Diesel async connection implementation


A async interface for diesel

Diesel gets rid of the boilerplate for database interaction and eliminates runtime errors without sacrificing performance. It takes full advantage of Rust's type system to create a low overhead query builder that "feels like Rust."

Diesel-async provides an async implementation of diesels connection implementation and any method that may issue an query. It is designed as pure async drop in replacement for the corresponding diesel methods.

Supported databases:

  1. PostgreSQL
  2. MySQL


Licensed under AGPL v3 or later Feel free to reach out if you require a more permissive licence.

  • [WIP] Connection pooling with deadpool

    [WIP] Connection pooling with deadpool

    Here is PoC for connection pooling based on deadpool create. It mostly mirrors r2d2 code from main diesel repo. If you have an interest to contribution i can finalise PR and provide tests.

    The code in theory can be used outside of the repo, but it will require wrapping of connections to be able implement traits and there is enough traits magic to make it not so simple task.

    opened by vimmerru 8
  • MySQL: `Can't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements` after executing more than 16382 inserts

    MySQL: `Can't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements` after executing more than 16382 inserts

    diesel-async + AsyncMysqlConnection gives error after executing more than 16382 inserts, while diesel does not

    Can't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: 16382)
    outdated reprodicible example Hi. I'm setting up a really simple [template repo](https://github.com/gwy15/diesel-async-example) for my own use and I tried to [insert-select-delete](https://github.com/gwy15/diesel-async-example/blob/main/tests/insert_and_validate.rs#L51) concurrently.

    Specifically, I used 100 threads/futures, each insert-select-delete 200 times. The thread pool was set max connection count to 30.

    diesel-async gives the error, whilst disel(sync) does not and can finish as expected.

    Can't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: 16382)

    On my local machine they both reached about ~2k QPS. The concurrent connections was 30.

    reproducible repo (with corresponding failing CI): https://github.com/gwy15/diesel-async-example



    • Rust: stable rustc 1.64.0 (a55dd71d5 2022-09-19)
    • Diesel: 2
    • Diesel_async: 0.1.0
    • Database: mysql
    • Operating System windows/linux

    Feature Flags

    • diesel: ["mysql", "chrono"]
    • diesel_async: ["bb8", "mysql", "tokio"]

    What are you trying to accomplish?

    Since diesel + multithread does not have a problem, I expect diesel-async to have the same ability.

    What is the actual output?

    Can't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements

    Are you seeing any additional errors?


    Steps to reproduce


    CREATE TABLE `user` (
        `id`    bigint unsigned     NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        `name`  varchar(255)        NOT NULL,
        `email` varchar(255)        NOT NULL,
        `created_at` datetime(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT now(3),
        `updated_at` datetime(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT now(3) ON UPDATE now(3),
        PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


    use diesel_async::{AsyncConnection, AsyncMysqlConnection, RunQueryDsl};
    mod schema {
        diesel::table! {
            user (id) {
                id -> Unsigned<Bigint>,
                name -> Varchar,
                email -> Varchar,
                created_at -> Datetime,
                updated_at -> Datetime,
    #[diesel(table_name = schema::user)]
    pub struct NewUser<'a> {
        pub name: &'a str,
        pub email: &'a str,
    impl<'a> NewUser<'a> {
        pub async fn insert(&self, conn: &mut AsyncMysqlConnection) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        let url = dotenv::var("DATABASE_URL")?;
        let mut conn = diesel_async::AsyncMysqlConnection::establish(&url).await?;
        for i in 0..16382 + 10 {
            NewUser {
                name: &format!("name-{}", i),
                email: &format!("email-{}", i),
            .insert(&mut conn)
            if i % 100 == 0 {
                println!("{}", i);


    anyhow = "1.0.65"
    diesel = { version = "2.0.0", features = ["mysql", "chrono"] }
    diesel-async = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["bb8", "mysql", "tokio"], optional = true }
    dotenv = "0.15.0"
    tokio = { version = "1.21.2", features = ["full"] }
    outdated Please see my repo https://github.com/gwy15/diesel-async-example, and the CI workflow https://github.com/gwy15/diesel-async-example/actions/runs/3175713190 is exactly what I had on my local machine.

