Build SQLite virtual file systems (VFS) by implementing a simple Rust trait.

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Database sqlite vfs


Build SQLite virtual file systems (VFS) by implementing a simple Rust trait.

Documentation | Example

This library is build for my own use-case. It doesn't expose everything a SQLite VFS provides (e.g. memory mapped files). Feel free to propose additions if the current state doesn't work for your use-case.

Disclaimer: This library uses unsafe Rust to call SQLite C functions. I am neither an SQLite nor a unsafe Rust expert. I am only using this library for experiments (and not in any production capacity) right now.

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    Do not use std::path::Path in trait


    just found this. Nice project. I am trying to get sqlite to work with persistence in the browser via wasm. Was trying this out, but it does not compile to wasm due to using std::path::Path in the trait.

    Can we use something else, like &str, that is available on all targets? I tried using &str here , and at least the fs example still works.



    opened by rklaehn 8
  • Run against SQLite TCL Tests

    Run against SQLite TCL Tests

    This PR adds a way to run SQLite's TCL test harness against a custom sqlite-vfs based VFS.

    ⚠️ WIP: Get all the following test files green (1231/1238; 7 remaining)
    • [x] ext/expert/expert1.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5aa.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5ab.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5ac.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5ad.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5ae.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5af.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5ag.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5ah.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5ai.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5aj.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5ak.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5al.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5alter.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5auto.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5aux.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5auxdata.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5bigpl.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5bigtok.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5cat.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5circref.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5colset.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5columnsize.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5config.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5conflict.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5connect.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5content.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5corrupt.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5corrupt2.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5corrupt3.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5corrupt4.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5corrupt5.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5corrupt6.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5delete.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5detail.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5determin.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5dlidx.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5doclist.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5ea.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5eb.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5fault1.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5fault2.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5fault3.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5fault4.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5fault5.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5fault6.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5fault7.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5fault8.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5fault9.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5faultA.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5faultB.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5faultD.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5faultE.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5first.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5full.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5fuzz1.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5hash.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5integrity.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5interrupt.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5lastrowid.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5leftjoin.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5matchinfo.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5merge.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5merge2.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5misc.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5multi.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5multiclient.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5near.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5onepass.