Zero-Trust Decentralized Package Network



Zero-Trust Decentralized Package Network

Current Development Phase

📢 We are looking for your feedback!

This project is currently in the "sandbox" 🏖️ . We are actively exploring new concepts and tools. The code, workflows, and ideas are subject to breaking changes at any time in this early stage of development.

Primary Focus

To get off the ground the focus is strictly on the peer-to-peer distribution of Docker images backed by a blockchain of identifiers.


Before getting started, take a moment to review our contributing guidelines.

Node and CLI

There are two components of this project

  • CLI: A basic interface which communicates with a node.
  • Node: An instance of the Pyrsia daemon which can participate in the network with other nodes.

Getting Started

  1. Setup rust on your local machine as described in Rust's getting started guide
  2. cd pyrsia_node
  3. cargo run

Setting Up Visual Studio Code Debugger

How to Debug Rust with Visual Studio Code

  • Avoid running lint jobs if `rs` files weren't changed

    Avoid running lint jobs if `rs` files weren't changed

    ci: avoid runs if rs files weren't changed

    We don't need to run linting tasks if rust files are same with HEAD. GithHub Actions provide ability to skip task by conditions. Was added check that there are changed rust files. If check returns True we execute linting and others workflows, otherwise, GitHub Actions should skip them.

    Close: pyrsia/pyrsia#479

    Runs links with example

    when we have to skip jobs: this when job should be triggered: that

    PR Checklist

    • [x] I've read the contributing guidelines.
    • [x] I've read "What is a Good PR?"
    • [x] I've included a good title and brief description along with how to review them.
    • [x] I've linked any associated an issue.
    • [X] I've requested a review from pyrsia/collaborators.

    Code Contributions

    I don't do next, because it is workflow changes

    • [ ] I've built the code cargo build --all-targets successfully.
    • [ ] I've run the unit tests cargo test --workspace and everything passes.

    And I need some help to understand with what branches shoud we compare current. Is it good approach for your team? Any other points? Are these jobs chosen correctly?

    opened by VitaliyaIoffe 14
  • Central node with Relay behaviour

    Central node with Relay behaviour


    Fixes pyrsia/pyrsia#

    This PR introduces relay protocol for central/authoritative node and also separation of network code from main node. This is the first setup for hole punching is to have relay node set.

    Screenshots (optional)

    PR Checklist

    • [x] I've read the contributing guidelines.
    • [x] I've read "What is a Good PR?"
    • [x] I've included a good title and brief description along with how to review them.
    • [x] I've linked any associated an issue.
    • [x] I've requested a review from pyrsia/collaborators.

    Code Contributions

    • [ ] I've built the code cargo build --all-targets successfully.
    • [ ] I've run the unit tests cargo test --workspace and everything passes.
    • [ ] I've made sure my rust toolchain is current rustup update.
    opened by MitaliBo 13
  • Peer metric

    Peer metric


    Fixes pyrsia/pyrsia#501

    This pull request adds a peer metrics so peers can find idle peers that are good candidates for downloading artifacts.

    Screenshots (optional)

    PR Checklist

    • [x] I've read the contributing guidelines.
    • [x] I've read "What is a Good PR?"
    • [x] I've included a good title and brief description along with how to review them.
    • [x] I've linked any associated an issue.
    • [x] I've requested a review from pyrsia/collaborators.

    Code Contributions

    • [x] I've built the code cargo build --all-targets successfully.
    • [x] I've run the unit tests cargo test --workspace and everything passes.
    p2p in-review 
    opened by mseabornIBM 12
  • Removal of unused `signed_struct` to reduce OpenSSL requirement

    Removal of unused `signed_struct` to reduce OpenSSL requirement

    Signed-off-by: Abhijith Ganesh [email protected]

    PR Checklist

    • [x] I've built the code cargo build. For major changes, cargo build --workspace --release is recommended.
    • [x] I've run the automated unit tests cargo test. This executes our automated unit tests.
    • [x] I've not broken any existing tests or functionality. In addition to cargo test, I've run cargo clippy
    • [x] I've not introduced any new known security vulnerabilities. I've run cargo audit
    • [x] I've included a brief description and a good title of the proposed changes and how to test them.
    • [x] I've read the contributing guidelines.
    • [x] I've associated an issue with this Pull Request.
    • [x] I've checked that the code is up-to-date with the pyrsia/main branch.
    • [x] I've read "What is a Good PR?"
    • [x] I've assigned this Pull Request to "pyrsia/collaborators"


    Fixes pyrsia/pyrsia#484 Closes #86

    This PR deletes signed_struct, signed effectively removing the OpenSSL dependency for the Node.

