+ 0 ┊ error: internal compiler error: compiler/rustc_middle/src/ty/subst.rs:634:17: type parameter `A/#2` (A/2) out of range when substituting, substs=[<K as creusot_contracts::Model>::ModelTy, std::option::Option<V>]
+ 1 ┊
+ 2 ┊ thread 'rustc' panicked at 'Box<dyn Any>', /rustc/34a6c9f26e2ce32cad0d71f5e342365b09f4d12c/compiler/rustc_errors/src/lib.rs:1289:9
+ 3 ┊ note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
+ 4 ┊
+ 5 ┊ note: Creusot has panic-ed!
+ 6 ┊ |
+ 7 ┊ = note: Oops, that shouldn't have happened, sorry about that.
+ 8 ┊ = note: Please report this bug over here: https://github.com/xldenis/creusot/issues/new
+ 9 ┊
+ 10 ┊ error: aborting due to previous error
+ 11 ┊
thread 'main' panicked at '1 failures out of 140 tests', creusot/tests/ui.rs:149:9
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
When trying to use Creusot on the following :+1:
extern crate creusot_contracts;
use creusot_contracts::std::*;
use creusot_contracts::*;
use std::cmp::Ord;
use std::cmp::Ordering::*;
extern_spec! {
#[ensures(result === (@self_).cmp_log(@*o))]
fn std::cmp::Ord::cmp<Self_>(self_: &Self_, o: &Self_) -> Ordering
where Self_: Ord + Model,
Self_::ModelTy: OrdLogic
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum Color {
use Color::*;
struct Node<K, V> {
left: Tree<K, V>,
color: Color,
key: K,
val: V,
right: Tree<K, V>,
struct Tree<K, V> {
node: Option<Box<Node<K, V>>>,
/************* The model of a tree, and the set of its mappings *************/
impl<K: Model, V> Tree<K, V> {
fn has_mapping(self, k: K::ModelTy, v: V) -> bool {
pearlite! {
match self {
Tree { node: None } => false,
Tree { node: Some(box Node { left, color, key, val, right }) } =>
left.has_mapping(k, v) || right.has_mapping(k, v) || k === @key && v === val
fn same_mappings(self, o: Self) -> bool {
pearlite! {
forall<k: K::ModelTy, v: V> self.has_mapping(k, v) === o.has_mapping(k, v)
fn model_acc(self, accu: <Self as Model>::ModelTy) -> <Self as Model>::ModelTy {
pearlite! {
match self {
Tree { node: None } => accu,
Tree { node: Some(box Node { left, color, key, val, right }) } => {
let accu1 = left.model_acc(accu);
let accu2 = accu1.set(@key, Some(val));
#[ensures(self.model_acc(accu).get(k) === accu.get(k) ||
exists<v: V> self.model_acc(accu).get(k) === Some(v) && self.has_mapping(k, v))]
fn model_acc_has_binding(self, accu: <Self as Model>::ModelTy, k: K::ModelTy) {
pearlite! {
match self {
Tree { node: None } => (),
Tree { node: Some(box Node { left, color, key, val, right }) } => {
left.model_acc_has_binding(accu, k);
let accu1 = left.model_acc(accu);
let accu2 = accu1.set(@key, Some(val));
right.model_acc_has_binding(accu2, k)
#[ensures(forall<v: V> self.has_mapping(k, v) ==> self.model_acc(accu).get(k) === Some(v))]
fn has_binding_model_acc(self, accu: <Self as Model>::ModelTy, k: K::ModelTy)
K::ModelTy: OrdLogic,
pearlite! {
match self {
Tree { node: None } => (),
Tree { node: Some(box Node { left, color, key, val, right }) } => {
left.has_binding_model_acc(accu, k);
let accu1 = left.model_acc(accu);
let accu2 = accu1.set(@key, Some(val));
right.has_binding_model_acc(accu2, k);
right.model_acc_has_binding(accu2, k)
#[ensures(self.has_mapping(k, v) === ((@self).get(k) === Some(v)))]
fn has_binding_model(self, k: K::ModelTy, v: V)
K::ModelTy: OrdLogic,
pearlite! { {
self.model_acc_has_binding(Mapping::cst(None), k);
self.has_binding_model_acc(Mapping::cst(None), k)
} }
impl<K: Model, V> Node<K, V> {
fn same_mappings(self, o: Self) -> bool {
pearlite! {
