6259 Repositories
Rust programming-rust Libraries
Dade is data definition for Rust structures.
dade dade is data definition for Rust structures. For the easy handle of data, the following will support it. Data validation. Data schema conforms Js
Tower of Hanoi - the CLI game
Tower of Hanoi - the CLI game You can play this game online on replit. Objective Move all the discs from tower 1 to tower 3. Game dynamics There are t
No-nonsense input!(...) macro for Rust
No-nonsense input!(...) macro for Rust
🔔 CLI utility to send notifications to Slack via integration webhooks
Slack notifier Just a simple CLI tool to send notifications to Slack. Please note that this project is just a playground to start learning Rust, it is
tracing - a framework for instrumenting Rust programs to collect structured, event-based diagnostic information
tracing-appender Writers for logging events and spans Documentation | Chat Overview tracing is a framework for instrumenting Rust programs to collect
postgres-ical - a PostgreSQL extension that adds features related to parsing RFC-5545 « iCalendar » data from within a PostgreSQL database
postgres-ical - a PostgreSQL extension that adds features related to parsing RFC-5545 « iCalendar » data from within a PostgreSQL database
Rust types for the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)
Rust types for the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)
An optimising Brainf*ck to x86-64 assembly compiler written in Rust
brainfrsk 2 An optimising Brainf*ck to x86-64 assembly compiler. This compiler can produce optimised binaries for macOS (Sytem V calling convention) b
Example of a SC coded in RUST that can safely perform any swaps of tokens (NFT, SFT, ESDT, MetaESDT)
Elrond-NFT-Trading Example of a Smart Contract (SC) coded in RUST, that can perform any swaps of tokens (NFT, SFT, ESDT, MetaESDT) The idea P2P swaps
Livny is a modern JavaScript and TypeScript runtime built on top of Rust
Livny is a modern JavaScript and TypeScript runtime built on top of Rust, Golang and the GraalVM Polyglot infrastructure that can run all of Deno and Node.jS applications. It is fine-tuned for user satisfaction, performance and security.
Client for integrating private analytics in fast and reliable libraries and apps using Rust and WebAssembly
TelemetryDeck Client Client for integrating private analytics in fast and reliable libraries and apps using Rust and WebAssembly The library provides
Hammerspoon plugin and API to interact with Yabai socket directly
Yabai.spoon NOTE: no longer using it or intending to maintain it see #2. Yabai.spoon is lua 5.4 library to interact with yabai socket directly within
Wonnx - a GPU-accelerated ONNX inference run-time written 100% in Rust, ready for the web
Wonnx is a GPU-accelerated ONNX inference run-time written 100% in Rust, ready for the web. Supported Platforms (enabled by wgpu) API Windows Linux &
Visitor traits for horned-owl with overloadable implementations
horned-visit Visitor traits for horned-owl with overloadable implementations. 🗺️ Overview This library provides visitor traits for the horned-owl obj
The brainfuck language interpreter written in Rust
The brainfuck language interpreter written in Rust
The most efficient, scalable, and fast production-ready serverless REST API backend which provides CRUD operations for a MongoDB collection
Optimal CRUD Mongo Goals of This Project This is meant to be the most efficient, scalable, and fast production-ready serverless REST API backend which
A Linguagem de Programação Rust
A Linguagem de Programação Rust Este repositório contém o código-fonte do livro "A Linguagem de Programação Rust". Este livro está disponível na forma
Recursive & Iterative Binary Search Tree Implementations within Rust
bst-rs Recursive & Iterative Binary Search Tree Implementations within Rust Table of Contents Personal Goals About Quick Start License Contributing In
A collection of unsound rust functions using entirly *safe* code
A collection of unsound rust functions using entirly *safe* code
How to be a full stack Rust Developer
How to be a full stack Rust Developer Read Rust API guideline. Test code here and refer to the Rust blog posts at Steadylearner. If you need or know s
Brings all relevant command-line tesseract functionality to Rust
rusty-tesseract A Rust wrapper for Google Tesseract Description Brings all relevant command-line tesseract functionality to Rust Based on the Python w
A bit vector with the Rust standard library's portable SIMD API
bitsvec A bit vector with the Rust standard library's portable SIMD API Usage Add bitsvec to Cargo.toml: bitsvec = "x.y.z" Write some code like this:
Fast, compact and all-around subdomain enumeration tool written in Rust
Fast, compact and all-around subdomain enumeration tool written in Rust, which uses dns bruteforce, internet search and recursive http content search.
