An OOP programming language I am making by following Crafting Interpreters. https://craftinginterpreters.com/
I intend it to have a somewhat C-style syntax, as it is very terse and pretty flexible, without having types before declarations, instead having keywords. I also don't want semicolons, as they are visual noise.
I want the language to look something like this:
pub class Hello {
let str
let something
new(something, ...) {
// Autogenerate constructor function with ..., will do `self.thing = thing` automatically.
self.something = Number.from(something)
} // Default init, does self.string = string automatically, can override and put ... for autogeneration
pub method print() {
// Method keyword for methods, don't need to use `self.` and distinguished from functions.
trait fn nice() // Inheritors must define this, shared behaviour marker
class WhenThe inherits Hello {
new(str, something, ...) {
inherited Hello = new Hello(str, something) // I plan for this to be autogenerated too
fn nice() {
fn main() {
let thing = new Hello("Hello, World", "3")
let array = new Array()
let other_array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
I will eventually port it to bytecode (as the book goes), and try making a type system for it.