6259 Repositories
Rust programming-rust Libraries
lemmy-help is a emmylua parser as well as a CLI which takes that parsed tree and converts it into vim help docs.
lemmy-help is a emmylua parser as well as a CLI which takes that parsed tree and converts it into vim help docs.
Neovim GUI written in Rust, using relm4 and gtk4-rs
Reovim Neovim GUI written in Rust, using relm4 and gtk4-rs. Thanks Neovide Configuration To setup font add next line to init.vim set guifont=Cascadia\
Martinez is vNext Ethereum implementation written in pure Rust with Erigon architecture as design.
🧬 Martinez 🧬 Next-generation implementation of Ethereum protocol ("client") written in Rust, based on Erigon architecture. Why run Martinez? Look at
Toolbx Tuner is a tool to improve the experience with toolbx.
Tuner Toolbx Tuner is a tool to improve the experience with toolbx. Project Roadmap The project is currently only a user-interface concept. The
A cargo subcommand that displays the assembly generated for Rust source code
cargo-show-asm A cargo subcommand that displays the assembly generated for Rust source code.
Brotlic (or BrotliC) is a thin wrapper around brotli.
Bindings to the brotli library featuring a low-overhead encoder and decoder, Writers and Readers for compression and decompression at customizable compression qualities and window sizes.
Rust implementation for Thippy -- a Substrate parachain for smart contracts.
Thippy ‒- A Smart Contracts Parachain This is a node implementation of Thippy, a Substrate parachain for smart contracts. Developing Smart Contracts f
An open source, programmed in rust, privacy focused tool for reading programming resources (like stackoverflow) fast, efficient and asynchronous from the terminal.
Falion An open source, programmed in rust, privacy focused tool for reading programming resources (like StackOverFlow) fast, efficient and asynchronou
Rust-port of spotify/annoy as a wrapper for Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage.
Fareast This library is a rust port of spotify/annoy , currently only index serving is supported. It also provides FFI bindings for jvm, dotnet and da
A blazingly fast, ShareX uploader coded in Rust (using actix web) which utilizes AES-256-GCM-SIV to securely store uploaded content.
Magnesium Oxide ❔ What is this? Magnesium-Oxide (MGO) is a secure file uploader with support for ShareX. 🌠 Features 🔥 Blazingly fast uploads and enc
Lazerpay SDK for Rust 🦀
💳 Lazerpay Rust SDK This crate integrates the Lazerpay payment gateway for accepting cryptocurrency payments. Usage Add the following to your cargo d
Rapidly iterate and build Bevy UI's with existing web-based technologies
bevy_webview WIP Rapidly iterate and build Bevy UI's with existing web-based technologies It is currently very early days of this plugin - only Linu
A cross-platform serial port library in Rust. Provides a blocking I/O interface and port enumeration including USB device information.
Note: This is a fork of the original serialport-rs project on GitLab. Please note there have been some changes to both the supported targets and which
A rust library built to support building time-series based projection models
TimeSeries TimeSeries is a framework for building analytical models in Rust that have a time dimension. Inspiration The inspiration for writing this i
69-key split mechanical keyboard (PCB, case, firmware)
ErgoNICE An open source 69-key column-staggered split mechanical keyboard with a rotary knob, extra connectors, a 3D printed case with "floating key"
🦀 Rust support library for semaphore
🦀 semaphore-rs Rust support library for using semaphore. It's mostly a Rust rewrite of zk-kit, but just focuses on semaphore (for now) and still cove
Unicorn Emulator Debug Server - Written in Rust, with bindings of C, Go, Java and Python
udbserver - Unicorn Emulator Debug Server When you do emulation with Unicorn Engine, do you want to inspect the inner state during every step? udbserv
Free Rust 🦀 course in English 🇬🇧
Learn Rust 🦀 Free Rust 🦀 course in English 🇬🇧 This course was inspired by Dcode Before starting to learn a programming language, you need to under
Do is a rewrite of Gnome To Do in Rust.
