2482 Repositories
Rust logging-and-metrics Libraries
simple and powerful IP architecture in Rust.
ipzone Ipzone provides a simple and powerful IP architecture to Rust. | Examples | Docs | Latest Note | ipzone = "0.4.0" Examples use ipzone::prelude:
A blazingly fast and memory safe password cracker with user interface.
HashVat A blazingly fast and memory safe password cracker with user interface. HashVat runs with user interface and is capable of cracking the 1.000.0
`prometheus` backend for `metrics` crate
metrics + prometheus = ❤️ API Docs | Changelog prometheus backend for metrics crate. Motivation Rust has at least two ecosystems regarding metrics col
A Team Fortress 2 SDK written in Rust that I update every now and then
tf-rs A Team Fortress 2 SDK written in Rust that I update every now and then. Most of this has been written in early November. I've published it so th
Rust library to generate word cloud images from text and images !
wordcloud-rs A Rust library to generate word-clouds from text and images! Example Code use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use lazy_static::la
Optimized geometry primitives for Microsoft platforms with the same memory layout as DirectX and Direct2D and types.
geoms Geometry for Microsoft platforms - a set of geometry primitives with memory layouts optimized for native APIs (Win32, Direct2D, and Direct3D). T
🚀simple server that returns error codes with their respective messages and debug information, written in rust 🦀
ErrorServer 🚀 A simple & lightweight server that returns a HTML page of the error code with its respective message and debug information, written in
A toy web framework inspired by gin-gonic/gin and expressjs/express.
Rum Framework A toy web framework inspired by gin-gonic/gin and expressjs/express. Installation Just add rum_framework to the dependencies of Cargo.to
An efficient pictures manager based on custom tags and file system organization.
PicturesManager An efficient pictures manager based on custom tags and file system organization. Developed with Tauri (web app) with a Rust backend an
Utility for recursively unzipping tuples, Options of tuples and Results of tuples.
Zipped Utility for recursively unzipping tuples, Options of tuples and Results of tuples. Install cargo add zipped Usage This crate is quiet straightf
Rust implementations of Fast Fourier Transform convolution and correlation for n-dimensional arrays
fftconvolve Rust implementations of Fast Fourier Transform convolution and correlation for n-dimensional arrays Examples 1-dimensional use fftconvolve
🧪 The versatile and intuitive memory hacking framework.
🧪 hax 🤔 About hax is a Rust crate designed to make memory hacking, game hacking, cheat development, and any other low level memory based development
syncmap is a fast, concurrent cache library built with a focus on performance and correctness.
syncmap syncmap syncmap is a fast, concurrent cache library syncmap is a fast, concurrent cache library built with a focus on performance and correctn
Spoon Radio Echo Project, Lightweight and scalable broadcasting server.
Echo Project https://medium.com/p/3bd1434a163a Echo was initiated by a social network platform, Spoon Radio(https://www.spooncast.net). The main goal
Code and Development environment for adventofcode.com - 2022 edition
aoc-2022 Warning Spoiler Alert! If you want to solve the aoc problems on your own, do not read any further. This repository contains solutions for the
A library for python version numbers and specifiers, implementing PEP 440
PEP440 in rust A library for python version numbers and specifiers, implementing PEP 440 Not yet on crates.io due to PyO3/pyo3#2786. use std::str::Fro
A small application to convert a 3D model in .obj format into HTML and CSS
obj-to-html is a small application that converts a 3D model in .obj format into HTML and CSS that will display that model in a web browser, spinning a
ARYA Network is a polkadot/substrate based chain for Non-fungible Token platform on which we can own sell and buy the NFT's on polkadot network.
ARYA Network ARYA Network is a polkadot/substrate based chain for Non-fungible Token platform on which we can own sell and buy the NFT's on polkadot n
Experimental language build in Rust to make it fast and robust
Reg-lang Experimental language build with Rust. Its aim is : To be simple to help learning programmation with, and in a second hand, to be robust enou
Conference Monitoring Project based on Image Recognition that uses Rust Language and AWS Rekognition service to get the level of image similarity.
