Rust support library for using semaphore. It's mostly a Rust rewrite of zk-kit, but just focuses on semaphore (for now) and still covers a much smaller scope. It's using ark-circom under the hood for generating the groth16 proofs.
Add this line to your cargo.toml
semaphore = { git = "https://github.com/worldcoin/semaphore-rs" }
Building semaphore circuits
- Check out submodule (if not done before already):
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Install semaphore dependencies
cd semaphore && npm install
- Compile circuits
npm exec ts-node ./scripts/compile-circuits.ts
- You'll find the
file insemaphore/build/snark
Example as in src/lib.rs
, run with cargo test
use semaphore::{hash_to_field, Field, identity::Identity, poseidon_tree::PoseidonTree,
protocol::* };
use num_bigint::BigInt;
// generate identity
let id = Identity::from_seed(b"secret");
// generate merkle tree
let leaf = Field::from(0);
let mut tree = PoseidonTree::new(21, leaf);
tree.set(0, id.commitment());
let merkle_proof = tree.proof(0).expect("proof should exist");
let root = tree.root();
// change signal and external_nullifier here
let signal_hash = hash_to_field(b"xxx");
let external_nullifier_hash = hash_to_field(b"appId");
let nullifier_hash = generate_nullifier_hash(&id, external_nullifier_hash);
let proof = generate_proof(&id, &merkle_proof, external_nullifier_hash, signal_hash).unwrap();
let success = verify_proof(root, nullifier_hash, signal_hash, external_nullifier_hash, &proof).unwrap();