Do Do is a rewrite of Gnome To Do in Rust using gtk-rs and Relm4, we aim to improve on the existing set of features provided by To Do to provide the u
A simple quote-based code generator for Rust
flexgen A flexible, yet simple quote-based code generator for creating beautiful Rust code Why? Rust has two types of macros, and they are both very p
Faster and better alternative to Vtop written in Rust.
Rtop Faster and better alternative to Vtop written in Rust. Work in Progress Features Lightweight 1MB Responsive UI Sort Process by Memory, CPU Usag
Rust library for build smart contracts on Internet Computer, by the Spinner.Cash team.
Spinner Rust library for building smart contracts on the Internet Computer. More specifically it is used by Spinner.Cash, a decentralized layer-2 prot
rusty-riscy is a performance testing and system resource monitoring tool written in Rust to benchmark RISC-V processors.
rusty-riscy rusty-riscy is a performance testing and system resource monitoring tool written in Rust to benchmark RISC-V processors. Objectives To cre
🔥 Firebase authentication for Rust 🦀
Fire Auth Rust wrapper for Firebase Authentication REST API Installation Add the following to Cargo.toml: fireauth = "0.1.5" How to use First you need
A CLI test program for HNU Cloud Computing Lab 2, built with Rust.
HTTP Server Tester This is a CLI test program for HNU Cloud Computing Lab 2. Install For most student, you don't neet to rebuild this project. We prov
Set Shell Environment Variables across multiple shells with a single configuration file.
Xshe – Cross-Shell Environment Vars xshe allows for setting Shell Environment Variables across multiple shells with a single TOML configuration file.
Simulator for the pioneering TX-2 computer
TX-2 Simulator We are trying to create a simulator for Lincoln Lab's historic TX-2 computer. Notably, this is the computer on which Ivan Sutherland's
🦞 Rust library of natural language dictionaries using character-wise double-array tries.
🦞 Crawdad: ChaRActer-Wise Double-Array Dictionary Overview Crawdad is a library of natural language dictionaries using character-wise double-array tr
A cross-platform file sorting program
Cabinet Cross-platform file sorting system that sorts files based on their attributes, such as file type, file name and date modified. Disclaimer: Not
CLI application to run clang-format on a set of files specified using globs in a JSON configuration file.
run_clang_format CLI application for running clang-format for an existing .clang-format file on a set of files, specified using globs in a .json confi
lightweight and customizable rust s-expression (s-expr) parser and printer
s-expr Rust library for S-expression like parsing and printing parser keeps track of spans, and representation (e.g. number base) number and decimal d
Rust DDC/CI high level library
ddc-enhanced-rs ddc-enhanced-rs is a cross platform Rust crate and Node package for controlling monitors with DDC/CI. Documentation Rust: https://docs
Incremental hashing based on curve25519-dalek
A toy project on building an incremental hash function using the Ristretto elliptic curve for me to learn Rust. Example code from examples/main.rs: us
UnoLife is a project made solely in rust for the Timathon jam.
UnoLife, the way of unordinary life This is the perfect app for anyone looking to spice up their life! It has a bunch of apps and features to help you
Coppers is a custom test harnass for Rust that measures the energy usage of your test suite.
Coppers Coppers is a test harness for Rust that can measure the evolution of power consumptions of a Rust program between different versions with the
Switch windows of same app with alt + ` on windows pc.
