Handlebars middleware for Iron web framework



Handlebars middleware for the Iron web framework.

Build Status

This library, together with handlebars, iron and hyper, works on both stable and nightly rust.

Both iron and handlebars has backward-incompatible change during 0.x releases. So you will need to choose handlebars-iron version based on those two versions you were using:

handlebars-iron handlebars iron
0.14.x 0.16.x 0.2.x
0.15.x 0.18.x 0.3.x
0.16.0 0.19.x 0.3.x
0.17.x 0.19.x 0.4.x
0.18.x 0.20.x (serde 0.8) 0.4.x
0.19.x 0.22.x 0.4.x
0.20.x 0.23.x 0.4.x
0.21.x 0.24.x 0.4.x
0.22.x 0.24.x 0.5.x
0.23.x 0.25.x (serde 0.9) 0.5.x
0.24.x 0.26.x (serde 1.0) 0.5.x
0.25.x 0.29.x 0.5.x
0.26.x 0.32.x 0.6.x
0.27.x 1.x 0.6.x
0.28.x 2.x 0.6.x
0.29.x 3.x 0.6.x


Add HandlebarsEngine to your Iron middleware chain as an "after" middleware.

  /// HandlebarsEngine will look up all files with "./examples/templates/**/*.hbs"
  let mut hbse = HandlebarsEngine::new();
  hbse.add(Box::new(DirectorySource::new("./examples/templates/", ".hbs")));

  // load templates from all registered sources
  if let Err(r) = hbse.reload() {
    panic!("{}", r);


If you want register your own custom helpers, you can initialize the HandlebarsEngine from a custom Handlebars registry.

  let mut hbse = HandlebarsEngine::new();
  hbse.add(Box::new(DirectorySource::new("./examples/templates/", ".hbs")));
  hbse.handlebars_mut().register_helper("helper", my_helper);

  // load templates from all registered sources
  if let Err(r) = hbse.reload() {
    panic!("{}", r);


You can find more information about custom helper in handlebars-rust document.

In your handler, set Template to response. As required by Handlebars-rust, your data should impl serde::Serialize.

For DirectorySource, handlebars engine will walk the directory specified by prefix, try to register all templates matches the suffix, and extract its name as template name. For instance, ./examples/templates/some/path/index.hbs will be registered as some/path/index.

/// render data with "index" template
/// that is "./examples/templates/index.hbs"
fn hello_world(_: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
    let mut resp = Response::new();

    let data = ...
    resp.set_mut(Template::new("index", data)).set_mut(status::Ok);

By using Template::with You can also render some template without actually register it. But this is not recommended because template string needs to be parsed every time. Consider using a MemorySource if possible.

/// render data with "index" template
/// that is "./examples/templates/index.hbs"
fn hello_world(_: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
    let mut resp = Response::new();

    let data = ...
    resp.set_mut(Template::with("<h1>{{title}}</h1>", data)).set_mut(status::Ok);

Since this is simple library, you may run this example with RUST_LOG=handlebars_iron=info cargo run --example server first, and documentation then.

Rust and its ecosystem are still in early stage, this project might been broken for various reasons. I will try my best to keep this library compiles with latest Rust nightly before the 1.0 final release. If you find anything bad, pull requests and issue reporting are always welcomed.

Live reload

During development you may want to live-reload your templates without having to restart your web server. Here comes the live-reload feature.

Since live-reload may only be useful in development phase, we have made it a optional feature. In order to enable it, you will need to add feature watch in your cargo declaration:

## create a feature in your app
watch = ["handlebars-iron/watch"]

handlebars-iron = ...

Check examples/watch_server.rs for further information. To test it: RUST_LOG=handlebars_iron=info cargo run --example watch_server --features watch.

Using handlebars-iron?

Add your project to our adopters.


MIT, of course.

  • Handlebars and Mount and StaticFile

    Handlebars and Mount and StaticFile

    How to use it with Mount, does it support it?

      let mut hbse = HandlebarsEngine::new();
      hbse.add(Box::new(DirectorySource::new("./views/", ".hbs")));
      if let Err(r) = hbse.reload() {
        panic!("{}", r.description());
      let mut router = Router::new();
      router.get("/", index);
      let mut mount = Mount::new();
        .mount("/", router)
        mount("/css/", Static::new(Path::new("static/css/")));
       println!("Server running at http://localhost:3000/");

    Here how can I add hbse to mount or how to get them work together?

    opened by GildedHonour 14
  • Add the ability to gzip content before Responding

    Add the ability to gzip content before Responding

    It's easy enough to add gzip to non-handlebars iron responses: https://github.com/gsquire/compress (which might be a great example of how to use the other library)