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5optimize.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5phrase.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5plan.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5porter.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5porter2.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5prefix.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5prefix2.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5query.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5rank.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5rebuild.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5restart.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5rowid.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5savepoint.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5simple.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5simple2.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5simple3.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5synonym.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5synonym2.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5tok1.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5tok2.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5tokenizer.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5trigram.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5umlaut.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5unicode.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5unicode2.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5unicode3.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5unicode4.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5unindexed.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5update.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5version.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5vocab.test
    • [x] ext/fts5/test/fts5vocab2.test
    • [x] ext/lsm1/test/lsm1_simple.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtree1.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtree2.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtree3.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtree4.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtree5.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtree6.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtree7.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtree8.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtree9.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreeA.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreeB.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreeC.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreeD.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreeE.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreeF.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreeG.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreeH.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreeI.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreecheck.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreecirc.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreeconnect.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreedoc.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreedoc2.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreedoc3.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/rtreefuzz001.test
    • [x] ext/rtree/tkt3363.test
    • [x] ext/session/changesetfuzz1.test
    • [x] ext/session/session1.test
    • [x] ext/session/session2.test
    • [x] ext/session/session3.test
    • [x] ext/session/session4.test
    • [x] ext/session/session5.test
    • [x] ext/session/session6.test
    • [x] ext/session/session8.test
    • [x] ext/session/session9.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionA.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionB.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionC.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionD.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionE.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionF.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionG.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionH.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionat.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionbig.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessiondiff.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionfault.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionfault2.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessioninvert.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionmem.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionnoop.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionrebase.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionsize.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionstat1.test
    • [x] ext/session/sessionwor.test
    • [x] test/8_3_names.test
    • [x] test/affinity2.test
    • [x] test/affinity3.test
    • [x] test/aggerror.test
    • [x] test/aggnested.test
    • [x] test/alias.test
    • [x] test/all.test
    • [x] test/alter.test
    • [x] test/alter2.test
    • [x] test/alter3.test
    • [x] test/alter4.test
    • [x] test/alterauth.test
    • [x] test/alterauth2.test
    • [x] test/altercol.test
    • [x] test/altercorrupt.test
    • [x] test/alterdropcol.test
