498 Repositories
Rust network-programming Libraries
Aya is an eBPF library for the Rust programming language, built with a focus on developer experience and operability.
Aya API docs | Chat | Aya-Related Projects Overview eBPF is a technology that allows running user-supplied programs inside the Linux kernel. For more
Cloc - cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.
cloc Count Lines of Code cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages. Latest release: v1.9
Canary - Distributed systems library for making communications through the network easier, while keeping minimalism and flexibility.
Canary Canary is a distributed systems and communications framework, focusing on minimalism, ease of use and performance. Development of Canary utiliz
A Text User Interface library for the Rust programming language
Cursive Cursive is a TUI (Text User Interface) library for rust. It uses ncurses by default, but other backends are available. It allows you to build
Reliable p2p network connections in Rust with NAT traversal
Reliable p2p network connections in Rust with NAT traversal. One of the most needed libraries for any server-less / decentralised projects
A network application framework for Rust
This crate is deprecated! This crate is deprecated without an immediate replacement. Discussion about a successor can be found in tokio-rs/tokio#118.
The Reactive Extensions for the Rust Programming Language
This is an implementation of reactive streams, which, at the high level, is patterned off of the interfaces and protocols defined in http://reactive-s
Functional Reactive Programming library for Rust
Carboxyl is a library for functional reactive programming in Rust, a functional and composable approach to handle events in interactive applications.
Yfin is the Official package manager for the Y-flat programming language
Yfin is the Official package manager for the Y-flat programming language. Yfin allows the user to install, upgrade, and uninstall packages. It also allows a user to initialize a package with the Y-flat package structure and files automatically generated. In future, Yfin will also allow users to publish packages.
clone of grep cli written in Rust. From Chapter 12 of the Rust Programming Language book
minigrep is a clone of the grep cli in rust Minigrep will find a query string in a file. To test it out, clone the project and run cargo run body poem
The Rust Programming Language, Chapter 8, Exercise 1
Rust Common Collections - Exercise 1 In the book The Rust Programming Language by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols, chapter 8 - Common Collections - pr
An interpreter for the esoteric programming language, Brainf*ck.
Brainf*ck Interpreter This is just a normal Brainf*ck interpreter written in Rust. If you don't know what Brainf*ck is, you can check out the wikipedi
Send files over TCP. Quick and simple. Made in Rust.
SFT Multithreaded utility to send files over TCP. The sender writes a header containing the filename, and then the contents of the file, buffered, to
The compiler of the okta programming language.
oktac The compiler of the okta programming language. For more information please visit the official website, and to quickly get okta running refer to
CouchDB client library for the Rust programming language
CouchDB This project is reborn! As of its v0.6.0 release, the couchdb crate has new life as a toolkit instead of providing a full-blown client. In a n
A basic RUST RPG created by arukovic.
Rust RPG! Hello this is a RUST RPG created by arukovic! This is just a simple RPG created by purely Rust... feel free to run it! Manually running 1st
A turing-complete programming language using only zero-width unicode characters, inspired by brainfuck and whitespace.
Zero-Width A turing-complete programming language using only zero-width unicode characters, inspired by brainfuck and whitespace. Currently a (possibl
A set of Rust crates for interacting with the Matrix chat network.
Ruma – Your home in Matrix. A set of Rust crates (libraries) for interacting with the Matrix chat network. website • chat • documentation (unstable) G
Cross-platform async library for system information fetching 🦀
heim Cross-platform library for system information fetching heim is an ongoing attempt to create the best tool for system information fetching (ex., C
Hotwire allows you to study network traffic of a few popular protocols in a simple way
Hotwire Hotwire is a gtk GUI application that leverages the wireshark and tshark infrastructure to capture traffic and explore the contents of tcpdump
Writing Interpreters in Rust: a Guide
Writing Interpreters in Rust: a Guide This is an online book covering the lower level topics involved in writing an interpreter in Rust including: mem
🎄My Advent of Code 2021 solutions in the Rust programming language
Advent of Code 2021 in Rust My Advent of Code 2021 solutions in the Rust programming language. This repository holds a separate Rust project for each
Lisp-style programming language
Bobbylisp A programming language, syntax are like mal and clojure. This project follow mal guides, Planning to add some more features after finishing
Zero-Trust Decentralized Package Network
Zero-Trust Decentralized Package Network Current Development Phase 📢 We are looking for your feedback! This project is currently in the "sandbox" 🏖️
📝 Web-based, reactive Datalog notebooks for data analysis and visualization
📝 Web-based, reactive Datalog notebooks for data analysis and visualization
Applied offensive security with the Rust programming language
Black Hat Rust Applied offensive security with the Rust programming language Buy the book now! While the Rust Book does an excellent job teaching What
A private network system that uses WireGuard under the hood.
innernet A private network system that uses WireGuard under the hood. See the announcement blog post for a longer-winded explanation. innernet is simi
NymDrive is a complete, end-to-end encrypted file syncing daemon that runs over the Nym network.
