Simple programming language that speaks the ones you already know!


Variable Initialization

Variable types will be inferred.

var integer = 5
var number = 5.5
var boolean = true|false
var character = 'a'
var string = "abc"
var tuple = ("abc", 5)

Access the elements of an anonymous tuple with their index.

var other_string = tuple.0
var other_int = tuple.1

Variable declaration (without initialization)

If a variable is not initialized, the type must be annotated explicitely.

var integer: int
var number: num 
var boolean: bool
var character: char
var string: str
var tuple: (str, int)

Structs (Named Tuples)

Structs are basically enhanced tuples with member names.

var person = (age: 52, name: "Alex")
var num = person.age

You can define a struct with type anotations, just like any variable.

var person: (age: num, name: str)

It is useful to declare your structs as types for reusability and understandability.

type Person = (age: num, name: str)
var person: Person = (52, "Alex")     
// If the explicit type anotation is not made, "person" will be treated as an anonymous tuple


Enums are a way to tell the compiler that a variable can only have a number of values.

type StrBool = "true" | "false"

// Correct
var a: StrBool = "true"

// Compiler error
var a: StrBool = "1"

Enums can also be named.
Names will be treated as aliases for the real value.

"false" var a: StrBool = StrBool.T // a = "true"">
type StrBool = T -> "true" | F -> "false"
var a: StrBool = StrBool.T
// a = "true"

You can use these names to check for conditions.

print("a is false")">
if a = StrBool.T => print("a is true")
else             => print("a is false")

Enums can also be declared as only named (without value).

type Bool = true | false

And you can assign them as a value.

var a = Bool.true

Or match each value


var int_list = [5, 6, 7, 8]
var num_list = [5, 5.5, 8.8]

var str_list: [str]
var tuple_list: [(str, bool)]
tuple_list = [("true", true), ("false", false)]

To add things to a list, use the + operator.

var int_list: [int]
int_list += 5
int_list = int_list + 5

You can also add multiple lists, but they must be of the same type.

var list = [1, 2, 3]
var other = [4, 5, 6]
list += other                   
// list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

To remove an element from a list, use the - operator.

var list = [1, 2, 3]
list -= 1                       
// list = [2, 3]

You can substract multiple lists, basically removing the first intersection.

var list = [1, 2, 3]
var other = [2, 3]
list -= other                   
// list = [1]

The remove operator will only remove the first occurrence, if you want to remove all of them, use the -- operator.

var list = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
list --= 1                      
// list = [2, 3, 2, 3]
var other = [1, 2]
list --= other                  
// list = [3, 3]

To access a specific element on a list, use [index].

var list = ["hello", "world"]
// Output: "world"

If an out-of-bounds error is detected (trying to access an element that isn't there) the program will be terminated at runtime.

// Output: ERROR: Out-of-bounds in line X, "list[2]".

You can define the starting size of a list.

var list: [int, 3]


Dictionaries act like lists, but instead of using the index of insertion to access each element, you use a custom defined one.

true, "false" -> false ] print(dictionary["true"]) // Output: true">
var dictionary = [ "true" -> true, "false" -> false ]
// Output: true

To declare an empty dictionary you must annotate its types explicitely

var dictionary: [str -> bool]

You can access the keys or the values of a dictionary independently, and are treated as lists

"two", 3 -> "three"] var keys = dictionary.keys // keys = [1, 2, 3] var values = dictionary.values // values = ["one", "two", "three"]">
var dictionary = [1 -> "one", 2 -> "two", 3 -> "three"]

var keys = dictionary.keys
// keys = [1, 2, 3]

var values = dictionary.values
// values = ["one", "two", "three"]

Note that any changes on the resulting lists will not be reflected on the dictionary, so you need to reassign them to it.
To do that, you need to create a new dictionary specifying the keys and values, see type conversions for more info.

keys[0] = 5
dictionary = [int -> str](keys, values)

Depending on the flavor of Polyglot you're using, the implementation of the Dictionaries will change drastically, so don't assume constant lookup.
If the language in question has a native dictionary, then it will be used.