    • [x] test/alterdropcol2.test
    • [x] test/alterfault.test
    • [x] test/alterlegacy.test
    • [x] test/altermalloc.test
    • [x] test/altermalloc2.test
    • [x] test/altermalloc3.test
    • [x] test/alterqf.test
    • [x] test/altertab.test
    • [x] test/altertab2.test
    • [x] test/altertab3.test
    • [x] test/amatch1.test
    • [x] test/analyze.test
    • [x] test/analyze3.test
    • [x] test/analyze4.test
    • [x] test/analyze5.test
    • [x] test/analyze6.test
    • [x] test/analyze7.test
    • [x] test/analyze8.test
    • [x] test/analyze9.test
    • [x] test/analyzeC.test
    • [x] test/analyzeD.test
    • [x] test/analyzeE.test
    • [x] test/analyzeF.test
    • [x] test/analyzeG.test
    • ~~test/analyzer1.test~~ (analyzer1 cannot run because /home/sqlite/build/sqlite3_analyzer is not available)
    • [x] test/async.test
    • ~~test/async2.test~~ (Skipping async2 tests: not compiled with required features)
    • ~~test/async3.test~~ (Skipping async3 tests: not compiled with required features)
    • [x] test/async4.test
    • [x] test/async5.test
    • [x] test/atof1.test
    • ~~test/atomic.test~~ (No f2fs atomic-batch-write support. Skipping tests...)
    • ~~test/atomic2.test~~ (No f2fs atomic-batch-write support. Skipping tests...)
    • [x] test/attach.test
    • [x] test/attach2.test
    • [x] test/attach3.test
    • [x] test/attach4.test
    • [x] test/attachmalloc.test
    • [x] test/auth.test
    • [x] test/auth2.test
    • [x] test/auth3.test
    • [x] test/autoanalyze1.test
    • [x] test/autoinc.test
    • [x] test/autoindex1.test
    • [x] test/autoindex2.test
    • [x] test/autoindex3.test
    • [x] test/autoindex4.test
    • [x] test/autoindex5.test
    • [x] test/autovacuum.test
    • [x] test/autovacuum2.test
    • [x] test/autovacuum_ioerr2.test
    • [x] test/avfs.test
    • [x] test/avtrans.test
    • ~~test/backcompat.test~~ (No historical binaries to test against.)
    • [x] test/backup.test
    • [x] test/backup2.test
    • [x] test/backup4.test
    • [x] test/backup5.test
    • [x] test/backup_ioerr.test
    • [x] test/backup_malloc.test
    • [x] test/badutf.test
    • [x] test/badutf2.test
    • [x] test/bestindex1.test
    • [x] test/bestindex2.test
    • [x] test/bestindex3.test
    • [x] test/bestindex4.test
    • [x] test/bestindex5.test
    • [x] test/bestindex6.test
    • [x] test/bestindex7.test
    • [x] test/between.test
    • [x] test/bigfile.test
    • [x] test/bigfile2.test
    • ~~test/bigmmap.test~~ (Skipping bigmmap.test - requires SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE >= 8G)
    • [x] test/bigrow.test
    • [x] test/bigsort.test
    • [x] test/bind.test
    • [x] test/bindxfer.test
    • [x] test/bitvec.test
    • [x] test/blob.test
    • [x] test/boundary1.test
    • [x] test/boundary2.test
    • [x] test/boundary3.test
    • [x] test/boundary4.test
    • [x] test/btree01.test
    • [x] test/btree02.test
    • [x] test/btreefault.test
    • [x] test/busy.test
    • [x] test/busy2.test
    • [x] test/cache.test
    • [x] test/cacheflush.test
    • [x] test/cachespill.test
    • [x] test/capi2.test
    • [x] test/capi3.test
    • [x] test/capi3b.test
    • [x] test/capi3c.test
    • [x] test/capi3d.test
    • [x] test/capi3e.test
    • [x] test/carray01.test
    • [x] test/cast.test
    • [x] test/cffault.test
    • [x] test/changes.test
    • [x] test/check.test
    • [x] test/checkfault.test
    • [x] test/chunksize.test
    • [x] test/close.test
    • [x] test/closure01.test
    • [x] test/coalesce.test
    • [x] test/collate1.test
    • [x] test/collate2.test
    • [x] test/collate3.test
    • [x] test/collate4.test
    • [x] test/collate5.test
    • [x] test/collate6.test
    • [x] test/collate7.test
    • [x] test/collate8.test
    • [x] test/collate9.test
    • [x] test/collateA.test
    • [x] test/collateB.test
    • [x] test/colmeta.test
    • [x] test/colname.test
    • [x] test/columncount.test
    • [x] test/conflict.test
    • [x] test/conflict2.test
    • [x] test/conflict3.test
    • [x] test/contrib01.test
    • [x] test/corrupt.test
    • [x] test/corrupt2.test
    • [x] test/corrupt3.test
    • [x] test/corrupt4.test
    • [x] test/corrupt5.test
    • [x] test/corrupt6.test
    • [x] test/corrupt7.test
    • [x] test/corrupt8.test
    • [x] test/corrupt9.test
    • [x] test/corruptA.test
    • [x] test/corruptB.test
    • [x] test/corruptC.test
    • [x] test/corruptD.test
    • [x] test/corruptE.test
    • [x] test/corruptF.test
    • [x] test/corruptG.test
    • [x] test/corruptH.test
    • [x] test/corruptI.test
    • [x] test/corruptJ.test
    • [x] test/corruptK.test
    • [x] test/corruptL.test
    • [x] test/corruptM.test
    • [x] test/corruptN.test
    • [x] test/cost.test
    • [x] test/count.test
    • [x] test/countofview.test
    • [x] test/coveridxscan.test
    • [x] test/crash.test
    • [x] test/crash2.test
    • [x] test/crash3.test
    • [x] test/crash4.test
    • ~~test/crash5.test~~ (Skipping crash5 tests: not compiled with -DSQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT...)
    • [x] test/crash6.test
    • [x] test/crash7.test
    • [x] test/crash8.test
    • [x] test/crashM.test
    • [x] test/createtab.test
    • [x] test/cse.test
    • [x] test/csv01.test
    • [x] test/ctime.test
    • [x] test/cursorhint.test
    • [x] test/cursorhint2.test
    • [x] test/dataversion1.test
    • [x] test/date.test
    • [x] test/date2.test
    • [x] test/dbdata.test
    • [x] test/dbfuzz001.test