    Screenshots (optional)

    opened by AbhijithGanesh 12
  • Retrieve docker blobs from other pyrsia node via libp2p

    Retrieve docker blobs from other pyrsia node via libp2p

    • [x] I've built the code cargo build. For major changes, cargo build --workspace --release is recommended.
    • [x] I've run the automated unit tests cargo test. This executes our automated unit tests.
    • [x] I've not broken any existing tests or functionality. In addition to cargo test, I've run cargo clippy
    • [x] I've not introduced any new known security vulnerabilities. I've run cargo audit
    • [x] I've included a brief description and a good title of the proposed changes and how to test them.
    • [x] I've read the contributing guidelines.
    • [x] I've associated an issue with this Pull Request.
    • [x] I've checked that the code is up-to-date with the pyrsia/main branch.
    • [x] I've read "What is a Good PR?"
    • [x] I've assigned this Pull Request to "pyrsia/collaborators"


    Fixes pyrsia/pyrsia#363 Fixes pyrsia/pyrsia#396 Closes pyrsia/pyrsia#425

    When an docker blob is not available locally in the artifact manager, the blob is fetched from as a fallback. This PR introduces an intermediate step that allows to fetch the blob from another pyrsia node instead, before falling back to

    The flow changes to the following, where step 2 is the introduced change:

    1. retrieve the artifact locally from the artifact manager
    2. if an address to another pyrsia node is provided via the --peer option, retrieve the artifact from that pyrsia node
    3. fallback to retrieving the artifact from


    Make sure you configured the docker daemon with the registry-mirror set to localhost:7888 as described in step 5 in the getting started guide.

    Testing can be done with the following steps:

    Terminal one: setup pyrsia node 1

    1. cargo build --workspace
    2. mkdir /tmp/pyrsia
    3. cp target/debug/pyrsia_node /tmp/pyrsia
    4. cd /tmp/pyrsia
    5. mkdir node1
    6. cd node1
    7. DEV_MODE=on RUST_LOG=debug,netlink_proto=info ../pyrsia_node -p 7889

    Take not of the libp2p listener address, the info message to look for looks like:

    INFO  pyrsia::network::p2p > Local node is listening on "/ip4/"

    Copy the entire address that is printed between the " at the end of that line. This address is needed when starting the second pyrsia node later on.

    Terminal two: populate pyrsia node 1 with the docker nginx image

    1. docker pull localhost:7889/library/nginx
    2. docker rmi localhost:7889/library/nginx

    Terminal three: setup pyrsia node 2

    1. cd /tmp/pyrsia
    2. mkdir node2
    3. cd node2
    4. DEV_MODE=on RUST_LOG=debug,netlink_proto=info ../pyrsia_node -P ${node1_listen_address}

    Terminal two: pull the docker nginx image from pyrsia node 2

    1. docker pull nginx

    The output of pyrsia node 2 should contain messages like the following:

    DEBUG pyrsia::docker::v2::handlers::blobs     > Step 1: Does "sha256:1ae07ab881bd848493ad54c2ba32017f94d1d8dbfd0ba41b618f17e80f834a0f" exist in the artifact manager?
    DEBUG pyrsia::docker::v2::handlers::blobs     > Step 1: NO, "sha256:1ae07ab881bd848493ad54c2ba32017f94d1d8dbfd0ba41b618f17e80f834a0f" does not exist in the artifact manager.
    DEBUG pyrsia::docker::v2::handlers::blobs     > Step 2: Does "sha256:1ae07ab881bd848493ad54c2ba32017f94d1d8dbfd0ba41b618f17e80f834a0f" exist in the Pyrsia network?
    DEBUG pyrsia::docker::v2::handlers::blobs     > Step 2: YES, "sha256:1ae07ab881bd848493ad54c2ba32017f94d1d8dbfd0ba41b618f17e80f834a0f" exists in the Pyrsia network.
    DEBUG pyrsia::docker::v2::handlers::blobs     > Final Step: "sha256:1ae07ab881bd848493ad54c2ba32017f94d1d8dbfd0ba41b618f17e80f834a0f" successfully retrieved!
    opened by tiainen 12
  • Introduce `aleph_bft` Hasher trait implementation

