6208 Repositories
Rust rust-compiler Libraries
A small charting/visualization tool and partial vega implementation for Rust
Gust A charting library for rust! Disclaimer This is still very much a work in progress! APIs are very unstable and subject to change. Contributions a
Parameterized routing for generic resources in Rust
Usher Usher provides an easy way to construct parameterized routing trees in Rust. The nodes of these trees is naturally generic, allowing Usher to le
Rust crate to extend io::Read & io::Write types with progress callbacks
progress-streams Rust crate to provide progress callbacks for types which implement io::Read or io::Write. Examples Reader extern crate progress_strea
Rust Persistent Data Structures
Rust Persistent Data Structures Rust Persistent Data Structures provides fully persistent data structures with structural sharing. Setup To use rpds a
Roaring bitmap implementation for Rust
RoaringBitmap This is not yet production ready. The API should be mostly complete now. This is a Rust port of the Roaring bitmap data structure, initi
K-dimensional tree in Rust for fast geospatial indexing and lookup
kdtree K-dimensional tree in Rust for fast geospatial indexing and nearest neighbors lookup Crate Documentation Usage Benchmark License Usage Add kdtr
A priority queue for Rust with efficient change function.
PriorityQueue This crate implements a Priority Queue with a function to change the priority of an object. Priority and items are stored in an IndexMap
Generic array types in Rust
generic-array This crate implements generic array types for Rust. Requires minumum Rust version of 1.36.0, or 1.41.0 for From[T; N] implementations
Array helpers for Rust's Vector and String types
array_tool Array helpers for Rust. Some of the most common methods you would use on Arrays made available on Vectors. Polymorphic implementations for
Extra iterator adaptors, iterator methods, free functions, and macros.
Itertools Extra iterator adaptors, functions and macros. Please read the API documentation here How to use with cargo: [dependencies] itertools = "0.1
Ternary search tree collection in rust
tst Ternary search tree collection in rust with similar API to std::collections as it possible. Ternary search tree is a type of trie (sometimes calle
High-performance runtime for data analytics applications
Weld Documentation Weld is a language and runtime for improving the performance of data-intensive applications. It optimizes across libraries and func
Rust DataFrame library
Polars Blazingly fast DataFrames in Rust & Python Polars is a blazingly fast DataFrames library implemented in Rust. Its memory model uses Apache Arro
Dataframe structure and operations in Rust
Utah Utah is a Rust crate backed by ndarray for type-conscious, tabular data manipulation with an expressive, functional interface. Note: This crate w
ndarray: an N-dimensional array with array views, multidimensional slicing, and efficient operations
ndarray The ndarray crate provides an n-dimensional container for general elements and for numerics. Please read the API documentation on docs.rs or t
Yet Another Technical Analysis library [for Rust]
YATA Yet Another Technical Analysis library YaTa implements most common technical analysis methods and indicators. It also provides you an interface t
an orm for rust
rustorm Rustorm Rustorm is an SQL-centered ORM with focus on ease of use on conversion of database types to their appropriate rust type. Selecting rec
A safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust
A safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust API Documentation: latest release – master branch Homepage Diesel gets rid of the boilerplate for da
Ergonomic bindings to SQLite for Rust
Rusqlite Rusqlite is an ergonomic wrapper for using SQLite from Rust. It attempts to expose an interface similar to rust-postgres. use rusqlite::{para
Native PostgreSQL driver for the Rust programming language
Rust-Postgres PostgreSQL support for Rust. postgres Documentation A native, synchronous PostgreSQL client. tokio-postgres Documentation A native, asyn
Mysql client library implemented in rust.
mysql This crate offers: MySql database driver in pure rust; connection pool. Features: macOS, Windows and Linux support; TLS support via nativetls cr
Asyncronous Rust Mysql driver based on Tokio.
mysql-async Tokio based asynchronous MySql client library for rust programming language. Installation Library hosted on crates.io. [dependencies] mysq
A highly scalable MySQL Proxy framework written in Rust
mysql-proxy-rs An implementation of a MySQL proxy server built on top of tokio-core. Overview This crate provides a MySQL proxy server that you can ex
TDS 7.2+ (mssql / Microsoft SQL Server) async driver for rust
Tiberius A native Microsoft SQL Server (TDS) client for Rust. Supported SQL Server versions Version Support level Notes 2019 Tested on CI 2017 Tested
🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and MSSQL.