    to run locally, please

    git clone https://github.com/gwy15/diesel-async-example
    cd diesel-async-example
    docker-compose up -d
    diesel migration run
    cargo t --no-default-features --features async


    • [x] I have already looked over the issue tracker for similar possible closed issues.
    • [x] This issue can be reproduced on Rust's stable channel. (Your issue will be closed if this is not the case)
    • [x] This issue can be reproduced without requiring a third party crate
    opened by gwy15 6
  • diesel-async with a connection pool: the trait `Connection` is not implemented for ....

    diesel-async with a connection pool: the trait `Connection` is not implemented for ....

    I'm trying to get diesel-async + bb8 + postgres working, but its not able to convert the pooled connection -> AsyncPgConnection to work with diesel-async. I also can't find any unit tests for any of the connection pools.


    use diesel_async::pooled_connection::bb8::Pool;
    use diesel_async::pg::AsyncPgConnection;
    pub type DbPool = Pool<AsyncPgConnection>;
    pub async fn delete_for_community(
      pool: &DbPool,
      for_community_id: CommunityId,
    ) -> Result<usize, Error> {
      let mut conn = pool.get().await.unwrap();
      diesel::delete(community_moderator.filter(community_id.eq(for_community_id))).execute(&mut conn); // <--- Error here


    diesel::delete(community_moderator.filter(community_id.eq(for_community_id))).execute(&mut conn);          |                                                                                           ^^^^^^^ the trait
    `Connection` is not implemented for `bb8::api::PooledConnection<'_, AsyncDieselConnectionManager<AsyncPgConnection>>`               |                                                                                                                        =
    help: the following other types implement trait `Connection`:                                                                    PooledConnection<M>                                                                                                      diesel::PgConnection
    note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `diesel::query_dsl::methods::ExecuteDsl<bb8::api::PooledConnection<'_, AsyncDieselConnectionManager<AsyncPgConnection>>, Pg>` for `DeleteStatement<schema::community_moderator::table, query_builder::where_clause::WhereClause<diesel::expression::grouped::Grouped<diesel::expression::operators::Eq<schema::community_moderator::columns::community_id, diesel::expression::bound::Bound<diesel::sql_types::Integer, i32>>>>>`  note: required by a bound in `diesel::RunQueryDsl::execute`                                                                  --> /home/xxx/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/diesel-2.0.0/src/query_dsl/mod.rs:1401:15                 |                                                                                                                   1401 |         Self: methods::ExecuteDsl<Conn>,                                                                               |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `diesel::RunQueryDsl::execute`
    opened by dessalines 5
  • Update dependencies / Cargo.toml

    Update dependencies / Cargo.toml

    • Tokio updated to use "1" for compatibility + make rt-multi-thread dev-dependency
    • Diesel dev-dependency set as 2.0.0 (erroneously 2.0.0-RC-1)
    • Remove tokio/rt-multi-thread from postgres feature (needed only for testing)
    • Alpha sort dependencies
    opened by Bajix 5
  • Add fmt::Debug impls to AsyncDieselConnectionManager and AsyncPgConnection

    Add fmt::Debug impls to AsyncDieselConnectionManager and AsyncPgConnection

    First, thank you for this crate and also the latest changes (new_with_setup), which enabled me to use it with rustls.

    This change is needed to use the #[instrument] macro of tracing, which seems to require Debug impls for types being part of the function; since they get printed as part of the logs.

    Example: https://github.com/asaaki/capture-the-ip/blob/main/cti_core/src/app/api.rs#L95-L97

    The state is a pool represented by the above mentioned types. The tracing crate is very unhappy if those types are not Debug.

