hackernews_tui is a Terminal UI to browse Hacker News with vim-like key bindings.



hackernews_tui is a Terminal UI to browse Hacker News with vim-like key bindings.

hackernews_tui is written in Rust with the help of Cursive TUI library. It uses HN Algolia search APIs to get Hacker News data.

The application mainly consists of the following views:

  • Story View displaying a list of stories. There are different kinds of Story View depending on the tag it uses to filter stories:
    • Front Page: stories on the front-page
    • All Stories: all stories
    • Ask HN: ask HN stories only
    • Show HN: show HN stories only
    • Jobs: jobs stories only
  • Comment View displaying a list of comments in a story.
  • Search View displaying a search bar and a list of stories matching the search query.

Why hackernews-TUI?

If you are either

  • a Hacker News reader
  • a computer nerd who likes doing things on terminal
  • a vim key-bindings fanboy
  • a person who prefers navigating using the keyboard over a mouse

This application is the right tool for you 💪

Table of Contents


Using cargo

Install the latest version from crates.io

Run cargo install hackernews_tui to install the application as a binary.

Build from the master branch


# git clone https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI.git
# cd hackernews-TUI
# cargo build --release

to build the application, then run

# ./target/release/hackernews_tui

to run the application

Arch Linux

Run yay -S hackernews_tui to install the application as an AUR package.


Using the package manager

# pkgin install hackernews-tui

Building from source

$ cd /usr/pkgsrc/www/hackernews-tui
# make install



A quick demo video made from hackernews_tui version v0.5.0 can be found here

Story View

Example of a Story View - Front Page

Search View

Example of a Search View

Comment View

Example of a Comment View


In each View, press ?// to see a list of supported keyboard shortcuts and their functionalities:

Example of a Help View

Global key shortcuts

  • ?//: Open the help dialog
  • /: Quit the application
  • /: Go to the previous view
  • /: Go to front page view
  • /: Go to search view
  • /: Go to all stories view
  • /: Go to ask HN view
  • /: Go to show HN view
  • /: Go to jobs view

Key shortcuts for each View

Story View shortcuts

  • j: Focus the next story
  • k: Focus the previous story
  • t: Focus the story at the top
  • b: Focus the story at the bottom
  • {story_id} g: Focus the {story_id}-th story
  • : Go the comment view associated with the focused story
  • O: Open in browser the link associated with the focused story
  • S: Open in browser the focused story
  • n: Go to the next page
  • p: Go the previous page
  • d: Toggle sort by date/popularity
  • q: Filter stories past 24 hours
  • w: Filter stories past week
  • e: Filter stories past month
  • r: Filter stories past year

Comment View shortcuts

  • j: Focus the next comment
  • k: Focus the previous comment
  • n: Focus the next top level comment
  • p: Focus the previous top level comment
  • l: Focus the next comment with smaller or equal level
  • h: Focus the previous comment with smaller or equal level
  • t: Focus the comment at the top
  • b: Focus the comment at the bottom
  • r: Reload the comment view.
  • O: Open in browser the link associated with the discussed story
  • S: Open in browser the discussed story
  • C: Open in browser the focused comment
  • {link_id} f: Open in browser the {link_id}-th link in the focused comment

Search View shortcuts

In SearchView, there are two modes: Navigation and Search. The default mode is Search.

Search mode is similar to Vim's Insert mode, in which users can input the query string.

Navigation mode allows the SearchView to behave like a StoryView with all StoryView shortcuts enabled.

Key shortcuts:

  • i: Enter Search mode from Navigation mode
  • : Enter Navigation mode from Search mode

Navigation mode also supports all StoryView's key shortcuts beside q,w,e,r.


By default, the application will look for ~/.config/hn-tui.toml as its configuration file.

You can specify the path by specifying the -c or --config argument when running the application:

hackernews_tui -c ~/.config/hn-tui.toml

For further information about the config options, please refer to the example config file by running hackernews_tui --example-config.

Note: all config options (as included in the example config file) are required. You can run

hackernews_tui --example-config > ~/.config/hn-tui.toml

then modify the config options in ~/.config/hn-tui.toml based on your preferences.

