Rust wrapper for ArrayFire


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Arrayfire Rust Bindings

ArrayFire is a high performance library for parallel computing with an easy-to-use API. It enables users to write scientific computing code that is portable across CUDA, OpenCL and CPU devices. This project provides Rust bindings for the ArrayFire library. Given below table shows the rust bindings compatability with ArrayFire. If you find any bugs, please report them here.

arrayfire-rust ArrayFire
M.m.p1 M.m.p2

Only, Major(M) & Minor(m) version numbers need to match. p1 and p2 are patch/fix updates for arrayfire-rust & ArrayFire respectively, and they don't need to match.

Supported platforms

Linux, Windows and OSX. Rust 1.31 or newer is required.

Use from

To use the rust bindings for ArrayFire from, the following requirements are to be met first.

  1. Download and install ArrayFire binaries based on your operating system. Depending on the method of your installation for Linux, steps (2) & (3) may not be required. If that is the case, proceed to step (4) directly.
  2. Set the evironment variable AF_PATH to point to ArrayFire installation root folder.
  3. Make sure to add the path to lib files to your path environment variables.
    • On Linux: do export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$AF_PATH/lib64
    • On Windows: Add %AF_PATH%\lib to your PATH environment variable.
  4. Add arrayfire = "3.8" to the dependencies section of your project's Cargo.toml file. Make sure to change the version to latest available.

Once step (4) is over, you should be able to use ArrayFire in your Rust project. If you find any bugs, please report them here.

Build from Source

Edit build.conf to modify the build flags. The structure is a simple JSON blob. Currently Rust does not allow key:value pairs to be passed from the CLI. To use an existing ArrayFire installation modify the first three JSON values. You can install ArrayFire using one of the following two ways.

To build arrayfire submodule available in the rust wrapper repository, you have to do the following.

git submodule update --init --recursive
cargo build // use --all to build all crates in the workspace

This is recommended way to build Rust wrapper since the submodule points to the most compatible version of ArrayFire the Rust wrapper has been tested with. You can find the ArrayFire dependencies below.


let num_rows: u64 = 5;
let num_cols: u64 = 3;
let dims = Dim4::new(&[num_rows, num_cols, 1, 1]);
let a = randu::<f32>(dims);
af_print!("Create a 5-by-3 matrix of random floats on the GPU", a);

Sample output

~/p/arrayfire_rust> cargo run --example helloworld
Create a 5-by-3 matrix of random floats on the GPU
[5 3 1 1]
    0.7402     0.4464     0.7762
    0.9210     0.6673     0.2948
    0.0390     0.1099     0.7140
    0.9690     0.4702     0.3585
    0.9251     0.5132     0.6814


If the build command fails with undefined references errors even after taking care of environment variables, we recommend doing a cargo clean and re-running cargo build or cargo test.

You can also use some environment variables mentioned in our book, such as AF_PRINT_ERRORS to print more elaborate error messages to console.


The ArrayFire library is written by developers at ArrayFire LLC with contributions from several individuals. The developers at ArrayFire LLC have received partial financial support from several grants and institutions. Those that wish to receive public acknowledgement are listed below:


This material is based upon work supported by the DARPA SBIR Program Office under Contract Numbers W31P4Q-14-C-0012 and W31P4Q-15-C-0008. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DARPA SBIR Program Office.

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  • v3.8.0(Jan 10, 2021)

    New Functions and Features

    • APIs - #244
      • max_ragged
      • cov_v2
      • var_v2, var_all_v2
      • stdev_v2, stdev_all_v2
    • Features
      • Serialization support for ArrayFire Types - #250


    • Fix return type trait bound on reduce all functions - #253

    Improvements in Upstream

    For information on improvements and bug fixes made in the upstream, ArrayFire, please refer to the following two release notes.

    Thank you!

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  • v3.7.2(Oct 6, 2020)


    This fix release fixes a critical bug regarding thread safety of structure wrappers of ArrayFire objects. This bug was inadvertently introduced in the v3.7.1 release. Hence, we are going to yank that version from Existing users of v3.7.1 will still be able to use that crate version although multi-threaded code might not work as expected. We strongly recommend upgrading to v3.7.2 for all users.