Control flow

If / Else If / Else

If some condition is met, execute the code inside the if.
If the condition is false, execute the code inside the elif (else if).
If all the conditions above are false, execute the code inside the else.

if condition
    // something

if condition
    // something
elif condition
    // something else
     // other things

One-liners are supported by using the => operator next to the condition.

// One-liners
if condition    => // something
elif condition  => // something
else            => // something

if condition // something

You can chain conditions with the "&&" and "||" operators

0 if a < 0 || a > 0 print("a is not 0") end">
// Check if a > 0 AND a < 5
if a > 0 && a < 5
    print("a is in the (0, 5) range")

// Check if a < 0 OR a > 0
if a < 0 || a > 0
    print("a is not 0")


The match pattern allows to check if a variable has certain compile-time values.
You can indicate an "if any of these" using "_".

print("two") 3 => print("three") 4 => print("four") 5 => print("five") _ => print("number not defined")">
var number = 5 
match number
    1 => print("one")
    2 => print("two")
    3 => print("three")
    4 => print("four")
    5 => print("five")
    _ => print("number not defined")

On most languages it is basically identical to an if / else if / else

print("two") elif number = 3 => print("three") elif number = 4 => print("four") elif number = 5 => print("five") else => print("number not defined")">
var number = 5
if   number = 1 => print("one")
elif number = 2 => print("two")
elif number = 3 => print("three")
elif number = 4 => print("four")
elif number = 5 => print("five")
else            => print("number not defined")

Do not assume that match will be translated as a lookup table, it is flavor dependent.
If the language has a similar implementation (switch in C/C++, match in Rust) then match will be transpiled into this implementation.

You can write multiple lines on each block, but then the pattern must finish with an "end".

number += 2 print("two") ... end">
match number
    1 => number += 1
    2 => number += 2

You can match against multiple values.

print("other numbers") ">
match number
    1 | 2 | 3 => print("one, two or three")
    _         => print("other numbers") 


while condition
    // something

for i in 0..100
    // something

for item in list
    // something


If a function does take any argument, parenthesis can be skipped.
Indentation is not necessary, but it is strongly recommended.

fn void
    // something

fn void_args(a: int, b: num, ...)
    // something

Then to call it (note that the parenthesis can not be skipped here)

void_args(5, 6)

To return something from a function you need to anotate it with the return type.

fn return_no_args: int

fn return_args(a: int, b: num, ...): string
    // something

You can return multiple things using a tuple, return order must be preserved.

fn return_multiple: (int, num, char)
    (25, 3.14, 'a')

To return early, use the "ret" keyword. The last line in a function will always be treated as an implicit return.

fn return_early(a: num, b: num): int
    if a > b -> ret a - b
    else if b > a -> ret b - a
    else -> 0

To take a tuple as an argument, use parenthesis in between the type annotation.

fn tuple_args(tuple: (int, num, char))
    // something

You can also pass named tuples.

fn tuple_named_args(struct: (a: int, b: num, c: char))
    // something

Tuples can be destructured when passed as args, so a more idiomatic way to write the above expression would be:

fn tuple_idiomatic_args(a: int, b: num, c: char)
    // something

tuple = (89, 99.99, 'z')


Type defined generics

You can use generics to define functions for multiple types at the same time.
This can be acomplished by creating an enum over types.

gen Addable = int | num | str | char
fn add(a: Addable, b: Addable): Addable
    a + b

add(5, 6)
// Return: 11

add("5", "6")
// Return: "56"

Note that all args of add must be of the same type, as Addable's type is defined with the first argument.

Enum defined generics

If you want to define an implementation for all the possible combinations of types, use an enum as the type of the arguments.

fn add(a: int|str, b: int|str): str
    a + b

add(5, 6)
// Return: "11" (note that it is a string now)

add("Numbers: ", 88))
// Return: "Numbers: 88"

The return type must be defined (it cannot be generic), as you need to ensure what you're doing is legal (you cannot add two str and return an int).

