Command line tool for inspecting Parquet files


pqrs build

  • pqrs is a command line tool for inspecting Parquet files
  • This is a replacement for the parquet-tools utility written in Rust
  • Built using the Rust implementation of Parquet and Arrow
  • pqrs roughly means "parquet-tools in rust"


Recommended Method

You can download release binaries here

Alternative methods

Using Homebrew

For macOS users, pqrs is available as a homebrew tap.

brew tap manojkarthick/pqrs
brew install pqrs

Using nix

If you are a nix user, you can install pqrs from nixpkgs

nix-env --install pqrs

Building and running from source

Make sure you have rustc and cargo installed on your machine.

git clone
cargo build --release


The below snippet shows the available subcommands:

❯ pqrs --help
pqrs 0.1.1
Manoj Karthick
Apache Parquet command-line utility


    -d, --debug      Show debug output
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    cat         Prints the contents of Parquet file(s)
    head        Prints the first n records of the Parquet file
    help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    merge       Merge file(s) into another parquet file
    rowcount    Prints the count of rows in Parquet file(s)
    sample      Prints a random sample of records from the Parquet file
    schema      Prints the schema of Parquet file(s)
    size        Prints the size of Parquet file(s)

Subcommand: cat

Prints the contents of the parquet file in a json-like or json format. Use --json for JSON output.

❯ pqrs cat data/cities.parquet
{continent: "Europe", country: {name: "France", city: ["Paris", "Nice", "Marseilles", "Cannes"]}}
{continent: "Europe", country: {name: "Greece", city: ["Athens", "Piraeus", "Hania", "Heraklion", "Rethymnon", "Fira"]}}
{continent: "North America", country: {name: "Canada", city: ["Toronto", "Vancouver", "St. John's", "Saint John", "Montreal", "Halifax", "Winnipeg", "Calgary", "Saskatoon", "Ottawa", "Yellowknife"]}}
❯ pqrs cat data/cities.parquet --json
{"continent":"North America","country":{"name":"Canada","city":["Toronto","Vancouver","St. John's","Saint John","Montreal","Halifax","Winnipeg","Calgary","Saskatoon","Ottawa","Yellowknife"]}}

Subcommand: head

Prints the first N records of the parquet file. Use --records flag to set the number of records.

❯ pqrs head data/cities.parquet --json --records 2

Subcommand: merge

Merge two Parquet files by placing row groups (or blocks) from the two files one after the other.

Disclaimer: This does not combine the files to have optimized row groups, do not use it in production!

❯ pqrs merge --input data/pems-1.snappy.parquet data/pems-2.snappy.parquet --output data/pems-merged.snappy.parquet

❯ ls -al data
total 408
drwxr-xr-x   6 manojkarthick  staff     192 Feb 14 08:53 .
drwxr-xr-x  20 manojkarthick  staff     640 Feb 14 08:52 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 manojkarthick  staff     866 Feb  8 19:50 cities.parquet
-rw-r--r--   1 manojkarthick  staff   16468 Feb  8 19:50 pems-1.snappy.parquet
-rw-r--r--   1 manojkarthick  staff   17342 Feb  8 19:50 pems-2.snappy.parquet
-rw-r--r--   1 manojkarthick  staff  160950 Feb 14 08:53 pems-merged.snappy.parquet

Subcommand: rowcount

Print the number of rows present in the parquet file.

❯ pqrs rowcount data/pems-1.snappy.parquet data/pems-2.snappy.parquet
File Name: data/pems-1.snappy.parquet: 2693 rows
File Name: data/pems-2.snappy.parquet: 2880 rows

Subcommand: sample

Prints a random sample of records from the given parquet file.

❯ pqrs sample data/pems-1.snappy.parquet --records 3
{timeperiod: "01/17/2016 07:01:27", flow1: 0, occupancy1: 0E0, speed1: 0E0, flow2: 0, occupancy2: 0E0, speed2: 0E0, flow3: 0, occupancy3: 0E0, speed3: 0E0, flow4: null, occupancy4: null, speed4: null, flow5: null, occupancy5: null, speed5: null, flow6: null, occupancy6: null, speed6: null, flow7: null, occupancy7: null, speed7: null, flow8: null, occupancy8: null, speed8: null}
{timeperiod: "01/17/2016 07:47:27", flow1: 0, occupancy1: 0E0, speed1: 0E0, flow2: 0, occupancy2: 0E0, speed2: 0E0, flow3: 0, occupancy3: 0E0, speed3: 0E0, flow4: null, occupancy4: null, speed4: null, flow5: null, occupancy5: null, speed5: null, flow6: null, occupancy6: null, speed6: null, flow7: null, occupancy7: null, speed7: null, flow8: null, occupancy8: null, speed8: null}
{timeperiod: "01/17/2016 09:44:27", flow1: 0, occupancy1: 0E0, speed1: 0E0, flow2: 0, occupancy2: 0E0, speed2: 0E0, flow3: 0, occupancy3: 0E0, speed3: 0E0, flow4: null, occupancy4: null, speed4: null, flow5: null, occupancy5: null, speed5: null, flow6: null, occupancy6: null, speed6: null, flow7: null, occupancy7: null, speed7: null, flow8: null, occupancy8: null, speed8: null}

Subcommand: schema

Print the schema from the given parquet file. Use the --detailed flag to get more detailed stats.