    I kept the implementations very simple and minimal; the connection would only display its name, the manager also includes the connection URL. All other fields left untouched to not infect everything.

    opened by asaaki 4
  • Lifetime issue when borrowing inside a transaction

    Lifetime issue when borrowing inside a transaction



    • Rust: 1.64
    • Diesel: 2.0
    • Diesel_async: 0.1
    • Database: tested using postgres but should be database-agnostic since it's a compile-time issue
    • Operating System: Linux

    Feature Flags

    • diesel: postgres
    • diesel_async: postgres

    Problem Description

    When capturing data in the closure + future passed to AsyncConnection::transaction(), lifetimes makes the code not compile.

    The actual error given out of the box is the following:

    error[E0597]: `user_id` does not live long enough
      --> src/main.rs:30:66
    30 |         .transaction(|conn| Box::pin(async { users::table.find(*&user_id).first(conn).await }))
       |                      ------ -------------------------------------^^^^^^^----------------------
       |                      |      |                                    |
       |                      |      |                                    borrowed value does not live long enough
       |                      |      returning this value requires that `user_id` is borrowed for `'static`
       |                      value captured here
    40 | }
       | - `user_id` dropped here while still borrowed

    The error is very confusing because, obviously, the closure and the future are consumed before the end of the main function. And the 'static lifetime makes no real sense.

    I originally though the issue was due to automatic lifetimes assigned by rustc to the Future in the .transaction function: give the same lifetime to the conn and to the future, so I tried to explicit them:

    // extract of `src/transaction_manager.rs`
        async fn transaction<'conn, 'fut, F, R, E>(conn: &'conn mut Conn, callback: F) -> Result<R, E>
            F: FnOnce(&mut Conn) -> BoxFuture<'fut, Result<R, E>> + Send,
            E: From<Error> + Send,
            R: Send,

    With this, the compile error changes, but is as confusing as ever:

    error: lifetime may not live long enough
      --> src/main.rs:30:29
    30 |         .transaction(|conn| Box::pin(async { users::table.find(*&user_id).first(conn).await }))
       |                       ----- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ returning this value requires that `'1` must outlive `'2`
       |                       |   |
       |                       |   return type of closure is Pin<Box<(dyn futures::Future<Output = Result<User, diesel::result::Error>> + std::marker::Send + '2)>>
       |                       has type `&'1 mut AsyncPgConnection`

    At least this time the lifetimes involved make sense: '1 (i.e. the reborrowed conn) must outlive '2 (i.e. the future that uses said conn). But it makes no sense in this case that the future outlives the connection (because this is what the compiler effectively tells us, that it may outlive it).

    The full code is below.

    Many thanks, this is the last hurdle for me to adopt diesel 2 + diesel-async!

    What are you trying to accomplish?

    Running a transaction that borrows data from around it.

    What is the expected output?

    A binary.

    What is the actual output?

    A lifetime error I cannot wrap my head around.

    Are you seeing any additional errors?

    Steps to reproduce


    use anyhow::Result;
    use diesel::{prelude::*, table, Identifiable, Queryable};
    use diesel_async::{AsyncConnection, AsyncPgConnection, RunQueryDsl};
    table! {
        users(id) {
            id -> Integer,
            name -> Text,
    #[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, Debug, Clone)]
    #[diesel(table_name = users)]
    struct User {
        id: i32,
        name: String,
    async fn main() -> Result<()> {
        let mut conn = AsyncPgConnection::establish(&std::env::var("DATABASE_URL")?).await?;
        let user_id = 4242;
        // The *& is intended to make the closure capture a reference since i32 is Copy
        let user: User = conn
            .transaction(|conn| Box::pin(async { users::table.find(*&user_id).first(conn).await }))
        println!("Found user {user:?}");


    name = "diesel-2-issue"
    version = "0.1.0"
    edition = "2021"
    anyhow = "1"
    diesel = { version = "2", features = ["postgres"] }
    diesel-async = { path = "../diesel_async", version = "0.1", features = ["postgres"] }
    tokio = { version = "1", features = ["rt-multi-thread", "macros"] }