Generics are just syntactic sugar for monomorphisation, the compiler will create an implementation for each type used.
The above function would be transpiled into:

fn add_int_int(a: int, b: int): str
    str(a + b)

fn add_str_str(a: str, b: str): str
    a + b

fn add_int_str(a: int, b: str): str
    a + b

fn add_str_int(a: str, b: int): str
    a + b

So avoid using generic enums for a lot of types/arguments, as the number of implementations will increase a lot.
Type defined generics are much preferred, as they only generate one implementation per type used.


If/elif/else/match are expressions for Polyglot, meaning that you can assign them to variables. If you're familiar with the Rust programming language, the behaviour is the same.

true "false" => false end // parsed_bool = true">
var str_bool = "true"
var parsed_bool: bool = 	
	    "true"  => true
	    "false" => false

// parsed_bool = true

All branches must return values of the same type, as a variable cannot be of multiple types.

Basic operations

var number = 10
var ops: num

// Addition
ops = 5 + 6
ops = number + 15
ops += 65

// Substraction
ops = 5 - 6
ops = 15 - number
ops -= 65

// Multiplication
ops = 5 * 6
ops = number * 15
ops *= 65

// Division
ops = 5 / 6
ops = number / 15
ops /= 65

// Modulus
ops = 5 % 6
ops = number % 15
ops %= 65

// Exponentiation
ops = 5^6
ops = number ^ 15
ops ^= 65


// Equal
if a = b

// Not equal
if a != b

// Smaller
if a < b

// Smaller or equal
if a <= b

// Larger
if a > b

// Larger or equal
if a >= b

// Negation
if !a

Built-in functions

Type conversions

Type conversions are used to transform a type into another.
All conversions are structured as end_type(value).
Not all conversions are valid, and some will throw a runtime error.

var number = 682
var string = str(number)
// string = "682"

The inverse process is also valid.

var string = "682"
var number = int(string)
// number = 682

But converting a string that isn't a number will fail.

var string = "hey!"
var number = int(string)
// ERROR: "hey!" can not be parsed into an int

Conversions can also be applied to lists/dictionaries.

"true", "-8" -> false] // You can also specify if you want to convert the keys or the values keys_dict = str(dict.keys) // keys_dict = ["5" -> true, "-8" -> false] values_dict = str(dict.values) // values_dict = [5 -> "true", -8 -> "false"]">
var bool_list = [true, false, false, true]
var int_list = int(bool_list)
// int_list = [1, 0, 0, 1]

var dict: [int -> bool] = [5 -> true, -8 -> false]
var str_dict: [str -> str] = str(dict)
// str_dict = ["5" -> "true", "-8" -> false]

// You can also specify if you want to convert the keys or the values
keys_dict = str(dict.keys)
// keys_dict = ["5" -> true, "-8" -> false]

values_dict = str(dict.values)
// values_dict = [5 -> "true", -8 -> "false"]

You can also use conversions to create new dictionaries from two lists.

int](strings, ints) // new_dict = ["one" -> 1, "two" -> 2, "three" -> 3]">
var strings = ["one", "two", "three"]
var ints = [1, 2, 3]
var new_dict = [str -> int](strings, ints)
// new_dict = ["one" -> 1, "two" -> 2, "three" -> 3]

Be aware that if the lists are of different lenghts the remaining elements will not be added.

int](strings, ints) // new_dict = ["one" -> 1, "two" -> 2]">
var strings = ["one", "two"]
var ints = [1, 2, 3, 4]
var new_dict = [str -> int](strings, ints)
// new_dict = ["one" -> 1, "two" -> 2]


Prints the contents of a variable to the terminal.

var a = 5
// Output: 5

You can operate inside the print argument (useful for concatenating strings).

var a = 5
print("a is equal to" + a)
// Output: "a is equal to 5"


You can use it to quickly debug some variable.

var thing = 56 
// Output: "thing = 56"
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