Welcome to arrowdantic
Arrowdantic is a small Python library backed by a mature Rust implementation of Apache Arrow that can interoperate with
- Parquet
- Apache Arrow and
- ODBC (databases).
For simple (but data-heavy) data engineering tasks, this package essentially replaces pyarrow
: it supports reading from and writing to Parquet, Arrow at the same or higher performance and higher safety (e.g. no segfaults).
Furthermore, it supports reading from and writing to ODBC compliant databases at the same or higher performance than turbodbc
This package is also suitable for environments such as AWS Lambda functions. It takes 13M of disk space, compared to 82M taken by pyarrow.
- declare and access Arrow-backed arrays (integers, floats, boolean, string, binary)
- read from and write to Apache Arrow IPC file
- read from and write to Apache Parquet
- read from and write to ODBC-compliant databases (e.g. postgres, mongoDB)
Use parquet
import io
import arrowdantic as ad
original_arrays = [ad.UInt32Array([1, None])]
schema = ad.Schema(
[ad.Field(f"c{i}", array.type, True) for i, array in enumerate(original_arrays)]
data = io.BytesIO()
with ad.ParquetFileWriter(data, schema) as writer:
reader = ad.ParquetFileReader(data)
chunk = next(reader)
assert chunk.arrays() == original_arrays
Use Arrow files
import arrowdantic as ad
original_arrays = [ad.UInt32Array([1, None])]
schema = ad.Schema(
[ad.Field(f"c{i}", array.type, True) for i, array in enumerate(original_arrays)]
import io
data = io.BytesIO()
with ad.ArrowFileWriter(data, schema) as writer:
reader = ad.ArrowFileReader(data)
chunk = next(reader)
assert chunk.arrays() == original_arrays
import arrowdantic as ad
arrays = [ad.Int32Array([1, None]), ad.StringArray(["aa", None])]
with ad.ODBCConnector(r"Driver={SQLite3};Database=sqlite-test.db") as con:
# create an empty table with a schema
con.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS example;")
con.execute("CREATE TABLE example (c1 INT, c2 TEXT);")
# insert the arrays
con.write("INSERT INTO example (c1, c2) VALUES (?, ?)", ad.Chunk(arrays))
# read the arrays
with con.execute("SELECT c1, c2 FROM example", 1024) as chunks:
assert chunks.fields() == [
ad.Field("c1", ad.DataType.int32(), True),
ad.Field("c2", ad.DataType.string(), True),
chunk = next(chunks)
assert chunk.arrays() == arrays