  • Reduce crate size using `cargo diet` by soon to be 26MB

    Reduce crate size using `cargo diet` by soon to be 26MB

    Here is the output it produced.

    hackernews-TUI git:(main) cargo diet
    │ Removed File                          │ Size (Byte) │
    │ run_debug                             │          93 │
    │ .gitignore                            │         177 │
    │ examples/hn-tui.toml                  │        2056 │
    │ examples/assets/story_search_view.png │      153376 │
    │ examples/assets/comment_view.png      │      160630 │
    │ examples/assets/story_view.png        │      216828 │
    │ examples/assets/help_view.png         │      293248 │
    │ examples/assets/v0-5-demo-2.gif       │     9951136 │
    │ examples/assets/v0-5-demo-1.gif       │    15331851 │
    Saved 100% or 26.1 MB in 9 files (of 26.2 MB and 28 files in entire crate)

    Please note that I found it easiest to move the default configuration file that is included in main.rs into the root, similar to how alacritty does it. There it might be more discoverable, too.

    Also, please let me know if there is anything missing to make this mergeable.

    PS: Congrats to making it to the front page!

    opened by Byron 11
  • Why the results aren't the same as in the web?

    Why the results aren't the same as in the web?


    I've decided to give hackernews-TUI a chance today but right after running it I've seen it shows different stories than they are on the web. Why? Do I use it somehow wrong?

    opened by ftpd 9
  • Release v0.1!

    Release v0.1!

    TODO list upon the release of the version v0.1:

    • [x] research theme for better user experience.
    • [x] add README.md for the application specification.
    • [x] release on crates.io
    • [x] release on archlinux aur
    opened by aome510 4
  • `v0.8.0` crashes on startup, fails to create log file

    `v0.8.0` crashes on startup, fails to create log file

    thread 'main' panicked at 'failed to create application's log file: No such file or directory (os error 2)', hackernews_tui/src/main.rs:132:9
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace`

    It's crashing because the $HOME/.cache directory does not exist, which is where it wants to create the log file.

    After doing:

    $ mkdir ~/.cache

    ...v0.8.0 starts up without issues.

    opened by herbygillot 3
  • Include useful font-highlighting similar to circumflex

    Include useful font-highlighting similar to circumflex

    This app is great however the one place I feel like it could be a bit better is highlighting. If hn-tui had highlighting to help with human-parsing and making things a little easier on the eyes, or making certain pieces of information more easily apparent or navigable, it would be perfect! This is a feature request for additional highlighting and labeling in the ways that circumflex provides it.

    to list out all the different text-highlighting:


    • [x] highlight headlines with Ask HN, Tell HN, Show HN and Launch HN


    • [x] colored comment depth indicators
    • [x] indent, italicize and dim quotes
    • [x] highlight code snippets
    • [ ] highlight @username mentions
    • [ ] color reference numbers such as [0] [1] [2] ...
    opened by JacobTravers 3
  • Failed to execute the command: 'article_md --format html'

    Failed to execute the command: 'article_md --format html'

    I am unable to open the article view inside the terminal.

    The description tells me to configure the 'article_parse_command' option as described on the link: https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/blob/main/config.md#article-parse-command

    But that blob doesn't exist.

    What am I doing wrong?

    opened by ivancernja 2
  • Default to opening story in browser if there is no article

    Default to opening story in browser if there is no article

    I'm used to hitting a particular keyboard shortcut to open in my browser the article associated with a story. But some stories, e.g. "Ask HN" don't have an associated article. In that case, I would prefer for the story page to be open in the browser. That way, I don't have to switch mental model (and keyboard shortcut) whenever I get to an "internal" story.

    In other words, "Open in browser the article associated with the focused story" should default to "Open in browser the focused story" if there is no article associated with the story

    opened by huyz 2
  • [Feature Request] Some common search operations

    [Feature Request] Some common search operations

    Right now I use https://hn.algolia.com/ to browse the most popular stories of the past week or month. Would be awesome if these could be added as well to hackernews-TUI.

    opened by huyz 2
  • Request: support XDG_CONFIG_HOME

    Request: support XDG_CONFIG_HOME

    Feature request: support the XDG Base Directory specification by checking $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/hackernews_tui/hn-tui.toml first, and then falling back to the ~/.config if it doesn't exist.

    opened by qubidt 2
  • Wont read hn-tui.toml

    Wont read hn-tui.toml

    On both machines I have (Void-Linux & NetBSD) I cannot get it to load my theme configuration from the hn-tui.toml file.