    Introduce `aleph_bft` Hasher trait implementation

    PR Checklist

    • [x] I've built the code cargo build. For major changes, cargo build --workspace --release is recommended.
    • [x] I've run the automated unit tests cargo test. This executes our automated unit tests.
    • [x] I've not broken any existing tests or functionality. In addition to cargo test, I've run cargo clippy
    • [x] I've not introduced any new known security vulnerabilities. I've run cargo audit
    • [x] I've included a brief description and a good title of the proposed changes and how to test them.
    • [x] I've read the contributing guidelines.
    • [x] I've associated an issue with this Pull Request.
    • [x] I've checked that the code is up-to-date with the pyrsia/main branch.
    • [x] I've read "What is a Good PR?"
    • [x] I've assigned this Pull Request to "pyrsia/collaborators"


    For #322

    This adds the crate + a basic trait that required with minimal tests

    Screenshots (optional)

    opened by prince-chrismc 11
  • First cut of a blockchain

    First cut of a blockchain

    The error I get:

    error[E0515]: cannot return reference to temporary value
      --> pyrsia_node/src/block_chain/
    34 |            &mut BlockChain {
       |  __________^____-
       | | _________|
       | ||
    35 | ||             blocks: vec![]
    36 | ||         }
       | ||         ^
       | ||_________|
       | |__________returns a reference to data owned by the current function
       |            temporary value created here
    warning: variable does not need to be mutable
       --> pyrsia_node/src/
    215 |     let mut bc = BlockChain::new();
        |         ----^^
        |         |
        |         help: remove this `mut`
        = note: `#[warn(unused_mut)]` on by default

    resolves #56

    opened by chb0github 11
  • Fix dependency order of  `pyrsia_client_lib` in `signed_struct`

    Fix dependency order of `pyrsia_client_lib` in `signed_struct`

    See for conversation

    This is extremely confusing and make it very error prone. We need to apply the suggestion from

    opened by prince-chrismc 11
  • Need a mechanism to determine build's state (based on the build ID) (…

    Need a mechanism to determine build's state (based on the build ID) (…

    …enhancement #1254)


    This issues implements a new feature described in #1254, The idea is that users can check the status of the requested build. New feature added to track the requested build state, from the user perspective the following CLI commands were added: pyrsia build status --id <BUILD ID>

    Few examples of returned messages: Build status for 'b024a136-9021-42a1-b8de-c665c94470f4' is 'RUNNING' Build status for 'b024a136-9021-42a1-b8de-c665c94470f4' is 'SUCCESS' Build status for 'f1548c9a-f2ee-46b9-8993-eed0a8e5c239' is 'FAILED'

    When the build ID is not found or expired: Build status for 'b024a136-9021-42a1-b8de-c665c94470f4' was not found. Additional info related to the build might be available via 'pyrsia inspect-log' command.

    The code follows patterns and style of other similar features including the "build request/start". It reuses the already existing API but also adds functionality to the CLI, build service, network and node API. New unit tests added also there is a pending integration test PR: pyrsia/pyrsia-integration-tests#18

    Fixes pyrsia/pyrsia# The new feature is described here: #1254

    This PR is a first step towards a more useful "build status" feature. Eventually, we should be able to add functionality which fetches the build logs and more. It should be relatively easy to add it based on this PR as long as the pipeline/build service supports it (provides API to get the build logs, etc).

    PR Checklist

    Code Contributions

    • [x] I've built the code cargo build --all-targets successfully.
    • [x] I've run the unit tests cargo test --workspace and everything passes.
    opened by karolh2000 10
  • In windows 10 pro, after startup, Pyrsia_node stops with an anyhow error

    In windows 10 pro, after startup, Pyrsia_node stops with an anyhow error

    Steps taken/Steps to reproduce

    According to the tutorial documentation quick-installation

    • Download the latest Windows installer from release page.

