6156 Repositories
Rust boilerplate-rust Libraries
An API Wrapper for https://paste.myst.rs written in rust
PasteMyst.RS pastemyst-rs is an api wrapper for pastemyst written in Rust. ⚠ This package is under development ⚠ Sample usage To get a paste from past
Experimental type-safe geometric algebra for Rust
Projective Geometric Algebra This library is a Rust code generator, generating the mathematics you need for a geometric algebra library. I made it mos
An extremely high performance matching engine written in Rust.
Galois Introduction Galois is an extremely high performance matching engine written in Rust, typically used for the crypto currency exchange service.
⋰·⋰ Feeless is a Nano cryptocurrency node, wallet, tools, and Rust crate.
⋰·⋰ Feeless What is Feeless? Feeless is a Nano cryptocurrency node, wallet, tools, and Rust crate. This is not the official project for Nano, only an
A 4X style camera for bevy.
A 4X style camera for bevy. Demo Default Key Bindings: W / A / S / D / Arrow Keys / Mouse Left - Move along the horizontal plane Q / E / Mouse Right -
Some WIP payload in Rust running on M1.
m1saka Some WIP payload in Rust running on M1. Project informations The aim of this payload is to provide exploration capabilities while providing a s
Open Source Rust kernel; Runs WASM and WASI as lightweight containers.
😳 etheryal Kernel etheryal kernel is an Open Source capability-based Kernel written in the Rust programming language. The kernel allows implementing
Pure Rust port of CRFsuite: a fast implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)
crfs-rs Pure Rust port of CRFsuite: a fast implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) Currently only support prediction, model training is not
Crabzilla provides a simple interface for running JavaScript modules alongside Rust code.
Crabzilla Crabzilla provides a simple interface for running JavaScript modules alongside Rust code. Example use crabzilla::*; use std::io::stdin; #[i
Operating System development tutorials in Rust on the Raspberry Pi
Operating System development tutorials in Rust on the Raspberry Pi
Alacritty - A fast, cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator
Alacritty is a modern terminal emulator that comes with sensible defaults, but allows for extensive configuration. By integrating with other applications, rather than reimplementing their functionality, it manages to provide a flexible set of features with high performance. The supported platforms currently consist of BSD, Linux, macOS and Windows.
The simplest way to de-Google your life and business: Inbox, Calendar, Files, Contacts & much more
Bloom The all-in-one private workspace Try it for free! You no longer trust tech monopolies with your data? You are done with your privacy invaded by
Valheim Docker powered by Odin. The Valheim dedicated gameserver manager which is designed with resiliency in mind by providing automatic updates, world backup support, and a user friendly cli interface.
Valheim Docker If you are looking for a guide on how to get started click here Mod Support! It is supported to launch the server with BepInEx but!!!!!
A tiny minimal container runtime written in Rust.
vas-quod A tiny minimal container runtime written in Rust. The idea is to support a minimal isolated containers without using existing runtimes, vas-q
SQLite clone from scratch in Rust
Rust-SQLite (SQLRite) Rust-SQLite, aka SQLRite , is a simple embedded database modeled off SQLite, but developed with Rust. The goal is get a better u
A high level diffing library for rust based on diffs
Similar: A Diffing Library Similar is a dependency free crate for Rust that implements different diffing algorithms and high level interfaces for it.
Applied offensive security with Rust
Black Hat Rust - Early Access Deep dive into offensive security with the Rust programming language Buy the book now! Summary Whether in movies or main
Starlight is a JS engine in Rust which focuses on performance rather than ensuring 100% safety of JS runtime.
starlight Starlight is a JS engine in Rust which focuses on performance rather than ensuring 100% safety of JS runtime. Features Bytecode interpreter
learn-rust 这是一个分享Rust学习资料的在线学习网站 https://getrust.tech 📚 。 微信群二维码过期你可以添加我微信: AA996DD 目的是什么 ❓ 通过连载文章的形式帮助有一定其他语言编程基础的人快速学习和入门 Rust 内容包括 Rust 基础、内置库、web
Experimental one-shot benchmarking/profiling harness for Rust
Iai Experimental One-shot Benchmark Framework in Rust Getting Started | User Guide | Released API Docs | Changelog Iai is an experimental benchmarking
Simple ray tracer written in Rust
Simple ray tracer written in Rust from scratch I've just finished my first semester at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at the
Super-fast float parser in Rust
fast-float This crate provides a super-fast decimal number parser from strings into floats.