Conference Monitoring System based on Image Recognition in Rust This is a Conference Monitoring Project based on Image Recognition that uses Rust Lang
Tauri and Leptos example.
tauri-leptos-example Tauri Leptos Requires Rust Nightly. See Leptos nightly Note. # Install Tauri CLI cargo install tauri-cli # Build and develop for
A relatively simple puzzle generator application written in Rust and used via Javascript
Puzzlip Basic Overview This is a relatively simple puzzle generator application written in Rust and used via Javascript in https://puzzlip.com. If you
Simple, omniglot, markdown-based literate programming and living documentation
Betwixt Simple, markdown-based, polyglot literate programming and documentation tests. Read code between the lines Summary Betwixt is heavily inspired
rpsc is a *nix command line tool to quickly search for file systems items matching varied criterions like permissions, extended attributes and much more.
rpsc rpsc is a *nix command line tool to quickly search for file systems items matching varied criterions like permissions, extended attributes and mu
🗄️ A simple (and safe!) to consume history of Client and Studio deployment versions.
🗄️ Roblox Version Archive A simple (and safe!) to consume history of Client and Studio deployment versions. About Parsing Roblox's DeployHistory form
Bitcoin PSBT signer, descriptor exporter and more for offline devices.
KeeChain Description KeeChain is a Bitcoin application to transform your offline computer in an AirGap Signing Device (aka Hardware Wallet). Getting s
The utility is designed to check the availability of peers and automatically update them in the Yggdrasil configuration file, as well as using the admin API - addPeer method.
Yggrasil network peers checker / updater The utility is designed to check the availability of peers and automatically update them in the Yggdrasil con
A fast, simple and powerful open-source cross platform utility tool for generating strong, unique and random passwords
password-generator-pro A fast, simple and powerful open-source cross platform utility tool for generating strong, unique and random passwords. Feature
scan markdown files and execute `console` blocks
exec-commands − scan markdown files and execute console blocks exec-commands is a utility to update command-line-tool examples embedded in markdown fi
Heavy Metal Leptos Stack with Tailwind, Axum, Sqlite, and Cargo Leptos
Heavy Metal Stack Leptos stack with Axum, TailwindCSS, and Sqlite This example creates a basic todo app with an Axum backend that uses Leptos' server
simple but convenient CLI-based Nostr client app for following users and sending DMs
nostr-commander-rs TLDR: simple but convenient CLI-based Nostr client app for publishing, sending DMs, as well as following users and channels nostr-c
Writing an OS in Rust, To Study Operating System and Computer System
Hun Os Writing an OS in Rust, To Study Operating System and Computer System Reference Os Written In Rust https://github.com/seonghun-dev/blog_os https
An API to track various stats written in Rust. Tracking Github, Wakatime, Spotify, and Duolingo
Null API API For collecting data Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Built With Getting St
Captures packets and streams them to other devices. Built for home network analysis and A&D CTFs.
🍩 shiny-donut shiny-donut is a packet capture app that supports streaming packets from a remote system to another device. The main use for this is to
A tiny Rust std-lib for Linux x86_64 and aarch64
Tiny std Like a bad, probably buggy, tiny standard library for Linux. When it's appropriate If you are actually trying to do something solid, checkout
Binding generator for EVM and ink!
Sumi is a binding generator specifically designed for Astar Network ecosystem with XVM in mind. It takes EVM metadata and converts it to an ink! modul
A backend framework for building fast and flexible APIs rapidly.
Andromeda Andromeda is a backend framework for Rust, to simplify the development of the kinds of basic API services that we developers have to build s
A multi-threaded Twitch chat archiving and downloading tool.
Twitch Chat Downloader 🗒️ tcd is a multi-threaded Twitch Chat Downloader built in Rust 🦀 . Usage: tcd [OPTIONS] --channel CHANNEL|--video VIDEO
A simple collection of formatters focused on speed, reliability, correctness and most importantly readability.
EFC The Enoki Formatter Collection (name inspired by the GNU Compiler Collection) is a simple to use colelction of next generation language agnostic f
Rust project for working with ETH - Ethereum transactions with Rust on Ganache and also deploy smart contracts :)
Just a test project to work with Ethereum but using Rust. I'm using plain Rust here, not Foundry. In future we will use Foundry. Hope you're already f
RESTful Todo API with Actix-web and SeaORM. Documented by swagger-ui
RESTful Todo RESTful Todo API with Actix and SeaORM. Documented by swagger-ui Prerequisites Rust Usage Clone the repository and run the following comm
A creator library for procedural 2D noises and patterns in Rust.