    • [x] I have already looked over the issue tracker for similar possible closed issues.
    • [x] This issue can be reproduced on Rust's stable channel. (Your issue will be closed if this is not the case)
    • [x] This issue can be reproduced without requiring a third party crate
    opened by Tuetuopay 4
  • Connection pooling support

    Connection pooling support


    I am sorry about not using your template. It is just question. Do you have any vision on support connections pooling here? Any plans? Any interest to contribution?

    opened by vimmerru 4
  • Re-export of TransactionManagerStatus

    Re-export of TransactionManagerStatus

    Not sure if this is intended, but TransactionManagerStatus is effectively hidden from public access; however, this enum is required if you want to implement the trait TransactionManager, as the trait function TransactionManager::transaction_manager_status_mut returns a TransactionManagerStatus directly. As far as I can tell, it is accessible in diesel, even if gated behind a feature.

    opened by medcat 3
  • Add rudimentary TLS support for postgresql

    Add rudimentary TLS support for postgresql

    Adds a postgresql-native-tls dependency and uses it by default. This brings the postgresql inline with mysql_async which also depends on native_tls.

    I am not sure if this is the best way to implement this feature, I can re-work it to be behind a feature flag if required.

    edit: I think the error handling could be improved as well, I tried to keep it close to diesel but may need some changes.

    opened by johnchildren 3
  • mysql: close last_stmt for non-cacheable statements

    mysql: close last_stmt for non-cacheable statements

    Since we disabled mysql_async's caching mechanism and in that way it requires manual close the statement, we need to close all prepared stmts before dropping it.

    From my understanding, and correct me if I'm wrong, as long as statements are cacheable, we will never drop them. So we only need to drop non-cacheable stmts. This PR implements this.


    Is it better to close prepare statements right after execution or close before the next execution of non-cacheable statement (the implementation)?

    close #26

    opened by gwy15 3
  • Using Diesel 2.0.0

    Using Diesel 2.0.0

    This PR updates diesel to use the recently released 2.0 stable version, instead of the RC1. It also removes the Cargo.lock file from the repository, so it overrides #16.

    opened by Razican 3
  • Using the connection for migrations

    Using the connection for migrations



    • Rust: rustc 1.62.1 (e092d0b6b 2022-07-16)
    • Diesel: 2.0.00-rc.1
    • Diesel_async: main branch @ 3c9e976
    • Database: PostgreSQL
    • Operating System: MacOS Monterey

    Feature Flags

    • diesel: ["postgres_backend", "chrono", "uuid", "numeric", "ipnet-address", "serde_json" ], default features inactive
    • diesel_async: ["postgres"]
    • diesel_migrations: ["postgres"]

    Problem Description

    Not really a problem per se, but a missing feature. I would like to not depend on diesel_cli to manage migrations, so I was using diesel_migrations to handle this, but the MigrationHarness needed to retrieve the applied migrations requires the asynchronous connection to implement MigrationConnection, which makes sure that the DB has the correct table.

    Unfortunately, this is not yet implemented for asynchronous connections.

    What are you trying to accomplish?

    I'm trying to embed the migrations with my code, and even create the DB if needed, so that on startup, it will check that the DB is at the correct migration.

    What is the expected output?

    I would expect to be able to do this with an asynchronous connection, the same way as with a synchronous connection.