Windows Switcher Switch windows of same app with alt + ` on windows pc. 250k single file executable downloaded from Github Release. No installation re
Lightweight parsing for Rust proc macros
Lightweight parsing for Rust proc macros Venial is a WIP parser for Rust proc macros. When writing proc macros that need to parse Rust code (such as a
"goto" implementation for Rust
Goto/Label for Rust Tired of using newfangled control flow mechnisms like "loop," "while," and "for"? Well worry no more! Finally, "goto" and "label"
👌 A smol functional language that targets other languages
ditto A small, pure functional language that targets other languages. Syntax highlighting coming soon Elevator pitch ⏱️ Ditto is a mashup of my favour
Composable WebSockets made easy, for Rust 🦀
ezsockets Have you ever struggle with creating a WebSocket server or a client in Rust? This crate is for you. High level abstraction of WebSocket, han
cargo-lambda is a Cargo subcommand to help you work with AWS Lambda.
cargo-lambda cargo-lambda is a Cargo subcommand to help you work with AWS Lambda. The new subcommand creates a basic Rust package from a well defined
🖊️ // Just a place to paste
Just a place to paste Features ✨ Code highlighting and line numbers (default) 📖 Markdown rendering (click the button) 🔥 Single-view pastes (click th
RakNet Protocol implementation by Rust.
rust-raknet RakNet Protocol implementation by Rust. Raknet is a reliable udp transport protocol that is often used for communication between game clie
Minty is an amazingly fast file deduplication app built in rust with a rust user interface.
minty Project Minty has a new look and feel!!! Minty is an amazingly fast file deduplication app built in rust with a rust user interface. I say super
Lightweight websocket implement for stream transmission.
Lightws Lightweight websocket implement for stream transmission. Features Avoid heap allocation. Avoid buffering frame payload. Use vectored-io if ava
Texting Robots: A Rust native `robots.txt` parser with thorough unit testing
Texting Robots Crate texting_robots is a library for parsing robots.txt files. A key design goal of this crate is to have a thorough test suite tested
Osmon's compiler crate. Programming language made for starter & novice Uzbek audience.
Osmon Tili Osmon bu registrlarga asoslangan virtual mashinalik va yengil dasturlash tili Osmon boshqa o'zbek open source dasturchisi Sukhrob Khakimovn
Find and clean heavy build or cache directories.
ProjClean Find and clean heavy build or cache directories. ProjClean finds directories such as node_modules(node), target(rust), build(java) and their
Autogenerated wrapper for the Telegram Bot API written in Rust.
An Elegant Rust Client for Telegram Bot API crates.io • docs.rs Table of contents Introduction Key Features Installation Getting Started Documentation
🇵🇪 Rust programming, in Spanish.
rustico Doing it for the fun. Aren't you cansado from writting Rust Programs in English? Do you like saying "chales" a lot? Would you like to try some
Rust Util Collection, a simple and friendly error-chain, with many useful utils as an addition.
RUC Rust Util Collection, a simple and friendly error-chain, with many useful utils as an addition. The painful experience of using error-chain gave b
lzlib (lzip compression) bindings for Rust
lzip Documentation A streaming compression/decompression library for rust with bindings to lzlib. # Cargo.toml [dependencies] lzip = "0.1" License Lic
Raspberry PI library for Rust. GPIO controller, L298N motors, sockets and "i2clib" integrated
raslib Raspberry PI library for Rust. GPIO controller, L298N motors, sockets and "i2clib" integrated All tests are made on Raspberry PI 4B+ on Raspbia
Squirt is a easy-to-use programming language.
Squirt is a easy-to-use programming language.
A lightweight, cross-platform epub reader.
Pend Pend is a program for reading EPUB files. Check out the web demo! Preview Image(s) Installation Building Pend is simple & easy. You should be abl
Small, lightweight and fast library for rendering text with wgpu.
wgpu-text wgpu-text is a wrapper over glyph-brush for fast and easy text rendering in wgpu. This project was inspired by and is similar to wgpu_glyph,
Control a now blue circle with wasd/arrow keys (intense gameplay)
bevy-moving-circle A yellow circle player controlled with arrow keys/WASD Now you can click to spawn orange cicles lmao (intense action packed gamepla
Rust bindings to the dos-like framework
dos-like for Rust This project provides access to Mattias Gustavsson's dos-like framework, so as to write DOS-like applications in Rust. How to use
Build light & secure cross-platform applications with a web-based UI
Millennium Icon by XFaon. *Stats are from Tauri and may not be fully accurate. Millennium is a cross-platform webview framework written in Rust. With
Just a personal Rust Playground to play around and understand the language.