    Apart from fixing the critical bug we have also added a new tutorial to our book with short code examples on how to use ArrayFire in multi-threaded programs

    Thank you! everyone.

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  • v3.7.1(Sep 9, 2020)


    Major Enhancements


    • Added IndexMut trait implementation for Dim4 structure - #230
    • Added support to let users create Array from raw device pointers - #234
    • Added example for Array::host method - #220
    • Added functions (missing FFI wrappers) to handle Pinned memory allocation and free functions - #238
    • Added bit shift trait implementations for Array by unsigned integer types - #236
    • Marked C FFI handle getter from Structures as unsafe - #234
    • Improved documentation of batch parameter for arithmetic functions - #234
    • Improved reorder_v2 function documentation - #218
    • Refactored AfError Enum to use fmt::Display instead of error::Error - #224
    • Refactored whole array reduce functions to use appropriate output type - #242
    • Updated indexing tutorials in md-book to include macro based examples - #239
    • Added new macros dim4 and seq to easily enable creation of Seq and Dim4 objects - #230
    • Fixed crate qualifier for functions used inside macro - #230


    • Fixed AfError Enum C representation to u32 for consistency - #234
    • Fixed axes computation in reorder_v2 function - #216
    • Fixed clippy warnings in data module tests - #218
    • Fixed documentation - #236 , #234 and #216
    • Fixed mutability of left-hand-size parameters of assignment operations(functions) - #224
    • Fixed pad FFI arguments in wrapper code - #247
    • Fixed set_row internal logic to handle unit vectors - #247
    • Fixed unused import warning in error handler test - commit

    Improvements in Upstream

    For information on improvements and bug fixes made in the upstream, ArrayFire, please refer to the following two release notes.

    Community Contributors

    Thank you! everyone.

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  • v3.7.0(Mar 14, 2020)

    New Features & Improvements

    New Features/Functions

    Fixes and Improvements

    • Linked to md-book on gh-pages so that works
    • Fixed product functions output Array type. For boolean/char inputs, the output of product operation is char and everywhere else same as AggregateType alias.

    Improvements in Upstream

    • Added 16-bit floating point support for the following features/functions.
      • JIT
      • Printing of Array
      • Random Number Generation
      • Unary operators/functions
      • clamp
      • flat
      • matmul
      • reorder
      • select_scalar
      • transpose
    • Sparse array - Sparse array arithmetic support added in upstream.
    • Print stack trace on errors.

    For more information about the performance and bug fixes made in the upstream, ArrayFire, please refer to the following two release notes.

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    Source code(zip)
  • v3.6.3(Jan 28, 2020)



    • Fixed second argument of reorder API to be more clear - #203
    • Fixed unchecked string creation from ffi return value - #212
    • Implemented operator traits for Scalar and Array combinations - #208
    • Improved some tutorials - #204
    • Moved all tutorials into a mdbook - #204
    • Replaced deprecated uint8_t type with u8 - #209

    Community Contributors

    Thank you.

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  • v3.6.2(Jul 25, 2019)



    • Added missing docs for FloatingPoint trait members (6fe03718e1872a7605e8d8af56e6d480a863c2c2)
    • Update num crate to 0.2 (d0ad33dba10f089c40fd14b76fa07901e08c04af)

    Community Contributors

    Thank you @maxtnuk and @acm0055 for reporting the issue with num crate version 0.2.

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  • v3.6.1(Jun 18, 2019)

    Improvements, Fixes and New Examples


    • Code changes to Rust 2018 Edition - #186
    • Reformatted code base using rustfmt tool - #186
    • Use self keyword where applicable instead of type names - #193 #194
    • Updated macros af_print, join_many and eval to work with expressions instead of identifiers - #195

    Bug Fixes

    • Added additional search path suffix (lib64) for dl-loading libs - #186
    • Fix comparison functions output type - #187
    • Internal traits are made public now to enable users write generic functions using arrayfire-rust's Array object - #188
    • Removed core from features - #190
    • Fixed documentation for nearest_neighbour & hamming_matcher -
    • Corrected OSX DYLD path instruction in README -

    New Examples

    • Conway's Game of Life - #179
    • Simple & Basic Example of fft Usage - #196

    Community Contributors

    Thank you.

