lemmy-help is a emmylua parser as well as a CLI which takes that parsed tree and converts it into vim help docs.


๐Ÿค lemmy-help

Everyone needs help, so lemmy-help you



lemmy-help is a emmylua parser as well as a CLI which takes that parsed tree and converts it into vim help docs.


  • Using cargo
cargo install lemmy-help --features=cli
  • Arch Linux
# Using yay
yay -S lemmy-help

# Using paru
paru -S lemmy-help
  • Using releases

Check out the release page for prebuild binaries available for different operating systems.


To properly generate docs you should follow emmylua spec. The parser is capable of parsing most (not all) of the emmylua syntax. You can read the following doc which can give you the idea on how to properly write emmylua comments.


Using the CLI is simple just give it the path to the lua files; it will parse them and prints the help doc to stdout

NOTE: The order of parsing + rendering is same as in which they are defined

lemmy-help \
    "/path/to/first/file" \
    "/path/to/second/file" \
    "/path/to/third/file" > doc.txt


  • Private field makes a field a public function

    Private field makes a field a public function

    I'm trying to switch to 0.8.0, but I have the following issue, I have a class with the following:

    ---@class registers
    ---@field options options
    ---@field private _mode string

    When I generate the documentation, I get this:

    registers._mode()                                              *registers._mode*
    opened by tversteeg 12
  • Module identifier replacement

    Module identifier replacement

    Context: I set up modules like so:

    local M = {}
    -- add stuff to M
    -- like:
    function M.something()
    return M

    So when I run the CLI on it, it outputs like:

    M.something()                                          *M.something*

    Would there be a way to replace the text M in this case with require('module.path') for clarity? Could be a simple regex replace or something?

    I guess my question is, what's the best way to generate full API docs spread across multiple modules? For context, I'm trying to generate API docs for my legendary.nvim plugin (issue here: https://github.com/mrjones2014/legendary.nvim/issues/106)

    opened by mrjones2014 11
  • feat: language support in `---@usage`

    feat: language support in `---@usage`

    ~~tl;dr: vimdoc syntax for language support in code-block is experimental and also not backward compatible. So, this might get delayed until nvim 0.9 is released.~~ https://github.com/numToStr/lemmy-help/pull/65#issuecomment-1364501136

    This adds support for associating a language for ---@usage tag which defaults to lua for every code block unless explicitly defined using the syntax below.


    • Single line
    ---@usage [lang] `<code>`
    • Multiline
    ---@usage [lang] [[
    ---@usage ]]

    Help (vimdoc)




    opened by numToStr 5
  • Optional `---@field`

    Optional `---@field`

    Sorry for bothering you with all the issues, but I found another one, the fields of the class above a function definition get added to the description of the function below:

    ---@class apply_register_options
    ---@field mode? register_mode How the register should be applied. If `nil` then the mode in which the window is opened is used.
    ---@field keep_open_until_keypress? boolean If `true`, keep the window open until another key is pressed, only applicable when the mode is `"motion"`.
    ---Apply the specified register.
    ---@param options? callback_options|apply_register_options Options for firing the callback.
    ---@return function callback Function that can be used to pass to configuration options with callbacks.
    ---@usage [[
    ---    bind_keys = {
    ---        -- Always paste the register when selecting with Enter
    ---        return_key = require("registers").apply_register({ mode = "paste" }),
    ---    }
    ---    bind_keys = {
    ---        -- When pressing a key of the register, wait for another key press before closing the window
    ---        registers = require("registers").apply_register({ keep_open_until_keypress = true }),
    ---    }
    ---@usage ]]
    function registers.apply_register(options)

    Gets rendered as:

    apply_register_options                                  *apply_register_options*
    registers.apply_register({options?})                  *registers.apply_register*
        @field mode? register_mode How the register should be applied. If `nil` then the mode in which the window is opened is used.
        @field keep_open_until_keypress? boolean If `true`, keep the window open until another key is pressed, only applicable when the mode is `"motion"`.
        Apply the specified register.
        Parameters: ~
            {options?}  (callback_options|apply_register_options)  Options for firing the callback.
        Returns: ~
            {function}  Function that can be used to pass to configuration options with callbacks.
        Usage: ~
                    bind_keys = {
                        -- Always paste the register when selecting with Enter
                        return_key = require("registers").apply_register({ mode = "paste" }),
                    bind_keys = {
                        -- When pressing a key of the register, wait for another key press before closing the window
                        registers = require("registers").apply_register({ keep_open_until_keypress = true }),

    This has probably something to do with the parsing of linebreaks?

    opened by tversteeg 5
  • Annotations not detected for wrapped function

    Annotations not detected for wrapped function

    Not sure if this is a missing feature or if I'm doing something wrong, but I have some functions that I create using a higher order function. For example:

    local function wrap(arg1, arg2)
      return function(...)
        -- Do work
    ---@param foo string
    ---@param bar integer
    M.exported_fn = wrap('a', 'b')

    In this example, I can't get exported_fn to be picked up by lemmy-help. Is there something else I should be doing to get it to detect properly?

    opened by stevearc 5
  • Add support for private fields (by not emitting them)

    Add support for private fields (by not emitting them)

    If a field is marked private I think it'd be nice if they weren't emitted at all.

