RakNet Protocol implementation by Rust.


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RakNet Protocol implementation by Rust.

Raknet is a reliable udp transport protocol that is often used for communication between game clients and servers. This project is an incomplete implementation of the protocol.

Reference : http://www.jenkinssoftware.com/raknet/manual/index.html

This project is not affiliated with Jenkins Software LLC nor RakNet.


  • Async
  • MIT License
  • Pure Rust implementation
  • Selective Retransmission (TCP/Full Retransmission)
  • Non-delayed ACK (TCP/Delayed ACK)
  • RTO Not Doubled (TCP/RTO Doubled)
  • Linux/Windows/Mac/BSD support
  • Compatible with Minecraft 1.18.x

Get Started

# Cargo.toml
rust-raknet = "0.5.0"


  • unreliable
  • unreliable sequenced
  • reliable
  • reliable ordered
  • reliable sequenced



async fn serve(){
    let mut listener = RaknetListener::bind("".parse().unwrap()).await.unwrap();
        let mut socket = listener.accept().await.unwrap();
        let buf = socket.recv().await.unwrap();
        if buf[0] == 0xfe{
            //do something

async fn connect(){
    let socket = RaknetSocket::connect("".parse().unwrap()).await.unwrap();
    socket.send(&[0xfe], Reliability::ReliableOrdered).await.unwrap();
    let buf = socket.recv().await.unwrap();
    if buf[0] == 0xfe{
        //do something


If you want to develop with me, you can contact me via discord or email.

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  • Couldn't connect to server with `unwrap()` called on `Result` on a `Err` value

    Couldn't connect to server with `unwrap()` called on `Result` on a `Err` value

    Created simple packet listener, my code:

    async fn main() {
        let mut socket = rust_raknet::RaknetListener::bind("".parse().unwrap()).await.unwrap();
        while let Ok(mut s) = socket.accept().await {
            tracing::info!("Accepted connection from {:?}", s.local_addr());
            let mut connection = rust_raknet::RaknetSocket::connect(&"".parse().unwrap()).await.unwrap();
            loop {
                if let Ok(buf) = s.recv().await {
                    tracing::info!("FROM CLIENT: {:?}", &buf);
                    connection.send(buf.as_slice(), Reliability::Reliable).await;
                if let Ok(buf) = connection.recv().await {
                    tracing::info!("FROM SERVER: {:?}", &buf);
                    s.send(buf.as_slice(), Reliability::Reliable).await;


    thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: ReadPacketBufferError', C:\Users\dolabaeb\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\rust-raknet-0.3.1\src\socket.rs:357:137

    On line https://github.com/b23r0/rust-raknet/blob/main/src/socket.rs#L371

    opened by feelingnothing 10
  • Error with example proxy

    Error with example proxy

    Cloning library directly from master branch, building proxy.exe with --release on Windows 10 21H2 (19044.1645) and connecting to it through PC version Minecraft 1.18.12 and getting this error:

    thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: ReadPacketBufferError', C:\Users\dolabaeb\CLionProjects\rust-raknet\src\socket.rs:371:137
    stack backtrace:
       0:     0x7ff7082c2fff - std::backtrace_rs::backtrace::dbghelp::trace
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\..\..\backtrace\src\backtrace\dbghelp.rs:98
       1:     0x7ff7082c2fff - std::backtrace_rs::backtrace::trace_unsynchronized
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\..\..\backtrace\src\backtrace\mod.rs:66
       2:     0x7ff7082c2fff - std::sys_common::backtrace::_print_fmt
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\sys_common\backtrace.rs:67
       3:     0x7ff7082c2fff - std::sys_common::backtrace::_print::impl$0::fmt
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\sys_common\backtrace.rs:46
       4:     0x7ff7082d5c2a - core::fmt::write
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\core\src\fmt\mod.rs:1168
       5:     0x7ff7082bccb8 - std::io::Write::write_fmt<std::sys::windows::stdio::Stderr>
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\io\mod.rs:1660
       6:     0x7ff7082c5b5b - std::sys_common::backtrace::_print
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\sys_common\backtrace.rs:49
       7:     0x7ff7082c5b5b - std::sys_common::backtrace::print
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\sys_common\backtrace.rs:36
       8:     0x7ff7082c5b5b - std::panicking::default_hook::closure$1
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\panicking.rs:211
       9:     0x7ff7082c5654 - std::panicking::default_hook
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\panicking.rs:228
      10:     0x7ff7082c605c - std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\panicking.rs:606
      11:     0x7ff7082c5f1b - std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::closure$0
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\panicking.rs:502
      12:     0x7ff7082c3947 - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace<std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::closure$0,never$>
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\sys_common\backtrace.rs:139
      13:     0x7ff7082c5c19 - std::panicking::begin_panic_handler
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\panicking.rs:498
      14:     0x7ff7082e0520 - core::panicking::panic_fmt
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\core\src\panicking.rs:116
      15:     0x7ff7082e05c3 - core::result::unwrap_failed
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\core\src\result.rs:1690
      16:     0x7ff70827bf58 - rust_raknet::socket::RaknetSocket::start_receiver::{{closure}}::hdf180a56c8e969e1
      17:     0x7ff70826bd5a - std::panicking::try::hc206c013b6ddaf57
      18:     0x7ff7082713c8 - tokio::runtime::task::harness::Harness<T,S>::complete::hdd4b53e814e17a2e
      19:     0x7ff70826f180 - tokio::runtime::task::harness::Harness<T,S>::poll::h4b79a9f0313f8bda
      20:     0x7ff7082899e7 - std::thread::local::LocalKey<T>::with::hee90645ce63d04a6
      21:     0x7ff7082a7867 - tokio::runtime::thread_pool::worker::Context::run::hf532ea944e9ceb7b
      22:     0x7ff7082a659f - tokio::runtime::thread_pool::worker::Context::run::hf532ea944e9ceb7b
      23:     0x7ff70828f878 - tokio::macros::scoped_tls::ScopedKey<T>::set::h9c078d3da8ad3cf1
      24:     0x7ff7082a5f6a - tokio::runtime::thread_pool::worker::run::h7190bbc6b2ab57df
      25:     0x7ff70828a565 - tokio::runtime::task::core::CoreStage<T>::poll::h8158559ae3fc7af7
      26:     0x7ff708286616 - std::panicking::try::h285da934742423c5
      27:     0x7ff70829df00 - tokio::runtime::task::harness::Harness<T,S>::poll::he531c6aa5d8b0e33
      28:     0x7ff708299d7c - tokio::runtime::blocking::pool::Inner::run::hc60e1a36e26a7d78
      29:     0x7ff70829c7e5 - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace::h471c0fb8d6991f35
      30:     0x7ff708288ca3 - <tokio::io::driver::scheduled_io::Readiness as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop::h9c7660bf59f3dba4
      31:     0x7ff7082c9b5c - alloc::boxed::impl$44::call_once
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\library\alloc\src\boxed.rs:1854
      32:     0x7ff7082c9b5c - alloc::boxed::impl$44::call_once
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\library\alloc\src\boxed.rs:1854
      33:     0x7ff7082c9b5c - std::sys::windows::thread::impl$0::new::thread_start
                                   at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\sys\windows\thread.rs:58
      34:     0x7ffe55f57034 - BaseThreadInitThunk
      35:     0x7ffe56522651 - RtlUserThreadStart

    proxy.exe -l -r IP address is Europe HiveMC server

    opened by feelingnothing 3
  • Support customizable protocol version

    Support customizable protocol version

    In order to be compatible with minecraft, the raknet protocol version has to be configurable. It changed in various minecraft versions (without changes to raknet level). In 1.19.30 the latest raknet version is 11.


    opened by extremeheat 2
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