❯ pqrs schema data/cities.parquet
Metadata for file: data/cities.parquet

version: 1
num of rows: 3
created by: parquet-mr version 1.5.0-cdh5.7.0 (build ${buildNumber})
message hive_schema {
  OPTIONAL group country {
    OPTIONAL group city (LIST) {
      REPEATED group bag {
        OPTIONAL BYTE_ARRAY array_element (UTF8);
❯ pqrs schema data/cities.parquet --detailed

num of row groups: 1
row groups:

row group 0:
total byte size: 466
num of rows: 3

num of columns: 3

column 0:
column type: BYTE_ARRAY
column path: "continent"
file path: N/A
file offset: 4
num of values: 3
total compressed size (in bytes): 93
total uncompressed size (in bytes): 93
data page offset: 4
index page offset: N/A
dictionary page offset: N/A
statistics: {min: [69, 117, 114, 111, 112, 101], max: [78, 111, 114, 116, 104, 32, 65, 109, 101, 114, 105, 99, 97], distinct_count: N/A, null_count: 0, min_max_deprecated: true}

<....output clipped>

Subcommand: size

Print the compressed/uncompressed size of the parquet file. Shows uncompressed size by default

❯ pqrs size data/pems-1.snappy.parquet --pretty
Size in Bytes:

File Name: data/pems-1.snappy.parquet
Uncompressed Size: 61 KiB
❯ pqrs size data/pems-1.snappy.parquet --pretty --compressed
Size in Bytes:

File Name: data/pems-1.snappy.parquet
Compressed Size: 12 KiB


  • Add crate
  • Test on Windows
  • Don't show file header when outputting json

    Don't show file header when outputting json

    When using pqrs cat --json the output still contains the file headers for each file, making it much less useful for quickly converting a file or a bunch of files to JSON.

    I feel like the headers should not be present at all when outputting JSON or CSV. There could be an additional flag to add them.

    opened by theduke 3
  • `merge` uses a lot of memory

    `merge` uses a lot of memory

    Feature request!

    Is it possible for merge to merge files without decompressing and recompressing them?

    My usecase:

    My parquet generator makes 1GB row groups (in memory), and writes them to individual parquet files. <40MB on disc, one row group per file. (It does this because it can't be bothered to deal with schema variations, another problem.).

    I'd like to concatenate these files; take the row group out of any that have the same schema, and make one big file with multiple row groups, with exactly the same schema?

    The current merge implementation can do this, but needs >>200GB of memory to merge 8GB of parquet files, which is not ideal.

    opened by FauxFaux 3
  • Moved cat

    Moved cat "header" to stderr for easier piping

    Fixes Issue #20 by moving the cat "header" to stderr instead of stdout to allow for piping.

    Feel free to reject this if you think that a --quiet flag might be a better option.

    opened by juan-riveros 3
  • BUG


    joserfjunior@Clodovil Downloads % pqrs cat FND_USER_CLEAN.parquet --json

    ############################ File: FND_USER_CLEAN.parquet ############################

    thread 'main' panicked at 'No such local time', /Users/runner/.cargo/registry/src/ note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace

    opened by JoseRFJuniorBigData 2
  • Schema Command Should Support Structured Output

    Schema Command Should Support Structured Output

    Stumbled upon this project and it looks like a real missing link in parquet tooling.

    For the schema subcommand, it would be nice if there was an optional way to output the data in a structured way (eg json) for consumption by other tools. Something like pqrs schema data.parquet --json. Ideally both the simple and detailed flags, but even capturing only the non-detailed data would be handy.

    opened by dbready 1
  • Dependencies update + redone commands in clap 3.0 + clippy

    Dependencies update + redone commands in clap 3.0 + clippy

    This merge request has only have:

    • arrow 12
    • parquet 12
    • clap 3.0 + rewrite commands for clap::Parser. I have removed trait PQRSCommand in favor of structs.
    • commands cat and head uses Json/Csv writers from arrow.
    • fmt + clippy fixes

    All tests passes.

    Reason for this MR is it will be easier to add new sub-commands.

    opened by mateuszkj 1
  • Silence non-row output in `pqrs cat`

    Silence non-row output in `pqrs cat`

    I have to convert formats from time to time and being able to just pipe the outputs is super helpful.