forall<st: Tree<K, V>, ot: Tree<K, V>>
(match st { Tree { node: Some(x) } => self === *x, _ => false }) &&
(match ot { Tree { node: Some(x) } => o === *x, _ => false }) ==>
impl<K: Model, V> Model for Node<K, V> {
type ModelTy = Mapping<K::ModelTy, Option<V>>;
fn model(self) -> Self::ModelTy {
pearlite! {
self.right.model_acc(self.left.model().set(@self.key, Some(self.val)))
impl<K: Model, V> Model for Tree<K, V> {
type ModelTy = Mapping<K::ModelTy, Option<V>>;
fn model(self) -> Self::ModelTy {
pearlite! { self.model_acc(Mapping::cst(None)) }
/******************************* The BST invariant ***************************/
impl<K: Model, V> Node<K, V>
K::ModelTy: OrdLogic,
fn bst_invariant_here(self) -> bool {
pearlite! {
(forall<k: K::ModelTy, v: V> self.left.has_mapping(k, v) ==> k < @self.key) &&
(forall<k: K::ModelTy, v: V> self.right.has_mapping(k, v) ==> @self.key < k)
fn bst_invariant(self) -> bool {
pearlite! {
self.bst_invariant_here() && self.left.bst_invariant() && self.right.bst_invariant()
impl<K: Model, V> Tree<K, V>
K::ModelTy: OrdLogic,
fn bst_invariant(self) -> bool {
pearlite! {
match self {
Tree { node: None } => true,
Tree { node: Some(box node) } => {
let Node { left, color, key, val, right } = node;
node.bst_invariant_here() && left.bst_invariant() && right.bst_invariant()
/****************************** The color invariant **************************/
impl<K, V> Tree<K, V> {
fn is_red_log(self) -> bool {
match self.node {
Some(box Node { left, color: Red, key, val, right }) => true,
_ => false,
fn color_invariant(self) -> bool {
pearlite! {
match self {
Tree { node: None } => true,
Tree { node: Some(box node) } => {
let Node { left, color, key, val, right } = node;
node.color_invariant_here() && left.color_invariant() && right.color_invariant()
impl<K, V> Node<K, V> {
fn color_invariant_here(self) -> bool {
pearlite! { !self.right.is_red_log() && (self.color === Red ==> !self.left.is_red_log()) }
fn color_invariant(self) -> bool {
self.color_invariant_here() && self.left.color_invariant() && self.right.color_invariant()
/***************************** The height invariant *************************/
impl<K, V> Node<K, V> {
fn has_height(self, h: Int) -> bool {
match self {
Node { left, color: Red, key, val, right } => left.has_height(h) && right.has_height(h),
Node { left, color: Black, key, val, right } => {
left.has_height(h - 1) && right.has_height(h - 1)
impl<K, V> Tree<K, V> {
fn has_height(self, h: Int) -> bool {
pearlite! {
match self {
Tree { node: None } => h === 0,
Tree { node: Some(box Node { left, color: Red, key, val, right }) } =>
left.has_height(h) && right.has_height(h),
Tree { node: Some(box Node { left, color: Black, key, val, right }) } =>
left.has_height(h-1) && right.has_height(h-1)
/************************* Conjunction of invariants ************************/
impl<K: Model, V> Tree<K, V>
K::ModelTy: OrdLogic,
pub fn invariant(self) -> bool {
pearlite! {
self.bst_invariant() && self.color_invariant() &&
exists<h: Int> self.has_height(h)
/************************* Code of the data structure ***********************/
impl<K: Model, V> Node<K, V> {
#[ensures(result == self.is_red_log())]
fn is_red(&self) -> bool {
match self.node {
Some(box Node { color: Red, .. }) => true,
_ => false,
impl<K: Model, V> Node<K, V>
K::ModelTy: OrdLogic,
#[ensures((^self).color === (*self).color)]
#[ensures(exists<l: Box<Self>, r: Box<Self>>
(*self).left.node === Some(l) && (^self).right.node === Some(r) &&