Fast, accessible and privacy friendly AI deployment
Mithril Security - BlindAI Website | LinkedIn | Blog | Twitter | Documentation | Discord Fast, accessible and privacy friendly AI deployment 🚀 🔒 Bli
An `abilists` parser crate for Rust
An `abilists` parser crate for Rust
Grow Rust is a Growtopia Private Server made in Rust
Grow Rust is a Growtopia Private Server made in Rust
This PAM module provides ssh-agent based authentication
PAM-RSSH This PAM module provides ssh-agent based authentication. The primary design goal is to avoid typing password when you sudo on remote servers.
The Fastest and most Advanced Ethereum Client
The Fastest and most Advanced Ethereum Client. » Download the latest release « Table of Contents Description Technical Overview Building 3.1 Building
Chemical structure generation for protein sequences as SMILES string.
proteinogenic Chemical structure generation for protein sequences as SMILES string. 🔌 Usage This crate builds on top of purr, a crate providing primi
Korean translation of Rust Language Cheat Sheet
Rust Language Cheat Sheet A single-page Rust resource for people who like high information density. Use cases, in order of priority: identification &
Discord bot for the Tegaki Tuesday handwriting challenge 🚧 WIP NOT PRODUCTION 🚧
字(じ)ちゃん 字(じ)ちゃん is the Discord bot for the Tegaki Tuesday handwriting challenge. For more information on the challenge, please visit the website. She
A small Rust library that let's you get position and size of the active window on Windows and MacOS
active-win-pos-rs A small Rust library that let's you get position and size of the active window on Windows and MacOS Build % git clone https://github
insta: a snapshot testing library for Rust
insta: a snapshot testing library for Rust Introduction Snapshots tests (also sometimes called approval tests) are tests that assert values against a
Lumiere is a proof-of-concept/example video player built with the Slint UI framework and libmpv
Lumiere is a proof-of-concept/example video player built with the Slint UI framework and libmpv. This was built quickly to try out Slint and it's new OpenGL underlay feature.
The Fluet programming language.
fluet Fluet is a scripting language. License Fluet is licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. Contributors may dual license their contribut
A pure-Rust library to interact with systemd DBus services
A pure-Rust library to interact with systemd DBus services
An implementation of the tz database for the time-rs Rust crate.
time-tz An implementation of the tz database for the time-rs Rust crate. This implementation is based off of chrono-tz
Small utility to display hour in a binary format on the Novation's Launchpad X.
lpx-binary-clock Small utility to display hour in a binary format on the Novation's Launchpad X. Hours, minutes and seconds are displayed one digit pe
A simple, clean, and beautiful WYSIWYG Markdown editor and content-management system
ScribeDown Current version: v0.0.1 Feature level: See the roadmap Beautiful, Clean, Writer-Oriented The goal of ScribeDown is to make Markdown the bes
A backend providing a HTTP REST like interface for uploading files written in rust.
UploadServer A backend providing a HTTP REST like interface for uploading files written in rust. API Documentation License This project is licensed un
Program a Raspberry Pi Pico with pure Rust
pi-pico-rs Program a Raspberry Pi Pico with pure Rust. Get Started Install the latest version of Rust and the thumbv6m-none-eabi target. This is the p
A simple toy websocket client to connect to Bitstamp.net and print the live order book written in Rust.
A simple toy websocket client to connect to Bitstamp.net and print the live order book written in Rust.
An alternative broken buggy Nix implementation in Rust + Java (for evaluation)
An alternative broken buggy Nix implementation in Rust + Java (for evaluation)
{Wasm+Rust} Build and animate Conway's Game of Life
A self-guided learning project that includes Rust + Wasm together. Who knows, maybe Typescript and React joins too..
An annotated string type in Rust, made up of string slices
A string type made up of multiple annotated string slices.
A clean implementation of Reso using Rust.
A clean implementation of Reso using Rust. The principle of Reso Rust is almost identical to Reso, only missing some functionality
This project contains small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code
rustlings 🦀 ❤️ Greetings and welcome to rustlings. This project contains small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code. This inclu
A graphics engine that I made in rust for my high school graphics course.
A graphics engine that I made in rust for my high school graphics course.
A template for kick starting a Rust and WebAssembly project using wasm-pack.
A template for kick starting a Rust and WebAssembly project using wasm-pack.
Software for managing Stream Deck devices with folders and actions
Streamduck Software for managing Stream Deck devices with folders and actions Project that will perhaps be better than streamdeck-ui Currently still i
Handle some lichess.org/tournament load with Rust, while learning Rust
lila-http Take some of the HTTP load away from lila. WIP! Arena tournaments Clients connected to a tournament page request new data about the tourname
RisingLight is an OLAP database system for educational purpose.