    • [x] test/dbpage.test
    • [x] test/dbstatus.test
    • [x] test/dbstatus2.test
    • [x] test/decimal.test
    • [x] test/default.test
    • [x] test/delete.test
    • [x] test/delete2.test
    • [x] test/delete3.test
    • [x] test/delete4.test
    • [x] test/delete_db.test
    • [x] test/descidx1.test
    • [x] test/descidx2.test
    • [x] test/descidx3.test
    • [x] test/diskfull.test
    • [x] test/distinct.test
    • [x] test/distinct2.test
    • [x] test/distinctagg.test
    • [x] test/e_blobbytes.test
    • [x] test/e_blobclose.test
    • [x] test/e_blobopen.test
    • [x] test/e_blobwrite.test
    • [x] test/e_changes.test
    • [x] test/e_createtable.test
    • [x] test/e_delete.test
    • [x] test/e_droptrigger.test
    • [x] test/e_dropview.test
    • [x] test/e_expr.test
    • [x] test/e_fkey.test
    • [x] test/e_fts3.test
    • [x] test/e_insert.test
    • [x] test/e_reindex.test
    • [x] test/e_resolve.test
    • [x] test/e_select.test
    • [x] test/e_select2.test
    • [x] test/e_totalchanges.test
    • [x] test/e_update.test
    • [x] test/e_uri.test
    • [x] test/e_vacuum.test
    • [x] test/e_wal.test
    • [x] test/e_walauto.test
    • [x] test/e_walckpt.test
    • [x] test/e_walhook.test
    • [x] test/emptytable.test
    • [x] test/enc.test
    • [x] test/enc2.test
    • [x] test/enc3.test
    • [x] test/enc4.test
    • [x] test/eqp.test
    • [x] test/errmsg.test
    • [x] test/eval.test
    • [x] test/exclusive.test
    • [x] test/exclusive2.test
    • [x] test/exec.test
    • [x] test/exists.test
    • [x] test/expr.test
    • [x] test/expr2.test
    • [x] test/exprfault.test
    • [x] test/extension01.test
    • ~~test/external_reader.test~~ (ignored as unix-specific SQLITE_FCNTL_EXTERNAL_READER is not implemented)
    • [x] test/fallocate.test
    • [x] test/filectrl.test
    • [x] test/filefmt.test
    • [x] test/filter1.test
    • [x] test/filter2.test
    • [x] test/filterfault.test
    • [x] test/fkey1.test
    • [x] test/fkey2.test
    • [x] test/fkey3.test
    • [x] test/fkey4.test
    • [x] test/fkey5.test
    • [x] test/fkey6.test
    • [x] test/fkey7.test
    • [x] test/fkey8.test
    • [x] test/fkey_malloc.test
    • [x] test/fordelete.test
    • [x] test/format4.test
    • [x] test/fts-9fd058691.test
    • [x] test/fts1a.test
    • [x] test/fts1b.test
    • [x] test/fts1c.test
    • [x] test/fts1d.test
    • [x] test/fts1e.test
    • [x] test/fts1f.test
    • [x] test/fts1i.test
    • [x] test/fts1j.test
    • [x] test/fts1k.test
    • [x] test/fts1l.test
    • [x] test/fts1m.test
    • [x] test/fts1n.test
    • [x] test/fts1o.test
    • [x] test/fts1porter.test
    • [x] test/fts2.test
    • [x] test/fts2a.test
    • [x] test/fts2b.test
    • [x] test/fts2c.test
    • [x] test/fts2d.test
    • [x] test/fts2e.test
    • [x] test/fts2f.test
    • [x] test/fts2g.test
    • [x] test/fts2h.test
    • [x] test/fts2i.test
    • [x] test/fts2j.test
    • [x] test/fts2k.test
    • [x] test/fts2l.test
    • [x] test/fts2m.test
    • [x] test/fts2n.test
    • [x] test/fts2o.test
    • [x] test/fts2p.test
    • [x] test/fts2q.test
    • [x] test/fts2r.test
    • [x] test/fts2token.test
    • [x] test/fts3aa.test
    • [x] test/fts3ab.test
    • [x] test/fts3ac.test
    • [x] test/fts3ad.test
    • [x] test/fts3ae.test
    • [x] test/fts3af.test
    • [x] test/fts3ag.test
    • [x] test/fts3ah.test
    • [x] test/fts3ai.test
    • [x] test/fts3aj.test
    • [x] test/fts3ak.test
    • [x] test/fts3al.test
    • [x] test/fts3am.test
    • [x] test/fts3an.test
    • [x] test/fts3ao.test
    • [x] test/fts3atoken.test
    • [x] test/fts3auto.test
    • [x] test/fts3aux1.test
    • [x] test/fts3aux2.test
    • [x] test/fts3b.test
    • [x] test/fts3c.test
    • [x] test/fts3comp1.test
    • [x] test/fts3conf.test
    • [x] test/fts3corrupt.test
    • [x] test/fts3corrupt2.test
    • [x] test/fts3corrupt3.test
    • [x] test/fts3corrupt4.test
    • [x] test/fts3corrupt5.test
    • [x] test/fts3corrupt6.test
    • [x] test/fts3cov.test
    • [x] test/fts3d.test
    • [x] test/fts3defer.test
    • [x] test/fts3defer2.test
    • [x] test/fts3defer3.test
    • [x] test/fts3drop.test
    • [x] test/fts3e.test
    • [x] test/fts3expr.test
    • [x] test/fts3expr2.test
    • [x] test/fts3expr3.test
    • [x] test/fts3expr4.test
    • [x] test/fts3expr5.test
    • [x] test/fts3f.test
    • [x] test/fts3fault.test
    • [x] test/fts3fault2.test
    • [x] test/fts3first.test
    • [x] test/fts3fuzz001.test
    • [x] test/fts3join.test
    • [x] test/fts3malloc.test
    • [x] test/fts3matchinfo.test
    • [x] test/fts3matchinfo2.test
    • [x] test/fts3misc.test
    • [x] test/fts3near.test
    • [x] test/fts3offsets.test
    • [x] test/fts3prefix.test
    • [x] test/fts3prefix2.test
    • [x] test/fts3query.test
    • [x] test/fts3rank.test
    • [x] test/fts3rnd.test
    • [x] test/fts3shared.test
    • [x] test/fts3snippet.test
    • [x] test/fts3snippet2.test
    • [x] test/fts3sort.test
    • [x] test/fts3tok1.test
    • [x] test/fts3tok_err.test
    • [x] test/fts3varint.test
    • [x] test/fts4aa.test
    • [x] test/fts4check.test
    • [x] test/fts4content.test
    • [x] test/fts4docid.test
    • [x] test/fts4growth.test
    • [x] test/fts4growth2.test
    • [x] test/fts4incr.test
    • [x] test/fts4langid.test
    • [x] test/fts4lastrowid.test
    • [x] test/fts4merge.test
    • [x] test/fts4merge2.test
    • [x] test/fts4merge3.test
    • [x] test/fts4merge4.test
