Displays 9-Patch UI elements in Bevy


Bevy 9-Patch plugin

MIT/Apache 2.0 Doc Crate Bevy Tracking CI

Implementation of 9-patch images in Bevy. Let you have a UI that scale only the right parts of your images.

9 patch example

See the examples for what can be done.

Simple usage

After adding the NinePatchPlugin plugin, spawning an Entity with the NinePatchBundle component bundle will add a 9-patch UI element.

A simple builder based on Godot's NinePatchRect is available.

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_ninepatch::*;

fn setup(
    mut commands: Commands,
    asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
    mut nine_patches: ResMut<Assets<NinePatchBuilder<()>>>,
) {
    // Texture for the base image
    let panel_texture_handle = asset_server.load("assets/glassPanel_corners.png");

    // Create a basic 9-Patch UI element with margins of 20 pixels
    let nine_patch_handle = nine_patches.add(NinePatchBuilder::by_margins(20, 20, 20, 20));

    // This entity will be placed in the center of the 9-Patch UI element
    let content_entity = commands.spawn_bundle(TextBundle { ..Default::default() }).id();

        NinePatchBundle {
            style: Style {
                margin: Rect::all(Val::Auto),
                justify_content: JustifyContent::Center,
                align_items: AlignItems::Center,
                size: Size::new(Val::Px(500.), Val::Px(300.)),
            nine_patch_data: NinePatchData::with_single_content(

See plugin.rs example for a complete example.

Changing element size

The component Style can be changed to update the size of the 9-Patch UI element, by changing the size attribute.

See change_size.rs example for a complete example.

Specify content to use

You can specify the content to be used inside the 9-Patch UI element. When creating a 9-Patch by specifying the margins, a content zone will be available by default for the center of the 9-Patch UI element. This can be set with the NinePatchContent component.

See multi_content.rs example for a complete example.

More flexible definition

It is possible to set any number of patches for an image, the only constraints is that all patches in a line must have the same height. Using this methods, different parts of the image can grow at different rates, and several content zones can be created.

See full.rs example for a complete example.

Bevy Compatibility

Bevy bevy_ninepatch
main main
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
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  • bevy_ninepatch weird gaps

    bevy_ninepatch weird gaps

    I'm just starting out with bevy and testing things out, seems that the tiles have weird gaps when the final size is uneven. Here is the code:

    use bevy::prelude::*;
    use bevy_ninepatch::{NinePatchBuilder, NinePatchBundle, NinePatchData, NinePatchPlugin};
    fn main() {
    fn setup(
        mut commands: Commands,
        asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
        mut nine_patches: ResMut<Assets<NinePatchBuilder<()>>>,
    ) {
        let panel_texture_handle = asset_server.load("gui8.png");
        // load the 9-Patch as an assets and keep an `Handle<NinePatchBuilder<()>>`
        let nine_patch_handle = nine_patches.add(NinePatchBuilder::by_margins(32, 32, 32, 32));
            // this component bundle will be detected by the plugin, and the 9-Patch UI element will be added as a child
            // of this entity
            NinePatchBundle {
                style: Style {
                    margin: Rect::all(Val::Auto),
                    justify_content: JustifyContent::Center,
                    align_items: AlignItems::Center,
                    size: Size::new(Val::Px(256.), Val::Px(257.)),
                nine_patch_data: NinePatchData {
                    nine_patch: nine_patch_handle,
                    texture: panel_texture_handle,

    Assets used: gui8.png

    Screenshot of the issue: 20211126194225

    opened by Atakku 0
  • Can't change nine patch texture

    Can't change nine patch texture

    Is there an easy way to change the texture of the nine patch?

    I'm trying to make a UI button which has nine patch states for normal, hover & pressed

    Here are the things I've tried:

    1. Changing the nine_patch_data.texture in a system but this doesn't appear to work
    2. Using despawn(nine_patch_bundle) but this doesn't remove the child objects
    3. Using despawn_recursive, but then spawning a new NinePatchBundle under the same parent (a ButtonBundle) doesn't result in it getting drawn, not sure why?

    I'm also finding after (3.) is run a number of times, my FPS grinds quickly down to a few frames a second.

    Do you have any tips on debugging / improving the performance of the UI? Perhaps I can cache the 3 nine patches I need for the button in some way? Still very new to Bevy!

    Great tool, very excited to be trying it out 😄

    Here's what I'm toying with:

    use bevy::prelude::*;
    use bevy_ninepatch::*;
    pub struct ButtonResource {
    	option: Option<ButtonTextures>,
    impl FromResources for ButtonResource {
    	fn from_resources(_resources: &Resources) -> Self {
    		ButtonResource { option: None }
    pub struct ButtonTextures {
    	pub normal: Handle<Texture>,
    	pub hover: Handle<Texture>,
    	pub pressed: Handle<Texture>,
    pub fn button_system(
    	commands: &mut Commands,
    	button_resource: Res<ButtonResource>,
    	mut nine_patches: ResMut<Assets<NinePatchBuilder<()>>>,
    	mut interaction_query: Query<
    		(Entity, &Interaction, &Children),
    		(Mutated<Interaction>, With<Button>),
    ) {
    	if let Some(textures) = &button_resource.option {
    		for (entity, interaction, children) in interaction_query.iter_mut() {
    			if let Some(child) = children.get(0) {
    				let texture = match *interaction {
    					Interaction::Clicked => textures.pressed.clone(),
    					Interaction::Hovered => textures.hover.clone(),
    					Interaction::None => textures.normal.clone(),
    				let nine_patch = nine_patches.add(NinePatchBuilder::by_margins(20, 20, 20, 20));
    				let nine_patch_data = NinePatchData {
    					.spawn(NinePatchBundle {
    pub fn setup_buttons(
    	commands: &mut Commands,
    	mut button_textures: ResMut<ButtonResource>,
    	asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
    	mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
    	mut nine_patches: ResMut<Assets<NinePatchBuilder<()>>>,
    ) {
    	let normal = asset_server.load("button.png");
    	let nine_patch = nine_patches.add(NinePatchBuilder::by_margins(20, 20, 20, 20));
    	button_textures.option = Some(ButtonTextures {
    		normal: normal.clone(),
    		hover: asset_server.load("button-hover.png"),
    		pressed: asset_server.load("button-pressed.png"),
    		.spawn(ButtonBundle {
    			material: materials.add(Color::NONE.into()),
    			style: Style {
    				size: Size::new(Val::Px(100.), Val::Px(32.)),
    				margin: Rect::all(Val::Auto),
    				justify_content: JustifyContent::Center,
    				align_items: AlignItems::Center,
    		.with_children(|parent| {
    			let nine_patch_data = NinePatchData {
    				texture: normal,
    			parent.spawn(NinePatchBundle {
    				style: Style {
    					size: Size::new(Val::Percent(100.0), Val::Percent(100.0)),
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