    • Double-click to run the installer

    • Run

    SET RUST_LOG=info
    cd c:\Pyrsia\Pyrsia\service

    Then, Pyrsia_node stops and the output details are as follows:

     2022-10-10T20:42:13.900Z INFO  pyrsia_node > Pyrsia Docker Node will start running on
     2022-10-10T20:42:13.901Z INFO  pyrsia_node > Looking up bootstrap node
     2022-10-10T20:42:13.904Z INFO  pyrsia::network::event_loop > Local node is listening on "/ip4/"
     2022-10-10T20:42:13.928Z INFO  pyrsia::network::event_loop > Local node is listening on "/ip4/"
     2022-10-10T20:42:14.026Z INFO  pyrsia_node                 > Found bootstrap peer_addr "/ip4/"
     2022-10-10T20:42:14.026Z INFO  pyrsia_node                 > Probing "/ip4/"
    Error: Anyhow Error
    Caused by:
        Connection was closed before a response was received

    Expected Behavior

    Pyrsia_node works fine or reports CLI option errors and help messages.

    Experienced Instance of the bug

    OS: Windows 10 Pro Pyrsia version: 0.2.0-rc1

    opened by fishseabowl 10
  • Tests the append blob function with a simple string

    Tests the append blob function with a simple string

    • refactors/moves the model (concern) of the blobs module into models folder

    PR Checklist

    • [x] I've built the code cargo build. For major changes, cargo build --workspace --release is recommended.
    • [x] I've run the automated unit tests cargo test. This executes our automated unit tests.
    • [x] I've not broken any existing tests or functionality. In addition to cargo test, I've run cargo clippy
    • [x] I've not introduced any new known security vulnerabilities. I've run cargo audit
    • [x] I've included a brief description and a good title of the proposed changes and how to test them.
    • [x] I've read the contributing guidelines.
    • [x] I've associated an issue with this Pull Request.
    • [x] I've checked that the code is up-to-date with the pyrsia/main branch.
    • [x] I've read "What is a Good PR?"
    • [x] I've assigned this Pull Request to "pyrsia/collaborators"


    Starts to Fix pyrsia/pyrsia#307

    This PR tests the append blob function with a simple string

    • refactors/moves the storage (concern) of the blobs module into storage folder

    Screenshots (optional)

    opened by betarelease 10
  • 1464b fail build if openssl returns

    1464b fail build if openssl returns


    Fixes pyrsia/pyrsia#1464

    This PR removes the hard exit on openssl, and removes the call to cargo remove (only available with nightly) and adds cargo tree when openssl is detected.

    Screenshots (optional)

    PR Checklist

    opened by efrisch 2
  • Github action .github/workflows/ reports an error

    Github action .github/workflows/ reports an error

    Details are as follows:

    Run .github/workflows/
    error: no such subcommand: `remove`
    	Did you mean `report`?
    Error: Process completed with exit code [10](


    opened by fishseabowl 1
  • Bump byte-unit from 4.0.14 to 4.0.18

    Bump byte-unit from 4.0.14 to 4.0.18

    Bumps byte-unit from 4.0.14 to 4.0.18.

    • bab5498 bump version
    • 9919f55 run clippy
    • 5e93fb6 rearrange matrix
    • de83e62 Merge pull request #20 from magiclen/dependabot/github_actions/actions/checko...
    • 1a70f48 Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3
    • 59feb45 Merge pull request #19 from spenserblack/dependabot-actions
    • 83af285 Merge pull request #18 from spenserblack/ci/matrix
    • e493218 Check for GitHub actions updates
    • eab56f1 Use matrix feature flags
    • b3bc632 fix features
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies rust in-review 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 1
  • Local Code Coverage Run Fix

    Local Code Coverage Run Fix


    This PR fixes Local Code Coverage Run. Switching to test run specific user in docker container before tarpaulin installation to avoid rust registry cache write permission issue

    To test run ./tests/ from pyrsia project context root. On successful encounter you will be able to see something similar to below.

    pyrsia_code_coverage  | || 
    pyrsia_code_coverage  | 49.82% coverage, 1384/2778 lines covered
    pyrsia_code_coverage exited with code 0
    [+] Running 3/3
     ⠿ Container pyrsia_code_coverage                 Removed                                                                                                                                                                                                       3.5s
     ⠿ Image local_code_coverage-codecoverage:latest  Removed                                                                                                                                                                                                       0.0s
     ⠿ Network local_code_coverage_default            Removed 

    Screenshots (optional)

    PR Checklist

    Code Contributions

    bug in-review 
    opened by dasmanas 1
  • Adding Test Cases for CLIs

    Adding Test Cases for CLIs

    Suggestion details

    Adding test cases for CLIs.

