BLS12-381 cryptography using Apache Milagro


BLS12-381 Aggregate Signatures in Rust using Apache Milagro

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WARNING: This library is a work in progress and has not been audited. Do NOT consider the cryptography safe!

Uses the The Apache Milagro Cryptographic Library.

This crate is heavily based upon work by @lovesh.

Presently this library only supports features required for Ethereum 2.0 signature validation. The aggregation methods here are vulnerable to the rouge-key attack.

There has been no public audit or scrutiny placed upon this crate. If you're a cryptographer I would love to have your input.

This library uses a Proof of Possession (PoP) variant as protection against rogue key attacks. A public key can be PoP verified by signing a hash of the public key. This must be done before a PublicKey may be used in any aggregate signatures.

Subgroup checks are performed for signatures during verification and public keys during deserialisation.

BLS Standard

Current implementation of the BLS Standard aligns with bls-signatures-v04 and hash-to-curve-v09.


Single Signatures

Perform signing and verification of non-aggregate BLS signatures. Supports serializing and de-serializing both public and secret keys.

let sk_bytes = vec![
	78, 252, 122, 126, 32, 0, 75, 89, 252, 31, 42, 130, 254, 88, 6, 90, 138, 202, 135, 194,
	233, 117, 181, 75, 96, 238, 79, 100, 237, 59, 140, 111,

// Load some keys from a serialized secret key.
let sk = SecretKey::from_bytes(&sk_bytes).unwrap();
let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&sk);

// Sign a message
let message = "cats".as_bytes();
let signature = Signature::new(&message, &sk);
assert!(signature.verify(&message, &pk));

// Serialize then de-serialize, just 'cause we can.
let pk_bytes = pk.as_bytes();
let pk = PublicKey::from_bytes(&pk_bytes).unwrap();

// Verify the message
assert!(signature.verify(&message, &pk));

Generate new "random" secret keys (see SecretKey docs for information on entropy sources).

// Generate a random key pair.
let sk = SecretKey::random(&mut rand::thread_rng());
let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&sk);

// Sign and verify a message.
let message = "cats".as_bytes();
let signature = Signature::new(&message, &sk);
assert!(signature.verify(&message, &pk));

Aggregate Signatures

Aggregate signatures and public keys. Supports serializing and de-serializing both AggregateSignatures and AggregatePublicKeys.

let signing_secret_key_bytes = vec![
				98, 161, 50, 32, 254, 87, 16, 25, 167, 79, 192, 116, 176, 74, 164, 217, 40, 57,
				179, 15, 19, 21, 240, 100, 70, 127, 111, 170, 129, 137, 42, 53,
				53, 72, 211, 104, 184, 68, 142, 208, 115, 22, 156, 97, 28, 216, 228, 102, 4, 218,
				116, 226, 166, 131, 67, 7, 40, 55, 157, 167, 157, 127, 143, 13,

// Load the key pairs from our serialized secret keys,
let signing_keypairs: Vec<Keypair> = signing_secret_key_bytes
		.map(|bytes| {
				let sk = SecretKey::from_bytes(&bytes).unwrap();
				let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&sk);
				Keypair { sk, pk }

let message = "cats".as_bytes();

// Create an aggregate signature over some message, also generating an
// aggregate public key at the same time.
let mut agg_sig = AggregateSignature::new();
let mut public_keys = vec![];
for keypair in &signing_keypairs {
		let sig = Signature::new(&message, &;
let agg_pub_key = AggregatePublicKey::into_aggregate(&public_keys).unwrap();

// Serialize and de-serialize the aggregates, just 'cause we can.
let agg_sig_bytes = agg_sig.as_bytes();
let agg_sig = AggregateSignature::from_bytes(&agg_sig_bytes).unwrap();

// Verify the AggregateSignature against the AggregatePublicKey
assert!(agg_sig.fast_aggregate_verify_pre_aggregated(&message, &agg_pub_key));

How to Run Benchmarks

cargo bench --features "bench"
  • Change license to Apache-2.0

    Change license to Apache-2.0

    This repository was previously licensed as MIT/Apache-2.0. Given that the AMCL library is Apache 2.0, I don't think is it permitted to add the MIT license.

    I will seek @lovesh's input on this, as I assume he did the initial MIT/Apache-2.0 licensing.

    opened by paulhauner 7
  • Check the input of SecretKey.from_bytes to be non zero

    Check the input of SecretKey.from_bytes to be non zero

    Hi @kirk-baird,

    In the recent release, the standard disallows zero secret key. Should we also add a non-zero check in the SecretKey.from_bytes method? Or do we intentionally don't do so?

    opened by ChihChengLiang 4
  • Should we validate the pubkeys parameters of `fast_aggregate_verify`?