    • [x] test/fts4merge5.test
    • [x] test/fts4min.test
    • [x] test/fts4noti.test
    • [x] test/fts4onepass.test
    • [x] test/fts4opt.test
    • [x] test/fts4record.test
    • [x] test/fts4rename.test
    • [x] test/fts4umlaut.test
    • [x] test/fts4unicode.test
    • [x] test/fts4upfrom.test
    • [x] test/func.test
    • [x] test/func2.test
    • [x] test/func3.test
    • [x] test/func4.test
    • [x] test/func5.test
    • [x] test/func6.test
    • [x] test/func7.test
    • [x] test/fuzz-oss1.test
    • [x] test/fuzz.test
    • [x] test/fuzz2.test
    • [x] test/fuzz3.test
    • [x] test/fuzz4.test
    • [x] test/fuzz_malloc.test
    • [x] test/fuzzer1.test
    • [x] test/fuzzer2.test
    • [x] test/fuzzerfault.test
    • [x] test/gcfault.test
    • [x] test/gencol1.test
    • [x] test/having.test
    • [x] test/hexlit.test
    • [x] test/hidden.test
    • [x] test/hook.test
    • [x] test/hook2.test
    • [x] test/icu.test
    • [x] test/ieee754.test
    • [x] test/imposter1.test
    • [x] test/in.test
    • [x] test/in2.test
    • [x] test/in3.test
    • [x] test/in4.test
    • [x] test/in5.test
    • [x] test/in6.test
    • [x] test/incrblob.test
    • [x] test/incrblob2.test
    • [x] test/incrblob3.test
    • [x] test/incrblob4.test
    • [x] test/incrblob_err.test
    • [x] test/incrblobfault.test
    • [x] test/incrcorrupt.test
    • [x] test/incrvacuum.test
    • [x] test/incrvacuum2.test
    • [x] test/incrvacuum3.test
    • [x] test/incrvacuum_ioerr.test
    • [x] test/index.test
    • [x] test/index2.test
    • [x] test/index3.test
    • [x] test/index4.test
    • [x] test/index5.test
    • [x] test/index6.test
    • [x] test/index7.test
    • [x] test/index8.test
    • [x] test/index9.test
    • [x] test/indexedby.test
    • [x] test/indexexpr1.test
    • [x] test/indexexpr2.test
    • [x] test/indexfault.test
    • [x] test/init.test
    • [x] test/insert.test
    • [x] test/insert2.test
    • [x] test/insert3.test
    • [x] test/insert4.test
    • [x] test/insert5.test
    • [x] test/insertfault.test
    • [x] test/instr.test
    • [x] test/instrfault.test
    • [x] test/intarray.test
    • [x] test/interrupt.test
    • [x] test/interrupt2.test
    • [x] test/intpkey.test
    • [x] test/intreal.test
    • [x] test/io.test
    • [x] test/ioerr.test
    • [x] test/ioerr2.test
    • [x] test/ioerr3.test
    • [x] test/ioerr4.test
    • [x] test/ioerr5.test
    • [x] test/ioerr6.test
    • [x] test/istrue.test
    • [x] test/join.test
    • [x] test/join2.test
    • [x] test/join3.test
    • [x] test/join4.test
    • [x] test/join5.test
    • [x] test/join6.test
    • [x] test/journal1.test
    • [x] test/journal2.test
    • [x] test/journal3.test
    • [x] test/jrnlmode.test
    • [x] test/jrnlmode2.test
    • [x] test/jrnlmode3.test
    • [x] test/json101.test
    • [x] test/json102.test
    • [x] test/json103.test
    • [x] test/json104.test
    • [x] test/json105.test
    • [x] test/keyword1.test
    • [x] test/lastinsert.test
    • [x] test/laststmtchanges.test
    • [x] test/like.test
    • [x] test/like2.test
    • [x] test/like3.test
    • [x] test/limit.test
    • [x] test/limit2.test
    • ~~test/loadext.test~~ (ignoring as loading extensions is not supported)
    • ~~test/loadext2.test~~ (ignoring as loading extensions is not supported)
    • [x] test/lock.test
    • [x] test/lock2.test
    • [x] test/lock3.test
    • [x] test/lock4.test
    • [x] test/lock5.test
    • [x] test/lock6.test
    • [x] test/lock7.test
    • [x] test/lookaside.test
    • [x] test/main.test
    • [x] test/malloc.test
    • [x] test/malloc3.test
    • [x] test/malloc4.test
    • [x] test/malloc5.test
    • [x] test/malloc6.test
    • [x] test/malloc7.test
    • [x] test/malloc8.test
    • [x] test/malloc9.test
    • [x] test/mallocA.test
    • [x] test/mallocAll.test
    • [x] test/mallocB.test
    • [x] test/mallocC.test
    • [x] test/mallocD.test
    • [x] test/mallocE.test
    • [x] test/mallocF.test
    • [x] test/mallocG.test
    • [x] test/mallocH.test
    • [x] test/mallocI.test
    • [x] test/mallocJ.test
    • [x] test/mallocK.test
    • [x] test/mallocL.test
    • [x] test/mallocM.test
    • [x] test/manydb.test
    • [x] test/mem5.test
    • [x] test/memdb.test
    • [x] test/memdb1.test
    • [x] test/memjournal.test
    • [x] test/memjournal2.test
    • [x] test/memsubsys1.test
    • [ ] test/memsubsys2.test
    • [x] test/minmax.test
    • [x] test/minmax2.test
    • [x] test/minmax3.test
    • [x] test/minmax4.test
    • [x] test/misc1.test
    • [x] test/misc2.test
    • [x] test/misc3.test
    • [x] test/misc4.test
    • [x] test/misc5.test
    • [x] test/misc6.test
    • [x] test/misc7.test
    • [x] test/misc8.test
    • [x] test/misuse.test
    • [x] test/mjournal.test
    • [x] test/mmap1.test
    • [x] test/mmap2.test
    • [x] test/mmap3.test
    • [x] test/mmap4.test
    • [x] test/mmapfault.test
    • [x] test/mmapwarm.test
    • [x] test/multiplex.test
    • [x] test/multiplex2.test
    • ~~test/multiplex3.test~~ (SQLite compiled without SQLITE_ENABLE_8_3_NAMES. Skipping tests multiplex3-*)
    • [x] test/multiplex4.test
    • [x] test/mutex1.test
    • [x] test/mutex2.test
    • [x] test/nan.test
    • [x] test/nockpt.test
    • [x] test/nolock.test
    • [x] test/normalize.test
    • [x] test/notify1.test
    • [x] test/notify2.test
    • [x] test/notify3.test
    • [x] test/notnull.test
    • [x] test/notnull2.test
    • [x] test/notnullfault.test
    • [x] test/null.test