    Right now it seems marking them as such via e.g.:

    --- An individual pin.
    ---@class Pin
    ---@field id string @a label to identify the pin
    ---@field private __data_element Element
    ---@field private __element Element
    ---@field private __extmark number
    ---@field private __extmark_buf number

    is misparsed as the field name:

    Pin                                                                        *Pin*
        Fields: ~
            {id}       (string)                @a label to identify the pin
            {private}  (__data_element)        Element
            {private}  (__element)             Element
            {private}  (__extmark)             number
            {private}  (__extmark_buf)         number
    feature good first issue 
    opened by Julian 5
  • @field in @class stops working in 0.7

    @field in @class stops working in 0.7

    When I migrate from 0.6 to 0.7 the @field lines don't show up in the generated help anymore. Here is an example of a migration commit from 0.6 to 0.7, as you can see a lot disappears without me changing the annotations. I can also reproduce this locally.

    opened by tversteeg 4
  • Regression on parsing vararg param (...)

    Regression on parsing vararg param (...)

    Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹

    There seems to be a regression I'm not sure is intentional or not when parsing a vararg parameter.


    ---DeleteSessionByName deletes sessions given a provided list of paths
    ---@param ... string[]
    function AutoSession.DeleteSessionByName(...)
      local session_paths = {}
      for _, name in ipairs { ... } do
        local escaped_session = Lib.escape_dir(name)
        local session_path = string.format("%s/%s.vim", AutoSession.get_root_dir(), escaped_session)
        Lib.logger.debug("Deleting session", session_path)
        table.insert(session_paths, session_path)

    Found in: https://github.com/rmagatti/auto-session/blob/609c952a50ff1d415d79323364e934eba607fce0/lua/auto-session.lua#L613

    Parses to: https://github.com/rmagatti/auto-session/pull/182/files#diff-27d42bba8f6f0166fc94265a6b8117318675825157368bc590c0da01ba3cba94R145

    Instead of: https://github.com/rmagatti/auto-session/pull/182/files#diff-27d42bba8f6f0166fc94265a6b8117318675825157368bc590c0da01ba3cba94L153

    Screenshot 2022-11-16 at 9 46 22 PM enhancement 
    opened by rmagatti 3
  • Walk directories recursively for files

    Walk directories recursively for files

    (Hello! Thanks a ton for investing in writing this kind of thing, it's sorely needed. Hope you don't mind me filing a few minor issues as I try to use it, feel free to close any that aren't planned or helpful obviously, just documenting what I find!)

    When running lemmy-help myplugin/lua/, expecting it to recurse and generate docs for everything it finds, instead one gets a panic:

    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 21, kind: IsADirectory, message: "Is a directory" }', src/cli.rs:26:48
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
    zsh: abort      ~/Desktop/lemmy-help lua/
    opened by Julian 3
  • Literal values in the type definition lead to empty docs

    Literal values in the type definition lead to empty docs

    lua-language-server supports defining literals/an sum type inline in the type definition. An example: @param x "foo"|"bar"

    But this seems to break lemmy-help:

    local M = {}
    --- Foobar
    ---@param t? "foo"|"bar"
    function M.foo(t)
    return M

    Results in:

    โฎ lemmy-help -f foo.lua
    M.foo()                                                                  *M.foo*


    Compared with a regular type definition:

    local M = {}
    --- Foobar
    ---@param t? string
    function M.foo(t)
    return M

    Which works as expected:

    โฎ lemmy-help -f foo.lua
    M.foo({t?})                                                              *M.foo*
        Parameters: ~
            {t?}  (string)

