Solana Lite RPC
This project aims to create a lite rpc server which is responsible only for sending and confirming the transactions. The lite-rpc server will not have any ledger or banks. While sending transaction the lite rpc server will send the transaction to next few leader (FANOUT) and then use different strategies to confirm the transaction. The rpc server will also have a websocket port which is reponsible for just subscribing to slots and signatures. The lite rpc server will be optimized to confirm transactions which are forwarded to leader using the same server.
Confirmation strategies
- Subscribing to blocks changes and checking the confirmations. (Under development)
- Subscribing to signatures with pool of rpc servers. (Under development)
- Listining to gossip protocol. (Future roadmap)
cargo build
For RPC node : http://localhost:8899
Websocket : http://localhost:8900
(Optional) Port : 9000
Listening port for LiteRpc server Subscription Port : 9001
Listening port of websocket subscriptions for LiteRpc server
cargo run --bin lite-rpc --url http://localhost:8899 --websocket_url http://localhost:8900 --port 9000 --subscription_port 9001