    • [x] test/nulls1.test
    • [x] test/numcast.test
    • [x] test/numindex1.test
    • [x] test/offset1.test
    • [x] test/openv2.test
    • [x] test/orderby1.test
    • [x] test/orderby2.test
    • [x] test/orderby3.test
    • [x] test/orderby4.test
    • [x] test/orderby5.test
    • [x] test/orderby6.test
    • [x] test/orderby7.test
    • [x] test/orderby8.test
    • [x] test/orderby9.test
    • [x] test/orderbyA.test
    • ~~test/oserror.test~~ (skipped as it tests specifics of the default unix/windows VFS modules)
    • [x] test/ovfl.test
    • [x] test/pager1.test
    • [x] test/pager2.test
    • [x] test/pager3.test
    • [x] test/pager4.test
    • [x] test/pagerfault.test
    • [x] test/pagerfault2.test
    • [x] test/pagerfault3.test
    • [x] test/pageropt.test
    • [x] test/pagesize.test
    • [x] test/parser1.test
    • [x] test/pcache.test
    • [x] test/pcache2.test
    • [x] test/percentile.test
    • [x] test/pragma.test
    • [x] test/pragma2.test
    • [x] test/pragma3.test
    • [x] test/pragma4.test
    • [x] test/pragma5.test
    • [x] test/pragmafault.test
    • [x] test/prefixes.test
    • [x] test/printf.test
    • [x] test/printf2.test
    • [x] test/progress.test
    • [x] test/ptrchng.test
    • [x] test/pushdown.test
    • [x] test/queryonly.test
    • [x] test/quota-glob.test
    • [x] test/quota.test
    • [x] test/quota2.test
    • [x] test/quote.test
    • [x] test/randexpr1.test
    • [x] test/rdonly.test
    • [x] test/recover.test
    • [x] test/regexp1.test
    • [x] test/regexp2.test
    • [x] test/reindex.test
    • [x] test/resetdb.test
    • [x] test/resolver01.test
    • [x] test/returning1.test
    • [x] test/returningfault.test
    • [x] test/rollback.test
    • [x] test/rollback2.test
    • [x] test/rollbackfault.test
    • [x] test/round1.test
    • [x] test/rowallock.test
    • [x] test/rowhash.test
    • [x] test/rowid.test
    • [x] test/rowvalue.test
    • [x] test/rowvalue2.test
    • [x] test/rowvalue3.test
    • [x] test/rowvalue4.test
    • [x] test/rowvalue5.test
    • [x] test/rowvalue6.test
    • [x] test/rowvalue7.test
    • [x] test/rowvalue8.test
    • [x] test/rowvalue9.test
    • [x] test/rowvalueA.test
    • [x] test/rowvaluefault.test
    • [x] test/rowvaluevtab.test
    • [x] test/savepoint.test
    • [x] test/savepoint2.test
    • [x] test/savepoint4.test
    • [x] test/savepoint5.test
    • [x] test/savepoint6.test
    • [x] test/savepoint7.test
    • [x] test/savepointfault.test
    • [x] test/scanstatus.test
    • [x] test/schema.test
    • [x] test/schema2.test
    • [x] test/schema3.test
    • [x] test/schema4.test
    • [x] test/schema5.test
    • [x] test/schema6.test
    • [x] test/schemafault.test
    • [x] test/securedel.test
    • [x] test/securedel2.test
    • [x] test/select1.test
    • [x] test/select2.test
    • [x] test/select3.test
    • [x] test/select4.test
    • [x] test/select5.test
    • [x] test/select6.test
    • [x] test/select7.test
    • [x] test/select8.test
    • [x] test/select9.test
    • [x] test/selectA.test
    • [x] test/selectB.test
    • [x] test/selectC.test
    • [x] test/selectD.test
    • [x] test/selectE.test
    • [x] test/selectF.test
    • [x] test/selectG.test
    • [x] test/server1.test
    • [x] test/shared.test
    • [x] test/shared2.test
    • [x] test/shared3.test
    • [x] test/shared4.test
    • [x] test/shared6.test
    • [x] test/shared7.test
    • [x] test/shared8.test
    • [x] test/shared9.test
    • [x] test/sharedA.test
    • [x] test/sharedB.test
    • [x] test/shared_err.test
    • [x] test/sharedlock.test
    • [x] test/shell1.test
    • [x] test/shell2.test
    • [x] test/shell3.test
    • [x] test/shell4.test
    • [x] test/shell5.test
    • [x] test/shell6.test
    • [x] test/shell7.test
    • [x] test/shell8.test
    • [x] test/shmlock.test
    • [x] test/shortread1.test
    • [x] test/shrink.test
    • [x] test/sidedelete.test
    • [x] test/skipscan1.test
    • [x] test/skipscan2.test
    • [x] test/skipscan3.test
    • [x] test/skipscan5.test
    • [x] test/skipscan6.test
    • [x] test/snapshot.test
    • [x] test/snapshot2.test
    • [x] test/snapshot3.test
    • [x] test/snapshot4.test
    • [x] test/snapshot_fault.test
    • [x] test/snapshot_up.test
    • [x] test/softheap1.test
    • [x] test/sort.test
    • [x] test/sort2.test
    • [x] test/sort3.test
    • [x] test/sort4.test
    • [x] test/sort5.test
    • [x] test/sorterref.test
    • [x] test/sortfault.test
    • [x] test/speed1.test
    • [x] test/speed1p.test
    • [x] test/speed2.test
    • [x] test/speed3.test
    • [x] test/speed4.test
    • [x] test/speed4p.test
    • [x] test/spellfix.test
    • [x] test/spellfix2.test
    • [x] test/spellfix3.test
    • [x] test/spellfix4.test
    • [x] test/sqldiff1.test
    • [x] test/sqllimits1.test
    • [x] test/sqllog.test
    • [x] test/stat.test
    • [x] test/statfault.test
    • [x] test/stmt.test
    • [x] test/stmtvtab1.test
    • [x] test/strict1.test
    • [x] test/strict2.test
    • [x] test/subjournal.test
    • [x] test/subquery.test
    • [x] test/subquery2.test
    • [x] test/subselect.test
    • [x] test/substr.test
    • [x] test/subtype1.test
    • [ ] test/superlock.test
    • [x] test/swarmvtab.test
    • [x] test/swarmvtab2.test
    • [x] test/swarmvtab3.test
    • [x] test/swarmvtabfault.test
    • [ ] test/symlink.test
    • [x] test/symlink2.test
    • [x] test/sync.test
    • [x] test/sync2.test
    • [x] test/syscall.test