    Should we validate the pubkeys parameters of `fast_aggregate_verify`?

    Hi Kirk,

    Currently, the fast_aggregate_verify returns true if the aggregate_public_key is an identity key because we don't run key_validate checks for the input public keys.

    The IETF spec defines the behavior of FastAggregateVerify when the preconditions are met. But whether to check those preconditions are left for implementors to decide.

    Here are some options:

    • In Eth2's test cases, the validation is expected. It might be safer if all the client teams implement the same behavior.
    • The nim-blscurve implements two versions, one with the check and one without.
    opened by ChihChengLiang 2
  • BLS Sig standard 02

    BLS Sig standard 02



    Proposed changes


    • Align BLS signing and verifying functions with bls signatures version 2
    • Subgroup check for public keys
    • Subgroup check for secret keys

    Additional Comments

    • Relies on #17
    • This is NOT yet part of Eth Specs as at v0.11.1
    opened by kirk-baird 2
  • Secret Key Size / Value

    Secret Key Size / Value

    Secret Key should be between values 1 < sk < r - 1 as defined here, where r is a little less than 32 bytes. This check should be added to from_bytes() . Furthermore we should also then change SecretKey.x to private to prevent modification to the secret key to be larger than r.

    This could also be a good time to change SecretKey::from_bytes() to take a bytes which are less than 48 bytes. I would recommend allowing any bytes less than 48 bytes and appending the necessary number of zero bytes such the input length is 48 bytes and can be deserialised using the Big::frombytes() function.

    opened by kirk-baird 2
  • Optimisation: Improve final exponentiation in Signature::verify

    Optimisation: Improve final exponentiation in Signature::verify

    What is the issue

    Currently we do two separate pairings in signature verification which will be slower

    Steps to resolve

    Use an ate double pairing with a single fexp() and check the resultant value is 1.

    opened by kirk-baird 2
  • Convert amcl to a submodule

    Convert amcl to a submodule

    Previously it seems the amcl files had been copied directly from the old Apache Milagro repo which has since been deleted. This PR would instead use a SigP fork of the new Repo as a submodule.

    It will make it far easier to pull changes and make changes to the AMCL repo.

    I could not see any major changes to the files other than the director structures and running cargo fmt.

    opened by kirk-baird 2
  • Decompress a PublicKey 500%  performance regression in v1.4.0

    Decompress a PublicKey 500% performance regression in v1.4.0

    What's wrong

    The performance of decompressing a PublicKey is significant slow in v1.4.0. Cropped benchmark result:

    compression/Decompress a PublicKey                                                                            
                            time:   [364.46 us 372.29 us 383.01 us]
                            change: [+497.89% +518.88% +547.26%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
                            Performance has regressed.
    Found 11 outliers among 100 measurements (11.00%)
      7 (7.00%) high mild
      4 (4.00%) high severe

    Steps to reproduce

    git checkout v1.3.0 
    git submodule update
    rm -rf target/
    cargo bench --features "bench"
    git checkout v1.4.0
    git submodule update 
    cargo bench --features "bench"