    What is the actual output?

    error[E0277]: the trait bound `AsyncPgConnection: MigrationConnection` is not satisfied
       --> backend/src/lib.rs:152:20
    152 |     run_migrations(&mut conn).expect("couldn't run migrations");
        |     -------------- ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `MigrationConnection` is not implemented for `AsyncPgConnection`
        |     |
        |     required by a bound introduced by this call
        = help: the trait `MigrationConnection` is implemented for `PgConnection`
        = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `MigrationHarness<Pg>` for `AsyncPgConnection`
    note: required by a bound in `update_database::{closure#0}::run_migrations`
       --> backend/src/lib.rs:123:31
    122 |     fn run_migrations(
        |        -------------- required by a bound in this
    123 |         connection: &mut impl MigrationHarness<Pg>,
        |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `update_database::{closure#0}::run_migrations`
    error[E0277]: the trait bound `AsyncPgConnection: LoadConnection` is not satisfied
       --> backend/src/lib.rs:152:20
    152 |     run_migrations(&mut conn).expect("couldn't run migrations");
        |     -------------- ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `LoadConnection` is not implemented for `AsyncPgConnection`
        |     |
        |     required by a bound introduced by this call
        = help: the trait `LoadConnection<B>` is implemented for `PgConnection`
        = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `diesel::query_dsl::LoadQuery<'_, AsyncPgConnection, MigrationVersion<'static>>` for `SelectStatement<FromClause<diesel_migrations::migration_harness::__diesel_schema_migrations::table>, query_builder::select_clause::SelectClause<diesel_migrations::migration_harness::__diesel_schema_migrations::columns::version>, query_builder::distinct_clause::NoDistinctClause, query_builder::where_clause::NoWhereClause, query_builder::order_clause::OrderClause<diesel::expression::operators::Desc<diesel_migrations::migration_harness::__diesel_schema_migrations::columns::version>>>`
        = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `MigrationHarness<Pg>` for `AsyncPgConnection`
    note: required by a bound in `update_database::{closure#0}::run_migrations`
       --> backend/src/lib.rs:123:31
    122 |     fn run_migrations(
        |        -------------- required by a bound in this
    123 |         connection: &mut impl MigrationHarness<Pg>,
        |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `update_database::{closure#0}::run_migrations`

    Are you seeing any additional errors?

    No additional error is shown.

    Steps to reproduce

        /// Embedded DB migrations.
        const MIGRATIONS: EmbeddedMigrations = embed_migrations!("../migrations");
        /// Runs the migrations in the database.
        fn run_migrations(
            connection: &mut impl MigrationHarness<Pg>,
        ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
            let migrations = (&MIGRATIONS as &dyn MigrationSource<Pg>).migrations()?;
            let last = migrations
                .expect("could not find the last migration");
            if let Some(last_applied) = connection.applied_migrations()?.first() {
                if last_applied > &last.name().version() {
                    // TODO: downgrade, probably add a confirmation parameter in the executable.
                    // But how? We would need to get the migrations for downgrade, but we don't have them.
                    panic!("Not possible to downgrade the database");
            let _ = connection.run_pending_migrations(MIGRATIONS)?;
        let mut conn = match db::Connection::establish(db_cfg.conn_str()).await {
            Err(e) => {
                eprintln!("WARNING: error connecting to {}", db_cfg.conn_str());
                    .expect("could not create the database")
            Ok(c) => c,


    • [x] I have already looked over the issue tracker for similar possible closed issues.
    • [x] This issue can be reproduced on Rust's stable channel. (Your issue will be closed if this is not the case)
    • [ ] This issue can be reproduced without requiring a third party crate


    I can work on this, but, should I add a feature to add this migrations connection implementation, so that it's not active by default for those who don't want to use migrations?

    Also, I see that the diesel_migrations trait expects the connection to run the SQL synchronously, so this might be trickier than expected.

    opened by Razican 3
  • v0.2.0(Dec 16, 2022)

    • #38 Relax the requirements for borrowed captures in the transaction closure
    • #41 Remove GAT workarounds from various traits (Raises the MSRV to 1.65)
    • #42 Add an additional AsyncDieselConnectionManager constructor that allows to specify a custom connection setup method to allow setting up postgres TLS connections
    • Relicense the crate under the MIT or Apache 2.0 License
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.1(Oct 19, 2022)

  • v0.1.0(Sep 28, 2022)

    This marks the initial release of diesel-async. It features the general setup + two concrete pure rust connection implementations for the mysql and postgresql backend.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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