    BUT, when using handlebars, it's much trickier to do. I was working on my own AfterMiddleware handler that would mutate the output of handlerbars.. but still being new to Rust, and the AfterMIddleware piece has been a little tricky. Should be fairly simple given you already have that piece working if it's directly integrating into the library... and probably an appreciated feature by all. https://github.com/alexcrichton/flate2-rs

    Here's the snippet of code I already have working, to be added to the AfterMiddleware, potentially adding gzip as an extra option: let raw_accept_encoding = request.headers.get_raw("Accept-Encoding").unwrap();

        for accept_encoding in raw_accept_encoding
            println!("raw_accept_encoding: {}", str::from_utf8(accept_encoding).unwrap());
            if str::from_utf8(accept_encoding).unwrap().to_lowercase().contains("gzip")
                let mut encoder = GzEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::Default);
                encoder.write_all("Insert Handlerbars output here");
               let compressed_bytes = encoder.finish().unwrap();  //except don't unwrap
                //then return compressed_bytes. 


    opened by FlogramMatt 12
  • [Suggestion] Implementing Handler for Templates

    [Suggestion] Implementing Handler for Templates


    This library is awesome - thank you for your continued work on it.

    I'm making this issue to ask if you think it is worth implementing Handler for Template? Currently I am doing something like this in my code:

    pub struct TemplateHandler {
        path: &'static str
    impl TemplateHandler {
        pub fn new(path: &'static str) -> TemplateHandler {
            TemplateHandler { path: path }
    impl Handler for TemplateHandler {
        fn handle(&self, _: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
            let mut resp = Response::new();
            resp.set_mut(Template::new(self.path, ())).set_mut(status::Ok);
    // Mount the templating
        get "/" => TemplateHandler::new("index"),
        get "/kmeans" => TemplateHandler::new("kmeans"),
        get "/dbscan" => TemplateHandler::new("dbscan"),

    Maybe I'm missing the point but I think it would be nice to provide this behavior within this library. I know there are many use cases that will not simply be rendering a web page without providing new content. But I think this is common enough that it is valuable.

    An alternative could be to implement Handler for a new wrapper type as I have - perhaps called RenderTemplate?

    In any case, it is not too much extra code to add on and the library is very useful as is!

    opened by AtheMathmo 10
  • DirectorySource path handling is unexpected

    DirectorySource path handling is unexpected

    DirectorySource treats the path argument in a very literal way. Specifically if there's a file "templates/index.hbs", then

    DirectorySource::new("templates", ".hbs")

    will register template "/index", but

    DirectorySource::new("templates/", ".hbs")

    will register template "index". I'd expect both to do the same thing (without initial slash), because the path points at the exact same directory.

    opened by viraptor 9
  • FR: Improve usage for inlined templates

    FR: Improve usage for inlined templates

    I'm currently writing an application that should run as a single binary. Right now I'm acquiring the RwLock for the registry explicitly, and call register_template_string(..., include_str!(...)) for each template.

    I've found two rather easy to fix usability problems specific to my usecase:

    • When trying to use HandlebarsEngine::from with a custom registry, it cleared out all manually registered templates.
    • Handlebars-rust still tries to stat against a directory, but in my case this isn't necessary.

    And then the idea of loading/parsing/compiling templates at compile-time comes to mind, but I suspect that the necessary APIs aren't stable yet in Rust, and that it's too late for those kind of major feature requests.

    Regarding the two usability problems, I am not sure what to do. Perhaps HandlebarsEngine could make the prefix and suffix fields of type Option<String> to indicate that the raw registry should be used? Such a state would also disallow usage of reload and disable its initial invocation.

    opened by untitaker 7
  • Updated to new io and partially to new paths for compatibility with the ...

    Updated to new io and partially to new paths for compatibility with the ...

    Handlebars-iron now builds with the newest glob crate that returns Paths of the new type. env::current_dir() of the standard library still returns old_path types, so this is only a partial reform.

    opened by golddranks 6
  • Compilation error with `serde_type`

    Compilation error with `serde_type`

    So when using the serde_type feature I get a compilation error. The compilation error actually originates in the handlebars crate but since I do not depend on it directly I was not sure where I should submit the issue.

