 2
  • UTC no longer part of chrono

    UTC no longer part of chrono

    Looks like a bit of bitrot set in

    --> /home/jrconlin/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/asn1-0.1.0/src/lib.rs:9:24
    9 | use chrono::{DateTime, UTC};
      |                        ^^^ no `UTC` in the root

    I'm not sure, but I belive that this is now Utc https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4.0/chrono/offset/struct.Utc.html

    opened by jrconlin 2
  • FieldDescription needs to be public

    FieldDescription needs to be public

    Hi Alex,

    In order to successfully use the current Signature example in the README.md, the FieldDescription struct and its fields need to be public, otherwise the expansion of the asn1! macro will fail.

    Easy fix ... although I don't know if this is your intention...

    Cheers Marcus

    opened by mheese 2
  • Try using macros for the API

    Try using macros for the API


    • [ ] CHOICE
    • [ ] INTEGER { v1(0), v2(1), v3(2) }
    • [ ] from_der() with OPTIONAL
    • [ ] from_der() with DEFAULT
    • [ ] from_der() with EXPLICIT tag
    • [ ] from_der() with IMPLICIT tag
    • [ ] to_der() with EXPLICIT tag
    • [ ] to_der() with IMPLICIT tag
    • [ ] Reference other SEQUENCE by name
    • [x] Multiple declerations in a single asn1!() call.
    • [ ] PrintableString
    • [ ] UTCTime
    • [ ] BIT STRING { x (0), y (1) }
    opened by alex 2
  • Bump actions/checkout from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0

    Bump actions/checkout from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0

    Bumps actions/checkout from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0.

    Release notes

    Sourced from actions/checkout's releases.


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/actions/checkout/compare/v3...v3.2.0


    Sourced from actions/checkout's changelog.



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    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    dependencies github_actions 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 1
  • Add relaxeddefault attribute

    Add relaxeddefault attribute

    Implement [#relaxeddefault(value)] attribute. The new attribute is an alternative to [#default(value)] that does not fail with ParseErrorKind::EncodedDefault when a component is encoded with default value.

    DER requires that encoding of a set value or sequence value shall not include an encoding for any component value which is equal to its default value. However some systems use BER-like syntax and encode components with default values. OpenSSL and NSS are more relaxed and don't fail.

    Signed-off-by: Christian Heimes [email protected]

    opened by tiran 1
  • Write TLV

    Write TLV

    I'm trying to write a Tlv value to a DER key, but I cannot figure out how. Is there any way to do this? Specifically, I am trying to write a NULL value. I don't see any public API to write any of this. Could there be an unsafe constructor added to the Tlv type? It implements Asn1Writable, but does not appear to be constructable.

    A NULL type would only be a partial fix in my opinion. It would be very helpful to be able to construct a Tlv in user space code.

    opened by macmv 1
  • Allow Asn1Writable types to provide their length

    Allow Asn1Writable types to provide their length

    Right now we reserve space for the length, call write(), see how much data was written, and fill it in (potentially resizing the storage if more than 127 bytes are written). We should allow types to pre-declare their size to avoid resizing.

    opened by alex 0
  • Write raw der

    Write raw der

    Hey! Thank you so much for your crate.

    I found a requirement to write a raw DER slice into the writer. Something like https://docs.rs/yasna/0.4.0/yasna/struct.DERWriter.html#method.write_der. Would you please implement it?

    opened by kpp 4
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