RisingLight RisingLight is an OLAP database system for educational purpose. It is still in rapid development, and should not be used in production. Qu
Build SQLite virtual file systems (VFS) by implementing a simple Rust trait.
sqlite-vfs Build SQLite virtual file systems (VFS) by implementing a simple Rust trait. Documentation | Example This library is build for my own use-c
Bevy playground with the Bistro scene showcasing lights
Bevy Bistro Playground Bevy playground with the Bistro scene from https://developer.nvidia.com/orca/amazon-lumberyard-bistro How to use Download the s
A Rust CLI template on Gitpod
This is a Rust CLI template configured for ephemeral development environments on Gitpod.
A toy Cairo VM implementation in Rust
oriac A toy Cairo VM implementation in Rust This is a toy implementation of the Cairo VM I'm building for learning purposes. There's no guarantee on w
Lisp and Rust in a text editor = Crispmacs
crispmacs crispmacs is a WIP implementation of Emacs from scratch in Rust. It consists of two parts: crisp and the editor. Crisp crisp is a Lisp that'
Create your personal token with rust smart contracts
Solana Rust Token 💰 This application written Rust using Anchor ⚓
Rust library crate providing utility functions for diff and patch of slices
This crate provides the Change enum as an abstraction for diff::Result, lcs_diff::DiffResult, and wu_diff::DiffResult; the diff_changes(), diff_diff()
Rust implementation of Python command line progress bar tool tqdm.
tqdm Rust implementation of Python command line progress bar tool tqdm. From original documentation: tqdm derives from the Arabic word taqaddum (تقدّم
Nextest is a next-generation test runner for Rust.
nextest Nextest is a next-generation test runner for Rust. For more, check out the website. This repository contains the source code for: cargo-nextes
use zig code in rust - a medium effort shitpost
Have you ever wanted to use two of the objectively best programming languages out there - Rust and Zig - at the same time? Has linking applications through C ABI tired you? Well then look no further, as my solution will revolutionise the world of software development!
This is a Discord bot written in Rust to translate to and from the Bottom Encoding Standard using bottom-rs and Serenity.
bottom-bot This is a Discord bot written in Rust to translate to and from the Bottom Encoding Standard using bottom-rs and Serenity. Ever had this pro
Website for Microformats Rust parser (using 'microformats-parser'/'mf2')
Website for Microformats Rust parser (using 'microformats-parser'/'mf2')
Rust bindings for libjuice. Look at datachannel-rs if you need more batteries.
Rust bindings for libjuice. Look at datachannel-rs if you need more batteries.
Simple GTK Rust Fuzzer which aims to test all available classes and functions in GTK.
Gtk Rust Fuzzer Simple GTK Rust Fuzzer which aims to test all available classes and functions in GTK. It finds bugs inside GTK functions, GTK exported
Databend aimed to be an open source elastic and reliable serverless data warehouse,
An elastic and reliable Serverless Data Warehouse, offers Blazing Fast Query and combines Elasticity, Simplicity, Low cost of the Cloud, built to make the Data Cloud easy
jless is a command-line JSON viewer
jless is a command-line JSON viewer. Use it as a replacement for whatever combination of less, jq, cat and your editor you currently use for viewing JSON files. It is written in Rust and can be installed as a single standalone binary.
A Rust Operating System, written from the ground up
ThornOS A Rust Operating System, written from the ground up Build Dependencies Bootimage TODO: Document build process in more detail Acknowledgements
ufo2nft is a CLI Rust tool to automate creating on-chain SVG NFTs from UFO font sources
ufo2nft is a CLI Rust program created by Eli Heuer at the 2022 Seattle Solana Hacker House event. It uses Norad to create on-chain SVG images from UFO font sources, and prepares them for minting as Solana NFTs. For Ethereum NFTs the program can just export the SVGs and Ethereum NFTs can be built manually.
A clone of linux cal command, using rust programming language
CLI Calendar command What the project does This command was inspired by Linux Cal command that shows the current month calendar as output (by default)
Simple programming language that speaks the ones you already know!
Simple programming language that speaks the ones you already know!
crispmacs is a WIP implementation of Emacs from scratch in Rust.
crispmacs is a WIP implementation of Emacs from scratch in Rust.
A commmand line tool for uploading homework coded on the dcloud server onto specific google drive course folders.
A commmand line tool for uploading homework coded on the dcloud server onto specific google drive course folders.