    As per my exploration here is the details.

    assert_cmd = "2.0.5"
    predicates = "2.1.1"

    Sample test code. The test code runs the binary from the debug directory.

    mod tests {
        use crate::CONF_FILE_PATH_MSG_STARTER;
        use assert_cmd::Command;
        use predicates::prelude::*;
        #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
        async fn test_config_show_file_path_info_availability() {
            let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("pyrsia").unwrap();

    The code expects the binary will be present under target/debug directory. But tarpaulin is not going to build the binary under debug. Therefore a cargo build has to perform. In subsequent step while calling cargo tarpaulin, we need to preserve previously build debug dir. To achieve the same, add --skip-clean flag to cargo tarpaulin.

    Please refer commits from


    Disclaimer: Even if you will be able to run unit test but the coverage is not going to be included in code coverage report.

    Additional details

    No response

    enhancement triage 
    opened by dasmanas 0
  • Create new integration test including multiple authorized nodes

    Create new integration test including multiple authorized nodes

    This test will only succeed after #1284 and #1446 have been resolved.

    Consider this situation:

    • nodeA (authorized)
    • nodeB (authorized) bootstrapped to nodeA
    • nodeC bootstrapped to nodeA
    • nodeD bootstrapped to nodeB


    • trigger a build from nodeA and wait for blocks to be published/broadcast
    • verify the the logs for the new artifact are available on all nodes
    • verify you can download an artifact on all nodes
    • trigger a build from nodeB and wait for blocks to be published/broadcast
    • verify the the logs for the new artifact are available on all nodes
    • verify you can download an artifact on all nodes

    Manual scenario to test this. Open 6 terminals,

    Terminal X

    go to the pyrsia build pipeline prototype and run

    cargo run

    Terminal A

    build, set up and run node A

    cargo build --workspace
    mkdir -p /tmp/pyrsia-manual-tests/nodeA
    mkdir -p /tmp/pyrsia-manual-tests/nodeB
    mkdir -p /tmp/pyrsia-manual-tests/nodeC
    mkdir -p /tmp/pyrsia-manual-tests/nodeD
    cp target/debug/pyrsia_node /tmp/pyrsia-manual-tests/nodeA
    cp target/debug/pyrsia_node /tmp/pyrsia-manual-tests/nodeB
    cp target/debug/pyrsia_node /tmp/pyrsia-manual-tests/nodeC
    cp target/debug/pyrsia_node /tmp/pyrsia-manual-tests/nodeD
    cd /tmp/pyrsia-manual-tests/nodeA
    RUST_LOG=pyrsia=debug DEV_MODE=on ./pyrsia_node --pipeline-service-endpoint http://localhost:8080  --listen-only -H -p 7881 --init-blockchain

    Terminal B

    run node B:

    cd /tmp/pyrsia-manual-tests/nodeB
    RUST_LOG=debug ./pyrsia_node --bootstrap-url http://localhost:7881/status --pipeline-service-endpoint http://localhost:8080 -p 7882

    Terminal C

    run node C

    cd /tmp/pyrsia-manual-tests/nodeC
    RUST_LOG=debug ./pyrsia_node --bootstrap-url http://localhost:7881/status -p 7883

    Terminal D

    run node D, bootstrapping to node B

    cd /tmp/pyrsia-manual-tests/nodeD
    RUST_LOG=debug ./pyrsia_node --bootstrap-url http://localhost:7882/status -p 7884

    Terminal Y

    Back in the root of the pyrsia repo, let's use the Pyrsia CLI to run through our scenario. First set up the authorized nodes:

    NODE_A_PEER_ID=`curl -s http://localhost:7881/status | jq -r .peer_id`
    NODE_B_PEER_ID=`curl -s http://localhost:7882/status | jq -r .peer_id`
    echo $NODE_A_PEER_ID
    echo $NODE_B_PEER_ID
    ./target/debug/pyrsia config -e --port 7881
    ./target/debug/pyrsia authorize --peer $NODE_A_PEER_ID
    ./target/debug/pyrsia authorize --peer $NODE_B_PEER_ID

    Trigger a build from node A:

    ./target/debug/pyrsia config -e --port 7881
    ./target/debug/pyrsia build docker --image alpine:3.16.0

    Wait for the build to finish and check logs on all nodes:

    ./target/debug/pyrsia config -e --port 7881
    ./target/debug/pyrsia inspect-log docker --image alpine:3.16.0
    ./target/debug/pyrsia config -e --port 7882
    ./target/debug/pyrsia inspect-log docker --image alpine:3.16.0
    ./target/debug/pyrsia config -e --port 7883
    ./target/debug/pyrsia inspect-log docker --image alpine:3.16.0
    ./target/debug/pyrsia config -e --port 7884
    ./target/debug/pyrsia inspect-log docker --image alpine:3.16.0

    All 4 inspect-log queries should return the transparency logs.