    This is my ~/.config/hn-tui.toml (which I shamelessly borrowed directly from another user - yes, it works for them).

    # hn-tui.toml
    allow_unicode = false
    page_scrolling = true
    scroll_offset = 3
    url_open_command = "firefox"
    article_parse_command = {command = "mercury-parser", options = ["--format", "markdown"]}
    enable = true
    delay = 2
    allows = ["front_page"]
    client_timeout = 32
    search = 10
    front_page = 20
    story = 20
    ask_hn = 15
    show_hn = 15
    job = 15
    background = "#d9d5ba"
    shadow = "#000000"
    view = "#f6f6ef"
    primary = "#4a4a48"
    secondary = "#a5a5a5"
    tertiary = "#d9dfba"
    title_primary = "#000000"
    title_secondary = "#ffff00"
    highlight = "#6c6c6c"
    highlight_inactive = "#0000ff"
    highlight_text = "#c3bbbb"
    link_text = "#4fbbfd"
    link_id_bg = "#ffff00"
    search_highlight_bg = "#ffff00"
    status_bar_bg = "#ff6600"
    code_block_bg = "#c8c8c8"
    open_help_dialog = "?"
    quit = "C-q"
    close_dialog = "esc"
    goto_previous_view = "C-p"
    goto_front_page_view = "C-f"
    goto_search_view = "C-s"
    goto_all_stories_view = "C-z"
    goto_ask_hn_view = "C-x"
    goto_show_hn_view = "C-c"
    goto_jobs_view = "C-v"
    next_story = "j"
    prev_story = "k"
    goto_story = "g"
    next_page = "n"
    prev_page = "p"
    toggle_sort_by = "d"
    open_article_in_browser = "o"
    open_article_in_article_view = "O"
    open_story_in_browser = "s"
    goto_story_comment_view = "enter"
    to_navigation_mode = "esc"
    to_search_mode = "i"
    next_comment = "j"
    prev_comment = "k"
    next_top_level_comment = "n"
    prev_top_level_comment = "p"
    next_leq_level_comment = "l"
    prev_leq_level_comment = "h"
    down = "down"
    up = "up"
    page_down = "page_down"
    page_up = "page_up"
    open_comment_in_browser = "c"
    open_link_in_browser = "f"
    open_link_in_article_view = "F"
    reload_comment_view = "r"
    down = "j"
    up = "k"
    page_down = "d"
    page_up = "u"
    top = "t"
    bottom = "b"
    open_article_in_browser = "o"
    open_link_in_browser = "f"
    open_link_in_article_view = "F"
    open_link_dialog = "l"
    link_dialog_focus_next = "j"
    link_dialog_focus_prev = "k"
    toggle_raw_markdown_mode = "T"

    Even when running:

    $ hackernews_tui -c ~/.config/hn-tui.toml

    It still loads the default config. Any reason why it wouldn't be reading this file and just loading the default config?

    opened by pfr-dev 2
  • Expand story view capabilities

    Expand story view capabilities


    • introduce story sort mode to replace initial sort "by_date". Story sort mode includes: None, Date, and Point.
      • update story retrieving/constructing codes to use sort_mode as a parameter instead of by_date
    • if None sort mode is specified, use a combination of HN Algolia APIs and HN official APIs to retrieve ask_hn and show_hn stories in the same order as displayed in the http://news.ycombinator.com/ website.
      • Related: #79

    Breaking changes

    • rename toggle_sort_by_date command to cycle_sort_mode
    opened by aome510 0
  • The greatest TUI client so far, bat the progress [bar] is absolute must!

    The greatest TUI client so far, bat the progress [bar] is absolute must!


    thanks a lot for just the greatest HN TUI! fantastic work! The only thing is lacking and, IMHO, it's a major issue (but very easy to add): the loading progress visualisation. Otherwise it feels like your brain is itching inside, lol :) Almost physical thing!

    Or if by some reason there is one and I'm missing it... Just let me know :)


    opened by ink-splatters 3
  • How to configure proxy?