    Running target/release/deps/bls381_benches-21ec5f2d00d66323

    signing/Create a Signature                                                                            
                            time:   [2.2649 ms 2.4643 ms 2.8161 ms]
                            change: [-4.1061% +2.3568% +11.914%] (p = 0.72 > 0.05)
                            No change in performance detected.
    Found 1 outliers among 10 measurements (10.00%)
      1 (10.00%) high severe
    signing/Verify a Signature                                                                           
                            time:   [7.6921 ms 8.3690 ms 9.3884 ms]
                            change: [-6.8269% +2.0599% +13.337%] (p = 0.70 > 0.05)
                            No change in performance detected.
    Benchmarking multiple-signatures-verification-30/Verification of multiple aggregate signatures with optimizations: Collecting 10 samples in estimated 8.6845 s                                                                                                                                                                multiple-signatures-verification-30/Verification of multiple aggregate signatures with optimizations                        
                            time:   [81.784 ms 89.208 ms 96.381 ms]
                            change: [+3.7598% +9.7247% +18.196%] (p = 0.01 < 0.05)
                            Performance has regressed.
    Found 1 outliers among 10 measurements (10.00%)
      1 (10.00%) high mild
    aggregation/Verifying aggregate of 128 signatures                                                                            
                            time:   [7.6322 ms 7.7766 ms 7.9435 ms]
                            change: [+2.2044% +4.3055% +6.3692%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
                            Performance has regressed.
    Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
      2 (2.00%) high mild
      4 (4.00%) high severe
    aggregation/Aggregate a PublicKey                                                                             
                            time:   [2.1013 us 2.1592 us 2.2340 us]
                            change: [+54.977% +78.314% +105.88%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
                            Performance has regressed.
    Found 11 outliers among 100 measurements (11.00%)
      4 (4.00%) high mild
      7 (7.00%) high severe
    aggregation/Aggregate a Signature                                                                             
                            time:   [5.1918 us 5.3296 us 5.4961 us]
                            change: [+7.5565% +11.184% +14.766%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
                            Performance has regressed.
    Found 12 outliers among 100 measurements (12.00%)
      2 (2.00%) high mild
      10 (10.00%) high severe
    compression/Decompress a Signature                                                                            
                            time:   [198.73 us 200.60 us 202.77 us]
                            change: [+6.7434% +9.5261% +13.081%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
                            Performance has regressed.
    Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
      2 (2.00%) high mild
      4 (4.00%) high severe
    compression/Compress a Signature                                                                            
                            time:   [1.4246 us 1.4627 us 1.5011 us]
                            change: [-5.3093% +1.8072% +7.8935%] (p = 0.65 > 0.05)
                            No change in performance detected.
    compression/Decompress a PublicKey                                                                            
                            time:   [364.46 us 372.29 us 383.01 us]
                            change: [+497.89% +518.88% +547.26%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
                            Performance has regressed.
    Found 11 outliers among 100 measurements (11.00%)
      7 (7.00%) high mild
      4 (4.00%) high severe
    compression/Compress a PublicKey                                                                            
                            time:   [1.4288 us 1.4490 us 1.4937 us]
                            change: [-10.385% -0.2387% +10.038%] (p = 0.97 > 0.05)
                            No change in performance detected.
    Found 1 outliers among 10 measurements (10.00%)
      1 (10.00%) high severe
    compression/Decompress a PublicKey from Bigs                                                                             
                            time:   [1.7494 us 1.7913 us 1.8458 us]
                            change: [+6.5483% +8.9457% +11.375%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
                            Performance has regressed.
    Found 8 outliers among 100 measurements (8.00%)
      3 (3.00%) high mild
      5 (5.00%) high severe
    compression/Compress a PublicKey to Bigs                                                                            
                            time:   [1.0970 us 1.1233 us 1.1606 us]
                            change: [+5.9204% +10.128% +16.469%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
                            Performance has regressed.
    Found 1 outliers among 10 measurements (10.00%)
      1 (10.00%) high severe
    key generation/Generate random keypair                                                                            
                            time:   [389.87 us 400.86 us 414.20 us]
                            change: [+8.9707% +11.088% +13.485%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
                            Performance has regressed.
    Found 12 outliers among 100 measurements (12.00%)
      2 (2.00%) high mild
      10 (10.00%) high severe
    key generation/Generate keypair from known string                                                                            
                            time:   [419.51 us 431.32 us 445.95 us]
                            change: [+4.7468% +12.559% +19.381%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
                            Performance has regressed.
    Found 10 outliers among 100 measurements (10.00%)
      3 (3.00%) high mild
      7 (7.00%) high severe