A nginx log explorer
Rhit reads your nginx log files in their standard location(even gzipped), does some analysis and tells you about it in pretty tables in your console,
The feature-rich, portable async channel library
The feature-rich, portable async channel library crates.io docs.rs Why use Postage? Includes a rich set of channels. | barrier | broadcast | dispa
World's first, but possibly worst, blinky for the pico in Rust
pico-blink-rs Running Rust code on the Raspberry Pi Pico Booting The RP2040 has external QSPI flash. There is an internal mask-ROM bootloader which ca
A tiling window manager for Windows 10 based on binary space partitioning
yatta BSP Tiling Window Manager for Windows 10 Getting Started This project is still heavily under development and there are no prebuilt binaries avai
Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust.
Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust.
Windows shellcode development in Rust
Write Windows Shellcode in Rust Project overview Windows shellcode project is located in shellcode/, it can build into a PE file with only .text secti
A computer programming language interpreter written in Rust
Ella lang Welcome to Ella lang! Ella lang is a computer programming language implemented in Rust.
Rust On the FLY completion for neovim
rofl.nvim Rust On the FLy completion engine for Neovim. Why Rust? It's 2021. I think the question you should be asking yourself is "Why NOT Rust?!?? (
compare gdnative rust based physics against Godot built-in physics
Godot vs. Rapier Rapier is an open source physics framework written in Rust. This project pits godots built-in physics against Rapier. It uses godot-r
General Rust Actix Applications and AWS Programming Utilities
RUST Actix-Web Microservice Our Rust Beginners Kit for Application Development A collection of sample code using the actix rust framework to A) Develo
tai (Terminal Ascii Image) tool to convert images to ascii written in Rust
TAI Terminal Ascii Image A tool to convert images to ascii art written in Rust 🦀 Notes This tool is still in development stage. Contributions All Con
A telnet chat server written in Rust, running on Lunatic.
Lunatic.chat A telnet chat server written in Rust, running on Lunatic. If you just would like to try it out, join the hosted version with: # US server
Orion lang is a lispy programming language that is strongly and statically typed.
Orion Orion is a lisp inspired statically typed programming language written in Rust Install To install orion you can either: Download binary from the
Raft implementation in Rust
rsraft Raft implementation in Rust. The aim of this project is implementing the Raft Consensus Algorithm as described in the paper, with the goal of f
A Rust PAC for the RP2040 Microcontroller
rp2040-pac - PAC for Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontrollers This is a Peripheral Access Crate for the Raspberry Pi RP2040 dual-core Cortex-M0+ microcont
Exploration of using Storage instead of Allocator to parameterize collections in Rust
storage-poc aims at exploring the usage of custom Storages, rather than custom Allocators. Goals This is a Proof-of-Concept aiming at: Demonstrating t
A Rust Embedded-HAL for the rp series microcontrollers
rp-hal A Rust HAL impl for the RP family of microcontrollers from the Raspberry Pi Foundation Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feat
SwiftUI Inspired UI Library written in rust
Mule (Definitely a Work in Progress) The night I started this project I was on the couch drinking a Moscow Mule.
Simple VPN implemented using rust
fubuki Simple VPN implemented using rust fubuki是类似与tincVPN的简单组网工具 不支持对等NAT 支持的平台: Windows Linux 工作机制 它由一台拥有公网IP的服务器来维持各个内网客户端的实际地址映射,在客户端和客户端之间实现P2P通信
Web base text editor written in rust
Ultron Ultron is a web based monospace text-editor with syntax highlighting, completely written in rust. I wrote this code editor for my very specific
The JavaScript runtime that aims for productivity and ease
Byte Byte is a easy and productive runtime for Javascript . It makes making complex programs simple and easy-to-scale with its large and fast Rust API
Linear Programming for Rust, with an user-friendly API. This crate allows modeling LP problems, and let's you solve them with various solvers.
good_lp A Linear Programming modeler that is easy to use, performant with large problems, and well-typed. use good_lp::{variables, variable, coin_cbc,
Soon to be AsciiDoc parser implemented in rust!
pagliascii "But ASCII Doc, I am Pagliascii" Soon to be AsciiDoc parser implemented in rust! This project is the current implementation of the requeste
Zero dependency images (of chaos) in Rust
bifurcate-rs Zero dependency images (of chaos) in Rust To run: time cargo run --release img.pgm To convert from PGM to PNG using Image Magick: conve
Synchronized state machines for Rust over WebSockets.
Aper is a framework for real-time sharing of application state over WebSockets.
A more modern http framework benchmarker supporting HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 benchmarks.
rewrk A more modern http framework benchmark utility.
A html document syntax and operation library written in Rust, use APIs similar to jQuery.
Visdom A server-side html document syntax and operation library written in Rust, it uses apis similar to jQuery, left off the parts thoes only worked
⚓ Solana Sealevel Framework
Anchor ⚓ Anchor is a framework for Solana's Sealevel runtime providing several convenient developer tools. Rust eDSL for writing Solana programs IDL s
deductive verification of Rust code. (semi) automatically prove your code satisfies your specifications!