A curated list of common 2D noises and patterns in computer graphics. Mostly taken from implementations on Shadertoy. All implementations are under th
Faterium Substrate Node, Runtime, and Pallets. Contains "faterium-polls-pallet" with logic of Faterium Polls.
Faterium Substrate Node Faterium - a place where fates are forged. This is the official implementation of Faterium Crowdfunding Polls in Rust as Subst
Derive AsyncRead and AsyncWrite.
derive-tokio-io Derive AsyncRead and AsyncWrite. Usage If the struct has only one field, AsyncRead and AsyncWrite are derived for that field. use deri
An operating system written in Rust (for fun and educational purposes)
Prestige Prestige is an operating system written for fun and educational purposes in Rust. It targets the x86-64 architecture and can run on common em
LinkedBytes is a linked list of Bytes and BytesMut.
LinkedBytes LinkedBytes is a linked list of Bytes and BytesMut (though we use VecDeque to implement it now). It is primarily used to manage Bytes and
This is the core library with the full abstraction and implementation of the Minecraft protocol and logic. (Currently WIP)
MineRust (WIP) This is the core library with the full abstraction and implementation of the Minecraft protocol and logic. This project is currently WI
Simple and fast proxy checker that include protocol validation;
Open Proxies ⭐️ Leave me a start please ⭐️ it will motivate me to continue maintaining and adding futures About | Technologies | Requirements | Starti
Mercy is a public Rust crate created to assist with building cybersecurity frameworks, assessment tools, and numerous other projects
Mercy 📚 Documentation Mercy is a public Rust crate created to assist with building cybersecurity frameworks, assessment tools, and numerous other pro
Simple example of axum, sqlx with sqlite and utoipa (swagger) - without auth
axum_crud_api Simple example to learn creating CRUD rest apis in Rust with axum, sqlx with sqlite and utoipa (swagger) - without auth Also shows how t
A parser and matcher for route patterns in Rust 🦀
Route Pattern A parser and matcher for a popular way to create route patterns. Patterns like these that include regular expressions, delimited in this
Simulator of viral infection spread and containment in cell monolayer.
Overview VIS-A-VIS is an agent-based simulator of viral infection spread and viral infection self-containment in a monolayer of cell. The simulation m
Over-simplified, featherweight, open-source and easy-to-use authentication and authorization server.
concess ⚠️ Early Development: This is not production ready, yet. Do not use it for anything important. Introduction concess is a over-simplified, feat
This is a solana lite rpc which optimizes sending transactions and confirming transactions strategies.
Solana Lite RPC This project aims to create a lite rpc server which is responsible only for sending and confirming the transactions. The lite-rpc serv
Image cropper (and colorizer) for pdf scans
Image cropper for personal use (might not work with your pdfs) Requires pdfimages on the path to work properly It's thought just for my workflow so is
API and logger for GBFS endpoints, noticeably Velib' in Paris
GBFS Watcher A daemon which logs Velib' stations statuses and provides a REST endpoint to access data. Velib' API is built over GBFS v1, so this API c
`rusty_regex` takes an input string and produces a `regex` string representing what was provided.
rusty_regex This project provides a binary that takes an input string, and preps it for regex usage, effectively replacing known generics and producin
Some hacks and failed experiments surrounding nvidia's gamestream protocol and sunshine/moonlight implementations
Sunrise This repository contains a bunch of experiments surrounding the nvidia gamestream protocol and reimplementations in the form of sunshine and m
png_defringe_rs is a port of Immorpher's PNG Defringe program written in Rust to achieve easier installation and faster performance.
png_defringe_rs png_defringe_rs is a port of Immorpher's PNG Defringe program written in Rust to achieve easier installation and faster performance. U
An intent-centric, privacy-preserving protocol for decentralized counterparty discovery, solving, and multi-chain atomic settlement.
Anoma Blockchain prototye This prototype aims to reproduce the following topology: ┌────────┐ ┌───────────┐ │ ┌───────┐ │Sol
Rust library to download and run Minecraft instances.
Rust library to download and run Minecraft instances. Build the code To build the library, the do the following command: carbo build Run the example Y
SimConnect SDK in Rust. An opinionated SimConnect Client that encapsulates the C API fully and optimizes for developer experience.
