Copiepate is a small utility to remotely set the content of a clipboard.
I created this tool as I frequently use a remote tmux+vim setup and I often need to copy a vim register to my local desktop.
Using Rust Cargo:
# On GNU+Linux you'll need xorg-dev libraries.
# On other OSes (MacOS and Windows) this step is unecessary.
sudo apt install xorg-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev
# Install copiepate (both server and client):
cargo install copiepate
On your local desktop start the daemon in server mode and forward the port 2323 using ssh:
# Start copiepate server and listen on
copiepate --server
# In another shell, forward the server port to a remote machine:
ssh remote-machine -R 2323:localhost:2323
On the remote machine, copiepate sends the content of stdin to the local machine clipboard:
# Set the clipboard content of the local machine:
echo -n "New clipboard content" | copiepate
Notes on security
In its default configuration, copiepate listens only on the localhost address, meaning that the port is not exposed to the local network.
WARNING: There is no authentication and encryption over the network other than the ssh tunnel. Meaning that any local process can write to the clipboard by knowing copiepate server port.
Vim integration
You can use copiepate to send the content of a vim register over the network:
" Using Plug as plugin manager:
Plug 'dimtion/copiepate', { 'rtp': 'vim' }
This plugin creates the following default bindings:
" Send the default register
noremap <leader>y :CopiePateReg<CR>
" In visual mode, send current selection
vnoremap <leader>y :CopiePate<CR>