NymDrive NymDrive is a complete, end-to-end encrypted file syncing daemon that runs over the Nym network. Features Active file monitoring of changes i
CARBON is an interface-centric programming language named after the concept of an allotropy.
CARBON programming language Status: just an idea CARBON is an interface-centric programming language named after the concept of an allotropy. It is an
[Proof of Concept] Embedded functional scripting language with YAML ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[YAML, fun] Just an experimental project implementing embedded functional scripting language based on YAML syntax. API docs for the standard library:
Cookiecutter templates for Serverless applications using AWS SAM and the Rust programming language.
Cookiecutter SAM template for Lambda functions in Rust This is a Cookiecutter template to create a serverless application based on the Serverless Appl
Network Block Storage server, written in Rust. Supports pluggable and chainable underlying storage
nbd-rs Disclaimer DO NEVER USE THIS FOR PRODUCTION Do not use this for any data that you cannot afford to lose any moment. Expect data loss, corruptio
A multithreaded programming language!
hydracane A multithreaded programming language! Getting started Coming Soon! Features: Multithreaded Platform independent Folders: src/vm: The Virtual
Scrypto Advent Calendar. Learn the new programming langage to build quick and secure DeFi applications.
Scrypto Advent Calendar I am publishing new Christmas related Scrypto examples every day from Dec 1st to Dec 25th. "Watch" this project to get notifie
Common data structures and algorithms for competitive programming in Rust
algorithm-rs algorithm-rs is common data structures and algorithms for competitive programming in Rust. Contents TBA How To Contribute Contributions a
📝 Web-based, reactive Datalog notebooks for data analysis and visualization
Percival is a declarative data query and visualization language. It provides a reactive, web-based notebook environment for exploring complex datasets, producing interactive graphics, and sharing results.
A tool to make grocery lists written in Rust
grusterylist: makes grocery lists, written in Rust grusterylist uses and can add to local libraries of user-added recipes and grocery items to put tog
Machine learning Neural Network in Rust
vinyana vinyana - stands for mind in pali language. Goal To implement a simple Neural Network Library in order to understand the maths behind it. This
A formal, politely verbose programming language for building next-gen reliable applications
vfpl Pronounced "Veepl", the f is silent A politely verbose programming language for building next-gen reliable applications Syntax please initialize
A simple programming language made for scripting inspired on rust and javascript.
FnXY Programming Language Quick move: CONTRIBUTING | LICENSE What? FnXY is a simple programming language made for scripting inspired on rust and javas
Send copy events over the network
Copiepate Copiepate is a small utility to remotely set the content of a clipboard. I created this tool as I frequently use a remote tmux+vim setup and
Scans the Ethereum network for USDT ERC-20 token transfer transactions
ethscan This is a Rust command line program for scanning the Ethereum blockchain for USDT transfers within a time span and amount span. prerequisites
A clean and simple network looking glass application
lg lg is my custom Looking Glass server software for use in ZZANet. The whole application is lightweight, self-contained, and easy to use even outside
A small embeddable scripting language
There is currently a tree-walking interpreter called bird in progress, but the plan is to have a bytecode vm in the end language_name is a small embed
MQuicTT 🚧 This is a pre-alpha project, tread carefully 🚧 A rustlang utility/library for MQTT over QUIC. QUIC allows us to send data over multiple co
Safe Rust crate for creating socket servers and clients with ease.
bitsock Safe Rust crate for creating socket servers and clients with ease. Description This crate can be used for Client -- Server applications of e
A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the Rust programming language, and continuing to learn the language.
Learning Rust I started learning the Rust programming language before using GitHub, but increased its usage afterwards. I have found it to be a fast a
A short exercise to introduce people to the Rust programming language
Searching primes by brute force This code is ment to be an exercice to teach rust and give a first impression on how to work with the language during
A newborn programming language for extensible software
A newborn programming language for extensible software.