SimConnect SDK An opinionated SimConnect Client that encapsulates the C API fully and optimizes for developer experience. Usage [dependencies] simconn
A lightweight, zero-dependency struct diffing library which allows changed fields to be collected and applied
structdiff A lightweight, zero-dependency struct diffing library which allows changed fields to be collected and applied. Derive Difference on a struc
A general solution for commonly used crypt in rust, collection of cryptography-related traits and algorithms.
Crypto-rs A general solution for commonly used crypt in rust, collection of cryptography-related traits and algorithms. This is a Rust implementation
Rust implementation of Andrej Karpathy's micrograd for purposes of learning both ML and Rust.
micrograd_rs Rust implementation of Andrej Karpathy's micrograd for purposes of learning both ML and Rust. Main takeaways Basically the same takeaways
Simple stupid noise primitives for WGSL and Rust (glam/bevy types)
noisy_bevy Simple stupid noise primitives for glam types (Vec2, Vec3) and wgsl. Main motivations are: ergonomic usage with Bevy same results on rust a
A simple tool to test sqlx with postgres. It will automatically create a database and drop it after the test.
sqlx-db-tester This a tool to test sqlx with postgres. It only supports tokio runtime at this moment. How to use it You should first create a TestDb d
Majestic Lisp book and implementation, in Brazillian Portuguese.
Majestic Lisp Criado e desenvolvido por Lucas S. Vieira lucasvieira at protonmail dot com. Seja bem-vindo(a) a Majestic Lisp, um dialeto de Lisp cuj
A fast and robust MLOps tool for managing data and pipelines
xvc A Fast and Robust MLOps Swiss-Army Knife in Rust ⌛ When to use xvc? Machine Learning Engineers: When you manage large quantities of unstructured d
Rust Attribute-Based Encryption library rabe's C FFI binding , support CP-ABE and KP-ABE encrypt and decrypt, submodule of Rabe.Core c# library.
Rabe-ffi Rust Attribute-Based Encryption library rabe's C FFI binding , support CP-ABE and KP-ABE encrypt and decrypt, submodule of Rabe.Core c# libra
High-performance and normalised trading interface capable of executing across many financial venues
High-performance and normalised trading interface capable of executing across many financial venues. Also provides a feature rich simulated exchange to assist with backtesting and dry-trading.
A simple CLI for creating and managing Solana Lookup Tables.
LUT - A simple CLI for creating and managing Solana Lookup Tables Commands lut create Creates a new LUT using the default keypair in the Solana config
Rusty Hell's Gate / Halo's Gate / Tartarus' Gate and FreshyCalls / SysWhispers1 / SysWhispers2 / SysWhispers3 Library
Hell's Gate / Halo's Gate / Tartarus' Gate and FreshyCalls / SysWhispers1 / SysWhispers2 / SysWhispers3 in Rust I named this project Mordor because He
Simple, safe way to store and distribute tensors
safetensors Safetensors This repository implements a new simple format for storing tensors safely (as opposed to pickle) and that is still fast (zero-
Hide memory artifacts using ROP and hardware breakpoints.
Description This tool is a simple PoC of how to hide memory artifacts using a ROP chain in combination with hardware breakpoints. The ROP chain will c
🥔 MOS-6502 and NES emulator in Rust (SDL/WebAssembly)
🥔 Potatis /mos6502 - Generic CPU emulator. Passes all tests, including illegal ops. (No BCD mode). /nes - A very incomplete NES emulator. /nes-sdl -
CLI and utilities for converting media files (images/videos) to ascii outputs (output media file or print to console)
CLI and utilities for converting media files (images/videos) to ascii outputs (output media file or print to console). Supports most standard image formats, and some video formats.