    • [x] test/sysfault.test
    • [x] test/tabfunc01.test
    • [x] test/table.test
    • [x] test/tableapi.test
    • [x] test/tableopts.test
    • [x] test/tclsqlite.test
    • [x] test/tempdb.test
    • [x] test/tempdb2.test
    • [x] test/tempfault.test
    • [x] test/temptable.test
    • [x] test/temptable2.test
    • [x] test/temptable3.test
    • [x] test/temptrigger.test
    • [x] test/thread001.test
    • [x] test/thread002.test
    • [x] test/thread003.test
    • [x] test/thread004.test
    • [x] test/thread005.test
    • [x] test/thread1.test
    • [x] test/thread2.test
    • [x] test/tkt-02a8e81d44.test
    • [x] test/tkt-18458b1a.test
    • [x] test/tkt-26ff0c2d1e.test
    • [x] test/tkt-2a5629202f.test
    • [x] test/tkt-2d1a5c67d.test
    • [x] test/tkt-2ea2425d34.test
    • [x] test/tkt-31338dca7e.test
    • [x] test/tkt-313723c356.test
    • [x] test/tkt-385a5b56b9.test
    • [x] test/tkt-38cb5df375.test
    • [x] test/tkt-3998683a16.test
    • [x] test/tkt-3a77c9714e.test
    • [x] test/tkt-3fe897352e.test
    • [x] test/tkt-4a03edc4c8.test
    • [x] test/tkt-4c86b126f2.test
    • [x] test/tkt-4dd95f6943.test
    • [x] test/tkt-4ef7e3cfca.test
    • [x] test/tkt-54844eea3f.test
    • [x] test/tkt-5d863f876e.test
    • [x] test/tkt-5e10420e8d.test
    • [x] test/tkt-5ee23731f.test
    • [x] test/tkt-6bfb98dfc0.test
    • [x] test/tkt-752e1646fc.test
    • [x] test/tkt-78e04e52ea.test
    • [x] test/tkt-7a31705a7e6.test
    • [x] test/tkt-7bbfb7d442.test
    • [x] test/tkt-80ba201079.test
    • [x] test/tkt-80e031a00f.test
    • [x] test/tkt-8454a207b9.test
    • [x] test/tkt-868145d012.test
    • [x] test/tkt-8c63ff0ec.test
    • [x] test/tkt-91e2e8ba6f.test
    • [x] test/tkt-94c04eaadb.test
    • [x] test/tkt-9a8b09f8e6.test
    • [x] test/tkt-9d68c883.test
    • [x] test/tkt-9f2eb3abac.test
    • [x] test/tkt-a7b7803e.test
    • [x] test/tkt-a7debbe0.test
    • [x] test/tkt-a8a0d2996a.test
    • [x] test/tkt-b1d3a2e531.test
    • [x] test/tkt-b351d95f9.test
    • [x] test/tkt-b72787b1.test
    • [x] test/tkt-b75a9ca6b0.test
    • [x] test/tkt-ba7cbfaedc.test
    • [x] test/tkt-bd484a090c.test
    • [x] test/tkt-bdc6bbbb38.test
    • [x] test/tkt-c48d99d690.test
    • [x] test/tkt-c694113d5.test
    • [x] test/tkt-cbd054fa6b.test
    • [x] test/tkt-d11f09d36e.test
    • [x] test/tkt-d635236375.test
    • [x] test/tkt-d82e3f3721.test
    • [x] test/tkt-f3e5abed55.test
    • [x] test/tkt-f67b41381a.test
    • [x] test/tkt-f777251dc7a.test
    • [x] test/tkt-f7b4edec.test
    • [x] test/tkt-f973c7ac31.test
    • [x] test/tkt-fa7bf5ec.test
    • [x] test/tkt-fc62af4523.test
    • [x] test/tkt-fc7bd6358f.test
    • [x] test/tkt1435.test
    • [x] test/tkt1443.test
    • [x] test/tkt1444.test
    • [x] test/tkt1449.test
    • [x] test/tkt1473.test
    • [x] test/tkt1501.test
    • [x] test/tkt1512.test
    • [x] test/tkt1514.test
    • [x] test/tkt1536.test
    • [x] test/tkt1537.test
    • [x] test/tkt1567.test
    • [x] test/tkt1644.test
    • [x] test/tkt1667.test
    • [x] test/tkt1873.test
    • [x] test/tkt2141.test
    • [x] test/tkt2192.test
    • [x] test/tkt2213.test
    • [x] test/tkt2251.test
    • [x] test/tkt2285.test
    • [x] test/tkt2332.test
    • [x] test/tkt2339.test
    • [x] test/tkt2391.test
    • [x] test/tkt2409.test
    • [x] test/tkt2450.test
    • [x] test/tkt2565.test
    • [x] test/tkt2640.test
    • [x] test/tkt2643.test
    • [x] test/tkt2686.test
    • [x] test/tkt2767.test
    • [x] test/tkt2817.test
    • [x] test/tkt2820.test
    • [x] test/tkt2822.test
    • [x] test/tkt2832.test
    • [x] test/tkt2854.test
    • [x] test/tkt2920.test
    • [x] test/tkt2927.test
    • [x] test/tkt2942.test
    • [x] test/tkt3080.test
    • [x] test/tkt3093.test
    • [x] test/tkt3121.test
    • [x] test/tkt3201.test
    • [x] test/tkt3292.test
    • [x] test/tkt3298.test
    • [x] test/tkt3334.test
    • [x] test/tkt3346.test
    • [x] test/tkt3357.test
    • [x] test/tkt3419.test
    • [x] test/tkt3424.test
    • [x] test/tkt3442.test
    • [x] test/tkt3457.test
    • [x] test/tkt3461.test
    • [x] test/tkt3493.test
    • [x] test/tkt3508.test
    • [x] test/tkt3522.test
    • [x] test/tkt3527.test
    • [x] test/tkt3541.test
    • [x] test/tkt3554.test
    • [x] test/tkt3581.test
    • [x] test/tkt35xx.test
    • [x] test/tkt3630.test
    • [x] test/tkt3718.test
    • [x] test/tkt3731.test
    • [x] test/tkt3757.test
    • [x] test/tkt3761.test
    • [x] test/tkt3762.test
    • [x] test/tkt3773.test
    • [x] test/tkt3791.test
    • [x] test/tkt3793.test
    • [x] test/tkt3810.test
    • [x] test/tkt3824.test
    • [x] test/tkt3832.test
    • [x] test/tkt3838.test
    • [x] test/tkt3841.test
    • [x] test/tkt3871.test
    • [x] test/tkt3879.test
    • [x] test/tkt3911.test
    • [x] test/tkt3918.test
    • [x] test/tkt3922.test
    • [x] test/tkt3929.test
    • [x] test/tkt3935.test
    • [x] test/tkt3992.test
    • [x] test/tkt3997.test
    • [x] test/tkt4018.test
    • [x] test/tokenize.test
    • [x] test/tpch01.test
    • [x] test/trace.test
    • [x] test/trace2.test
    • [x] test/trace3.test
    • [x] test/trans.test
    • [x] test/trans2.test
    • [x] test/trans3.test
    • [x] test/transitive1.test
    • [x] test/trigger1.test
    • [x] test/trigger2.test
    • [x] test/trigger3.test
    • [x] test/trigger4.test
    • [x] test/trigger5.test
    • [x] test/trigger6.test
    • [x] test/trigger7.test
    • [x] test/trigger8.test
    • [x] test/trigger9.test