    For more information about the performance and bug fixes made in the upstream, ArrayFire, please refer to the following two release notes.

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  • v3.6.0(Sep 27, 2018)

    New Features & Improvements


    Breaking Changes

    Prior to v3.6.0 Array structure was a non-generic structure that didn't carry any information about the type of data being managed by the ArrayFire's memory manager. From now on, Array is generic over the type of data it is storing, thus has all the benefits of Rust checks. This may result in few code changes on the user's side. Hopefully they are minimal. Please don't hesitate to contact if you face any issue while moving to 3.6.0. We have made the necessary modifications to the examples provided in the crate to give you an idea of what the changes might look like. We will keep improving the API based on community feedback.


    • Array is a generic and hence comes with all the checks rust carries out. Hopefully, this helps the users in avoiding type related issues.
    • All sub-modules are organized into domain based categories so that they can be compiled individually into a crate with only the required functionality. Core is the only mandatory module needed by any other module.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix Rust enum representations to match FFI ABI.
    • Fix a couple of typos in the documentation.

    Community contributors

    Thank you.

    For more information about the performance and bug fixes made in the upstream, ArrayFire, please refer to the following two release notes.

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  • v3.5.0(Jun 28, 2017)

    New Features & Improvements

    Bug Fixes

    Breaking Changes

    New Features & Major Updates from ArrayFire Upstream

    • ArrayFire now supports threaded applications.
    • Sparse-Dense Arithmetic Operations.
    • Tuned OpenCL BLAS Backend.
    • Removed CUDA 6.5 Support
    • CUDA JIT now uses NVRTC instead of NVVM.
    • ArrayFire Graphics now use Forge v1.0 stable release.

    For a detailed information on improvements, bug-fixes, new-examples and known-issues, please go through the ArrayFire v3.5.0 release notes.

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  • v3.4.3(Apr 10, 2017)



    • Changed shift parameter type from unsigned type to signed type to enable usage of negative offsets. Shift was incorrectly using unsigned offset parameter earlier.
    • Fixed Rust String to CString conversion in image loading/saving functions.
    • Fixes/Changes in the documentation for following functions:
      • Array::copy and Clone trait implementation for Array
      • Add note to std::ops traits implementation explicitly stating they carry out element wise operations.
      • Corrected documentation dot that it accepts only vector/scalar arrays.
    • Added more search locations for script to look for ArrayFire libraries.
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v3.4.2(Feb 26, 2017)



    • info_string - Returns the library meta-information as std::string::String.
    • Added arithmetic(+, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, <<, >>) traits implementations for all input combinations of Array and &Array types.
    • Added a batch(boolean) parameter for logical operation functions - this breaks the API and please change your code where you call these functions accordingly. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
    • get_revision - Returns ArrayFire Revision (commit) information of the library as a string.
    • device_info - Returns a quadruple of Strings indicating the name, platform, toolkit name and computer version of the currently active device.


    Community contributors for this release

    Thank you.

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  • v3.4.1(Jan 11, 2017)



    • Neg trait implementation for object type Array
    • New set of following functions that lets the user create an array based on dimensions and a particular DType. Earlier to this addition, data generation functions deduced the target array type using generic type.
      • constant_t
      • range_t
      • iota_t
      • identity_t


    • A new graphics example that illustrates acoustic wave propagation.


    Community contributors for this release

    Thank you.

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  • v3.4.0(Sep 15, 2016)