Le marteau-pilon, forges et aciéries de Saint-Chamond, Joseph-Fortuné LAYRAUD, 1889 About Creusot is a tool for deductive verification of Rust code. I
#creativecoding Plotting done with rust – published on Twitter @greweb with #plottingtwitter
Similarly to "One day, One shader" ( https://github.com/gre/shaderday.com ), this Rust project is a "generative art" that, for each entry in examples/
A Rust macro for writing regex pattern matching.
regexm A Rust macro for writing regex pattern matching.
Implementation of Immix Mark-Region Garbage collector written in Rust Programming Language.
libimmixcons Implementation of Immix Mark-Region Garbage collector written in Rust Programming Language. Status This is mostly usable library. You can
Untrusted IPC with maximum performance and minimum latency. On Rust, on Linux.
Untrusted IPC with maximum performance and minimum latency. On Rust, on Linux. When is this Rust crate useful? Performance or latency is crucial, and
Rust docs for the Windows API
Windows API documentation for Rust This is an experimental documentation generator for the Rust for Windows project. The documentation is published he
Command line tool for inspecting Parquet files
pqrs pqrs is a command line tool for inspecting Parquet files This is a replacement for the parquet-tools utility written in Rust Built using the Rust
An ergonomic physics API for bevy games.
Heron An ergonomic physics API for 2d and 3d bevy games. (powered by rapier) How it looks like fn main() { App::build() .add_plugins(DefaultPlug
Marko Editor is a simple WYSIWYG editor for note taking.
Marko Editor Marko Editor is a simple WYSIWYG editor for note taking written in Rust and GTK 4. It uses Markdown as storage format and can read simple
Pure Rust bzip2 decoder
bzip2-rs Pure Rust 100% safe bzip2 decompressor. Features Default features: Rust = 1.34.2 is supported rustc_1_37: bump MSRV to 1.37, enable more opt
A small discord bot to archive the messages in a discord text channel.
discord-channel-archiver A small discord bot to archive the messages in a discord text channel. This is still WIP. The HTML and JSON modes are vaguely
A user crud written in Rust, designed to connect to a MySQL database with full integration test coverage.
SQLX User CRUD Purpose This application demonstrates the how to implement a common design for CRUDs in, potentially, a system of microservices. The de
The Curly programming language (now in Rust!)
Curly Curly is a functional programming language that focuses on iterators. Some of its main implementation features include sum types, iterators, lis
A framework that allows anyone to create an Urbit Chatbot with only a few lines of code.
Urbit Chatbot Framework A framework that allows anyone to create an Urbit Chatbot with only a few lines of code. The Urbit Chatbot Framework takes car
Open-source Autonomy Software in Rust-lang with gRPC for the Roomba series robot vacuum cleaners
CleanIt Open-source Autonomy Software in Rust-lang with gRPC for the Roomba series robot vacuum cleaners Motivation Motivation is to build a complete
A CLI application which allows you to archive Urbit channels and all linked content in them.
The Urbit Content Archiver is a small CLI application that exports channels from your Urbit ship and auto-downloads any directly linked content locall
LightGBM Rust binding
lightgbm-rs LightGBM Rust binding Require You need an environment that can build LightGBM. # linux apt install -y cmake libclang-dev libc++-dev gcc-mu
Nixt is an interpreted programming language written in Rust
Nixt Nixt is an interpreted lisp inspired programming language written in Rust Index About Examples Installation Build About Nixt goal is to provide a
Easily share data between terminal windows!
abra A tool that makes data sharing between terminal windows easy. abra can be used for displaying info about the current working directory, for split
A fast uuid generator in Python using Rust
ruuid A fast UUID generator for Python built using Rust. Its a simple wrapper on top of Rust's UUID crate. How to use? Installation: pip3 install ruui
Rust, cargo and QEMU setup for multi-architecture OS development.
rust-osdev-jumpstart Rust, cargo and QEMU setup for multi-architecture OS development. Goal This repo should give you a boost in starting a bare-metal
link is a command and control framework written in rust
link link is a command and control framework written in rust. Currently in alpha. Table of Contents Introduction Features Feedback Build Process Ackno
Tiny HTTP client for GET
tinyget a tiny fork of minreq. Simple, minimal-dependency HTTP client. Optional features for https with native-tls TLS implementations. Documentation
A CLI tool to manage your godot-rust projects
ftw A CLI tool to manage your godot-rust project! Table of contents General Information Setup Usage Contact General Information This is a tool to help
virtualization-rs provides the API of the Apple Virtualization.framework in Rust language.
virtualization-rs Rust bindings for Virtualization.framework virtualization-rs provides the API of the Apple Virtualization.framework in Rust language
A Rust application which funnels external webhook event data to an Urbit chat.