    • [x] test/triggerA.test
    • [x] test/triggerB.test
    • [x] test/triggerC.test
    • [x] test/triggerD.test
    • [x] test/triggerE.test
    • [x] test/triggerF.test
    • [x] test/triggerG.test
    • [x] test/triggerupfrom.test
    • [x] test/trustschema1.test
    • [x] test/types.test
    • [x] test/types2.test
    • [x] test/types3.test
    • [x] test/unionall.test
    • [x] test/unionall2.test
    • [x] test/unionallfault.test
    • [x] test/unionvtab.test
    • [x] test/unionvtabfault.test
    • [x] test/unique.test
    • [x] test/unique2.test
    • ~~test/unixexcl.test~~ (skipped as it only tests a specific built-in VFS)
    • [x] test/unordered.test
    • [x] test/update.test
    • [x] test/update2.test
    • [x] test/upfrom1.test
    • [x] test/upfrom2.test
    • [x] test/upfrom3.test
    • [x] test/upfromfault.test
    • [x] test/upsert1.test
    • [x] test/upsert2.test
    • [x] test/upsert3.test
    • [x] test/upsert4.test
    • [x] test/upsert5.test
    • [x] test/upsertfault.test
    • [x] test/uri.test
    • [x] test/uri2.test
    • [x] test/userauth01.test
    • [x] test/utf16align.test
    • [x] test/vacuum-into.test
    • [x] test/vacuum.test
    • [x] test/vacuum2.test
    • [x] test/vacuum3.test
    • [x] test/vacuum4.test
    • [x] test/vacuum5.test
    • [x] test/vacuum6.test
    • [x] test/vacuummem.test
    • [x] test/varint.test
    • [x] test/view.test
    • [x] test/view2.test
    • [x] test/vtab1.test
    • [x] test/vtab2.test
    • [x] test/vtab3.test
    • [x] test/vtab4.test
    • [x] test/vtab5.test
    • [x] test/vtab6.test
    • [x] test/vtab7.test
    • [x] test/vtab8.test
    • [x] test/vtab9.test
    • [x] test/vtabA.test
    • [x] test/vtabB.test
    • [x] test/vtabC.test
    • [x] test/vtabD.test
    • [x] test/vtabE.test
    • [x] test/vtabF.test
    • [x] test/vtabH.test
    • [x] test/vtabI.test
    • [x] test/vtabJ.test
    • [x] test/vtabK.test
    • [x] test/vtab_alter.test
    • [x] test/vtab_err.test
    • [x] test/vtab_shared.test
    • [x] test/vtabdrop.test
    • [x] test/wal.test
    • [x] test/wal2.test
    • [x] test/wal3.test
    • [x] test/wal4.test
    • [ ] test/wal5.test
    • [ ] test/wal6.test
    • ~~test/wal64k.test~~ (wal index page size hardcoded to 32768)
    • [x] test/wal7.test
    • [x] test/wal8.test
    • [x] test/wal9.test
    • [x] test/walbak.test
    • [x] test/walbig.test
    • [x] test/walblock.test
    • [x] test/walcksum.test
    • [x] test/walcrash.test
    • [x] test/walcrash2.test
    • [x] test/walcrash3.test
    • [x] test/walcrash4.test
    • [x] test/walfault.test
    • [x] test/walfault2.test
    • [x] test/walhook.test
    • [x] test/walmode.test
    • [x] test/walnoshm.test
    • [x] test/waloverwrite.test
    • [x] test/walpersist.test
    • [x] test/walprotocol.test
    • [x] test/walprotocol2.test
    • [ ] test/walro.test
    • [x] test/walro2.test
    • [x] test/walrofault.test
    • [x] test/walsetlk.test
    • [x] test/walshared.test
    • [x] test/walslow.test
    • [ ] test/walthread.test
    • [x] test/walvfs.test
    • [x] test/where.test
    • [x] test/where2.test
    • [x] test/where3.test
    • [x] test/where4.test
    • [x] test/where5.test
    • [x] test/where6.test
    • [x] test/where7.test
    • [x] test/where8.test
    • [x] test/where9.test
    • [x] test/whereA.test
    • [x] test/whereB.test
    • [x] test/whereC.test
    • [x] test/whereD.test
    • [x] test/whereE.test
    • [x] test/whereF.test
    • [x] test/whereG.test
    • [x] test/whereH.test
    • [x] test/whereI.test
    • [x] test/whereJ.test
    • [x] test/whereK.test
    • [x] test/whereL.test
    • [x] test/whereM.test
    • [x] test/wherefault.test
    • [x] test/wherelfault.test
    • [x] test/wherelimit.test
    • [x] test/wherelimit2.test
    • [x] test/win32heap.test
    • [x] test/win32lock.test
    • [x] test/win32longpath.test
    • [x] test/win32nolock.test
    • [x] test/window1.test
    • [x] test/window2.test
    • [x] test/window3.test
    • [x] test/window4.test
    • [x] test/window5.test
    • [x] test/window6.test
    • [x] test/window7.test
    • [x] test/window8.test
    • [x] test/window9.test
    • [x] test/windowA.test
    • [x] test/windowB.test
    • [x] test/windowC.test
    • [x] test/windowerr.test
    • [x] test/windowfault.test
    • [x] test/windowpushd.test
    • [x] test/with1.test
    • [x] test/with2.test
    • [x] test/with3.test
    • [x] test/with4.test
    • [x] test/with5.test
    • [x] test/with6.test
    • [x] test/withM.test
    • [x] test/without_rowid1.test
    • [x] test/without_rowid2.test
    • [x] test/without_rowid3.test
    • [x] test/without_rowid4.test
    • [x] test/without_rowid5.test
    • [x] test/without_rowid6.test
    • [x] test/without_rowid7.test
    • [x] test/writecrash.test
    • [x] test/zeroblob.test
    • [x] test/zeroblobfault.test
    • [x] test/zerodamage.test
    • [x] test/zipfile.test
    • [x] test/zipfile2.test
    • [x] test/zipfilefault.test
    opened by rkusa 1
  • WAL support

    WAL support

    Most WAL tests are already green, only the following are remaining to be fixed:

    • [ ] wal5.test
    • [ ] wal6.test
    • [ ] walro.test
    • [ ] walro2.test
    • [ ] walthread.test
    • [ ] walvfs.test
    opened by rkusa 0
Markus Ast
Self-employed web engineer. #Rust #Wasm #Go #TypeScript #React #REST
Markus Ast
Example sqlite3 Dynamic Loadable Extension in Rust - vfs and vtab modules - port of vfsstat.c

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