(Rust) Coloring terminal so simple you already know how to do it !



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Coloring terminal so simple, you already know how to do it!

    "this is blue".blue();
    "this is red".red();
    "this is red on blue".red().on_blue();
    "this is also red on blue".on_blue().red();
    "you can use truecolor values too!".truecolor(0, 255, 136);
    "background truecolor also works :)".on_truecolor(135, 28, 167);
    "bright colors are welcome as well".on_bright_blue().bright_red();
    "you can also make bold comments".bold();
    println!("{} {} {}", "or use".cyan(), "any".italic().yellow(), "string type".cyan());
    "or change advice. This is red".yellow().blue().red();
    "or clear things up. This is default color and style".red().bold().clear();
    "purple and magenta are the same".purple().magenta();
    "and so are normal and clear".normal().clear();
    "you can specify color by string".color("blue").on_color("red");
    String::from("this also works!").green().bold();
    format!("{:30}", "format works as expected. This will be padded".blue());
    format!("{:.3}", "and this will be green but truncated to 3 chars".green());

How to use

Add this in your Cargo.toml:

colored = "2"

and add this to your lib.rs or main.rs:

    extern crate colored; // not needed in Rust 2018

    use colored::*;

    // test the example with `cargo run --example most_simple`
    fn main() {
        // TADAA!
        println!("{} {} !", "it".green(), "works".blue().bold());


  • Safe rust, easy to use, minimal dependencies, complete test suite
  • Respect the CLICOLOR/CLICOLOR_FORCE behavior (see the specs)
  • Respect the NO_COLOR behavior (see the specs)
  • Works on Linux, MacOS, and Windows (Powershell)


  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta (or purple)
  • cyan
  • white

Bright colors: prepend the color by bright_. So easy. Background colors: prepend the color by on_. Simple as that. Bright Background colors: prepend the color by on_bright_. Not hard at all.


Colored has support for truecolors where you can specify any arbitrary rgb value.

This feature will only work correctly in terminals which support true colors (i.e. most modern terminals).

You can check if your terminal supports true color by checking the value of the environment variable $COLORTERM on your terminal. A value of truecolor or 24bit indicates that it will work.


  • bold
  • underline
  • italic
  • dimmed
  • reversed
  • blink
  • hidden
  • strikethrough

You can clear color and style anytime by using normal() or clear()

Advanced Control:

Dynamic color from str

As Color implements FromStr, From<&str>, and From<String>, you can easily cast a string into a color like that:

// the easy way
"blue string yo".color("blue");

// this will default to white
"white string".color("zorglub");

// the safer way via a Result
let color_res : Result<Color, ()> = "zorglub".parse();
"red string".color(color_res.unwrap_or(Color::Red));
Colorization control

If you want to disable any coloring at compile time, you can simply do so by using the no-color feature.

For example, you can do this in your Cargo.toml to disable color in tests:

# this effectively enable the feature `no-color` of colored when testing with
# `cargo test --feature dumb_terminal`
dumb_terminal = ["colored/no-color"]

You can use have even finer control by using the colored::control::set_override method.

Build with Docker

Install Docker

Use the install instructions located here

Build the Docker image

docker build -t colored_image .

Build the library

docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/src -u `id -u`:`id -g` colored_image /bin/bash -c "cargo build"

Test the library

docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/src -u `id -u`:`id -g` colored_image /bin/bash -c "cargo test"


  • More tests ?: We always welcome more tests! Please contribute!


This library wouldn't have been the same without the marvelous ruby gem colored.

Thanks for the ansi_term crate for providing a reference implementation, which greatly helped making this crate output correct strings.


Mozilla Public License 2.0. See the LICENSE file at the root of the repository.