((^self).left, r.left, r.right) === (l.left, l.right, (*self).right))]
#[ensures(forall<h: Int> (*self).has_height(h) ==> (^self).has_height(h))]
fn rotate_right(&mut self) {
let old_self = Ghost::record(&*self);
// self
// / \
// x c
// / \
// a b
// Rip out the left subtree
let mut x: Box<_> = match std::mem::replace(&mut self.left.node, None) {
Some(x) => x,
None => panic!(),
// self
// \
// x c
// / \
// a b
std::mem::swap(&mut self.left, &mut x.right);
// self
// / \
// x b c
// /
// a
std::mem::swap(self, &mut x);
self.color = x.color;
x.color = Red;
// self
// /
// a x
// / \
// b c
proof_assert! { (@old_self).left.has_mapping(@(*self).key, (*self).val) }
proof_assert! { forall<k: K::ModelTy, v: V> x.left.has_mapping(k, v) ==> (@old_self).left.has_mapping(k, v) }
self.right = Tree { node: Some(x) };
// self
// / \
// a x
// / \
// b c
#[ensures((^self).color === (*self).color)]
#[ensures(exists<l: Box<Self>, r: Box<Self>>
(*self).right.node === Some(r) && (^self).left.node === Some(l) &&
(l.left, l.right, (^self).right) === ((*self).left, r.left, r.right))]
#[ensures(forall<h: Int> (*self).has_height(h) ==> (^self).has_height(h))]
fn rotate_left(&mut self) {
let old_self = Ghost::record(&*self);
let mut x: Box<_> = match std::mem::replace(&mut self.right.node, None) {
Some(x) => x,
None => panic!(),
std::mem::swap(&mut self.right, &mut x.left);
std::mem::swap(self, &mut x);
self.color = x.color;
x.color = Red;
proof_assert! { (@old_self).right.has_mapping(@(*self).key, (*self).val) }
proof_assert! { forall<k: K::ModelTy, v: V> x.right.has_mapping(k, v) ==> (@old_self).right.has_mapping(k, v) }
self.left = Tree { node: Some(x) };
#[requires((*self).color === Red && (*self).left.is_red_log() ==>
#[requires((*self).color === Red && (*self).right.is_red_log() ==>
#[requires((*self).color === Red && (*self).right.is_red_log() && (*self).left.is_red_log() ==> false)]
#[ensures((*self).left.color_invariant() && !(*self).right.is_red_log() ==>
(*self) === (^self))]
#[ensures(forall<l: Box<Self>> (*self).left.node === Some(l) &&
(*self).color === Black && l.color === Red &&
l.left.is_red_log() && l.left.color_invariant() &&
!l.right.is_red_log() && l.right.color_invariant() &&
!(*self).right.is_red_log() && (*self).right.color_invariant() ==>
(^self).color === Red && (^self).color_invariant())]
#[ensures(!(*self).left.is_red_log() && (*self).left.color_invariant() &&
(*self).right.is_red_log() && (*self).right.color_invariant() ==>
(^self).left.is_red_log() && (^self).left.color_invariant() &&
!(^self).right.is_red_log() && (^self).right.color_invariant() &&
(^self).color === (*self).color)]
#[ensures((*self).color === Black &&
(*self).left.is_red_log() && (*self).left.color_invariant() &&
(*self).right.is_red_log() && (*self).right.color_invariant() ==>
(^self).color === Red && (^self).color_invariant())]
#[ensures(forall<h: Int> (*self).has_height(h) ==> (^self).has_height(h))]
fn insert_rebalance(&mut self) {
if self.right.is_red() && !self.left.is_red() {
if self.left.is_red() && self.left.node.as_ref().unwrap().left.is_red() {
if self.left.is_red() && self.right.is_red() {
self.color = Red;
match self {
Node { left: Tree { node: Some(l) }, right: Tree { node: Some(r) }, .. } => {
l.color = Black;
r.color = Black;
_ => panic!(),
impl<K: Model + Ord, V> Tree<K, V>
K::ModelTy: OrdLogic
#[ensures(@result === Mapping::cst(None))]
pub fn new() -> Tree<K, V> {
Tree { node: None }
#[requires(forall<k:K::ModelTy> @key == k ==> @key === k)] // FIXME: get rid of log_eq
