A down-to-the-metal ongoing cryptography challenge designed by Radical Semiconductor.


woodpecker 🪶

[NOTE: scoreboard will now be updated weekends, starting the weekend of 12/10/2022--sorry for delays! I'll also be merging in pull requests early this week.]

A down-to-the-metal ongoing cryptography challenge designed by Radical Semiconductor (we're hiring!)

Send us your solutions (and resumes!) at [email protected].

Helpful note: you can send in solutions to individual challenges one at a time! Once the leaderboard starts Wednesday, we'll add your solutions as we receive them. Feel free to send partial solutions, e.g. if you want to submit your resume too!


The year is 2089. You are a cryptographer for Kaizen Security, a company specializing in endpoints securing traffic to and from on-network company artificial intelligences.

One morning, a coworker stumbles into your office, clearly exhausted.

With a deadline looming in hours, they've been tasked with implementing digital signatures on a bizarre, archaic coprocessor. Your desk is still covered in half-disassembled devices and hasty notes from your work, but for better or worse you agree to help.

The documentation is surprisingly short though--hopefully this won't be too bad.

Processor Description

Calming down your friend, they start to explain.

This architecture consists of a zero-indexed, $2^{32}$ -bit array and a pair of registers: a 32-bit register ADDR pointing to the "current address," and a 1-bit register STORE.

You can picture this like a tape head with one bit of storage moving along a long tape of bits. Each bit is individually addressed, so e.g. ADDR = 0x0002 means that the read head is pointing at the bit 2 on the tape (zero-indexed).

  Example state: ADDR = 0x0002, STORE = 0b1

    MEMORY    |0|1|0|0|1|0|1|1|0|1| ...
    TAPE HEAD     |1|

On startup, the array is initialized to all 0s, and ADDR = 0x0000, STORE = 0b0.

There are four instructions that can control the processor:

  • INC: increment ADDR by 1 ("move the head right")
  • INV: invert the bit in the array at address ADDR ("flip the bit the head points at")
  • LOAD: load the bit in the array located at ADDR into STORE ("store the bit the head points to")
  • CDEC: decrement the ADDR register if STORE = 0b1 ("move the head left if it's storing a 1")

Task Description

The company needs the processor to perform an ECDSA signature, so that the AIs stored on corporate servers can verify their endpoint. Fortunately, their main processor has hashing capabilities, so you just need to implement addition and scalar multiplication on an elliptic curve. If you want to perform hashing however, you can still do so by implementing the SHA256 compression function, where the main processor can then ensure that the message will be properly padded and fit in a single block.

Moreover, these particular AIs have a very low standard of cryptographic security (they're very trusting), so you'll only be using a 16-bit curve. For reference, the base field is $\operatorname{GF}(q)$ for $q = 2^{16} - 17$ , with curve $$y^2 = x^3 - 3x + 48879.$$

To make things easier, we provide subgoals along the way.

  • Perform an XOR on two bits
  • Perform a 1-bit full add
  • Perform 16-bit addition
  • Perform 16-bit multiplication
  • [To Be Released] Perform 16-bit addition mod $q = 2^{16} - 17$
  • [To Be Released] Perform 16-bit multiplication mod $q$
  • [To Be Released] Add two points over the provided elliptic curve
  • [To Be Released] Perform scalar multiplication on the provided elliptic curve
  • Perform a SHA256 compression

If you make it through all the existing challenges, you can try to find a solution with fewer instructions or one using less memory.

We plan to have a scoreboard for each subgoal, ranking both instruction and memory usage, as well as style points for particularly cool or clever implementations!


To install the woodpecker toolchain to debug and test these programs, install Cargo as described here.

Then, clone the repository. In a terminal, cd into the repository and then run cargo install --path ..

Running and debugging

Woodpecker programs are text files where every line is INV, INC, LOAD, or CDEC, and usually bear a .wpk file extension.

To make file sizes more manageable, repeated INC and CDEC instructions can also be represented on a single line, by appending the number of repetitions. For instance INC 42 represent 42 individual INC instructions.

To test whether a Woodpecker program passes a challenge, run

woodpecker solve <challenge #> <program name>

e.g. woodpecker solve 2 adder.wpk to test adder.wpk on the 16-bit addition challenge.

To debug a woodpecker challenge, use

woodpecker debug <program name>

You'll be dropped into a debugger with various commands. Type help to see how to use them.

Challenge Descriptions

In these challenges, a Woodpecker CPU has some input loaded into its first addresses and expects an output in the memory immediately following.

NOTE: all integers are represented LSB first in memory.

Challenge 0: XOR

Input: two bits $A$ and $B$ at addresses 0 and 1

Output: the XOR of the bits, $A \oplus B$ , at address 2

Challenge 1: 1-bit addition

Input: two bits $A$ and $B$ at addresses 0 and 1

Output: the 2-bit sum of the bits, $A + B$ , at addresses 2-3.

Challenge 2: 16-bit addition

Input: two 16-bit numbers $A$ and $B$ at addresses 0-15 and 16-31.

Output: the 17-bit sum of the numbers, $A + B$ , at addresses 32-48.

Challenge 3: 16-bit multiplication

Input: two 16-bit numbers $A$ and $B$ at addresses 0-15 and 16-31.

Output: the 32-bit product of the numbers, $A * B$ , at addresses 32-64.

Challenge 8: SHA256 compression

Input: A 512-bit number, the message to be compressed, and a 256-bit number, the input chaining state. See get_sha256_problem() in <src/challenge.rs> for the details in the exact in-memory layout.

Output: A 256-bit number, the new chaining state.

Submitting Code

Send your woodpecker programs, or instructions to generate them, to [email protected]. Documentation is appreciated! The first 10 people to get through Challenge 3 get a free t-shirt!

We also encourage you to send over whatever compilers you built to generate your programs too. Particularly cool or clever compiler stacks will get shoutouts on the leaderboard!


Why's it called "woodpecker"?

The little tape head bobbing back and forth and inverting bits reminded one of us of a woodpecker flying around a tree and pecking at it. She wrote the code so the name stuck.

How do I know these challenges are possible?

We've made sure to solve all of these before release. (We promise!)

The woodpecker debugger/tester is broken, what do I do?

Message [email protected] with your issue and we'll get on it.

Should the programs I'm writing get kind of long?

They should! This architecture is not one you'd want to use in practice. We recommend writing code to generate these programs--after the first couple challenges, they get infeasible to maintain by hand quickly.

What if I want to improve the debugger/make a new challenge?

Make a pull request! We'd love your help.

Are there other challenges like this out there?

If this was hard but fun, ping us at [email protected] with your resume. We designed this somewhat unique problem to require the same kind of thinking our work does, so please join us!

Can I apply to join anyway if I think you're cool?

Please do--we'd love to chat! Just reach out to [email protected].

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