Track and query Cargo dependency graphs.
cargo-guppy: track and query dependency graphs This repository contains the source code for: guppy: a library for performing queries on Cargo dependen
Rust client to Seaport's APIs and Ethereum smart contracts(WIP)
Seaport-rs WIP - WORK IN PROGRESS. REFER TO https://github.com/Alcibiades-Capital/quay FOR PRODUCTION READY CODE I'm new to Rust and seek to be legend
Pure, minimal, and scalable timers
timer-queue A pure, minimal, and scalable structure for tracking expiration of timers let mut q = TimerQueue::new(); q.insert(42, "second"); q.insert(
3d Cellular Automata using WGPU in Rust (for the web and using compute shaders)
3D-Cellular-Automata-WGPU 3d Cellular Automata using WGPU in Rust (for the web and using compute shaders) The branches are very messy... I recommend y
A command line tool for renaming your ipa files quickly and easily.
ipa_renamer A command line tool for renaming your ipa files quickly and easily. Usage ipa_renamer 0.0.1 A command line tool for renaming your ipa file
A simple web server(and library) to display server stats over HTTP and Websockets/SSE or stream it to other systems.
x-server-stats A simple web server(and library) to display server stats over HTTP and Websockets/SSE or stream it to other systems. x-server(in x-serv
Cloud Native high performance security and privacy SQL proxy.
Fern proxy With the advent of Cloud Native applications, architecture patterns evolved and emerged to take advantage of cloud computing, and build mor
Honkers Launcher variant written on Rust, GTK4 and libadwaita, using Anime Game Core library
You could also try the main branch Development Folder Description ui Blueprint UI files ui/.dist UI files compiled by the blueprint src Rust source co
Connects to Woodpecker CI and dynamically creates an agent in the cloud.
Picus Picus connects to a Woodpecker CI server and creates an agent in the cloud when there are pending jobs. The agent will be shutdown when there ar
Free Rust-only Xbox ADPCM encoder and decoder
XbadPCM Safe (and optionally no-std) Rust crate for encoding and decoding Xbox ADPCM blocks. Decoding example Here is example code for decoding stereo
Low-level CPU and register abstractions for the N64 console
Description This crate is a low-level abstraction (aka a Peripheral Access Crate) over the CPU and memory-mapped registers available on the Nintendo 6
Mercy is a public Rust crate created to assist with building cybersecurity frameworks, assessment tools, and numerous other projects
Mercy 📚 Documentation Mercy is a public Rust crate created to assist with building cybersecurity frameworks, assessment tools, and numerous other pro
rust_aads - Rust Algorithms And Data Structures
rust_aads - Rust Algorithms And Data Structures rust_aads is an open repository with algorithms and data structures, used in computer science and comp
A general-purpose, transactional, relational database that uses Datalog and focuses on graph data and algorithms
cozo A general-purpose, transactional, relational database that uses Datalog for query and focuses on graph data and algorithms. Features Relational d
Generate Soufflé Datalog types, relations, and facts that represent ASTs from a variety of programming languages.
treeedb treeedb makes it easier to start writing a source-level program analysis in Soufflé Datalog. First, treeedb generates Soufflé types and relati
VSCode extension to quickly write and customize well tested Solana snippets.
Solana Snippets The Solana Snippets VSCode Extension allows you to quickly insert Solana snippets into your code. This snippets are well tested in a r
Minimal and blazing-fast file server. For real, this time.
Zy Minimal and blazing-fast file server. For real, this time. Features Single Page Application support Partial responses (Range support) Cross-Origin
🕵️♀️ Find, locate, and query files for ops and security experts ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Recon Find, locate, and query files for ops and security experts Key Features • How To Use • Download • Contributing • License Key Features Query with
Bullet Force launcher and MITM-based hax
BulletForceHaxV2 This repository holds a launcher and MITM-based cheat for Bullet Force. It allows you both a convenient way to launch the game withou
A convenient tracing config and init lib, with symlinking and local timezone.
clia-tracing-config A convenient tracing config and init lib, with symlinking and local timezone. Use these formats default, and can be configured: pr
A Faster(⚡) formatter, linter, bundler, and more for JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, HTML, Markdown, and CSS Lapce Plugin
Lapce Plugin for Rome Lapce-rome is a Lapce plugin for rome, The Rome is faster ⚡ , A formatter, linter, compiler, bundler, and more for JavaScript, T
Fetch and extract HTML's title and description by given link.
extd Fetch and extract HTML's title and description by given link. Usage in Cargo.toml: [dependencies] extd = "0.1.4" Example use extd::extract_td; f
SimConnect SDK in Rust. An opinionated SimConnect Client that encapsulates the C API fully and optimizes for developer experience.
SimConnect SDK An opinionated SimConnect Client that encapsulates the C API fully and optimizes for developer experience. Usage [dependencies] simconn