A user-friendly TUI for secure file transfers, with arrow-key and VIM-style navigation

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Command-line gsftp


SFTP with an interactive text-based user interface (TUI).

Transfer files through an encrypted connection with a visual interface, so you can see both connections at once.

Use VIM keys or arrow keys for navigation!



  • l or (right arrow key): enter highlighted directory (move further down the directory tree)
  • h or (left arrow key): exit current directory (move further up the directory tree)
  • j or (down arrow key): move down
  • k or (up arrow key): move up
  • y or (enter): download/upload highlighted item
  • w or (tab): Switch windows
  • G or b or Ctrl+: navigate to bottom-most entry
  • g or t or Ctrl+: navigate to top-most entry
  • a: toggle hidden files
  • q or Esc: quit
  • ?: toggle help menu


Note that you will need the development packages of OpenSSL installed.


sudo apt install libssl-dev


dnf install openssl-devel

You may also need the pkg-config utility to find OpenSSL (at least on Debian-based systems; I'm not sure about anything else):

sudo apt install pkg-config


Clone the repository (i.e. git clone https://github.com/benharmonics/gsftp.git), then

cargo install --path path/to/gsftp

Cargo will automatically install programs to $HOME/.cargo by default.

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