Error context library with support for type-erased sources and backtraces, targeting full support of all features on stable Rust
Error context library with support for type-erased sources and backtraces, targeting full support of all features on stable Rust, and with an eye towards serializing runtime errors using serde.
👾 The classic Space Invaders game made in rust!
👾 Invaders The classic space-shooter game now in your terminal! And the good part: made in Rust! ❕ This game was made during the course Ultimate Rust
Count lines from files in a directory.
rust-cloc Count lines from files in a directory. Features Count the number of empty and non-empty lines in total from all files in a directory. Count
Cryptocurrencies trend-following trading bot sandbox written in Rust.
Trend trading bot Experiments repo about (crypto) trend trading. By "trend" I mean trading following the trend using technical indicators (vs other ki
Examples from the talk Why you should learn Rust
Why you should learn Rust: Examples This repository contains the examples from the talk "Why you should learn Rust". All examples demonstrate that the
Remedy is a multi-threaded rust-imap-maildir synchronization program
remedy Remedy is a multi-threaded rust-imap-maildir synchronization program. Please note that remedy is under heavy development. Current features: IMA
Creating a simple flappy bird game in Rust language
Creating a simple flappy bird game in Rust language The main goal of this project is to get my hands dirty with rust, while creating something fun. Ex
All famous C programming Codes in Rust
All top 100 codes from basic to advance which is taught in C programming language in rust Programming language.
A self-guided learning project that includes Rust + Wasm together
A self-guided learning project that includes Rust + Wasm together. Who knows, maybe Typescript and React joins too..
elite - rust converter
elite - rust converter
Another Key Logger Yet. Rust.
Another Key Logger Yet. Rust. For my very first experience of working with Rust, I decided to manage the keyboard, this time by logging and writing th
An (unofficial) Rust library for querying db-ip.com data
db_ip An (unofficial) library for querying db-ip.com CSV databases in safe Rust. This library is not affiliated with or endorsed by db-ip.com. Be advi
Mild RSA implementation written in Rust for a class.
rust_rsa About this repo This is my Rust implementation of the RSA encryption standard, based on this book. This is for my CS 3000 - Advanced Algorith
This crate converts Rust compatible regex-syntax to Vim's NFA engine compatible regex.
This crate converts Rust compatible regex-syntax to Vim's NFA engine compatible regex.
Tantivy is a full text search engine library written in Rust.
Tantivy is a full text search engine library written in Rust. It is closer to Apache Lucene than to Elasticsearch or Apache Solr in the sense it is no
Neutral cross-platform Rust game template
Rust Game Template Neutral cross-platform Rust game template. Build tool This project uses cargo-make task runner. It's required to build the project.
A template to build smart contracts in Rust to run inside a Cosmos SDK module on all chains that enable it.
CosmWasm Starter Pack This is a template to build smart contracts in Rust to run inside a Cosmos SDK module on all chains that enable it. To understan
An implementation of the JSONPath A spec in Rust, with several extensions added on
Rust JSONPath Plus An implementation of the JSONPath A spec in Rust, with several extensions added on. This library also supports retrieving AST analy
Rust data structures and client for the PubChem REST API
pubchem.rs Rust data structures and client for the PubChem REST API. 🔌 Usage 💊 Compound Create a Compound to query the PubChem API for a single comp
Arexibo is an Rust Linux Xibo player
Arexibo is an alternate Digital Signage Player for Xibo, implemented in Rust with the GTK GUI components, for Linux platforms.
Telegram bot help you to run Rust code in Telegram via Rust playground
RPG_BOT (Rust Playground Bot) Telegram bot help you to run Rust code in Telegram via Rust playground Bot interface The bot supports 3 straightforward
lispr is a Rust macro that tries to implement a small subset of LISPs syntax in Rust
lispr lispr is a Rust macro that tries to implement a small subset of LISPs syntax in Rust. It is neither especially beautiful or efficient since it i
An attempt at implementing a state-of-the-art Voxel DAG in Rust
VDAG Introduction This is an attempt at implementing a state-of-the-art compressed voxel data structure, as described in a number of papers ([PDFs] Ka
A block world game engine written in Rust.
About This is the Leafwing Studios' template repo, providing a quick, opinionated base for high-quality Bevy game projects (and libraries). We've shav
Tool for solving music harmonics written in rust.
Harmonized Tool for solving harmonics tasks Installation steps Requirements Make shure you have installed rust cargo If not: Download and run rust ins
Library containing implementations of various sequential data-structures.
Library containing implementations of various sequential data-structures.