A toy web framework inspired by gin-gonic/gin and expressjs/express.


Rum Framework

A toy web framework inspired by gin-gonic/gin and expressjs/express.


Just add rum_framework to the dependencies of Cargo.toml.

rum_framework = "0.0.1"

HTML rendering and json serilization relies on Keats/tera and serde-rs/serde. If you need these features, please also install them on your projects.



use rum_framework::rum;

let mut rum_server = rum::new("", 3000);

Defining Controller and Middleware

The controller can be implemented by using the function or closure that has argument with &mut RumContext type. When a response is returned from middleware, following middlewares and controllers will not be executed.

fn verify(c: &mut RumContext){
    //do stuff
    c.file(201, "test.jpg"); // return response with status code and contents.

The response can be generated by following methods of context:

  • file read file and return binary data.
  • text return plain text.
  • html render html and return html response.
  • json return json data.

You can also use RumContext to communicate with following controllers, or getting parameters from requests. (e.g. get_request_body)

Binding controller with route and http methods

rum_server.post("/test/a1/:param1/b/:param2/c", |c:&mut RumContext|{ 
    let point = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
    c.json(200, serde_json::to_string(&point).unwrap());

Binding middlewares to routes

rum_server.global_middleware(vec![session, verify]);

Sample Code

use rum_framework::rum;
use rum_framework::context::RumContext;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use tera::Context;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Test {
    test: String,

fn session(_: &mut RumContext){
    println!("called first.");

fn verify(c: &mut RumContext){
    println!("called second.");
    let ua = c.get_request_header("User-Agent");
    if ua.is_none(){
        // Abort Operation if header is invalid.
        c.text(400, "bad request");

fn is_admin(_: &mut RumContext){
    println!("verifying permission.");

fn index(c: &mut RumContext){
    println!("index executed!");
    c.set_response_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "");
    c.file(201, "test.jpg");

fn main() {
    let mut rum_server = rum::new("", 3000);
    rum_server.global_middleware(vec![session, verify]);
    rum_server.get("", index);
    rum_server.post("/test/a1/:param1/b/:param2/c", |c:&mut RumContext|{ 
        let point = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
        c.json(200, serde_json::to_string(&point).unwrap());
    rum_server.get("/test/b1", |c: &mut RumContext|{ 
        let mut context = Context::new();
            context.insert("val1", &"Hello!");
            context.insert("val2", &2023);

        c.html(200, "index.html", &context);
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