In non legal terms it means that:

  • if you fix a bug, you MUST give me the code of the fix (it's only fair)
  • if you change/extend the API, you MUST give me the code you changed in the files under MPL2.
  • you CAN'T sue me for anything about this code
  • apart from that, you can do almost whatever you want. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • Ignore coloring cues on windows

    Ignore coloring cues on windows

    Currently colored doesn't have true windows support. In the mean time to allow some cross platform usability without risking dumping ANSI codes to the terminal the colored string can ignore coloring on the windows platform.

    opened by robojeb 8
  • Fix various warnings and issues

    Fix various warnings and issues

    I've listed the details of each fix into its own commit message

    Warnings were found by running

    cargo clippy


    cargo test

    rust version 1.43.0


    opened by MichaelAquilina 7
  • Windows 10+ supports ANSI codes

    Windows 10+ supports ANSI codes

    Currently, it is stated everywhere that Windows support will be added in the future. I know how this is meant, you want to support older Windows consoles that do not have support for ANSI codes. However, it should be mentioned that recent Windows versions have full support for the coloring implementation of this crate, just to ensure that people are not running away frightened because they think that there is absolutely no coloring support on Windows.


    opened by Fleshgrinder 7
  • Colour output does not work in IntelliJ integrated run window

    Colour output does not work in IntelliJ integrated run window

    Not sure if this is something getting incorrectly detected in this library, or a bug with the IDE, but colours set by this library don't display inside the IDE's integrated run output. This is possibly because it's internally redirected?


    use colored::*
    fn main() {
      println!("{}", "hello world".blue())

    In the IDE: image

    In Kitty: image

    opened by JakeStanger 5
  • Doesn't work on windows when binary is installed with cargo install

    Doesn't work on windows when binary is installed with cargo install

    Using v1.9.3.

    I'm not sure how to debug this. I'm on Windows 10 using the command prompt. When I build my app from source, colored works as expected. But if I cargo install my program from crates.io (from the same source), I get output like this:


    term_painter works as expected from either source or cargo install. Running from cargo install for Linux and Mac work fine. Any ideas why this would be happening?

    opened by cmontella 5
  • Combining color and style ends up not showing prints correctly

    Combining color and style ends up not showing prints correctly

    As it can be seen here, when combining styling and color in the same print, both color and style are reset when one of them stop, instead of returning to the color.

    opened by Razican 5
  • Programatically force/disable the colors

    Programatically force/disable the colors

    It would be great to have a static API which would enable/disable coloring. It would help for a finer control.

    Example 1:

    fn log_something(msg: String) {
        colored::force_colors(Some(ApplyColors::Never));  // never color
        log_with_colors_in_file(msg);                     // no colors applied
        colored::force_colors(Some(ApplyColors::Always)); // always color when asked
        log_with_colors_in_stdout(msg);                   // colors applied
        // back to default behavior

    It could be with a color token (Example 2):

    fn log_something(msg: String) {
        let token = colored::force_colors_scoped(Some(ApplyColors::Never));  // never color
        log_with_colors_in_file(msg);                     // no colors applied
        // first token goes out of scope, restoring default behavior
        // second token is emited
        let token = colored::force_colors_scoped(Some(ApplyColors::Always)); // always color when asked
        log_with_colors_in_stdout(msg);                   // colors applied
        // back to default behavior because second token goes out of scope
    opened by mackwic 5
  • Support global toggle via env variable

    Support global toggle via env variable

    Via popular demand, the user should be able to force turning ON or OFF colored via an environment variable.

    I consider using RUST_NOCOLOR and RUST_FORCECOLOR, but I would like to have the opinion of other implementers on the matter and see if we can coordinate a little.

    This is the tracking issue.

    opened by mackwic 5
  • Is there any way to clean a string which wasn't initially stored as colored

    Is there any way to clean a string which wasn't initially stored as colored

    I hope this example will make clear what I mean. Currently this test fails but is there any way to make it work?

            use colored::Colorize;
            let a = "something";
            let b = a.red().to_string();
            let c = a.clear().to_string();
            assert_eq!(a, c);
    opened by zhiburt 4
  • Question: How are the color methods attached to every string?

    Question: How are the color methods attached to every string?

    I used your crate in a project recently, and wanted to know how it worked.

