A framework that allows anyone to create an Urbit Chatbot with only a few lines of code.


Urbit Chatbot Framework

A framework that allows anyone to create an Urbit Chatbot with only a few lines of code.

The Urbit Chatbot Framework takes care of all the complexities of connecting to a ship, subscribing to a chat, parsing messages, and sending messages automatically for you. All you have to do is simply write the message handling/response logic and everything else will just work.

This crate is available on crates.io.

Basic Design

At its core, the framework revolves around the Chatbot struct. It is defined as:

/// This struct represents a chatbot that is connected to a given `ship`,
/// is watching/posting to a specific `chat_ship`/`chat_name`
/// and is using the function `respond_to_message` to process any messages
/// which are posted in said chat.
pub struct Chatbot {
    /// `respond_to_message` is a function defined by the user of this framework.
    /// This function receives any messages that get posted to the connected chat,
    /// and if the function returns `Some(message)`, then `message` is posted to the
    /// chat as a response. If it returns `None`, then no message is posted.
    respond_to_message: fn(AuthoredMessage) -> Option<Message>,
    ship: ShipInterface,
    chat_ship: String,
    chat_name: String,

To create a chatbot, one simply must instantiate a Chatbot struct with:

  • A ShipInterface to connect to to interact with the Urbit network
  • The chat_ship that the chat is running on
  • The chat_name
  • A function (optionally named respond_to_message) which takes an AuthoredMessage as input, and returns an Option<Message> as output

Creating A Chatbot

A Chatbot is most easily created using the new_with_local_config method:

/// Create a new `Chatbot` with a `ShipInterface` derived automatically
/// from a local config file. If the config file does not exist, the
/// `Chatbot` will create the config file, exit, and prompt the user to
/// fill it out.
pub fn new_with_local_config(
    respond_to_message: fn(AuthoredMessage) -> Option<Message>,
    chat_ship: &str,
    chat_name: &str,
) -> Self {

This automatically deals with creating a local ship config file for the user to edit if none available, and then on rerun, reading said config to connect to a ship.

In order to use this method, we need to define a respond_to_message function which we can supply as an argument. Here is an example of one of the simplest possible implementations:

fn respond_to_message(authored_message: AuthoredMessage) -> Option<Message> {
    // Any time a message is posted in the chat, respond in chat with a static message.
    Some(Message::new().add_text("Calm Computing ~"))

Do note, that if this function returns None, then the Chatbot will not reply to the message, and simply continue forward processing the next one.

With this function defined, you can now easily call Chatbot::new_with_local_config() and acquire an instantiated Chatbot.

Running The Chatbot

Once the Chatbot struct is defined, all one needs to do is:


This will automatically perform all messaging, parsing, and interfacing with the connected Urbit ship without any further code required.

And just like that you have an Urbit chatbot ready to go.

Example Projects

The projects linked below are example Urbit Chatbot projects. They link directly to the main.rs so you can immediately see the implementation of said chatbot.

You can also easily run any of these examples by:

  1. Cloning this repo.
  2. Changing directory into the example project folder in your terminal.
  3. Editing main.rs with the chat_ship and chat_name which you wish to run the bot in.
  4. Running cargo run the first time to create the ship config file.
  5. Editing the ship_config.yaml with your ship information (Moons or comets typically work best. Do not use your daily-driver ship because messages from the ship the chatbot is connected to are all ignored.)
  6. Running cargo run to run the chatbot with the ship config info provided.

Simple Chatbot

The Simple Chatbot is the simplest chatbot possible which replies to all messages in a chat with a static message. Approximately 4 lines of real code, showing off how simple it is to create a chatbot.

The point of this project is to display the bare minimum requirements for setting up a chatbot.

Anti Comet Chatbot

The Anti Comet Chatbot is a slightly more advanced chatbot which takes a look at the ship that authored the latest message. If the ship has a name long enough to be classified a comet, then it responds with a message. Otherwise, it returns None, meaning no message is sent by the chatbot to the chat in reply (if they aren't a comet).

Crypto Prices Chatbot

The Crypto Prices Chatbot is a real world example of a useful chatbot that implements a command for everyone in a chat to use.

In effect, if anyone types:

|price {crypto_name_here}

such as

|price bitcoin

Then the bot will fetch the bitcoin price via coingecko API, and return it:

USD $37167

This is the first chatbot implemented via the Urbit Chatbot Framework which has real utility, and is a great example of how to go about building chatbots for use cases which need to reply based off of commands and make calls to external APIs.

Bible Chatbot

The Bible Chatbot is another real world example of a useful chatbot that implements a command for everyone in a chat to use.

This chatbot allows anyone to use the !bible command and request one or more verses from the bible (KJV):

!bible John 1:1-5

Poll Chatbot

The Poll Chatbot is the most complex chatbot example enabling anyone to run votes/polls inside of their chats. Every poll is saved into a .json file and ensured that every ship only gets a single vote.

To start a poll with any given amount of options:

!poll [option1] [option2] ...


!poll -t [title] [option1] [option2] ...

The title of a poll acts as its ID, so don't use the same one multiple times yet.

Once a poll is running any ship can vote (precisely once):

!vote [pollid] [option]

Results of a poll can be accessed via:

!results [pollid]


!results all

to view all active polls.

The creator of a poll can end the poll via:

!endpoll [pollid]

Polls without titles have a numerical ID generated at creation and are stored in a json file in the directory that the bot is run from.

(Credits to ~hodzod-walrus for creating the Poll Chatbot)

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    Bot "Replied to message" but no message appears in chat.

    Context Our bot stopped sending messages. The bot logs "Replied to message" though. I started experiencing this after Grid rolled out (~2 weeks ago). To doublecheck I cloned the repo again and built the example simple-chatbot, but that didn't work either.

    Grid brought some breaking changes to graph-store: https://urbit.org/using/os/dist-faq#troubleshooting.


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    clay: read-at-aeon fail [desk=%landscape care=%c case=[%da p=~2021.10.24..01.07.41..ddc5] path=/graph-update-2/graph-update-3]
    [%no-cast-from %graph-update-2 %graph-update-3]
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    [%error-building-tube %graph-update-2 %graph-update-3]
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    /sys/vane/clay/hoon:<[4.245 7].[4.271 9]>


    1. Have the latest OTA update
    2. Build example chatbot from scratch and Run
    3. Send message in from main ship in chat, verify no message is sent by bot

    Environment Running a Moon in Terminal and Planet from Port. Both are up to date. Specs: Macbook Pro Retina 2015, macOS Mojave 10.14.6

    opened by ridoy 6
  • Adding chatbot to multiple rooms?

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    • We're building a financial data chatbot described by this grant: https://urbit.org/grants/cypherscope-bot
    • You can add it to your chat and query it for financial charts, like BTCUSD prices for the last week.
    • We expect this to be added to multiple chats and expect it to run on a single Moon
    • The bot is currently stateless BUT we expect to have a paid tier so we may need to store a mapping of chats to payment tier.

    Issue: Our bot's fn main() consists of the constructor: Chatbot::new_with_local_config(respond_to_message, "~mitten-dapper", "chat-3973").run();

    I guess I'm looking for the best way to implement this stuff:

    1. Listen for when we're added to a new chat (and spawn a new chatbot)
    2. Persist which chats contain our chatbot as a member, so nothing is lost if the Moon shuts down

    I couldn't find anything resembling this in the examples.

    Thank you!

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