SQLx 🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit Install | Usage | Docs Built with ❤️ by The LaunchBadge team SQLx is an async, pure Rust† SQL crate featuring compile-tim
PickleDB-rs is a lightweight and simple key-value store. It is a Rust version for Python's PickleDB
PickleDB PickleDB is a lightweight and simple key-value store written in Rust, heavily inspired by Python's PickleDB PickleDB is fun and easy to use u
Pure Rust library for Apache ZooKeeper built on MIO
rust-zookeeper Zookeeper client written 100% in Rust This library is intended to be equivalent with the official (low-level) ZooKeeper client which sh
UnQLite wrapper 1.0 is avaliable for Rust
unqlite A high-level UnQLite database engine wrapper. NOTE: Some of the documents is stolen from UnQLite Official Website. What is UnQLite? UnQLite is
rust wrapper for rocksdb
rust-rocksdb Requirements Clang and LLVM Contributing Feedback and pull requests welcome! If a particular feature of RocksDB is important to you, plea
Redis library for rust
redis-rs Redis-rs is a high level redis library for Rust. It provides convenient access to all Redis functionality through a very flexible but low-lev
The official MongoDB Rust Driver
MongoDB Rust Driver This repository contains the officially supported MongoDB Rust driver, a client side library that can be used to interact with Mon
Rust bindings for LMDB
lmdb-rs Rust bindings for LMDB Documentation (master branch) Building LMDB is bundled as submodule so update submodules first: git submodule update --
A easy-use client to influxdb
InfluxDBClient-rs A easy-use client to influxdb Overview This is an InfluxDB driver for Rust. Status This project has been able to run properly, PR is
etcd for rust
etcd for Rust An etcd(API v3) client for Rust, and it provides async/await APIs backed by tokio and tonic. Documentation on the library can be found a
An etcd client library for Rust.
etcd An etcd client library for Rust. etcd on crates.io Documentation for the latest crates.io release Running the tests Install Docker and Docker Com
An Elasticsearch REST API client for Rust
elastic elastic is an efficient, modular API client for Elasticsearch written in Rust. The API is targeting the Elastic Stack 7.x. elastic provides st
A Rust client for the ElasticSearch REST API
rs-es Introduction An ElasticSearch client for Rust via the REST API. Targetting ElasticSearch 2.0 and higher. Other clients For later versions of Ela
⚡🦀 🧨 make your rust types fit DynamoDB and visa versa
🦀 🧨 dynomite dynomite makes DynamoDB fit your types (and visa versa) Overview Goals ⚡ make writing dynamodb applications in rust a productive experi
Transistor A Rust Crux Client crate/lib. For now, this crate intends to support 2 ways to interact with Crux: Via Docker with a crux-standalone versio
Sofa - CouchDB for Rust
Sofa - CouchDB for Rust Documentation Here: http://docs.rs/sofa Installation [dependencies] sofa = "0.6" Description This crate is an interface to Cou
CouchDB client-side library for the Rust programming language
Chill Chill is a client-side CouchDB library for the Rust programming language, available on crates.io. It targets Rust Stable. Chill's three chief de
Cassandra (CQL) driver for Rust, using the DataStax C/C++ driver under the covers.
cassandra-cpp This is a maintained Rust project that exposes the DataStax cpp driver at https://github.com/datastax/cpp-driver/ in a somewhat-sane cra
Cassandra DB native client written in Rust language. Find 1.x versions on https://github.com/AlexPikalov/cdrs/tree/v.1.x Looking for an async version? - Check WIP https://github.com/AlexPikalov/cdrs-async
CDRS CDRS is looking for maintainers CDRS is Apache Cassandra driver written in pure Rust. 💡 Looking for an async version? async-std https://github.c
An ArangoDB driver for Rust
Rincon Rincon is an ArangoDB driver for Rust. It enables low level access to ArangoDB in a typesafe and Rust idiomatic manner. The name Rincon is deri
A generic connection pool for Rust
r2d2 A generic connection pool for Rust. Documentation Opening a new database connection every time one is needed is both inefficient and can lead to
🐴 RusTOTPony — CLI manager of one-time password generators aka Google Authenticator
🐴 RusTOTPony CLI manager of time-based one-time password generators. It is a desktop alternative for Google Authenticator. Installation Arch Linux Pa
Bindings to the macOS Security.framework
macOS/iOS Security framework for Rust Documentation Bindings to the Apple's Security.framework. Allows use of TLS and Keychain from Rust. License Lice
OpenSSL bindings for Rust
rust-openssl OpenSSL bindings for the Rust programming language. Documentation. Release Support The current supported release of openssl is 0.10 and o
rust-native-tls — Bindings for native TLS libraries
rust-native-tls Documentation An abstraction over platform-specific TLS implementations. Specifically, this crate uses SChannel on Windows (via the sc
The simple password manager for geeks, built with Rust.