#[ensures(exists<node: Box<Node<K, V>>> (^self).node === Some(node) &&
!node.right.is_red_log() &&
node.left.color_invariant() && node.right.color_invariant())]
#[ensures(!(*self).is_red_log() ==> (^self).color_invariant())]
#[ensures((^self).has_mapping(@key, val))]
#[ensures(forall<k: K::ModelTy, v: V> k === @key || (*self).has_mapping(k, v) === (^self).has_mapping(k, v))]
#[ensures(forall<h: Int> (*self).has_height(h) ==> (^self).has_height(h))]
fn insert_rec(&mut self, key: K, val: V) {
let old_self = Ghost::record(&*self);
match &mut self.node {
None => {
self.node = Some(Box::new(Node {
left: Tree { node: None },
color: Red,
right: Tree { node: None },
Some(node) => {
match key.cmp(&node.key) {
Less => node.left.insert_rec(key, val),
Equal => {
node.val = val;
Greater => node.right.insert_rec(key, val),
proof_assert!(forall<h: Int> (@old_self).has_height(h) ==> node.has_height(h));
#[requires(forall<k:K::ModelTy> @key == k ==> @key === k)] // FIXME: get rid of log_eq
#[ensures(@^self === (@*self).set(@key, Some(val)))]
pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, val: V) {
let old_self = Ghost::record(&*self);
self.insert_rec(key, val);
self.node.as_mut().unwrap().color = Black;
proof_assert! { forall<h: Int> (@old_self).has_height(h) ==>
(*self).has_height(h) || (*self).has_height(h+1) }
proof_assert! { (*self).has_binding_model(@key /* dummy */, val /* dummy */); true }
#[requires(forall<k:K::ModelTy> @key == k ==> @key === k)] // FIXME: get rid of log_eq
#[ensures(forall<r: &V> result === Some(r) ==> (*self).has_mapping(@*key, *r))]
#[ensures(result === None ==> forall<v: V> !(*self).has_mapping(@*key, v))]
fn get_rec(&self, key: &K) -> Option<&V> {
match &self.node {
None => None,
Some(node) => match key.cmp(&node.key) {
Less => node.left.get_rec(key),
Equal => Some(&node.val),
Greater => node.right.get_rec(key),
#[requires(forall<k:K::ModelTy> @key == k ==> @key === k)] // FIXME: get rid of log_eq
#[ensures(forall<v: &V> (result === Some(v)) === ((@*self).get(@*key) === Some(*v)))]
#[ensures((result === None) === (@*self).get(@*key) === None)]
pub fn get(&self, key: &K) -> Option<&V> {
proof_assert! { forall<v:V> { self.has_binding_model(@*key, v); true } }
#[requires(forall<k:K::ModelTy> @key == k ==> @key === k)] // FIXME: get rid of log_eq
#[ensures((^self).is_red_log() === (*self).is_red_log())]
#[ensures(forall<r: &mut V> result === Some(r) ==> (*self).has_mapping(@*key, *r) && (^self).has_mapping(@*key, ^r))]
#[ensures(result === None ==> forall<v: V> !(*self).has_mapping(@*key, v) && !(^self).has_mapping(@*key, v))]
#[ensures(forall<k: K::ModelTy, v: V> k === @key || (*self).has_mapping(k, v) === (^self).has_mapping(k, v))]
#[ensures(forall<h: Int> (*self).has_height(h) ==> (^self).has_height(h))]
fn get_mut_rec(&mut self, key: &K) -> Option<&mut V> {
match &mut self.node {
None => None,
Some(node) => match key.cmp(&node.key) {
Less => node.left.get_mut_rec(key),
Equal => Some(&mut node.val),
Greater => node.right.get_mut_rec(key),
#[requires(forall<k:K::ModelTy> @key == k ==> @key === k)] // FIXME: get rid of log_eq
#[ensures(forall<v: &mut V> result === Some(v) ==>
(@*self).get(@*key) === Some(*v) && @^self === (@*self).set(@key, Some(^v)))]
#[ensures(result === None ==> (@*self).get(@*key) === None && (@^self).get(@*key) === None)]
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, key: &K) -> Option<&mut V> {
proof_assert! { forall<v:V> { self.has_binding_model(@*key, v); true } }