    Compiling handlebars v0.18.1
    error: a type named `Json` has already been imported in this module [--explain E0252]
      --> /home/azerupi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/handlebars-0.18.1/src/template.rs:11:5
    9  |> use serialize::json::Json;
       |>     --------------------- previous import of `Json` here
    10 |> #[cfg(feature = "serde_type")]
    11 |> use serde_json::value::Value as Json;
       |>     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    error: a trait named `ToJson` has already been imported in this module [--explain E0252]
     --> /home/azerupi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/handlebars-0.18.1/src/registry.rs:9:5
    7 |> use serialize::json::ToJson;
      |>     ----------------------- previous import of `ToJson` here
    8 |> #[cfg(feature = "serde_type")]
    9 |> use serde::ser::Serialize as ToJson;
      |>     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    error: a type named `Json` has already been imported in this module [--explain E0252]
      --> /home/azerupi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/handlebars-0.18.1/src/render.rs:10:5
    8  |> use serialize::json::Json;
       |>     --------------------- previous import of `Json` here
    9  |> #[cfg(feature = "serde_type")]
    10 |> use serde_json::value::Value as Json;
       |>     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    error: a type named `Json` has already been imported in this module [--explain E0252]
     --> /home/azerupi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/handlebars-0.18.1/src/helpers/helper_each.rs:4:31
    2 |> use serialize::json::{Json, ToJson};
      |>                       ---- previous import of `Json` here
    3 |> #[cfg(feature = "serde_type")]
    4 |> use serde_json::value::{self, Value as Json};
      |>                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    error: a type named `Json` has already been imported in this module [--explain E0252]
     --> /home/azerupi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/handlebars-0.18.1/src/helpers/helper_lookup.rs:4:5
    2 |> use serialize::json::Json;
      |>     --------------------- previous import of `Json` here
    3 |> #[cfg(feature = "serde_type")]
    4 |> use serde_json::value::Value as Json;
      |>     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    error: a type named `Json` has already been imported in this module [--explain E0252]
       --> /home/azerupi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/handlebars-0.18.1/src/context.rs:7:31
    2   |> use serialize::json::{Json, ToJson};
        |>                       ---- previous import of `Json` here
    7   |> use serde_json::value::{self, Value as Json};
        |>                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    error: duplicate definitions with name `call`: [--explain E0201]
      --> /home/azerupi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/handlebars-0.18.1/src/helpers/helper_each.rs:87:5
    87 |>     fn call(&self,
       |>     ^
    note: previous definition of `call` here
      --> /home/azerupi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/handlebars-0.18.1/src/helpers/helper_each.rs:17:5
    17 |>     fn call(&self,
       |>     ^
    error: duplicate definitions with name `wraps`: [--explain E0201]
      --> /home/azerupi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/handlebars-0.18.1/src/context.rs:79:5
    79 |>     pub fn wraps<T: Serialize>(e: &T) -> Context {
       |>     ^
    note: previous definition of `wraps` here
      --> /home/azerupi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/handlebars-0.18.1/src/context.rs:73:5
    73 |>     pub fn wraps<T: ToJson>(e: &T) -> Context {
       |>     ^
    error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
    error: Could not compile `handlebars`.

    At first sight, it seems as enabling serde_type does not disable rustc-serialize causing the double definitions.

    EDIT: It seems to compile fine with default-features = false but intuitively I would have assumed that just enabling serde_type would take care of this. Would it be possible disable rustc-serialize when serde_type is enabled?

    opened by azerupi 5
  • Handle templates set on IronErrors

    Handle templates set on IronErrors

    Currently, modifying the response of an Err(IronError) to have a template is not processed by the AfterMiddleware in this package, and the response body stays empty.

    To process errors as well, catch needs to implemented besides after.

    opened by untitaker 4
  • Is there way to use DirectorySource as MemorySource?

    Is there way to use DirectorySource as MemorySource?

    Is there way to use DirectorySource as MemorySource?

    I tested: https://github.com/sunng87/handlebars-iron/blob/master/examples/server.rs

    wrk -t12 -c400 -d2s http://localhost:3000/mem
    90k rps
    wrk -t12 -c400 -d2s http://localhost:3000/
    30k rps

    I saw perfomance issue - I/O.

    opened by mrLSD 3
  • no method named `register_helper` found

    no method named `register_helper` found

    I try registering Helper

    use hbs::{HandlebarsEngine, DirectorySource};
    use handlebars::{Handlebars, RenderError, RenderContext, Helper, Context};
    pub fn template_render(paths: Vec<&str>) -> HandlebarsEngine {
        let mut template = HandlebarsEngine::new();
        // Add helpers
        template.register_helper("link", Box::new(link_helper));
        // add a directory source, all files with .html suffix
        // will be loaded as template
        for path in paths.iter() {
            template.add(Box::new(DirectorySource::new(path, ".html")));
        // load templates from all registered sources
        if let Err(r) = template.reload() {
            panic!("{}", r);

    And I got error:

    error: no method named `register_helper` found for type `hbs::HandlebarsEngine` in the current scope
      --> src/middleware/render.rs:11:14
    11 |     tempalte.register_helper("link", Box::new(link_helper));
       |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    error: aborting due to previous error

    How to fix that?

    opened by mrLSD 3
  • Passing array with object as first element as object array as second is broken.