The programming language for scalable development
Pen programming language Pen is the programming language that makes software development scalable, focusing on software maintainability and portabilit
Subsocial full node with Substrate/Polkadot pallets for decentralized communities: blogs, posts, comments, likes, reputation.
Subsocial Node by DappForce Subsocial is a set of Substrate pallets with web UI that allows anyone to launch their own decentralized censorship-resist
This repository contains the source of "The Rust Programming Language" book.
The Rust Programming Language This repository contains the source of "The Rust Programming Language" book. The book is available in dead-tree form fro
(Ab)using technology for fun & profit.
(Ab)using technology for fun & profit. Code accompanying my blog
The Safe Network Core. API message definitions, routing and nodes, client core api.
safe_network The Safe Network Core. API message definitions, routing and nodes, client core api. License This Safe Network repository is licensed unde
Fast User-Space TCP/UDP Stack
Catnip Catnip is a TCP/IP stack that focuses on being an embeddable, low-latency solution for user-space networking. Building and Running 1. Clone Thi
zenoh-flow aims at providing a zenoh-based data-flow programming framework for computations that span from the cloud to the device.
Eclipse Zenoh-Flow Zenoh-Flow provides a zenoh-based dataflow programming framework for computations that span from the cloud to the device. ⚠️ This s
The official home of the Nyson Programming Language, built off Rust.
Nyson Programming Language The official home of the Nyson Programming Language, built off Rust. (created by Nyelsonon and AMTitan, 2021) Advertisement
Shade Protocol is an array of connected privacy-preserving dApps built on Secret Network
Shade Protocol Core Contracts Contract Reference Description mint doc Handles asset burning and silk minting oracle doc Handles asset price queries tr
Czech for the Rust programming language
rez Nejsi you tired from writing Rust programs in English? Do you like saying do prdele or pivo a lot? Would you like to try something different, in a
Common Rust Lightning Network types
Common Rust Lightning Network types Warning: while in a good state, this is still considered a preview version! There are some planned changes. This l
Generic parser for competitive programming
This is a generic parser for competitive programming, it can be used to read structured data line-by-line or though derive macro in a higher level fashion.
Checks Neos VR sessions to see if they're up
Checks Neos VR sessions to see if they're up
Program analysis playground for a simple, imperative language
Proggers Proggers is a program analysis playground for a simple, imperative language. Features Numerical analysis using abstract interpretation Type-c
Gecko is a high-level, general-purpose programming language built on top of the LLVM project.
Gecko is a high-level, general-purpose programming language built on top of the LLVM project. Gecko Technology & principles Gecko is a general-purpose
Aspect-oriented programming in Rust
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) for Rust The needs of AOP Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that aims to increase modulari
Private swaps for Secret Network using a private entropy pool & differential privacy.
WIP SecretSwap: Anon Edition Private swaps for Secret Network! Uses private entropy pool for differential privacy when reporting pools sizes. Swap amo
A Star Wars inspired by programming language
The Force The Force is a gateway to abilities many believe are unnatural... Getting Started Install Rust. We also provide a Dev Container if you would
A small utility to wake computers up or put them to sleep over the local network
WKSL - a wake and sleep utility An experiment in writing a small CLI utility in Rust. The program lets you wake a machine on your local network up fro
Programming Language Inspired by Brainfuck
Brainsuck Brainfuck but not really... like... a better version of it. Installation Requirements: Rust version 1.50 or higher Linux curl https://raw.gi
luau bindings for the Rust programming language
🌔 luau-rs Luau bindings for the Rust programming language using bindgen ⚠️ Disclaimer This does not provide bindings for everything as luau does not
Stackbased programming language
Rack is a stackbased programming language inspired by Forth, every operation push or pop on the stack. Because the language is stackbased and for a ve
Yet Another Programming Language
Yet Another Programming Language
Programming language from down under, inspired by this Reddit post.
aussie++ Programming language from down under, inspired by this Reddit post. View live demo here. Special thanks to MarkWhyBird, louis100, and others
An implementation of the CESS network supported by CESS LAB.
--------- 🌌 ---------An infrastructure of decentralized cloud data network built with Substrate-------- 🌌 -------- ---------------- 🌌 -------------
General-purpose asynchronous socket stream.
async-socket This crate implements a general-purpose asynchronous socket. The Socket implements AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, Stream and Clone traits and thu
lints and suggestions for the nix programming language
statix Lints and suggestions for the Nix programming language. statix highlights antipatterns in Nix code. statix --fix can fix several such occurrenc
A cell-based esoteric programming language
Tape A cell-based esoteric programming language Tape is a cell-based, brainfuck-like programming language that has a readable syntax and a non-wasted
Private swaps for Secret Network using a private entropy pool & differential privacy.