    Unfortunately having the extra 6 lines means having a (slightly) more complicated command which is harder to share among my team.

    pqrs cat -j foo.parquet | tail -n +6 |jq -c . - | gzip -c > foo.ndjson.gz

    Adding a --quiet/-q flag to mute any non-data output would be neat, or possibly just moving that type of output to stderr instead (ie. changing lines 110-112 from println! to eprintln)?

    opened by juan-riveros 1
  • Directory support in `head` / pipe support

    Directory support in `head` / pipe support

    Hi, we're very happily using pqrs now and found two small issues with it:

    1. head does not support directories:
    #> pqhead data.parquet 
    Error: ParquetError(General("underlying IO error: Is a directory (os error 21)"))
    1. It panics when used in a pipe:
    #> pqcat data.parquet | head
    File: data.parquet/d66ac6554cc44c3cbfaa56b75fa446e4.parquet
    thread 'main' panicked at 'failed printing to stdout: Broken pipe (os error 32)', library/std/src/io/
    opened by Hoeze 1
  • Support for parquet directories

    Support for parquet directories

    Hi, I just tried your tool and I find it super useful :+1: However, I noticed that one cannot simply cat whole directories:

    # pqrs cat vcf.parquet 
    Error: ParquetError(General("underlying IO error: Is a directory (os error 21)"))

    However, this works: pqrs cat vcf.parquet/**/*.parquet

    It would be a nice convenience function if pqrs could handle this case.

    opened by Hoeze 1
  • Support JSON output for schema subcommand

    Support JSON output for schema subcommand

    Cannot be used alongside --detailed flag currently. Will add support to view detailed json in a future PR. Closes

    opened by manojkarthick 0
  • Add support for directories and CSV output for `cat` command

    Add support for directories and CSV output for `cat` command

    Directory support:

    • Add supports for directories as a parameter to the cat command.
    • When a directory is provided, the directory is traversed recursively and all the non-hidden, non-symlink files are displayed.

    CSV support:

    • Adds support for displaying Parquet files in CSV format
    • CSV output format is not supported if the Parquet schema contains Struct or Byte fields.
    • If one of the input files for the cat command does not support CSV format, an error message is displayed and skipped. The contents of the other files will still be displayed.

    Version bump: Bumping the version of the package to v0.2.0

    opened by manojkarthick 0
  • Fails to read file(s)

    Fails to read file(s)

    When calling head or cat on a single largish file, pqrs v0.2.2 (and previous versions) attempts to open lots of files? Why? I only want to read one line at a time and translate .parquet to .csv.:

    $ pqrs cat --csv live_int8.parquet > live.csv
    File: live_int8.parquet
    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 24, kind: Uncategorized, message: "Too many open files" }', /home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
    opened by liborty 0
  • consider removing first few lines of output from pqrs cat --json?

    consider removing first few lines of output from pqrs cat --json?

    I would love to pipe the contents of pqrs cat --json <filename into jq or other tools. Currently the header from pqrs cat prevents me from doing this.

    File: ../myfolder/myfile.parquet

    Is there a chance we can either remove this entirely or remove it specifically when used with the --json flag?

    My current version:

    ❯ pqrs --version
    pqrs 0.2.0
    opened by AlJohri 1
  • nightly required?

    nightly required?

    Going forward will this tool only be available on nightly?

      Installing pqrs v0.2.2
    error: failed to compile `pqrs v0.2.2`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-installWmgUiA`
    Caused by:
      failed to download `once_cell v1.15.0`
    Caused by:
      unable to get packages from source
    Caused by:
      failed to parse manifest at `/home/amooren/.cargo/registry/src/`
    Caused by:
      feature `edition2021` is required
      this Cargo does not support nightly features, but if you
      switch to nightly channel you can add
      `cargo-features = ["edition2021"]` to enable this feature
    opened by mooreniemi 0
  • Hi, need help with the project?

    Hi, need help with the project?


    I was looking for a command line util to read Parquet files and found your project. I was wondering, would you be interested in contributions to the project, e.g. open issues, new features, etc?

    I'm a software engineer (mostly backend for professional work), and recently took an interest in learning Rust. Practice is the best way to learn so let me know what you think!

    Thanks, have a nice day


    opened by robo555 4
  • Could not parse metadata

    Could not parse metadata

    Hi, with pqrs v0.2.1 I get the following error when trying to read a parquet file written with Polars:

    Error: ParquetError(General("Could not parse metadata: bad data"))

    Pandas can read it without issues. Could it be that there is some missing feature flag for the parquet reader? E.g. some missing compression library?

    opened by Hoeze 0
Manoj Karthick
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