This is a PoC developed at hackathon that enables a user to prove that they know some calldata that can solve a challenge on EVM.
How does it work?
This project depends on:
- privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits for the zk stuff.
- anvil for spawning in-memory mainnet fork chain.
A block is locally mined containing the transaction which solves challenge. This block is used as a witness to the SuperCircuit.
The transaction is expected to flip a slot termed as "challenge slot" in a contract. E.g.
contract Challenge {
function isSolved() public returns (bool) {
// arbitrary challenge somewhere on EVM
// challenge slot
bool slot;
function solve() public {
slot = isSolved();
Potential use cases
- Decentralised CTF (not practical as of now, since current prover effort is very huge).
- Whitehat can prove knowledge of vulnerability on smart contract (by constructing it as a challenge).
Clone the repo and build.
cargo build --release
This creates a binary:
./target/release/prove --help
Usage: prove [OPTIONS] --rpc-url <ETH_RPC_URL> --fork-block <FORK_BLOCK_NUMBER> --challenge-address <CHALLENGE_ADDRESS> --challenge-slot <CHALLENGE_SLOT> --raw-tx <RAW_TX>
--rpc-url <ETH_RPC_URL> Archive node for mainnet fork [required]
--fork-block <FORK_BLOCK_NUMBER> Block number for mainnet fork [required]
--challenge-address <CHALLENGE_ADDRESS> Address of contract containing challenge slot [required]
--challenge-slot <CHALLENGE_SLOT> Storage slot that should be flipped by a correct solution [required]
--raw-tx <RAW_TX> Witness tx, which should solve the challenge [required]
--mock Use MockProver for fast constraint verification [default: false]
--print Print witness and public inputs that has been provided to zkevm circuits [default: false]
--dir <DIR> Directory for reading and writing [default: false] [default: ]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Currently using real prover has a lot of system requires, mock prover consumes less resources. An example challenge and solution:
--rpc-url https://eth-sepolia.g.alchemy.com/v2/<api-key>
--fork-block 3147881
--challenge-address 0xdf03add8bc8046df3b74a538c57c130cefb89b87
--challenge-slot 0
--raw-tx 0xf88c8084ee6b28008301388094df03add8bc8046df3b74a538c57c130cefb89b8680a46057361d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000018401546d72a0f5b7e54553deeb044429b394595581501209a627beef020e764426aa0955e93aa00927cb7de78c15d2715de9a5cbde171c7202755864656cd4726ac43c76a9000a