WIP SecretSwap: Anon Edition Private swaps for Secret Network! Uses private entropy pool for differential privacy when reporting pools sizes. Swap amo
The Loop programming language
Loop Language Documentation | Website A dynamic type-safe general purpose programming language Note: currently Loop is being re-written into Rust. Mea
tr-lang is a language that aims to bring programming language syntax closer to Turkish.
tr-lang Made with ❤️ in 🇹🇷 tr-lang is a language that aims to bring programming language syntax closer to Turkish. tr-lang is a stack based language
A cross-platform, user-space WireGuard port-forwarder that requires no system network configurations.
Cross-platform, user-space WireGuard port-forwarder that requires no system network configurations.
Analogous, indented syntax for the Rust programming language.
Note: After experimenting with this in the wild, I have found representing keywords as symbols to be far less readable in large codebases. Additionall
A programming language where comments are the first-class citizen and ASCII art flowcharts are the controls!
regretti 🍝 A programming language where comments are the first-class citizen and ASCII art flowcharts are the controls! Made for Lang Jam (jam0001) t
netavark: A container network stack
netavark: A container network stack Netavark is a rust based network stack for containers. It is being designed to work with Podman but is also applic
Simple in-network file transfer with barely any overhead.
fftp fftp is the "Fast File Transport Protocol". It transfers files quickly between computers on a network with low overhead. Motivation FTP uses two
An experimental programming language for exploring first class iterators.
An experimental programming language for exploring first class iterators.
Official Implementation of Findora Network.
Findora Platform Wiki Contribution Guide Licensing The primary license for Platform is the Business Source License 1.1 (BUSL-1.1), see LICENSE. Except
Bell is a work in progress programming language that compiles to MCfunction (Minecraft's language for creating datapacks).
Bell is a work in progress programming language that compiles to MCfunction (Minecraft's language for creating datapacks). It provides a higher level,
musify is a simple discord bot to play music within a voice channel, written in the rust programming language.
musify-rs musify is a simple discord bot to play music within a voice channel, written in the rust programming language. Features A simple song queue
An OOP programming language I am making by following Crafting Interpreters.
horba An OOP programming language I am making by following Crafting Interpreters. https://craftinginterpreters.com/ I intend it to have a somewhat C-s
A Gameboy emulator written in Rust
An open source Gameboy emulator written in Rust that can use a command line interface as a screen and input device.
fftp is the "Fast File Transport Protocol". It transfers files quickly between computers on a network with low overhead.
fftp fftp is the "Fast File Transport Protocol". It transfers files quickly between computers on a network with low overhead. Motivation FTP uses two
Fullstack development framework for UTXO-based dapps on Nervos Network
Trampoline-rs The framework for building powerful dApps on the number one UTXO chain, Nervos Network CKB. This is an early-stage, currently very incom
Tyrade: a pure functional language for type-level programming in Rust
A pure functional language for type-level programming in Rust
上海应用技术大学上网登录认证 项目摘要 本项目提供了上海应用技术大学上网认证的一个crate,包含了网络登录与保持网络连接的两个examples, 该项目纯粹使用Rust编写 编译运行 进入到对应的examples下,使用如下命令即可编译运行 cargo run 你可以使用如下命令将命令行上网工具安
beat saber is a strongly typed, self-documenting and highly performant programming language
beatsaber beat saber is a strongly typed, self-documenting and highly performant programming language. With beat saber we aimed to create a language t
Simple Neural Network on rust
Simple Artificial Neural Network A crate that implements simple usage of dense neural networks. Instalation Add this to your dependencies on Cargo.tom
A stack based interpreted programming language.
Nightmare Nightmare is a dynamically-typed, procedural programming language that aims to be fast & simple. let user = input() as Int; print("You were
Frame is a markdown language for creating state machines (automata) in 7 programming languages as well as generating UML documentation.
Frame Language Transpiler v0.5.1 Hi! So very glad you are interested in Frame. Frame system design markdown language for software architects and engin
GlueSQL is a SQL database library written in Rust
GlueSQL is a SQL database library written in Rust. It provides a parser (sqlparser-rs), execution layer, and optional storage (sled) packaged into a single library.