Rooster Rooster is a simple password manager for geeks (it works in the terminal). Rooster is made available free of charge. You can support its devel
A Rust port of the password primitives used in Django Project.
Rust DjangoHashers A Rust port of the password primitives used in Django Project. Django's django.contrib.auth.models.User class has a few methods to
rabe is an Attribute Based Encryption library, written in Rust
Rabe rabe is a rust library implementing several Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) schemes using a modified version of the bn library of zcash (type-3
Master Password in Pure Rust
Master Password •••| This is the Rust version of the original found here. This can be used as a drop-in replacement for the reference C version, offer
Collection of cryptographic hash functions written in pure Rust
RustCrypto: hashes Collection of cryptographic hash functions written in pure Rust. All algorithms reside in the separate crates and implemented using
Highly modular & configurable hash & crypto library
Octavo Highly modular & configurable hash & crypto library written in pure Rust. Installation [dependencies] octavo = { git = "https://github.com/libO
[INACTIVE] TLS 1.2 implementation in Rust
suruga is Rust implementation of TLS 1.2. It currently implements some core parts of TLS 1.2, NIST P-256 ECDHE and chacha20-poly1305. Usage extern cra
An extensible open-source framework for creating private/permissioned blockchain applications
Exonum Status: Project info: Community: Exonum is an extensible open-source framework for creating blockchain applications. Exonum can be used to crea
Sodium Oxide: Fast cryptographic library for Rust (bindings to libsodium)
sodiumoxide |Crate|Documentation|Gitter| |:---:|:-----------:|:--------:|:-----:|:------:|:----:| |||| NaCl (pronounced "salt") is a new easy-to-use h
An implementation of Keccak derived functions specified in FIPS-202, SP800-185 and KangarooTwelve
tiny-keccak An implementation of Keccak derived functions specified in FIPS-202, SP800-185 and KangarooTwelve. Documentation The Keccak-f[1600] permut
X25519 elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange in pure-Rust, using curve25519-dalek.
x25519-dalek A pure-Rust implementation of x25519 elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange, with curve operations provided by curve25519-dalek. This
Fast and efficient ed25519 signing and verification in Rust.
ed25519-dalek Fast and efficient Rust implementation of ed25519 key generation, signing, and verification in Rust. Documentation Documentation is avai
A pure-Rust implementation of group operations on Ristretto and Curve25519
curve25519-dalek A pure-Rust implementation of group operations on Ristretto and Curve25519. curve25519-dalek is a library providing group operations
A (mostly) pure-Rust implementation of various cryptographic algorithms.
Rust-Crypto A (mostly) pure-Rust implementation of various common cryptographic algorithms. Rust-Crypto seeks to create practical, auditable, pure-Rus
A modern TLS library in Rust
Rustls is a modern TLS library written in Rust. It's pronounced 'rustles'. It uses ring for cryptography and libwebpki for certificate verification. S
Easy to use cryptographic framework for data protection: secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage. Has unified APIs across 14 platforms.
Themis provides strong, usable cryptography for busy people General purpose cryptographic library for storage and messaging for iOS (Swift, Obj-C), An
Usable, easy and safe pure-Rust crypto
orion About Orion is a cryptography library written in pure Rust. It aims to provide easy and usable crypto while trying to minimize the use of unsafe
WebPKI X.509 Certificate Validation in Rust
Safe, fast, small crypto using Rust
The write-once-run-anywhere GPGPU library for Rust
The old version of Emu (which used macros) is here. Overview Emu is a GPGPU library for Rust with a focus on portability, modularity, and performance.
Collection of Optimization algorithm in Rust
rustimization A rust optimization library which includes L-BFGS-B and Conjugate Gradient algorithm. Documentation The simplest way to use these optimi
Statistical computation library for Rust
statrs Current Version: v0.13.0 Should work for both nightly and stable Rust. NOTE: While I will try to maintain backwards compatibility as much as po
Scientific Computing Library in Rust
SciRust Scientific computing library written in Rust programming language. The objective is to design a generic library which can be used as a backbon
Rust wrapper for ArrayFire
Arrayfire Rust Bindings ArrayFire is a high performance library for parallel computing with an easy-to-use API. It enables users to write scientific c
gmp bindings for rust
Documentation The following functions are intentionally left out of the bindings: gmp_randinit (not thread-safe, obsolete) mpz_random (not thread-safe
BLAS bindings for Rust
RBLAS Rust bindings and wrappers for BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms). Overview RBLAS wraps each external call in a trait with the same name (b
Mathematical optimization in pure Rust
argmin A pure Rust optimization framework This crate offers a numerical optimization toolbox/framework written entirely in Rust. It is at the moment p
Zip implementation in Rust
zip-rs Documentation Info A zip library for rust which supports reading and writing of simple ZIP files. Supported compression formats: stored (i.e. n
Tar file reading/writing for Rust
tar-rs Documentation A tar archive reading/writing library for Rust. # Cargo.toml [dependencies] tar = "0.4" Reading an archive extern crate tar; use
Snappy bindings for Rust
Snappy [ Originally forked from https://github.com/thestinger/rust-snappy ] Documentation Usage Add this to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] snappy = "
DEFLATE, gzip, and zlib bindings for Rust
flate2 A streaming compression/decompression library DEFLATE-based streams in Rust. This crate by default uses the miniz_oxide crate, a port of miniz.
