Yet Another File Transfer Protocol.



Yet Another File Transfer Protocol.

Build & Run

$> cargo build --release


  • C2C
  • Lightweight
  • Per something per session
  • High performence
  • Resume broken transfer


Handshake Request

| 1  |    1     | 1 to 255 |

fisrt , client will send client version and support methods .

In yaftp version 1.0 , only support 6 methods.

| CMD |   VALUE   |
| ls  |   0x01    |
| cp  |   0x02    |
| mv  |   0x03    |
| rm  |   0x04    |
| put |   0x05    |
| get |   0x06    |

Handshake Reply

| 1  |    1     | 1 to 255 |

yaftp will reply server version and support methods.

Send Command

|  CMD  | NARG  |
| 1(u8) | 1(u8) |

client send command message to server , tell server command type , arguments count , and next argument size.

if command has two arguments and above, client will keep send argument message until last one.

| NEXT_ARG_SIZE   |         ARG         |
|      4(u32)     |       Variable      |

next , we need know every command argument and type.

Command Arguments

| Command | NArg | Arg1                  | Arg2                  | Arg3                  | Arg4                  | Arg5                  |
| ls      | 1    | path [string]         |                       |                       |                       |                       |
| cp      | 2    | source path [string]  | target path [string]  |                       |                       |                       |
| mv      | 2    | source path [string]  | target path [string]  |                       |                       |                       |
| rm      | 1    | path [string]         |                       |                       |                       |                       |
| rm      | 1    | path [string]         |                       |                       |                       |                       |
| put     | 4    | path [string]         | md5[u32]              | start_pos[u128]       | end_pos[u128]         | data[stream]          |
| get     | 4    | path [string]         | start_pos[u128]       | end_pos[u128]         |                       |                       |

Command Reply

server received command arguments will check if valid and reply a code and arguments count.

|  RETCODE  |  NARG     |
|  1(u8)    |  1(u8)    |

if check vaild return 0x00 , else return 1~255.

|  RETCODE  |  Reason                     |
|  1        |  not support the version    |
|  2        |  not support the command    |
|  3        |  No permission              |
|  4        |  source path not found      |
|  5        |  start pos unvalid          |
|  6        |  end pos unvalid            |
|  7        |  check hash faild           |

Note : The yaftp protocol is full-duplex, so depending on the command, the returned data may not be returned until the command parameters are completely sent. Therefore, the returned data needs to be processed asynchronously. For example: after the put method submits the first three parameters, it may directly return a non-zero retcode.

Command Reply Arguments

command reply arguments same with command arguments.

| NEXT_ARG_SIZE   |         ARG         |
|      4(u32)     |       Variable      |

ls - 0x01

| Command | NArg      | Arg1                  |  ArgN                 |
| ls      | 0 or N    | column(string)        | row(string)           |

command ls will return a table like ls list. First argument is columns use | split.

others arguments is rows(use '|' split).

cp - 0x02

| Command | NArg |
| ls      | 0    |

command cp just return a code tell client if success.

mv - 0x03

| Command | NArg |
| mv      | 0    |

command mv just return a code tell client if success.

rm - 0x04

| Command | NArg |
| rm      | 0    |

command rm just return a code tell client if success.

put - 0x05

| Command | NArg      | Arg1                  |
| put     | 0 or 1    | md5(u32)              |

command put if retcode eq 0 will return a md5 hash after transfer finished.

get - 0x06

| Command | NArg      | Arg1                  | Arg2                  |
| get     | 0 or 2    | md5(u32)              | data[stream]          |

command get if retcode eq 0 will return request file data md5 hash , then server will send client request data.


Server will close the session connection.

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