    • Sparse Matrix and BLAS
      • Support for CSR and COO storage types.
      • Sparse-Dense Matrix Multiplication and Matrix-Vector Multiplication as a part of af::matmul() using CSR format for sparse.
      • Conversion to and from dense matrix to CSR and COO storage types.
    • Faster JIT
      • Performance improvements for CUDA and OpenCL JIT functions.
      • Support for evaluating multiple outputs in a single kernel. See eval!() macro or function eval_multiple().
    • Random Number Generation
      • A random engine object to handle setting the random engine type and seed for random number generator engines.
      • Supported engine types are:
    • Graphics
      • Using Forge v0.9.0
      • New Functions to render Vector Fields
        • Window::draw_vector_field2()
        • Window::draw_vector_field3()
        • Window::draw_vector_field()
      • Multiple overlays on the same window are now possible.
        • Overlays support for same type of object (2D/3D)
        • Supported by Window::draw_plot[2|3](), Window::draw_hist(), Window::draw_surface(), Window::draw_vector_field[2|3]().
      • New API to set axes limits for graphs.
        • Draw calls do not automatically compute the limits. This is now under user control.
        • Window::set_axes_limits_[2d|3d|compute]() can be used to set axes limits automatically or manually.
        • Window::set_axes_titles() can be used to set axes titles.
      • New API for plot and scatter:
        • Window::draw_plot() and Window::draw_scatter() now can handle 2D and 3D and determine appropriate order.
        • draw_plot()
        • draw_plot2()
        • draw_plot3()
        • draw_scatter()
        • draw_scatter2()
        • draw_scatter3()
    • New interpolation types to enum InteropType that apply to following functions
      • resize()
      • transform()
      • approx1()
      • approx2()
    • Support for complex mathematical functions
      • Add complex support for trignometry functions, sqrt(), log().
    • medfilt1(): Median filter for 1-d signals
    • Generalized scan functions: scan_func_scan and scan_func_scanbykey
      • Now supports inclusive or exclusive scans
      • Supports binary operations defined by BinaryOp.
    • Image Moments functions
    • Add get_size_of() function for dtype

    For other information regarding bug fixes, compile time improvements and known issues in ArrayFire upstream, please visit the ArrayFire v3.4.0 Release Notes URL.

    Broken/Replaced API

    • The behaviour of Window::draw_plot has been to changed to handle generic plot rendering, 2D or 3D line plots. New functions Window::draw_plot[2|3] are added for dimension specific plot rendering.
    • The behaviour of Window::draw_scatter has been to changed to handle generic plot rendering, 2D or 3D line plots. New functions Window::draw_scatter[2|3] are added for dimension specific plot rendering.
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  • v3.3.1(Jun 8, 2016)



    • Program crashes on release builds reported here has been fixed.
    • Dependent crates(libc, num, rustc-serialize) versions have been bumped up.

    Community contributors for this release

    Thank you.

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  • v3.3.0(May 20, 2016)

    Major Updates

    • API breaking change is that error handling mechanism of returning Result objects from functions has been replaced with a callback style error handling. By default, we provide an error handler that panics with an appropriate message when a given function call or operation fails. If the users chooses to, they can also implement the error handler by themselves and call register_error_handler that lets the user set the function that has to handle the error values returned by ArrayFire FFI calls.
    • enum Aftype has been refactored to DType
    • CPU backend supports aysnchronous execution.
    • Performance improvements to OpenCL BLAS and FFT functions.
    • Improved performance of memory manager.
    • Improvements to visualization functions.
    • Improved sorted order for OpenCL devices.

    New Functions and Features:

    • Scatter plot added to graphics functionality
    • New function get_active_backend that gives us the current active backend.
    • Improved Array Creation/Generation API
    • Added mem_info macro to print GPU memory usage information to standard output.
    • Added af_print macro.
    • Added traits clone and partialeq to all enums.
    • Added traits partialeq and debug to type Dim4.
    • transform() now supports perspective transformation matrices.
    • Type Array now has the implementations for the compound assignment operations traits. These traits are auto-enabled only if you are using Rust >= 1.8.0 since those traits are stabilized from that particular version.
    • A few new member functions are added to object Array.
    • Following are the other miscellaneous functions added to the library
      • is_lapack_available - Returns true if ArrayFire was compiled with LAPACK functions enabled
      • is_imageio_available - Returns true if ArrayFire was compiled with Freeimage enabled
      • New member function for Array Object, get_device_id, that gets the device id on which the array resides.

    Following are the community contributors for this release.

    Thank you guys!

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  • v3.2.0(Dec 10, 2015)

    • Feature parity with ArrayFire 3.2 libs except any CUDA/OpenCL pinned memory related functions.

    The wrapper has known issue with ArrayFire v3.2.0 libs due to a single missing symbol af_draw_surface from the native library. Please use ArrayFire v3.2.1 fix release to fix the problem. Any version > 3.2.1 should also work fine.

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