Easy protocol definitions in Rust



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Easy protocol definitions in Rust.

This crate adds a custom derive that can be added to types, allowing structured data to be sent and received from any IO stream.

Networking is built-in, with special support for TCP and UDP.

The protocol you define can be used outside of networking too - see the Parcel::from_raw_bytes and Parcel::raw_bytes methods.

This crate also provides:

  • TCP and UDP modules for easy sending and receiving of Parcels
  • A generic middleware library for automatic transformation of sent/received data
    • Middleware has already been written to support compression
    • Custom middleware can be implemented via a trait with two methods

Checkout the examples folder for usage.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

protocol = "3.1"
protocol-derive = "3.1"

Under the hood

The most interesting part here is the protocol::Parcel trait. Any type that implements this trait can then be serialized to and from a byte stream. All primitive types, standard collections, tuples, and arrays implement this trait.

This crate becomes particularly useful when you define your own Parcel types. You can use #[derive(Protocol)] to do this. Note that in order for a type to implement Parcel, it must also implement Clone, Debug, and PartialEq.

#[derive(Parcel, Clone, Debug, PartialEq]
pub struct Health(f32);

#[derive(Parcel, Clone, Debug, PartialEq]
pub struct SetPlayerPosition {
    pub position: (f32, f32),
    pub health: Health,
    pub values: Vec<String>,

Custom derive

Any user-defined type can have the Parcel trait automatically derived.


#[macro_use] extern crate protocol_derive;
#[macro_use] extern crate protocol;

#[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Handshake;

#[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Hello {
    id: i64,
    data: Vec<u8>,

#[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Goodbye {
    id: i64,
    reason: String,

#[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Node {
    name: String,
    enabled: bool

#[protocol(discriminant = "integer")]
#[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum PacketKind {

fn main() {
    use std::net::TcpStream;

    let stream = TcpStream::connect("").unwrap();
    let mut connection = protocol::wire::stream::Connection::new(stream, protocol::wire::middleware::pipeline::default());

    connection.send_packet(&Packet::Hello(Hello { id: 0, data: vec![ 55 ]})).unwrap();
    connection.send_packet(&Packet::Goodbye(Goodbye { id: 0, reason: "leaving".to_string() })).unwrap();

    loop {
        if let Some(response) = connection.receive_packet().unwrap() {
            println!("{:?}", response);



Enum values can be transmitted either by their 1-based variant index, or by transmitting the string name of each variant.

NOTE: The default behaviour is to use the variant name as a string (string).

This behaviour can be changed by the #[protocol(discriminant = "<type>")] attribute.

Supported discriminant types:

  • string (default)
    • This transmits the enum variant name as the over-the-wire discriminant
    • This uses more bytes per message, but it very flexible
  • integer
    • This transmits the 1-based variant number as the over-the-wire discriminant
    • If enum variants have explicit discriminators, the
    • Enum variants cannot be reordered in the source without breaking the protocol
#[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[protocol(discriminant = "string")]
pub enum PlayerState {
  Flying { velocity: (f32,f32,f32) },
  // Discriminators can be explicitly specified.
  Jumping { height: f32 },


You can rename the variant for their serialisation.

#[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[protocol(discriminant = "string")]
pub enum Foo {
  #[protocol(name = "Biz")] // the Bing variant will be send/received as 'Biz'.
  • Support array sizes over 32

    Support array sizes over 32


    I'm currently working on a Macho parser and couldn't figure out how to declare sized char arrays (char foo[16]). I tried [u8; 16], with no luck.

    Is that possible right now at all?


    opened by 19h 8
  • Support for uuid seams broken.

    Support for uuid seams broken.

    I am having issues with getting the feature to use Uuid to work.


    protocol-derive = "3.1.3"
    protocol= { version = "3.1.3", features = ["uuid"] }

    Trying to compile something simple as

    use uuid::Uuid;
    use protocol_derive::Protocol;
    #[derive(Protocol, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
    pub struct Foo {
        pub id: Uuid,

    And then I got a compiler error:

    #[derive(Protocol, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
    |        ^^^^^^^^ the trait `id::__impl_protocol___Parcel_FOR_Foo::protocol::HighLevel` is not implemented for `uuid::Uuid`

    Am I missing something?

    opened by Superhepper 3
  • Not possible to get discriminant of received packet?

    Not possible to get discriminant of received packet?

    I am interested in retrieving the discriminant of the packet that I have received. Though it seams as this is not possible. And I only wish to ask if I have understood this correctly?

    If we use the example from the documentation. What would hope would be possible would be to do the following:

        loop {
            if let Some(response) = connection.receive_packet().unwrap() {
                println!("{:?}", response.discriminant());

    But to me it seams as the only way one can retrieve discriminators is through the enum that defines the protocol?