    How to configure proxy?

    I set http and https proxy before invoke hacknews_tui export https_proxy=;export http_proxy= But it did not work. I didn't find how to config http proxy in config file either.

    help wanted 
    opened by sleetdrop 1
  • v0.11.0(Oct 7, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Expand story view capabilities in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/80

    Breaking changes

    • Renamed toggle_sort_by_date command to cycle_sort_mode in keymap.story_view_keymap

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/compare/v0.10.2...v0.11.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    hackernews_tui-x86_64-apple-darwin.sha256(108 bytes)
    hackernews_tui-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz(2.91 MB)
    hackernews_tui-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.sha256(108 bytes)
    hackernews_tui-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip(2.39 MB)
    hackernews_tui-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.sha256(113 bytes)
    hackernews_tui-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz(4.28 MB)
  • v0.10.2(Aug 11, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Rewrite CI-CD in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/77
    • Update dependencies in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/76
    • Use a "forked" rcdom module in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/78

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/compare/v0.10.1...v0.10.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    hackernews_tui-x86_64-apple-darwin.sha256(108 bytes)
    hackernews_tui-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz(2.93 MB)
    hackernews_tui-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.sha256(108 bytes)
    hackernews_tui-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip(2.42 MB)
    hackernews_tui-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.sha256(113 bytes)
    hackernews_tui-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz(4.31 MB)
  • v0.10.1(May 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update dependencies in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/68
    • Support multiple keybindings to a single command in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/70
    • Implement different view traits/helpers in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/71
    • Refactor link handler codes in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/72
    • Code refactor and cleanup part I in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/74
    • Code refactor and clean part II in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/75

    Breaking changes

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/compare/v0.9.1...v0.10.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.1(Jan 16, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Render story text in comment view in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/62
    • Update dependencies in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/63

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/compare/v0.9.0...v0.9.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.0(Dec 31, 2021)

    To summarize, hackernews-TUI v0.9.0 brings a new and better UI with useful font highlighting.

    What's Changed

    • Rewrite theme structs in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/54
    • Tweak application UI in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/55
    • [#51] add font highlight for CommentView and StoryView in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/56
    • Add story tag navigation commands in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/57
    • Add font highlighting for ArticleView in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/58
    • Update documentation and configuration structures in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/59
    • Integrate comfy_table in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/60
    • Pre-release v0.9.0 in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/61

    Breaking changes

    There are a lot of breaking changes regarding the config options and the corresponding default values. It's highly recommended to read the config documentation or the example config file to migrate from the old versions.

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/compare/v0.8.1...v0.9.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.8.1(Dec 14, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Create a log folder if not exists in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/commit/be6b431b975839e15bf703beee2bab7348095bac (fix #52)
    • Add a client logger in https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/pull/53

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/aome510/hackernews-TUI/compare/v0.8.0...v0.8.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.8.0(Dec 12, 2021)

    Breaking changes

    • remove allow_unicode config option. Rendering unicode characters by default.
    • remove scroll_offset config option. Use a constant value 3.
    • change the default value for url_open_command from xdg-open to open
    • remove client.lazy_loading_comments config options
    • remove reload_comment_view command


    • implement a smarter comment loading function (in #47)
    • rewrite search view module in view/search_view.rs(#48)
    • add file logger (in #47)
    • simplify key parser (in #49)
    • and many other improvements and refactoring
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.7.3(Jul 11, 2021)

  • v0.7.2(Jun 27, 2021)

    Application changes

    • fix weird behavior when collpasing a comment with partially collapsed child comments
    • improve performance when parsing comments

    Codebase chages

    • refactor modules #41. Move client and config modules into separate folders
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.7.1(Jun 21, 2021)

    Brief description of changes

    • add comment_collapsing feature (default binds to tab) to toggle collapsing of a comment
    • disable rendering non-ascii characters by default to avoid some weird behaviors on terminal. To enable rendering all unicode characters, set allow_unicode option to true.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.7.0(Jun 12, 2021)

    Brief description of application changes

    • integrate Official HN APIs:
      • #36: use the official APIs to display the Story View - Front Page similarly to HN front-page.
      • #37: remove StoryPooling feature and replace it with LazyLoadingComments feature which lazily loads comments on demand.
    • #39: allow all configuration options to be optional. Previously, user needs to create the config file based the example config. Now, if an option is not specified, a default value will be used instead (for more information/documentation, refer to the example config file).