Rust Proactive Introduction The code is a bit messy but it serves just as a personal Rust Playground to play around and understand the language. You c
The netns-rs crate provides an ultra-simple interface for handling network namespaces in Rust.
netns-rs The netns-rs crate provides an ultra-simple interface for handling network namespaces in Rust. Changing namespaces requires elevated privileg
play NES rpgs with fceux, lua, and rust
rpg-bot play NES rpgs with fceux, lua, and rust running server
A simple programming language, created for AP Computer Science
A simple programming language, created for AP Computer Science
Lightweight graphs (sparklines) for use with Embedded Rust
Sparklines for Rust's Embedded-graphics Sparklines are small, high resolution graphics embedded in a context of words, numbers or images". Edward Tuft
Simple image metadata scrubber. Will remove EXIF, XMP and IPTC metadata.
Simple image metadata scrubber. Will remove EXIF, XMP and IPTC metadata.
Bazaar is a Rust crate for algorithmic futures trading
Bazaar is a Rust crate for algorithmic futures trading
`Debug` in rust, but only supports valid rust syntax and outputs nicely formatted using pretty-please
dbg-pls A Debug-like trait for rust that outputs properly formatted code Showcase Take the following code: let code = r#" [ "Hello, World!
A chip-8 emulator in Rust, using raylib for graphics.
A chip-8 emulator in Rust, using raylib for graphics.
Small, clean, easy to use programming language
Thistle A modern, simplistic multi-paradigm language supporting object-oriented features Hello World! import IO object Main def main(): unit
Encrypting references in Rust for stupid reasons.
encrypted-ptr This allows you to encrypt references in Rust! Both normal references, and counted references (aka Arcs) They're stored in-memory with a
RRust, a reversible Rust DSL
RRust, reversible DSL for Rust RRust is a reversible subset of Rust inside of Rust, this means you can use it to write a algorithm and then it can run
Dc improved: Feature-added rewrite of a 50+ year old RPN calculator/stack machine/programming language
dcim [WIP] dc improved: Feature-added rewrite of a 50+ year old RPN calculator/stack machine/programming language This readme is currently incomplete.
Arrowdantic is a small Python library backed by a mature Rust implementation of Apache Arrow
Welcome to arrowdantic Arrowdantic is a small Python library backed by a mature Rust implementation of Apache Arrow that can interoperate with Parquet
ppfetch written in Rust.
ppfetch ppfetch, but written in Rust. 💡 About The ppfetch was created to be a simple, basic, and posix fetch. Now, it's a simple, fast and written in
Implementação de uma Skip List em Rust
SkipList SkipList é uma estrutura descrita em 1989 por William Pugh que se baseia em balancear de forma probabilística atalhos de um item a outro com
A set of safe Least Recently Used (LRU) map/cache types for Rust
LruMap A set of safe Least-Recently-Used (LRU) cache types aimed at providing flexible map-like structures that automatically evict the least recently
🦀 Zulip API Library Rust Client
Zulip API Client Library Rust Crate This repo contains the code for an unofficial, third-party Zulip API client library crate written in the Rust prog
A very bare-bone Block Chain demo that purely implemented by Rust and yew
Intro bloc is one of bare-bone blockchain demo written by Rust, Yew during my learning BlockChain, about years ago. see demo here It just demonstrate
Wein2D.js bindings for creating browser games in Rust using WebAssembly.
Wein2D.js-WASM Wein2D.js bindings for creating browser games in Rust using WebAssembly. Wein2D.js-WASM requires Wein2d.js to be loaded in the same doc
A secure development tool box and fintech application made with Rust to be used for developing cryptocurrencies on the blockchain.