    #[macro_use] extern crate protocol_derive;
    #[macro_use] extern crate protocol;
    #[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
    pub struct Handshake;
    #[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
    pub struct Hello {
        id: i64,
        data: Vec<u8>,
    #[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
    pub struct Goodbye {
        id: i64,
        reason: String,
    #[protocol(discriminant = "integer")]
    #[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
    pub enum PacketKind {
    fn main() {
    println!("Disc: {}", Packet::Handshake(Handshake)).discriminant());

    In order to get the discriminant of message do I have to write my own function that checks the message type and return the appropriate discriminator by constructing a temporary object and extract it from the temporary object?

    use protocol_derive;
    use protocol::{ByteOrder, Enum, Parcel, Settings};
    #[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
    pub struct Handshake;
    #[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
    pub struct Hello {
        id: i64,
        data: Vec<u8>,
    #[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
    pub struct Goodbye {
        id: i64,
        reason: String,
    #[protocol(discriminant = "integer")]
    #[derive(Protocol, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
    pub enum PacketKind {
    impl PacketKind {
    pub fn get_discriminator(&self) -> u16 {
    match self {
        PacketKind::Handshake(_) => {
        PacketKind::Hello(_) => {
           PacketKind::Hello(Hello {id: Default::default(), data: Default::default() }).discriminant()
        PacketKind::GoodBye(_) => {
            PacketKind::Goodbye(GoodBye {id: Default::default(), reason: "".to_string() }).discriminant()

    It seam really weird that the library user would have to go through all this trouble to get the discriminant of the received package or am I missing something?

    opened by Superhepper 3
  • Doesn't work at latest nightly rust toolchain

    Doesn't work at latest nightly rust toolchain

    error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `<i64 as std::convert::TryFrom<i8>>::Error == std::num::TryFromIntError`
       --> ...\protocol-0.3.1\src\primitives\numerics.rs:102:6
    102 | impl Integer for i64 { }
        |      ^^^^^^^ expected enum `std::convert::Infallible`, found struct `std::num::TryFromIntError`
        = note: expected type `std::convert::Infallible`
                   found type `std::num::TryFromIntError`
    opened by CertainLach 2
  • remove panic on unknown discriminator

    remove panic on unknown discriminator

    This panic line caused one of our production systems to crash when trying to decode messages on a noisy channel.


    Now, I'm happy to fix this and submit a pull request but how? Because this is part of the derived parcel implementation, I'm not sure what the generated code ends up looking like or what can be returned here to replace the panic

    opened by derkbell 1
  • Null terminated strings

    Null terminated strings

    I am currently implementing a protocol that has 17 bytes or things that I don't care for now and then a 0 terminated string. It is datagram based, so the length of the packet is very clear from the start.

    I am not the creator of the protocol, it has been around for 20 years or so.

    Is there any way I can decode that string? What happens if there are bytes left to consume?

    opened by anarelion 1
  • Make protocol work on stable rust and lastest nightly compiler.

    Make protocol work on stable rust and lastest nightly compiler.

    Removed TryFrom in favor of num-traits

    • Allows protocol to work in stable rust
    • Fixes the compiler errors in the latest nightly (caused by https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/44174)
    opened by Kern-- 1
  • Merge the `Type` and `Packet` traits

    Merge the `Type` and `Packet` traits

    Currently, there is the distinction between a Type that can be serialised, and a Packet that can be serialised. They both share almost the exact same definition.

    It would be good to merge the two traits into one. This would allow connections to be build using primitives as packets, and also make everything more consistent.

    opened by dylanmckay 1
  • Where clauses ignored when deriving Protocol for traits that have where clauses

    Where clauses ignored when deriving Protocol for traits that have where clauses


    enum Event<E: Event> {
       // ...

    will work.


    enum Event<E> where E: Event {
       // ...

    does not. protocol-derive only looks at the constraints on the generic types, it currently fails to look at the where clause constraints and add them to the new impl Parcel.

    Something like this needs to be done

    diff --git a/protocol-derive/src/lib.rs b/protocol-derive/src/lib.rs
    index 517c224..dfeda42 100644
    --- a/protocol-derive/src/lib.rs
    +++ b/protocol-derive/src/lib.rs
    @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ fn impl_parcel(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
     /// Returns `(generics, where_predicates)`
     fn build_generics(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> (Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream>, Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream>) {
         let mut where_predicates = Vec::new();
    -    let generics: Vec<_> = ast.generics.params.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, p)| {
    +    let generics: Vec<_> = ast.generics.type_params().enumerate().map(|(i, p)| {
             match p {
                 syn::GenericParam::Type(t) => {
                     let (ident, bounds) = (&t.ident, &t.bounds);

    NOTE: this if 1/3rd of a proper fix. A proper fix would also check generics.lifetimes() and generics.const_params and copy the constraints to the new impl. Currently the patch would ignore lifetime parameters and break all traits with lifetime type parameters.

    opened by dylanmckay 0
  • Fixed length

    Fixed length

    Hello , is it possible to set a fixed length for a string field ? I would need something like this :

    #[derive(Protocol, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
    pub struct DatFile {
        game_version: String,
    opened by oknozor 0
  • Variable protocol depending on context:  Custom Settings or Hints.

    Variable protocol depending on context: Custom Settings or Hints.

    The protocol I am implementing has certain quirks. It is a opcode u16 based protocol, so first 2 bytes define the rest, but:

    Some packets can be embebbed into other packets and depending on that, a CRC is added at the end or not.

    Does protocol has a easy way to map this? Is there a way that I can provide custom settings or hints ?

    opened by anarelion 0
  • Does not work with non_blocking communication.

    Does not work with non_blocking communication.

    I have tried to use this with a non_blocking socket and I get some weird error:

    panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 11, kind: WouldBlock, message: "Resource temporarily unavailable" }'

    Is non blocking sockets supported?

    opened by Superhepper 1
  • Docs on what result of `.receive_packet` means

    Docs on what result of `.receive_packet` means

    Returns a Result<Option<P>, Error>, but the docs are a bit terse


    Attempts to receive a packet

    • Is this a non-blocking call?
    • What does Ok(None) mean here? Is it an error? If this is non-blocking, does it mean try again later?
    opened by deontologician 0
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