    Brief description of codebase changes

    • Refactor the repo into 3 separate crates: hackernews_tui for main binary crate, config_parser (lib) and config_parser_derive (proc-macro) for the libraries to parse configuration options from the config file.
    • #38: reduce the .clone() usage, move the application's hn_client::HNClient to global state.
    • small refactoring and documentation improvements
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.2(May 29, 2021)


    • add article_parse_command
    • use raw hex code when defining the default theme (setting color to "white" can be different depending on the terminal's theme)
    • fix bugs
    • remove multiline from the regex parsing markdown URL (to avoid possible parsing errors)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.1(May 19, 2021)

    Application changes

    • remove q,w,e,r default shortcuts/functionalities used to filter stories by past date
    • add support for defining custom shortcut to navigate between different StoryView with filters

    Codebase changes

    • implement support for defining custom keymap.
    • minor improvements, bug fixes
    • add Derive(Debug) for most of the defined structs
    • move src/view/utils.rs to src/utils.rs
    • refactor HelpView to allow non-static description for a key shortcut
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.0(May 2, 2021)

    v0.6.0 is another major release version after v0.5.0 with a lot of breaking changes.

    Application changes

    • Introducing Article View used to read a web page in reader mode directly in the application:
      • mercury-parser is required for the view to function
      • a brief demo video about Article View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIsKZwPi2T8
    • Supporting fully customizable key bindings:
    • Change default key bindings:
      • With fully customizable shortcuts, the default key mapping received major changes to simplify its interfaces.
      • For more details on the new shortcuts, press ? in each View to see the new key mapping or read the default config file.
    • Remove webbroswer package (originally used to open a link in browser with cross-platform support)
      • Now, to open an external link in the browser, users need to define the url_open_command config option in the default config file. Default to be xdg-open.

    Codebase changes

    • implement new features (fully customizable key mapping, Article View)
    • fix bugs, improve documentation and error handlers
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.1(Apr 25, 2021)

  • v0.5.0(Apr 23, 2021)

    This release has a lot of changes compared to v0.4.0

    Application changes Major:

    • add more StoryView support: All Stories, Show HN, Ask HN, Jobs
    • add paging, filtering, sorting options for StoryView and SearchView
    • allow multiple View to be stacked (can use <ctrl-p>/<alt-p> to go to the previous View)


    • add n, p shortcuts for CommentView
    • modify footer button to include only [help] and [quit] option.
    • add --example-config command line option to print an example configuration
    • add config options for story_pooling

    Codebase changes

    • implementation for new application changes
    • add cursive-aligned-view package to improve loading screen
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.0(Apr 14, 2021)

    Application changes

    Codebase changes

    • implement new features listed above.
    • add application command line arguments.
    • add config.rs to handle application's configurations.
    • clean up imports in prelude.rs
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.1(Mar 30, 2021)

  • v0.3(Mar 18, 2021)

    Application changes

    • Add <ctlr-{x}> as an alternative leader key besides the default <alt-{x}>.
    • Change footer layout.

    Codebase changes

    • Improve code structure/logic in HelpView, ErrorView.
    • Move global key handlers to main CursiveView instead of handling in each View.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.1(Mar 16, 2021)

  • v0.2(Mar 16, 2021)

    New version v0.2. Brief summary of changes

    • add new Story Search View.
    • add help dialog for finding shorcuts in each View.
    • use ureq instead of rewquest for the http client.
    • add status_bar, footer for each View.
    • code refactoring, improvement and more documentation.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.2.1(Mar 6, 2021)

  • v0.1.2(Mar 6, 2021)

  • v0.1.1(Mar 4, 2021)

  • v0.1.0(Mar 4, 2021)

    First release of hackernews_tui!

