A PackageJson struct for your rust code.


📦️ package_json_schema

Load a package.json file as a PackageJson struct.

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You want to load a package.json file and interact with it as a struct.


Add this line to the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml:

package_json_schema = "0.1.0"

If you would like to include validation then add the validate feature.

package_json_schema = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["validate"] }

This adds the validator crate as a dependency and adds the .validate() method to the PackageJson struct. The fields are validated according to the JSON schema specification.


The following example shows how to load a package.json file and use it as a struct.

use package_json_schema::PackageJson;

let contents = r###"
  "name": "my-package",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "dependencies": {
    "@sveltejs/kit": "1.0.0-next.396"
  "peerDependencies": {
    "aws-sdk": "2.1185.0"

let package_json = PackageJson::try_from(contents).unwrap();
assert_eq!(package_json.name.unwrap(), "my-package");
assert_eq!(package_json.version.unwrap(), "0.1.0");

This crate leaves it to the user to load the package.json content from the filesystem. Here is an example of loading the file contents and parsing the contents into a struct.

use std::fs::read_to_string;
use package_json_schema::PackageJson;

let contents = read_to_string("./tests/fixtures/1/package.json").unwrap();
let package_json = PackageJson::try_from(contents).unwrap();

assert_eq!(package_json.name.unwrap(), "test");

A package.json file can also be created from a builder.

use package_json_schema::PackageJson;
use package_json_schema::AdditionalFields;
use package_json_schema::Person;
use indexmap::IndexMap;

let mut additional_fields: AdditionalFields = IndexMap::new();
additional_fields.insert("custom".into(), "value".into());

let package_json = PackageJson::builder()
let string_value = package_json.try_to_string().unwrap();


To validate the package.json fields, enable the validate feature.

package_json_schema = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["validate"] }

And then use the validate method.

use std::fs::read_to_string;
use package_json_schema::PackageJson;
#[cfg(feature = "validate")]
use validator::Validate;

let contents = read_to_string("./tests/fixtures/1/package.json").unwrap();
let package_json = PackageJson::try_from(contents).unwrap();

#[cfg(feature = "validate")]


This project is licensed under the Unlicense license.

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  • Feature request: export validator::Validate directly from package_json_schema

    Feature request: export validator::Validate directly from package_json_schema


    Export validator::Validate directly from package_json_schema.


    Allow crate's users to directly import validator::Validate from package_json_schema: right now you need to manully specify the depency in your cargo.toml

    Something like:

    use package_json_schema::{ PackageJson, validator::Validate };

    I think it should be fairly to implement as well. I was thinking something like this:

    // File: src/lib.rs
    cfg_if! {
      if #[cfg(feature = "validate")] {
        mod utils; // Taken from current implementation
        pub mod validator;  

    If you think it might be a good addition I'm willing to contribute myself :D

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