    Next, check if the artifacts itself are accessible on all nodes:


    All curl commands should output the manifest for the requested Docker image.

    Then, check if a build by node B works in the same way:

    ./target/debug/pyrsia config -e --port 7882
    ./target/debug/pyrsia build docker --image alpine:3.16.1

    Wait for the build to finish and check logs on all nodes:

    ./target/debug/pyrsia config -e --port 7881
    ./target/debug/pyrsia inspect-log docker --image alpine:3.16.1
    ./target/debug/pyrsia config -e --port 7882
    ./target/debug/pyrsia inspect-log docker --image alpine:3.16.1
    ./target/debug/pyrsia config -e --port 7883
    ./target/debug/pyrsia inspect-log docker --image alpine:3.16.1
    ./target/debug/pyrsia config -e --port 7884
    ./target/debug/pyrsia inspect-log docker --image alpine:3.16.1

    All 4 inspect-log queries should return the transparency logs.

    Next, check if the artifacts itself are accessible on all nodes:

    opened by erwin1 0
  • v0.2.2(Dec 20, 2022)

  • v0.2.1(Nov 29, 2022)

  • v0.2.0(Oct 24, 2022)

    Pyrsia network with provenance log, build from source support for docker

    This release candidate includes a number of exciting improvements from the demo version

    • Real Pyrsia network that allows to bootstrap new nodes
    • Build from source service for docker images
    • Provenance log that allows you to inspect packages on Pyrsia
    • Authority nodes that commit to the blockchain
    • Windows Installer
    • macOS brew installer

    What's Changed

    Full Changelog:

    New Contributors

    • @adamdmharvey made their first contribution in
    • @jperedadnr made their first contribution in
    • @karolh2000 made their first contribution in
    • @dasmanas made their first contribution in
    • @ChengYueJia made their first contribution in
    • @izderadicka made their first contribution in
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    pyrsia-windows-installer-0.2.0.msi(9.51 MB)
  • 0.2.0-rc1(Oct 6, 2022)

    Pyrsia network with provenance log, build from source support for docker

    This release candidate includes a number of exciting improvements from the demo version

    • Real Pyrsia network that allows to bootstrap new nodes
    • Build from source service for docker images
    • Provenance log that allows you to inspect packages on Pyrsia
    • Authority nodes that commit to the blockchain
    • Windows Installer

    What's Changed

    Full Changelog:

    New Contributors

    • @adamdmharvey made their first contribution in
    • @jperedadnr made their first contribution in
    • @karolh2000 made their first contribution in
    • @dasmanas made their first contribution in
    • @ChengYueJia made their first contribution in
    • @izderadicka made their first contribution in
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    pyrsia-windows-installer-0.2-rc1.msi(9.50 MB)
    pyrsia_0.2.0-RC1_amd64.deb(5.54 MB)
  • v0.1.1(May 23, 2022)

    Includes initial implementation of NAT piercing to facilitate p2p communication between peers behind NAT based networks.

    Instructions to install this version of Pyrsia

    What's Changed

    • Bump sysinfo from 0.23.10 to 0.23.12 by @dependabot in
    • Add workaround for missing status checks in CI by @prince-chrismc in
    • Bump actions/github-script from 6.0.0 to 6.1.0 by @dependabot in
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 19 to 20 by @dependabot in
    • Propagate channel errors instead of panicking by @tiainen in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0(May 23, 2022)

    Initial release with 2 peers communicating with each other and ability to load the central node with all official docker images.

    Instructions to install this version of Pyrsia

    What's Changed

    Full Changelog:

    New Contributors

    • @mgrand made their first contribution in
    • @johanvos made their first contribution in
    • @chb0github made their first contribution in
    • @chris-crone made their first contribution in
    • @VitaliyaIoffe made their first contribution in
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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