    • Implement two main views: StoryView and CommentView.
    • Use algolia APIs to interact with Hacker News.
    • Parse raw HN texts in HTML into Markdown.
    • Add basic navigation commands and open-link-in-browser commands for both views.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Thang Pham
University of Waterloo CS 24.
Thang Pham
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Workflows The repo for all public Workflows that appear within Warp and within commands.dev. To learn how to create local or repository workflows, see

Warp 369 Jan 2, 2023
Workflows make it easy to browse, search, execute and share commands (or a series of commands)--without needing to leave your terminal.

Workflows The repo for all public Workflows that appear within Warp and within commands.dev. To learn how to create local or repository workflows, see

Warp 227 Jun 1, 2022
Browse and listen to thousands of radio stations across the globe right from your terminal 🌎 📻 🎵✨

TuneIn CLI A command line interface for TuneIn Radio. You can search for stations, play them, and see what's currently playing. ?? Installation Compil

Tsiry Sandratraina 8 Mar 2, 2023
Terminal UI for leetcode. Lets you browse questions through different topics. View, solve, run and submit questions from TUI.

Leetcode TUI Use Leetcode in your terminal. Why this TUI: My motivation for creating leetcode-tui stemmed from my preference for tools that are lightw

Akarsh 8 Aug 10, 2023
A user-friendly TUI for secure file transfers, with arrow-key and VIM-style navigation

gsftp SFTP with an interactive text-based user interface (TUI). Transfer files through an encrypted connection with a visual interface, so you can see

Ben Jiron 3 Jul 7, 2022
Basic vim-like editor for Redox-OS

red red is an editor based on vim written in Rust. Goal of this project is to provide a basic command-line editor, much like nano. Targeted for Redox.

null 1 Mar 5, 2022
A structure editor for a simple functional programming language, with Vim-like shortcuts and commands.

dilim A structure editor for a simple functional programming language, with Vim-like shortcuts and commands. Written in Rust, using the Yew framework,

Joomy Korkut 6 Nov 18, 2022
Vim plugin to quickly parse strings into arrays.

butcher Vim plugin to quickly parse strings into arrays. It is painful to write arrays in any programming language, so butcher makes it easy for you.

null 5 Dec 31, 2021
A code-completion engine for Vim

YouCompleteMe: a code-completion engine for Vim Help, Advice, Support Looking for help, advice or support? Having problems getting YCM to work? First

null 24.5k Dec 31, 2022
lemmy-help is a emmylua parser as well as a CLI which takes that parsed tree and converts it into vim help docs.

lemmy-help is a emmylua parser as well as a CLI which takes that parsed tree and converts it into vim help docs.

Vikas Raj 117 Jan 3, 2023
Command-line tool that provides a workflow for extending, editing, diffing, and writing to vim-style grep lines.

Grug Grug is a command-line tool that provides a workflow for expanding, editing, diffing, and writing edits to files using vim-styled grep lines (suc

null 4 Apr 25, 2023
A simple overlay for OBS to display consecutive keystrokes. Primarily for programming, especially for Vim.

Keystroke-Display A simple overlay for OBS to display consecutive keystrokes. Primarily for programming, especially for Vim. This will work on Windows

null 7 May 13, 2023
A bit like tee, a bit like script, but all with a fake tty. Lets you remote control and watch a process

teetty teetty is a wrapper binary to execute a command in a pty while providing remote control facilities. This allows logging the stdout of a process

Armin Ronacher 259 Jan 3, 2023
Low-level Rust library for implementing terminal command line interface, like in embedded systems.

Terminal CLI Need to build an interactive command prompt, with commands, properties and with full autocomplete? This is for you. Example, output only

HashMismatch 47 Nov 25, 2022
A library that creates a terminal-like window with feature-packed drawing of text and easy input handling. MIRROR.

BearLibTerminal provides a pseudoterminal window with a grid of character cells and a simple yet powerful API for flexible textual output and uncompli

Tommy Ettinger 43 Oct 31, 2022
joshuto: ranger-like terminal file manager written in Rust.

joshuto: ranger-like terminal file manager written in Rust.

Jeff Zhao 1.1k Dec 30, 2022
An open source, programmed in rust, privacy focused tool for reading programming resources (like stackoverflow) fast, efficient and asynchronous from the terminal.

Falion An open source, programmed in rust, privacy focused tool for reading programming resources (like StackOverFlow) fast, efficient and asynchronou

Obscurely 17 Dec 20, 2022