Urbit Webhook Funnel This is a simple Rust application which funnels external webhook event data to an Urbit chat. This application is intended to be
Object Pool LockFree in Rust
Lock Free Object Pool A thread-safe object pool collection with automatic return. Some implementations are lockfree : LinearObjectPool SpinLockObjectP
An anthology of a variety of tools for the Persian language in Rust
persian-tools A set of helpers to sanitize, convert or transform information related to Persian language and/or Iran. Features Feature Status National
Cross-platform Rust wrappers for the USB ID Repository
usb-ids Cross-platform Rust wrappers for the USB ID Repository. This library bundles the USB ID database, allowing platforms other than Linux to query
Rust badge maker
Badge-Maker Links are generated from cargo, view on docs page A fast and accurate badge maker for services like shields.io. Verified to match badge-ma
pastebin written in pure rust. A rewrite of ptpb/pb.
rspb rust fork of ptpb/pb TL;DR Create a new paste from the output of cmd: cmd | curl -F c=@- https://pb.mgt.moe/ Usage Creating pastes echo hi | c
Some Rust bindings for Binary Ninja
Binary Ninja Rust Bindings Work in progress Rust bindings geared towards analysis. Features added as they come up. No promises anything works at this
A rust layered configuration loader with zero-boilerplate configuration management.
salak A layered configuration loader with zero-boilerplate configuration management. About Features Placeholder Key Convension Cargo Features Default
Basic system information fetcher, with a focus on performance.
Table of Contents: About Changelog Dependencies Benchmarks Features Installation Platform Support About Macchina Macchina lets you view basic system i
A no-frills Tetris implementation written in Rust with the Piston game engine, and Rodio for music.
rustris A no-frills Tetris implementation written in Rust with the Piston game engine, and Rodio for music. (C) 2020 Ben Cantrick. This code is distri
Core Temporal SDK that can be used as a base for language specific Temporal SDKs
Core SDK that can be used as a base for all other Temporal SDKs. Getting started See the Architecture doc for some high-level information. This repo u
grr and rust-gpu pbr rendering
grr-gltf Barebone gltf viewer using grr and rust-gpu. Currently only supports a single gltf model! Assets These files need to be downloaded and placed
Source Code for 'Practical Rust Web Projects' by Shing Lyu
Apress Source Code This repository accompanies Practical Rust Web Projects by Shing Lyu (Apress, 2021). Download the files as a zip using the green bu
Easily embed and manage assets for your web application to build standalone-executables. Offers filename hashing, templating and more.
reinda: easily embed and manage assets This library helps you manage your assets (external files) and is mostly intended to be used in web application
Trying embedded Rust on the Pinecil GD32VF103 RISC-V device.
Pinecil GD32VF103 RISC-V Rust Demos My personal collection of Rust demos running on the PINE64 Pinecil portable soldering iron, featuring a GD32VF103T
个人的 rust 学习资料
🔝 通知: 项目文档迁移到: https://github.com/higker/learn-rust learning-rust-zh 个人的 rust 学习资料 学习目录 目录 源代码地址 相关解析 第一个rust程序 https://github.com/higker/learning-ru
Compare the size of v8 and quickjs
rust_v8_and_quickjs Size debug release quickjs 1,758,728 1,281,104 v8 40,047,648 20,956,816 Chart License rust_v8_and_quickjs is released under the MI
A fast, performant implementation of skip list in Rust.
Subway A fast, performant implementation of skip list in Rust. A skip list is probabilistic data structure that provides O(log N) search and insertion
proc-macro for accessing struct field names at runtime
field_names field_names is a Rust crate to expose a field or variant names from source code as strings at runtime. Example Consider a simple struct su
Rust-based replacement for the default Minecraft renderer
wgpu-mc 🚀 A blazing fast alternative renderer for Minecraft Intro WebGPU is a new web specification designed to provide modern graphics and compute c
PolkaBTC Clients | Vault, Staked Relayer, Oracle, Faucet
PolkaBTC Clients Faucet, Oracle, Vault & Staked Relayer This project is currently under active development. Prerequisites Download and start Bitcoin C
Simple, async embedded Rust
Cntrlr - Simple, asynchronous embedded Cntrlr is an all-in-one embedded platform for writing simple asynchronous applications on top of common hobbyis
Rust library for hardware accelerated drawing of 2D shapes, images, and text, with an easy to use API.
Speedy2D Hardware-accelerated drawing of shapes, images, and text, with an easy to use API. Speedy2D aims to be: The simplest Rust API for creating a
A scaffolding CLI
CRISPR 🧬 crispr is a CLI tool allowing to scaffold a project from a template with a .crispr.{toml,json} configuration file. The template uses tokens
Simple and performant hot-reloading for Rust
reloady Simple, performant hot-reloading for Rust. Requires Rust nightly and only works on Linux for now. installing CLI To install the CLI helper car