Crypto Fintech Tools for Rust (CFT) Dependencies Rust MacOS Homebrew # xcode cli tools xcode-select --install # install dependencies using Homebrew b
An example bdk + yew single page web wallet
bdk-yew-example This project builds a simple bdk-wasm based testnet wallet as a single page web app. The page can be hosted locally or automatically d
A brief implementation of a simple hello world program in rust since they said it couldn't be done.
rust-hello-world A brief blazingly fast 🚀 implementation of a simple hello world program in rust since they said it couldn't be done. 🚀 fast 🚀 Also
Super simple tokio chat server for educational purposes.
achat A collection of simple modules which showcase simple use of tasks, channels, and other tokio primitives to implement simple networking applicati
Yet another shape chess game in Rust.
shape_chesss_in_rust Yet another shape chess game in Rust. Why the implementation is so slow? The main reason is performance of Vector iteration is ve
Library to write x64 Assembly code from Rust, more properly. Designed for the nasm assembler
x64asm Library to write x64 Assembly code from Rust, more properly. Designed for the nasm assembler How to use let mut f = Formatter::new(false); // f
A statically-typed, interpreted programming language, with generics and type inference
Glide A programming language. Currently, this includes: Static typing Generics, with monomorphization Type inference on function calls func identityT
A tool to use docker / podman / oci containers with rust
contain-rs A tool to use docker / podman / oci containers with rust TODO improve error types improve error reporting handle std error for child proces
Super tiny pastebin webapp written in rust.
MicroBin MicroBin is a super tiny and simple self hosted pastebin app written in Rust. The executable is around 6MB and it uses 2MB memory (plus your
Rust + Yew + Axum + Tauri, full-stack Rust development for Desktop apps.
rust-yew-axum-tauri-desktop template Rust + Yew + Axum + Tauri, full-stack Rust development for Desktop apps. Crates frontend: Yew frontend app for de
A Rust-based shell script to create a folder structure to use for a single class every semester. Mostly an excuse to use Rust.
A Rust Course Folder Shell Script PROJECT IN PROGRESS (Spring 2022) When completed, script will create a folder structure of the following schema: [ro
Rustronomy-fits - a Rustronomy tool for FITS file I/O
Rustronomy-fits - a Rustronomy tool for FITS file I/O Rustronomy-fits provides I/O tools for reading, writing and parsing FITS files. It is currently
Generates preview thumbnails for 3D model files
Generates preview thumbnails for 3D model files. Provide a Windows Explorer extensions that adds preview thumbnails for 3D model files.
Help project managers and project owners with easy-to-understand views of github issue dependencies.
Help project managers and project owners with easy-to-understand views of github issue dependencies.
🎓 My journey from JavaScript to Rust
Rusty Days My journey from JavaScript to Rust I'm a web3 dev looking for higher performance. Enticed that Rust was voted the most loved programming la
Create, open, manage your Python projects with ease, a project aimed to make python development experience a little better
Create, open, manage your Python projects with ease, a project aimed to make python development experience a little better
Gix is a command-line interface (CLI) to access git repositories
gix is a command-line interface (CLI) to access git repositories. It's written to optimize the user-experience, and perform as good or better than the
A generic Rust based Bigtable connection library implemented using gRPC
A generic Rust based Bigtable connection library refactored out the solana mono-repo so that can be shared for different applications.
Garden monitoring system using m328p Arduino Uno boards. 100% Rust [no_std] using the avr hardware abstraction layer (avr-hal)
uno-revive-rs References Arduino Garden Controller Roadmap uno-revive-rs: roadmap Components & Controllers 1-2 Uno R3 m328p Soil moisture sensor: m328
image url web-scrapper written in rust
imgs - CLI Webscrapper image url web-scrapper written in rust This is a cli application completely written in rust, it aim is to scrap image-url from
A Rust program for visualizing how sections get packed into your Game Boy ROM
GB Packing Visualizer A Rust program for visualizing how sections get packed into your Game Boy ROM. rhythm_land.mp4 Each column represents a ROM bank