    Running target/release/deps/bls381_benches-fe64a3c500672cce
    signing/Create a Signature                                                                            
                            time:   [2.2934 ms 2.3310 ms 2.3758 ms]
    Found 1 outliers among 10 measurements (10.00%)
      1 (10.00%) high mild
    signing/Verify a Signature                                                                           
                            time:   [7.5973 ms 7.8653 ms 8.3068 ms]
    Benchmarking multiple-signatures-verification-30/Verification of multiple aggregate signatures with optimizations: Collecting 10 samples in estimated 8.5392 s                                                                                                                                                                multiple-signatures-verification-30/Verification of multiple aggregate signatures with optimizations                        
                            time:   [75.792 ms 77.780 ms 80.390 ms]
    Found 1 outliers among 10 measurements (10.00%)
      1 (10.00%) high severe
    aggregation/Verifying aggregate of 128 signatures                                                                            
                            time:   [7.4041 ms 7.4556 ms 7.5082 ms]
    Found 1 outliers among 100 measurements (1.00%)
      1 (1.00%) high mild
    aggregation/Aggregate a PublicKey                                                                             
                            time:   [1.6946 us 1.7270 us 1.7770 us]
    Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
      3 (3.00%) high mild
      3 (3.00%) high severe
    aggregation/Aggregate a Signature                                                                             
                            time:   [4.9031 us 5.0449 us 5.2287 us]
    Found 4 outliers among 100 measurements (4.00%)
      1 (1.00%) high mild
      3 (3.00%) high severe
    compression/Decompress a Signature                                                                            
                            time:   [189.00 us 190.42 us 192.16 us]
    Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
      4 (4.00%) high mild
      2 (2.00%) high severe
    compression/Compress a Signature                                                                            
                            time:   [1.3475 us 1.4022 us 1.4885 us]
    Found 1 outliers among 10 measurements (10.00%)
      1 (10.00%) high severe
    compression/Decompress a PublicKey                                                                            
                            time:   [62.944 us 63.413 us 63.958 us]
    Found 2 outliers among 100 measurements (2.00%)
      2 (2.00%) high mild
    compression/Compress a PublicKey                                                                            
                            time:   [1.4373 us 1.5601 us 1.7437 us]
    Found 1 outliers among 10 measurements (10.00%)
      1 (10.00%) high mild
    compression/Decompress a PublicKey from Bigs                                                                             
                            time:   [1.6095 us 1.6231 us 1.6474 us]
    Found 10 outliers among 100 measurements (10.00%)
      3 (3.00%) high mild
      7 (7.00%) high severe
    compression/Compress a PublicKey to Bigs                                                                            
                            time:   [1.0481 us 1.0510 us 1.0547 us]
    key generation/Generate random keypair                                                                            
                            time:   [351.54 us 352.96 us 354.64 us]
    Found 3 outliers among 100 measurements (3.00%)
      3 (3.00%) high mild
    key generation/Generate keypair from known string                                                                            
                            time:   [389.64 us 410.85 us 440.89 us]
    Found 7 outliers among 100 measurements (7.00%)
      2 (2.00%) high mild
      5 (5.00%) high severe
    opened by ChihChengLiang 1
  • Check that IKM is > 32B in KeyGen

    Check that IKM is > 32B in KeyGen

    IKM should be checked to be at least 32 bytes in

    as per

    opened by veorq 1
  • Optimise subgroup checks

    Optimise subgroup checks


    Subgroup checks are somewhat time consuming. They can be optimised by methods described in this paper.

    See functions:

    • subgroup_check_g1()
    • subgroup_check_g2()


    Subgroup checks can be improved by using the pair::g1mul() and pair::g2mul() functions in amcl these will improve multiplication times significantly.

    opened by kirk-baird 1
  • BLS to Eth2 v0.10

    BLS to Eth2 v0.10

    Proposed changes

    • Updating to Eth2.0 v0.10.0
    • Removes domain
    • Changes hash_to_g2 to match BLS Standard
    • Add subgroup check #16
    • Update test vectors

    Items Complete

    • Remove domain

    Items ToDo

    • Update hash_to_g2
    • Add Subgroup check
    • Update test vectors


    Most of these changes will be made from inside the apache repo

    Signed-off-by: Kirk Baird [email protected]

    opened by kirk-baird 1
  • no-std not compiling

    no-std not compiling

    I am trying to use this crate with the Substrate framework, which requires the no-std feature. It looks like this crate supports running in no-std environments, if I look at Cargo.toml. However, when I try to compile the crate I get the following compiler errors:

    error[E0433]: failed to resolve: could not find `prelude` in `alloc`
      --> src/
    15 |     pub use alloc::prelude::v1::*;
       |                    ^^^^^^^ could not find `prelude` in `alloc`
    error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `Vec`
      --> src/
    58 |             let mut prk = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(1 + ikm.len());
       |                           ^^^ not found in this scope
    help: consider importing this struct
    5  | use alloc::vec::Vec;

    I will try to fix these in a forked version, but just wanted to get your input in case I might be missing something.

    Is the crate only supported for nightly builds?

    error[E0554]: `#![feature]` may not be used on the stable release channel
     --> src/
    4 |     feature(alloc),
      |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    error[E0554]: `#![feature]` may not be used on the stable release channel
     --> src/
    5 |     feature(alloc_prelude),
      |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    error[E0554]: `#![feature]` may not be used on the stable release channel
     --> src/
    6 |     feature(prelude_import)
      |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    opened by claravanstaden 1
  • Zeroize all secret data

    Zeroize all secret data

    What is the issue

    All secrets need to be zeroed before the memory is freed.

    This includes SecretKey generation and signing and any subroutines used by these.

    Similarly for the underlying apache library,

    opened by kirk-baird 0
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