A Rust implementation of the Zopfli compression algorithm.
Zopfli in Rust This is a reimplementation of the Zopfli compression tool in Rust. I have totally ignored zopflipng. More info about why and how I did
SIMD Floating point and integer compressed vector library
compressed_vec Floating point and integer compressed vector library, SIMD-enabled for fast processing/iteration over compressed representations. This
libbz2 (bzip2 compression) bindings for Rust
bzip2 Documentation A streaming compression/decompression library for rust with bindings to libbz2. # Cargo.toml [dependencies] bzip2 = "0.4" License
Brotli compressor and decompressor written in rust that optionally avoids the stdlib
rust-brotli What's new in 3.2 into_inner conversions for both Reader and Writer classes What's new in 3.0 A fully compatible FFI for drop-in compatibi
A Brotli implementation in pure and safe Rust
Brotli-rs - Brotli decompression in pure, safe Rust Documentation Compression provides a Read-struct to wrap a Brotli-compressed stream. A consumer
Rust implementation of the termbox library
Rustbox Rustbox is a Rust implementation of termbox. Currently, this is just a wrapper of the C library by nsf, though my plan is to convert it to be
A Rust curses library, supports Unix platforms and Windows
pancurses pancurses is a curses library for Rust that supports both Linux and Windows by abstracting away the backend that it uses (ncurses-rs and pdc
A low-level ncurses wrapper for Rust
ncurses-rs This is a very thin wrapper around the ncurses TUI lib. NOTE: The ncurses lib is terribly unsafe and ncurses-rs is only the lightest wrappe
BearLibTerminal FFI for Rust
BearLibTerminal.rs BearLibTerminal FFI for Rust. Requirements You need to compile/get a precompiled version of BearLibTerminal yourself and put it som
Build terminal user interfaces and dashboards using Rust
tui-rs tui-rs is a Rust library to build rich terminal user interfaces and dashboards. It is heavily inspired by the Javascript library blessed-contri
Mirror of https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/termion
Documentation Examples Changelog Tutorial Termion is a pure Rust, bindless library for low-level handling, manipulating and reading information about
Rust library for putting things in a grid
rust-term-grid This library arranges textual data in a grid format suitable for fixed-width fonts, using an algorithm to minimise the amount of space
A Text User Interface library for the Rust programming language
Cursive Cursive is a TUI (Text User Interface) library for rust. It uses ncurses by default, but other backends are available. It allows you to build
Cross platform terminal library rust
Cross-platform Terminal Manipulation Library Crossterm is a pure-rust, terminal manipulation library that makes it possible to write cross-platform te
(Rust) Coloring terminal so simple you already know how to do it !
Colored Coloring terminal so simple, you already know how to do it! "this is blue".blue(); "this is red".red(); "this is red on blue".red(
A dead simple ANSI terminal color painting library for Rust.
yansi A dead simple ANSI terminal color painting library for Rust. use yansi::Paint; print!("{} light, {} light!", Paint::green("Green"), Paint::red(
Cross-platform Rust library for coloring and formatting terminal output
Coloring terminal output Documentation term-painter is a cross-platform (i.e. also non-ANSI terminals) Rust library for coloring and formatting termin
Rust library for ANSI terminal colours and styles (bold, underline)
rust-ansi-term This is a library for controlling colours and formatting, such as red bold text or blue underlined text, on ANSI terminals. View the Ru
Low-level Rust library for implementing terminal command line interface, like in embedded systems.
Terminal CLI Need to build an interactive command prompt, with commands, properties and with full autocomplete? This is for you. Example, output only
🛎 60+ Elegant terminal spinners for Rust
Spinners - 🛎 60+ Elegant terminal spinners for Rust ❤️ Shameless plug Charts, simple as a URL. No more server-side rendering pain, 1 url = 1 chart Lo