A generic connection pool for Rust

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Database r2d2



A generic connection pool for Rust.


Opening a new database connection every time one is needed is both inefficient and can lead to resource exhaustion under high traffic conditions. A connection pool maintains a set of open connections to a database, handing them out for repeated use.

r2d2 is agnostic to the connection type it is managing. Implementors of the ManageConnection trait provide the database-specific logic to create and check the health of connections.

A (possibly not exhaustive) list of adaptors for different backends:

Backend Adaptor Crate
rust-postgres r2d2-postgres
redis-rs use r2d2 feature of redis-rs
rust-memcache r2d2-memcache
rust-mysql-simple r2d2-mysql
rusqlite r2d2-sqlite
rusted-cypher r2d2-cypher
diesel diesel::r2d2 (docs)
couchdb r2d2-couchdb
mongodb (archived)
use official mongodb driver instead
(deprecated: official driver handles pooling internally)
odbc r2d2-odbc
jfs r2d2-jfs
oracle r2d2-oracle
ldap3 r2d2-ldap


Using an imaginary "foodb" database.

use std::thread;

extern crate r2d2;
extern crate r2d2_foodb;

fn main() {
    let manager = r2d2_foodb::FooConnectionManager::new("localhost:1234");
    let pool = r2d2::Pool::builder()

    for _ in 0..20 {
        let pool = pool.clone();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let conn = pool.get().unwrap();
            // use the connection
            // it will be returned to the pool when it falls out of scope.


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  • drop idle connections immediately after the pool is dropped

    drop idle connections immediately after the pool is dropped

    I found that when the pool is dropped with some connections remain in lifetime, ALL idle connections will not drop until the connection checked out is dropped. Changing pool field in PooledConnection to Weak<SharedPool<M>> can fix this problem.

    For example:

    use std::{
        time::{Duration, Instant},
    use r2d2::{ManageConnection, Pool};
    struct FooConnection;
    impl FooConnection {
        fn new() -> FooConnection {
    impl Drop for FooConnection {
        fn drop(&mut self) {
            println!("drop connection, t: {:?}", Instant::now());
    struct FooManager;
    impl ManageConnection for FooManager {
        type Connection = FooConnection;
        type Error = std::io::Error;
        fn connect(&self) -> Result<FooConnection, Self::Error> {
        fn is_valid(&self, _: &mut FooConnection) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        fn has_broken(&self, _: &mut FooConnection) -> bool {
    static POOL: RwLock<Option<Pool<FooManager>>> = RwLock::new(None);
    fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        let pool = r2d2::Pool::builder()
        *POOL.write().unwrap() = Some(pool);
        std::thread::spawn(|| {
            let _conn = POOL.read().unwrap().as_ref().unwrap().get().unwrap();
            // <- all connections dropped here before our change
            // <- only `_conn` dropped here after our change
            // <- other idle connections will dropped eralier.
            let _ = POOL.write().unwrap().take();
            // <- all IDLE connections will dropped here after our change
    opened by name1e5s 0
  • Using behind proxychains

    Using behind proxychains

    Hi, I'm creating a DbPoolConnection by using

    let manager = ConnectionManager::<PgConnection>::new(self.database_url());
    r2d2::Pool::builder().build(manager).expect("Failed to create pool.")

    This however fails after a couple of seconds if the script is started with proxychains cargo run --release. Is there's a way to use the pool behind proxychains?

    opened by Corfucinas 1
  • Allow hooking on connection get-from-pool and release-to-pool

    Allow hooking on connection get-from-pool and release-to-pool

    In some cases, specific initialization/cleanup needs to be done around managed connections when fetching them from the pool and releasing them to the pool.


    1. https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/issues/3252 with solution suggested here
    2. Attempting to close any open transaction on release-to-pool (solution where transactions are generally managed with RAII as suggested here have the issues described here).

    Currently this requires having custom wrappers around PooledConnection and Pool, which prevents from always using r2d2 directly (and requires reimplementing a whole bunch of traits on the wrappers).

    Something that would remove this need would be to add on_take_from_pool and on_release_to_pool hooks to CustomizeConnection (or another trait if we want backwards-compat.) and/or ManageConnection.

    That would solve 1. by allowing users to automatically open a test transaction on_take_from_pool and rolling it back on_release_to_pool (on_release_to_pool would have to be called before is_valid).

    That would solve 2. by allowing users (and/or implementors of ManageConnection) to automatically attempt closing any open transactions on_release_to_pool in any way they see fit.

    I would imagine the overhead of the CustomizeConnection one to be really-not-too-high despite the dynamic dispatch because that would be absolutely negligible compared with what we actually do with the connection. (And obviously the overhead of the ManageConnection one would be zero because the statically dispatched no-op would be optimized out.)

    Would that be something that makes sense and could potentially be added to r2d2?


    opened by Ten0 8
  • Document relationship between `min_idle`, `idle_timeout` and `max_lifetime`

    Document relationship between `min_idle`, `idle_timeout` and `max_lifetime`

    Looking at the documentation of Builder doesn't currently help understand r2d2's behaviour, when trying to answer questions like "how do I make sure there's always at least one connection at any given instant".

    This is related to ivanceras/r2d2-sqlite#39: currently ::memory is basically broken (at least in the sense of pooling connection, every connection from the pool is independent).

    It's possible that sqlite's mode=memory could be used to fix the issue (at least in part, it has limitations still) but sqlite will automatically delete and release the database if it has no connections open, so for this to work properly there needs to be a way to configure the pool such that once the first connection has been created there is always at least one connection in the pool at any instant.

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