    The long form also works:

    local M = {}
    --- Foobar
    ---@param t? string
    function M.foo(t)
    return M
    โฎ lemmy-help -f foo.lua
    M.foo({t?})                                                              *M.foo*
        Parameters: ~
            {t?}  (string)  |"foo"
    opened by mfussenegger 2
  • lemmy-help v0.8.0 breaking  `Returns` annotation

    lemmy-help v0.8.0 breaking `Returns` annotation

    ---Completion Pandoc CLI arguments
    ---@return table<string>
    ---@usage [[
    ---vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('PandocBuild', function()
    ---  require('pandoc.render').init()
    ---end, {
    ---   nargs = "*",
    ---   complete = require('pandoc.utils').complete,
    ---@usage ]]
    M.complete = function(lead, _, _)
      local results = vim.tbl_filter(function(arg)
        return vim.startswith(arg:gsub("^%-+", ""), lead)
      end, vim.tbl_keys(config.types))
      return vim.tbl_map(function(arg)
        local format = arg:gsub("^-+", "")
        return config.types[arg] == "flag" and format or format .. "="
      end, results)

    Before, generate:

    Pandoc Utils                                                      *pandoc.utils*
    M.complete()                                             *pandoc.utils.complete*
        Completion Pandoc CLI arguments
        Returns: ~
        Usage: ~
                vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('PandocBuild', function()
                end, {
                   nargs = "*",
                   complete = require('pandoc.utils').complete,

    Now, v0.8.0:

    Pandoc Utils                                                      *pandoc.utils*
    M.complete()                                             *pandoc.utils.complete*
        Completion Pandoc CLI arguments
        @return table<string>
        Usage: ~
                vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('PandocBuild', function()
                end, {
                   nargs = "*",
                   complete = require('pandoc.utils').complete,
    opened by aspeddro 2
  • Prepend `โ€ข` for list items for `---@param` and `---@field`

    Prepend `โ€ข` for list items for `---@param` and `---@field`

    This, I believe, is also supported by vimdoc grammar https://github.com/neovim/tree-sitter-vimdoc/blob/61c75058299f3d1cf565697e4073d7b2cc6a6d6c/grammar.js#L146.

    opened by numToStr 0
  • Local classes are recognized by lemmy-help but their methods aren't

    Local classes are recognized by lemmy-help but their methods aren't

    I've created this file:

    $ cat my_module.lua 
    ---@mod my_module
    local M = {}
    ---@class Foo
    M.Foo = {}
    function M.Foo:bar()
    ---@class Baz
    local Baz = {}
    function Baz:qux()
    return M

    The I ran lemmy-help version 0.10.0 on it:

    $ lemmy-help my_module.lua 
    Foo                                                                        *Foo*
    M.Foo()                                                                  *M.Foo*
    Baz                                                                        *Baz*

    The Foo class was exported and its method bar was recognized by lemmy-help, but qux did not get an entry even though its class Baz did. Is it because Baz is declared local? But these classes' methods should still get into the docs because users can still get them via functions.

    help wanted 
    opened by idanarye 12
  • Surround types with backticks

    Surround types with backticks

    This will highlight all the types, without taking space of two characters as neovim will hide that via treesitter conceal.

    • Currently
    CommentConfig                                     *comment.config.CommentConfig*
        Plugin's configuration
        Fields: ~
            {padding}    (boolean|fun():boolean)  Controls space between the comment
                                                  and the line (default: 'true')
            {sticky}     (boolean)                Whether cursor should stay at the
    • Proposed
    CommentConfig                                     *comment.config.CommentConfig*
        Plugin's configuration
        Fields: ~
            {padding}    `(boolean|fun():boolean)`  Controls space between the comment
                                                    and the line (default: 'true')
            {sticky}     `(boolean)`                Whether cursor should stay at the
    opened by numToStr 1
  • Support `---@enum`

    Support `---@enum`

    This is very useful in the actual code as we don't have to create separate ---@alias for describing enums but the problem is that we have to parse tables to get all the enum variants


    • https://github.com/sumneko/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#enum
    • https://github.com/sumneko/lua-language-server/issues/1255#issuecomment-1170870858
    opened by numToStr 0
  • JSON


    This might be cool. Instead of printing vimdoc we can instead print the whole AST as json so that other tools can walk the AST and do cool stuff with it.


    1. lemmy-help outputs json (flag: --to-json)
    2. User modifies the content (not the structure/AST)
    3. lemmy-help takes that json (flag: --from-json) via stdin and prints vimdoc.


    • In case of --from-json, file inputs should be discarded or appended after json?
    opened by numToStr 0
Vikas Raj
I code and eat memes.
Vikas Raj
STKLR is a tool to help you automatically link up named stuff in your rust docs!

_____ _______ _ ___ _____ / ____|__ __| |/ / | | __ \ | (___ | | | ' /| | | |__) | \___ \ | | | < | | | _ / ___

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