    Specifically, I wanted to understand how, by just adding

    use colored::*

    all of my strings suddenly got these color methods attached to them. Curious what the mechanism is that does this magic ✨

    opened by maxuuell 4
  • Convert between bright and non-bright colours

    Convert between bright and non-bright colours

    I would like it if there was a way to convert, say Color::Red to Color::BrightRed and back again with a method, maybe by splitting out the bright colours from Color into BrightColor. To convert, methods such as .bright() on Color and .normal() on BrightColor could be added.

    opened by arzg 4
  • no colors on stderr when redirecting stdout

    no colors on stderr when redirecting stdout

    If I want color output on stderr or stdout, I get colors. If I have colored stdout and redirect stderr to /dev/null, I still get color on stdout. If I have colored stderr and redirect stdout to /dev/null, I no longer get color on stderr. Is this expected behavior?

    I ran into this issue when using simple_logger 4.0.0, but the problem appears to lie with colored (see here: https://docs.rs/colored/latest/src/colored/control.rs.html#108). The version of colored used was 2.0.0 and this was seen on macOS. Here is the original ticket I made in simple_logger: https://github.com/borntyping/rust-simple_logger/issues/71

    opened by andbleo 0
  • A simple question

    A simple question

    Im trying to build a little app for fun with https://chat.openai.com/chat but it keeps telling me to use your lib to create CenteredString and PaddedStrings to format strings for the output of the app

    the ia said:

     apologize for the confusion. The pad_to_width and center methods are not actually methods of the String or ColoredString types. They are methods of the PaddedString and CenteredString types, respectively, which are both subtypes of the ColoredString type.
    To use the pad_to_width and center methods, you will need to call them on a PaddedString or CenteredString value, respectively. You can create a PaddedString or CenteredString value by calling the pad_to_width or center method on a ColoredString value, respectively.
    Here is how you can modify the code to create a box around the summary information with both horizontal and vertical lines, using the pad_to_width and center methods on PaddedString and CenteredString values:


    I am not actually using the colored crate in my current environment, as I am a text-based AI trained to assist with answering questions and providing information. I do not have the ability to run code or use external libraries.
    However, the colored crate is actively maintained and the latest version, as of September 2021, is 2.0.3. You can check the latest version of the colored crate by visiting its page on crates.io:

    There never was a 2.0.3 version of Colored right ?

    opened by Bowarc 1
  • Feature: Support parsing `TrueColor` from RGB string

    Feature: Support parsing `TrueColor` from RGB string


    Currently the from_str function supports parsing color names to Color enum based on the names. But this function does not parse TrueColor.



    Given a string like rgb(<u8>,<u8>,<u8>), from_str should support parsing it to a Color::TrueColor instance.


    In a project of mine, I've used a regex check to determine if the string matches the specific pattern and converts it to Color::TrueColor. A refined version of this could be added in the crate to be supported out-of-the-box.

    let true_color = Regex::new(r"(?x)^
    let mut color: Option<Color> = None;
    if let Some(caps) = true_color.captures(style) { // RGB colors
        let channels: Vec<u8> = vec!["red", "green", "blue"]
            .map(|x| caps[x].parse().expect("Must be int between 0 and 255."))
        color = Some(Color::TrueColor { r: channels[0], g: channels[1], b: channels[2] });
    opened by dhruvkb 0
  • chore: replace atty with is-terminal

    chore: replace atty with is-terminal

    atty is unmaintained and has a potential unaligned read. See https://github.com/rustsec/advisory-db/blob/main/crates/atty/RUSTSEC-2021-0145.md.

    is-terminal is a replacement based on atty, with the soundness issue fixed and an (IMO) nicer to use API, mirroring what's available in the std lib on nightly with std::io::IsTerminal.

    opened by jcgruenhage 0
  • Added println_color macro

    Added println_color macro

    Added a macro to print colored output directly to the terminal.


    println_color!(blue, bold, "This will be {} and {}!", "blue", "bold");
    // is equivalent to:
    println!("{}", format!("This will be {} and {}!", "blue", "bold").blue().bold());
    // inner colorization will be applied on top
    println_color!(magenta, "Most of this is magenta, but {} is red", "this".red());
    opened by e-rhodes 0
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