    Passing array with object as first element as object array as second is broken.

    Shown by the following example:

    Add the following two files to the examples and examples/templates as array.rs and array.hbs respectively:

    extern crate iron;
    extern crate env_logger;
    extern crate handlebars_iron as hbs;
    extern crate rustc_serialize;
    use iron::prelude::*;
    use iron::{status};
    use hbs::{Template, HandlebarsEngine};
    use rustc_serialize::json::{ToJson, Json};
    use std::collections::BTreeMap;
    struct Team {
        name: String,
        pts: u16
    impl ToJson for Team {
        fn to_json(&self) -> Json {
            let mut m: BTreeMap<String, Json> = BTreeMap::new();
            m.insert("name".to_string(), self.name.to_json());
            m.insert("pts".to_string(), self.pts.to_json());
    fn make_data () -> Json {
        let sub_teams = vec![ Team { name: "Jiangsu Sainty".to_string(),
                                 pts: 43u16 },
                          Team { name: "Beijing Guoan".to_string(),
                                 pts: 27u16 },
                          Team { name: "Guangzhou Evergrand".to_string(),
                                 pts: 22u16 },
                          Team { name: "Shandong Luneng".to_string(),
                                 pts: 12u16 } ];
        let team = (Team { name: "Main Team".to_string(),
                           pts: 123u16 },
    /// the handler
    fn hello_world(_: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
        let mut resp = Response::new();
        let data = make_data();
        resp.set_mut(Template::new("array", data)).set_mut(status::Ok);
    fn main() {
        let mut chain = Chain::new(hello_world);
        chain.link_after(HandlebarsEngine::new("./examples/templates/", ".hbs"));
        println!("Server running at http://localhost:3000/");
        <title>Array Test</title>
        Main: <b>{{[0].name}}</b>: {{[0].pts}}
        {{#each this.[1]}}
          <li class="{{#if @first}}champion{{/if}}">
          {{@index}}. <b>{{name}}</b>: {{pts}} -- {{this}}
        {{this.[1]}} <- output correct json

    The output will have all nulls for the sub-teams, even though it will print four lines with all null, so it is iterating over the right thing. More simple tests of array iteration seem to work, so I suspect something about the complexity of the json being passed is breaking things.

    Accessing the sub-team array as just [1] also doesn't work.

    opened by nicklan 3
  • Examples are outdated

    Examples are outdated

    There is a problem with the examples for watching templates https://github.com/sunng87/handlebars-iron/blob/master/examples/watch_server.rs .

    no method named `watch` found for type `std::sync::Arc<hbs::HandlebarsEngine>` in the current scope
    opened by ZelphirKaltstahl 2
  • Ability to access request extensions in Helpers

    Ability to access request extensions in Helpers

    I want to be able to access the current request (in particular the extensions field) from within the template helpers I registered. The end goal is to make url_for from iron-router available in templates.

    I realize that this is extremely hard and I'm not sure if handlebars-iron is even supposed to solve it. Flask solves the general problem by adding threadlocals everywhere, but I don't think that's the way to go for a framework and language where performance, control and data flow is more explicit than elsewhere.

    opened by untitaker 2
  • Relicense under dual MIT/Apache-2.0

    Relicense under dual MIT/Apache-2.0


    The MIT license requires reproducing countless copies of the same copyright header with different names in the copyright field, for every MIT library in use. The Apache license does not have this drawback, and has protections from patent trolls and an explicit contribution licensing clause. However, the Apache license is incompatible with GPLv2. This is why Rust is dual-licensed as MIT/Apache (the "primary" license being Apache, MIT only for GPLv2 compat), and doing so would be wise for this project. This also makes this crate suitable for inclusion in the Rust standard distribution and other project using dual MIT/Apache.


    To do this, get explicit approval from each contributor of copyrightable work (as not all contributions qualify for copyright) and then add the following to your README:

    ## License
    Licensed under either of
     * Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
     * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
    at your option.
    ### Contribution
    Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
    for inclusion in the work by you shall be dual licensed as above, without any
    additional terms or conditions.

    and in your license headers, use the following boilerplate (based on that used in Rust):

    // Copyright (c) 2015 t developers
    // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT
    // license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
    // at your option. All files in the project carrying such
    // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
    // according to those terms.

    And don't forget to update the license metadata in your Cargo.toml!

    Contributor checkoff

    • [x] @sunng87
    • [x] @untitaker
    • [ ] @viraptor
    • [x] @cydrobolt
    • [ ] @AlexTalker
    • [x] @mvdnes
    • [ ] @golddranks
    • [x] @leodasvacas
    opened by emberian 10
Ning Sun
Programmer, at work and at home. Open source enthusiast. Linux user. Favourite languages: Clojure, Rust
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